Variety (Sep 1935)

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\^ednesda7« September 25, 1935 K A D I O VARIETY 45 101 Biggest Advertisers Columbia Broadcasting System has gathered etatlstice on the choice of, networks by the leading 101 U. S. advertisers. This choice holds good as .jOf-tQdayt,...AB|,.add.ltlonaV,CRt€Kfirx.of.rp^^^ ..entitled.', .'total advertising expenditure' represents the advertiiser's entire billing In newspapers, magazines and chain radio for last year (1934), , TOTAL ADVER- TISINQ NETWORKS EXPEN> USED. . ADVERTISER. DITURE. CBS. RED. BLUE. Jilotprs,i,,,, ,$11,574^394. x>. ^ ' - . Reynolds....•.••.••t*.>>.ttt» 8,105,851 Standard Brands......„ « 6,202,021 z Procter & Gamble... 6,862,418 x American Tobacco.....^......,,,., 5,739,787 Lever Brothers..... *.t. 6,479,118 Chrysler Corp... 4,764,276 General Foods.....•(........«....« 4,700,167 x Ford Motor............ ^. .j.. ,. 4^684,822 Sterling Products 3,053,750 Pepsodent ...— ..; 2,565,657 Colgate-PalmoUve-Peet 2,542,410 X H. J. Heinz. ,.., 2,422,818 Campbell Soup...... 2,303,233 Bristol Myers. ...j...... 2,206,061 Amer. Home Products............ 2,182,361 x Lambert Pharmacal............... 2,094,896 General lectric.................. 2,073^374 General Mills........ 2,014,668 x Kellogg Company 1,735,006 z Goodyear Tire & Rubber 1,670,934 Philco Radio. , 1,650,017 Kraft-Phoenix .« 1,640,581 "VVander Company.,. 1,559,756 x P, LoriUard 1,559.620 Lamont-Corliss 1,554,938 Wm. Wrigley, Jr., Co...... 1,481,766 Socony-Vacuum Ii464,980 Andrew Jergens 1,4161268 x Sun Oil.. .'. 1,382,774 » Firestone Tire 1,310,292 Studebaker 1,298,393 Swift. & Co 1,257,222 Metropolitan Life. 1,232,964 Hudson Motor. 1,223,897 Lady Esther. 1,205,376 Schenley Distillers ,.. 1,149,707 Pond's Extract..;. 1,146,566 Gillette Safety : 1,143,191 Wasey Products.;... 1,095,893 Pillsbury Flour 1,074,623 x Nash Motors....- 1,050,169 Borden Co... 1,010,930 Eastman Kodak 963,986 Standard Oil of N. J 958,834 National Biscuit 958,526 National Distillers. 957,477 E. R. Squibb.... i 926,372 Vlck Chemical 920,197 Texas Company.. 916,952 x Lydia Pinkham 904,000 Cudahy Packing .- 897,319 Quaker_Oats 890,723 Premier Pabst 886,782 RCA Victor - 882,447 X Lehn~& Fink 852,495 Sinclair Refining 851,946 x Amer. Tel. & Tel '. 846,658 B. F. Goodrich .' .. 819,829 Coca-Cola 813;538 Continental Distilling..* 758,054 Frankfort Dietillers 711,060 KelVlnator 908,785 DuPont 688,616 Canady Dry 686,(533 Gulf Refining 684,113 Northam Warren 684.317 x Afflllated Products... 675,004 General Cigar .'. 073,972 Continental Oll.i.... 672,849 Pet Milk 656,619 Tidewater Oil 653,191 California Packing 6^8,743 Hiram Walker... 604,224 Standard Oil of Indiana. 602,000 U. S. Rubber 599,500 Emerson Drug 683.292 x Ex Lax. 678,544 Bon Ami...'. 571,082 Axton Fliiher.. 563,776 J. E. Seagram 607,165 Atlantic Refining 606,000 R. B. Davis. 564,671, Grovd Laboi-atorles 556,827 Gampana Corp. . 644,872 x Stewart-Warner 533,790 Armstrong Cork 525,817 Llbby, McNeill & Llbby 525,460 Calif. Fruit Growers. 512,495 Park & TUford. 507,697 Continental Baking , 506,638 Cream of Wheat 504,067 .Scott Paper., , 501,429 B. C. Johnson & Son.....' 497,972 x Beechnut Packing ; 491,195 Hawaiian Pineapple... 482,577 Genl. Tire & Rubber 478,389 Corn Products. 458,851 Brown & Wllliamsoh. , 457,723 Great Atlantic & Pacific x 31 21 17 IVE FOR EACH NETWORK. 25 17 10 • Not included In list of first 100 because newspaper campalgnv arc placed by and charged to regional division offlccH, SELECTED ADVERTISING POUCY SET FOR WIRED RADIO: MERGER RUMORED Caption: Radio At a recent audition held on , Sunday n>pr«j! 11 ..p'clp.c.k,. the advertising agency had en- tire talent personnel, ahr nouricer, et al. show up; in formal white tie and tails. "Whsn'tlte -audH.ljn *vas»6^r? big wreath marked 'success' ■ - was-trnndled-onto-the^Tostrumr • P.S.—^Another program, from a competitive agency, got the commercial. PoGdcians Afraid to Spid from Studio in Unioii-Picketed Hotel Annenbergs M«^y Control Two Companies—^Believe biscrieet Advertising Acceptable to Subscribers Cantor Week Early First indication of wired radio girding itself for direct competition „. . . . „ . with aerial broadcasting came last Eddie Cantor will start for Pebeco ■ >i,i >„ i.^ » ». toothTaste a'week earlier than i.^fl^c'Sk^wh^triL nivsCWa*?a XiAtrx^t,^ Cleveland, Sept, 24. Hotel tatler surrounded by pick- ets of striking food workers proved a gauntlet few political candidates cared to run in order to get Into Station WGAR, located in the hotel. Unionists were particularly In- censed that candidates for public office would broadcast frdm a pick" eted hotel. Meanwhile WGAR with an eye for the •politicians' money had, to work out some plan to re- lieve the municipal boys of tuelr sensitive aversion tp being booed by the Statler's insurgent kitchen bri- gade. WGAR used a neaiby organ studio as a remote pick-up point outside the. zone of embarrassment. originally- ..been-.._plaime.d._jC.QJnic. goes on from the westcoast Sept. 29 and will continue from that source for seven weeks. Following the completion of his hew picture for Sam Goldwyn, 'Shoot +.he Chutes.' Cantor will shift the origin of his broadcasts to Ne v York. . In addition to Gus Arnhelm's band Cantpr will have the support of Parkyakarkas and James Wal-. lington. Cantor contract lis for 13 weeks only. His new film starts shooting in Hollywood about Sept. 30. DAVE ELLMAN QUITS MARSCHALK & PRAH Dave Ellman quit as head of Marschalk & Pratt's radio depart- ment last Friday (20), following a disagreement over organization policy. Agency Is considering sev- eral outsiders for the Job and ex- pects to announce the appointment within the. next few days. Ellraan had urged that his de- partment be expanded along cer- tain personnel lines and when the support wasn't forthcoming he handed In his resignation.. Ellman has been with M. & P. for eight months, during which period the agency's radio billings have Jumped to over $1,000,000. Originally a writer of vaude acts and pop tunes, Ellman spent two and a. half years with the Blackman Agency and three and a half years with CBS. Wayne West, former WMBD, Pe- oria, entertainer, doing a single at Backstage night blub at Cleveland, O. Air Measurement Bureau Goes to Sub-Committee Three-organization committee des- ignated to get a Bureau of Station Measurement under way held Its first nueeting last week and agreed to let a subcommittee deal with ways and means of getting the project started. Subcommittee will have represented on it delegates from the National Association of Broadcasters,, the Association of National Advertisers and the American Asspclatipn of Advertis- ing Agencies. Organization which the three groups are trying to set up would serve as an audit bureau of. circu- lation for radio, with the broad- casters carrying the major part of its operating expense. It is figured that it will cost f250,000 to get the project started. NBC has pledged an initial contribution of (20,000 and CBS one of fl0,000. Bolls Back in Badlo , Pine Bluff, Ark., Sept. 24. Fletcher B. Bolls, former manager of station KGHI of LitUe Rock, left here several days ago to assume the management of the new broad- casting station, KELD at El Dorado, that Just went on the air. Bolls for the past year was en- gaged In automobile business here. HillbiDy Invasion of Enghmd Crazy Water Crystals Will Aim for Britain Via Luxembourg Crazy Water Crystals and Allia .S&ltzer are the latest American proprietory drugs to figure oh mov- ing their radio campaigns to the British markets by way of broad- casting' stations on' the continent, Contract signatured by Crazy Water Crystals with Radio Luxethbourg has Jan. 5 as the tentative starting date, while In the case of Dr. Miles' Laboratories program rc-leasb ar- rangements are being held up pend- ing the completion of distribution facilities in England, Scotland and Wales. In bidding for British listener at- tention, Craisy Water Crystals has elected to use thu same type of en- tertainment it has been bankrolling on American stations. Hillbilly se- riies which it v.'ill cleAr over Radio Luxembourg is a recorded affair, 'Sons of Pioneers.' J. M, Savage, of the Crystal Water Hotel Co., pro- poses to go to Luxembourg to get the air campaign started. Carter's Little Liver Pills is ex- tending its foreign air advertising to Australia. Rated as one of radio's biggest customers in Latin Ameri- can countries, the account's Aus- tralian campaign will involve 12 stations. Ray Noble-Coty Patch-Up Coty has straightened out its com- piicatiohs with NBC and the man- agement of Ray Noble and the bandman will do an additional broadcast for the cosmetic account, making the new fadeout date for the program Oct. 15. As part of the un- tangleraent NBC has agreed to can- cel four of the five additional weeks which Coty had contracted. Coty had closed with the network while under the ihipressiOn that the extra air engagements had been okayed by Noble's double manage- ment, the William. Morris oflflce and Rockwell-d'Keefe, Inc. It later de- veloped that the latter ofllce had not aasented to the proposition but had in the meantime sold Noble to Coca Cola, wltiv the last week in October as the starting period. Date event- ually agreed upon by CBS and the beverage account was Oct. 30. Rockwell-O'Keefe contended that It was not responsible for Coty's dilemma and suggested that the iiituation could be adjusted In part at Noble'a doing an extra broadcast. Ticker. News Co.. ^hlch_,services_ cafes, restaurants, bar-rooms and private clubs, proposes to sell spot announcements tO advertisers. Be- cause of the fact that it is charg- ing a fee for the receiving set, the ticker outfit realizes that the type of advertising will have to be lim- ited as to field and confine itself to products closely associated wlth^ the enterprises that the TNC. serves.. It was also reported last week that a deal waa on to consolidate the Ticker News Co. with Tele- Flash, a competitive organization, with control of the holding company igoing to.i.the Annenberg Interests. Tele-Flash wafs started by the An- nenbergs. In undertaking to Interpolate ad- vertising matter into the service's dally flow of news and sports, bul- letins and cpihments and music the pperators of the Ticker News Co, proposes to proceed -with the utmost caution. It feels that the owner of a restaurant will have no objec- tion to the receiving set advertis- ing a brand of cheese or sardine but that he would resent a service for which he is paying $180 a year plugging a cosmetic or hairoil, to hie customers. 600 Clienta Ticker News Co., which does its broadcasting by telephone wire and has 400 clients in New York and 200 more in Philadelphia, nOw inn eludes a copyrighted music in its fare under an experimental license granted it by the Music Publishers Protective Association and the American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers. Service has asked the music In- dustry to license It permanently on a per Installation basis, with the fee^ suggested being 115 a year for each receiving set. A license of this type would relieve the Ticker News Co. of the necessity Of manufacturing its own musical recordings and paying |5 a tune on each master and 25c or. 60c for each composition when and as used. With the serv- ice expecting to use an enormous amount of music daily, this Imposi- tion of the latter license arrange-^ s ment would, the TNC has advised^ the MPPA. make the Inclusion oC copyrighted material prohibitive. LEGIT SHOWMAN IN ADVERTISING AGENCY Edward F. Stevenson, formerly in legit with Crosby Oaige office, heads newly fornied radio division of Kelly, Nasbn & Roosevelt Advertis- ing agency. Firm has several major accounts which are dickering for air ispots, especially in dramatic and comic serial form, which the new office will concentrate on. Stevenson used to be In the In- dustrial, plctpre business. Greig Moves to Dallas Dallas, Sept 24. Humbolt Grieg, Southwest net- work commercial supervisor^ has moved his offices to Dalian from KTAT, Fort Worth, bringing Lll- iiam Holmes, his assistant, with him, At same time Earl Rodell be- comes program director at KTAT and Merle Tucker production man- ager. Nelson Olmsted Is full-time an- nouncer at KNOW, Austin, replac- ing Jack Hamilton, who goes on half-time basis so he can attend U of Texas. Jim Shouse Moves Chicago, Sept.. 24. After several years with the Co- lumbia wcb.'s sales outfit here James .Shouse moves to the Stack-Goble agency'as account exec. Will primarily handle the S-G business with Swift,, with other ac- counts to follow.