Variety (Sep 1935)

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50 VARIETY RADIO. Wednesday, September 25, 1935 C 0 MM E R CIA L S WEEK OF SEPT. 25-OCt. 1 (ALL TIME IS EPST) This Depaftrnent lists'sponaored program NfiC,"CBSr and Mutual networks arranged alphabetically under the advertiser's name. All time Is p. m unless otherwise noted. Where one advertiser has two or more programs they are listed, consecutiveily. An asterisk before nanie Indicates advertising agency handling account. Abbreviations: W (Wednesday); ACME PAINJ^ ■ emtr.hff ■AieCffnifi^M- 'Henrl, ii. & MvD a a p 6tM-\VEAF Hftrry Hnriick Jan Peerca •PariB & .Heart AAMSHICAM HOME ■ rROI>IJCt^i (Anacin) WJZ-7 P.M. Tue«.^W*fl.TTIuir. .. fBaay AceB'' Goodrhan' Arj^ Jane Ace Ktary Hunter Heferi Spring Everel* Slonn •Blackiett.-^S'H , Uon-S-WEAF .(Kolynoa) Eamnierateln Music Hall ... Ted' Hftiirmersteln' Blanche: BItiK -' ' Guy. Kobertaon;,. Lbulae Gro'ody Joe Weber '• •BIackett-3-H XJTAd Salta) WABC-1I:30 A.M. ]aoii« -tq. Vrli TMrs. "WJegs ot the Cabbage''Patch' Betty Oarde Alice Frost- Joe Latham Andy Donnelly Amy Sadelle' Eatelle Levy - . (K61yHo»);> ,; . WABC-I1:45 A.M. Mbn. to FrI. 'Just* Plain Bill' Arthur'.HuRhes- Ruth RViasoll.'. -James Meieha'n. Curtis Arnnll E01e Palmer Josecta Latham Marjbrle Andcrsoo Jack." Carstalra. < ■ Junius Matthcw»r Ray Collins AMEBIRAN TOBACCO S-Snt-^WRAF- . (Lucky BtTlhe).. . Lennte Hav^on- Ore Fred'Astalre , Kay T'nompKon Charlea'Carllle- ■' Rhythm KlnK" Girls .diee.' Club . „ •Lord' ^d Thomaa ambrWan radiator'- 1:S0-Soil-5VRAF <Flresld^ Tfbultale* Sigurd'Nirss.en HardestyiJohnson" Grabaim McNamee. . ♦Blaker AOvt. ■ / . atiAntio ref; 7-Bii.WAIiO 'Atlantlo Famlljr. Tqur" . Frank Parker Jack McBryda Rita Allyn.' . Rosemary, f DeCamp Everett' -'Sloane Irene .Bordinl-^. ' Eton; BoyM . Wall&ce' Sisters ♦N. W." Ayer' ATWATER - .KENT MFO. CO, 8:S0-ThrWAUO Frank Parker William Daly's Qrc •B.. b;; d. &.0, BEST'FOODS, INC; 11,>V-Tl«T WEAF Ida Bailey Allen •Bonton & Bowles BETTER SPRKCII INSTITUTE 3-Sun-W.IZ Tour English' *A'uspltz & Lee illsilDOL 9:30''W"-WA«r 'B'way Varieties' Oscar Shaw Carmeln Ponselle Ellzuliei'li l<cnnox Victor Arden's Ore •Olacltett' ItOltDKN 11:4n-W-\VKAS Iklagic Rerlpes' Bill Brddley Jaftp. GIIImimi. •Voiini! r Mr-^-^y BOVRJOIH SALRS.^ INC. <'Bv«nlng In PnrU') Odette Mvrtll Plcltlns S^lstcrs Mlltob Wfltaiin Mark Wn'miw Ore •Lord &. Thomas A. H. ItOVI.K CO. (Old lOngllMli li'lnol Wflxi rl-7iin p.m.-tVABI *l.n7.y Onn, the Minstrel Man' IrvlnR (vHiifmnn •Blncketi UKlS'i<Ol.-HVl<'.l(^ (Sal Hepatica) rlnnnaV, rred Allen Portland HofTa Aft Ployers Peter Van Sfpertan ^Benton A Powtei- CAMPANA •Ornnd Hotel' Dob ;Ameche lOF-WEAF. Plrst NIghter' -Anhe-Seymour >:N.rlliin Uricli Clin Snubler C SaRerqulat Oro •Auhrev' Win Mac* CAMPBELI. ' ' (Soup > ,9-F>\TAR0 Hollywood Hotel' Dick Powell '•one!la. P^rs/tna Miriam Hopkins Joel McCrea Raymond Paige-Ort- •Frances -Latigford' Anne Jatnleon Igor Gorin •P ' W.' Armat^onii' CARNATION MII.H lO-M-tVEAF. btilMbyol'arty: [ree^e Wicker M'-L .tfns'tiiian Ruth'L](6h '.Ervyin.' Wasey ,.CENTArB CO. - -'(ZB'T Baby P6w- - .4^ty - ll.jt.m.-H-WABC Dr. .Louis I, BarriB fibula A. WItten .'H»»»ff->'"tK«pr- CBABIS CO.RP. l:4IJ-So-WAB0. .•Slaters; of the Sklt> ^J?t'.- Bd Bast RBloh-''DUmhe '' rJohn L. Butler Co. CJIEVKOI.KT e^Silt-WIil/tF 0-Men Phljllps Lor* ♦Catnpbell"-B' CI'TIR!) AKBVirt 8-F-lVEAF resalca Dragonette Uoaarlo'^ourdon Or :iluar}etT '-t •Lord & Thoma* COI-O^TR-PAUM «-FrI-WJZ. . fPalinoli-y.« Soap) "Peattty TVox ;The- -'Dreaxit' Girl* ' Prancia' 'White Lonny Ross Al rinortmnn Orp 8:3g-tVc<f WJZ . '.(Suppf' Sudi)' NRoifsA-bf GIbss* Gertrude. - BerK-' Joe GrHp'nwald Patil •Sle^j'drt .Helen -numas.' . gerlhaCl^tilden eor'g'b Tobias AtlWe Frilncla AnneiTeeman. . Saiifdrd. Melsher , •Benfon ."ft ''frowlW 'C0K80LIDATEB eiGAH-. (Harvester Cigala). S-TH-MTABC "HarV -'and Bather" Tedds: Bergmair;. Jjick Arthur Audrey- Mai's!! Rhythm -QlrlS yictbr. Arden'a, Ore ♦AltUen-Kynett '. CORN 'I'KnitltCTf) 12:lB-^r-W-F-. , . . ,WABC The (Jumps' 'Wllmer Walter Aghei Morlrehead.- J<iy> dehrce Graham, Hdfth'Syiencer "' ♦EI. :W. :iletlwlt COT* ' (Fac«' Pbwder> 10.:30-W-WBAF Ray Nohle Qro Al Bowlly *nio-w • ' CRUSADERS MoiirH:4r>-\V01i The Crusaders' Pred 0. Clark ^MoTschalk & Pi at I R. B. DAVIS (i^o.fomnlt.> . a-M-tn-W'th '■ WAttC Buck Rogera* ''unlB-Arnall .Adele nonson. W-IIIlBin 'ShRlleir RInlne Melohlor • Rdgar.Stehll Dwlghl Wel9| 'ejTRy Allenby .loe: Grnnhy Walter Tptify, •PiiMirri'i'lT K- DET... T.'CK. WSTKN COAL CO. (Blufl Corn n:3r..M-W-WAllC 'VanlRhed. Voices' .TTonloy Rtnftord "^lyrl!) >Jni'th. Au. Clark An(1re.w.H, Dr. ♦H'rMirnuff f- 'Pvnn llilrt n.m.-Tn-AV- Tli-WKAF •Sli'dln No. 7 .TaoU CleniPiis Loretta Clemens •Ruthr'nuft & nynn E.URR.SON DKIUl (P-nmo SpItpp) ,TnPH.-tt-W.JZ N T O & Girls \' T (1rpn|i>nd Nelson Case ♦J. Walt.-TlMimpsnn nTcii l-.l-i-Sii-WRAF .Morlti Slntprs Ranch Roys •K W Hntnsey ' POltD UOTOn n-sn-WAiir 'Pord .Sunday Eve- ning Hour' .TanPha KeKetz Detroit .Sym Orch Victor Kolar :30-Tn-WABO Fred' Waring StoUa. JSrlend Stoopnagle &. Rudd Ko.iemary & Prlacll- •la' Lane Poley McCllntock Tom Waring Stuart Churchill Johnny Davis Tubby Kan Ion Gene Conklln •N.. W. Ayer nB!(. BAKING. 5:30-8u-n'ABO Julia Sandersod ' Prank Crumlt Ted dl Corsla Ray; Renwick Carlyle Stevens Jack Shilhret Oro •B.. B:. D.: A O. GENERAL CIGAH (White.Owl) 10.IV-WARO H. Poleale, Dir. purns & ' Allen Ferde Grofe ftfnle Octet ^ThompaoD GRNRBAL FOODS eiSO'Frtl'EAF . (Grape' Nat ^Iflber ' and Se^nka)- ■Kitchen.' thirty* M. • W. Harnrtm, Dir.- Marie De Villi Jimmy Wllkliisob Al'A Lee Reiser Jack Arth6r* • Pranres Lep Barton •Young £;'Rublcam »-Th-WEAir i tMnxwcIl) 'ilhow Boat' r.anpy Ross Prank Mclntyre Conrad Thibault Helei);Oelhelm Muriel Wilson 'Mbrasses 'n' Jaii'ry lifs HnenscheD . •Benton & Bowles 1<8n-WJZ •■ f.Tell 6l» Jack. .Behny' Mary Livingston .Tohnny Green's Or Michael Bartlett •Voiing ft Riililram 7:11(. p.m. DAIIy Rs. Snt. ft 8un-1VJZ ... (Bran Flakes) .. Tony ft Gua Mario .Cha'mleii , .., Gebrge F.' Brown'- •' fBtnton ■ * Powles : 0:3fl..Ta-W.TZ (Sanka) •New Penny' ' ftelen'Hftiires. >' •J. W-.j .-Thompson . t:KNKRAi; , illlLIJD ..lOMB-W-F-WEAF Petty.''.Crbcker Conklpg:-Recipes ^McCord Co, 5:3d-DailT. Rs. 8a 8n-WAB0. lack Armstrong All Amerlpaa. Boy Jim .Oosa Robert FIshe H. R.' -Hoffman T^ester Tremayna- •Blapkett 4-l)allyWJZ ■Betl.Vft Bob' Beatrice Oh-urchltl Louise Bnrclle Olan Sriulo Henry Saxe' Hilda Graham D6n Ameche . John aolds\yorthy fiunda Love Eleanor 'Harriott •iPlnrUett ll:45-Hon. to FrI- , WOR (Blsniilck) 'Hold . Medal MIn- . atrels' Arthur ;Slbwe Danny- Duncan Leo Harrison • Billy Chandler Five' RanKera. Dean Brnlhers -•niarVptt ' 7:4B-Mon-WRAF (Whehtles) Pritz'-Crlsler " •Knox. Reeves GREAT ATLAN- TIC & PACIFIC , TE.\ CO- 7;S1)-Tii-W-TIi- >VABC Knte Smith's Cof- . fee Tlrtic Jaclt Miller's Ore •Paris & Peart 7:30-Su-\VABC Phil Baker Oretic nnd Bottle. Airncs Moorhead .'!«von G"s Hal Kemp's. Ore. •Or.ll, W * C, lIE.Vl/TII l>ROD O-Sli-U'AliO (Peen A-MInt) Amateur Night' !l.iy Perkins, M.C. Arnold' Johnson ;0r< 'Wm." Ksty IIKCKKR n-O 0:in-.M-lV-F WAIIC 'Bobby Benson & Sunny Jim' Nelir 0'.Motl«y li'lorpncp ({a lop nilly Halop Rddia 'Wraggs fohn Rattle. Detmar Pbppen Tiorralne. Pankow Ice WItinn tohn Shea Pptpr nixon • rwIn-Wasey EDNA WALLACE HOPPER «tlo Dally Ex Sa< •• • - Sir-WABO 'Romance; of Helen Trent' Virginia Clark Kary Huebl Lester Tremalne Gene McGIUen •lllankett HOOSEHOLD FINANCE 8:30-To-tVJZ Rdgar A, Guest Be'-nardlne Plybe Sidney Ellstroih Galllcchlos Oro •C D. Fray FIRESTONB 8:30-M-WEAF Vocal Ensemble. Wm. Daly Orch. Margaret ' Spe'aki. ♦Swpeny-JamPS HORLICK'S M to .F-7:30-WJZ , (Malted Milk) Lum & Abner Chester Lauck Norrls Goff • Lord &''Thomat -JBRGKN e;30-f;n-fV.)Z -Walter Wlnchell •J. Wialt. Tho'mpsnli JOHNSON ft SON (FlQor Wax) H p.m'.-Mon.-WJZ 'Fibber. McGea ft Molly' Marlon ft J Jbrdan' Lvnn Martin- Charles Laveer Master SIngerii (T. Marconi's Ore •Needhnro JITLtAN a KOKENUE (Footsaver -Shoes) 12:80-Sa-'WABC 'Musical Footnotes' Vivian delta Chlesa Franz Imhof R Ginsburgh's Ens '.*A Mbore & Wallace KEt.lXI(ia S;SO-DiUly Ex. 8a- .So-TVJZ 'Singing Lady* Ireene Wicker aiao.F-wjz Roth Biting Lou Little -Red .Nlchol's..Ore •N.' W. Ayer RI8SPROOF. INC. M-W-F-1 p.m.-fVOR "The Love Dortot' Mrs. Howard C. Christy •Blackctt-Sample-B KLEENEX 12:30-21 to F-WABC 'Story -of Mary •Marlln' ' Basil Louglirane, Dir. Jane Cruslnberryt Au. Joane Blelna Art Jacobean Carleton Brickert Betty Lou Gerson Francis OC Bushman Judith tiowery Bob FIske Murray Forbes Marlbrle Hanpon Anne Davenport Donald Biigirs Isabel Randolph Lucille 'Hustlng . •Lord ft Tboma* KRArr>PIlENIX ia>Th-WEAF P Whitpmnh Ore Jan Rublnl Armand Tokatyan Cornelia O. Skinner Bob Burna Ra'nioha Helen JcpsoD •J Walt. Thomp. I.ADT RSTHEB tO-So-M-\TABO Wayne King «!80-Tn-W->VBAI Wayne King •Stack'Goble. . LEVER BROS. - (Lux Soap) e-SI-WABO 'Lux Radio Theatre 'Alias jimmy Valentine' R. Barthglmesa •J. Walt ThomiJMon LIBBT, MrNEILL Si LIBDY (nvanorated Milk) B :40-JI-W-F-WABC 'Og. Son' of Fire' Irving Crump, Au. Alfred Brown Patricia Dunlap .Tames Andelln ' R4g Knorr •J. Walter Thomp. LORll.l.ARD (Briggs Tobacco) (Muriel Cigars) 7:4E-Sn-WEAF 'Sports Review' Thornton Pisher Hank Greenberg •l.ennen ft M ^olJl^ I'Hii.LiPPK ii Dolly Er. Sa-Sli> . WAIIC &1arIe,Mttla French . Princess' Ruth.. 7orke James Me'lghan f.ester Jay •BInckPtt M ^rti « i>DRN - 0:80-F-WEAF '( I'rue. Story) Court of Huniar Relations' Percy Hemui Med Wever Wllmer Walker Janet Lee .. Alice Rhelnbeart Helen Sprlns Vera Allen Fred FeikeU Orr Lucille Wall Allyn Joslyn •Lord ft Thomas SIALTBD CEREALS 10:3B a.toi.-Bn- - WAB€- • Dale. Carnegie Verna Osborne Dorothy Miller Veronica Wiggins. George Shaokley Mnie. Olga Attle Samuel. Kissel 3. C. Croot Co. HAVBELLlNB ;3:30-8n-WfKAF •Penthouse iBbroBi de' Don Mario Dorothy Hamlltbn Chae. Qaylord Ore JCramer K%? _ . OB. MILES LAB'S (Alka-Seltzer) 9!30-Sa-W4Z WLS Barn Dance . . Ridge Rtinners Upcle Ezra." Lulu Belle Maple City. 4 7:15 H-VVtF-WEAF .Uiicte Ezra,' Radlp SUtInn EZRA Pat- Barrett 7llfr Soubler Carleton (3uy Nora Cunncen •Wade MODERN FOOD PROCESS CO., 4:ia-H-WJZ Charles Sorce Harry Swan Clements -Go.' UOHftWR CABPET 12t4S DflJlT .Bx. 8a-. Ho-WABO. '5 Star JoneV jQhiiny Kanb' Elizabeth Dar Bill Jnhrintbn . Phil Van Zahte Florence Matone Eddie Marr •Blackett-SrH. JOHN O. . BIORRBLI/ l(:SO-Sa-WJIZ ' (Dog Fond) Thbs. Mnlllna Marlon Clalra •Henri. H ft McD. NOBTHAM WABBBN <Cutex) e;4B-Sa-n'JZ NIele Goodelte OUTi)(>brii GIRL^ Inc. 11:18 .WABO. Blanche Sweet . •Blackett-Saraple- Htfmiiabrt; Inc. " PAHtVlt BORAX •••rh-waz ^ Death Vall'y Days' Tim Fnawley ' iSdwln' W. 'Whitney Lonesome Cowboy Jean King i '. Jack McBryde ' Joseph Bonlme Ore MrCann-Brlek PACKARD MOTOR CAB CO. 8:80-Ta-WABO' Lawrence Tlbbett Don Vobrheea Ore •TouhB ft Rublciun PEFSODENl 7-Daily Ex 8«l Sua . . WEAF■ Amos 'n' Andy Freeman Gosden Charles Correll •Lord ft Thomas JPHILCO 7l4S dally ex. 8a> 8n-WAB0 Boake Carter . •Hutchlna .' PHllIP dlORBIS . 8-Tu-WEAF' Oliver Wakefield Leo Relsman's uro Eton Boys Phil Ouey 8-W-WABO Johnnie - Foursome 10:46 a. m.-Sa-WOII Graphologist' " Mme. N. Olyanoya 'BIbw Co. PILLSnUBT 10:30-Ually-WJZ Today's Children' Irma Phillips Walter Wicker Besa Johnson Irene Wicker Lucy Glllman Pred Von Amon Jean McGregor •Hutchinson II B.m.-W-F-WAnr 'Cooking Close ITps' Mnry. Bills Ames •HutrhlnBoo PINAUD .7:lB-M.Th.Frl- U'OR .Teaplne Pearson Oro Octet •Lord & Thomas PREMIBR PAB8T 0-Tn-tVEAF Ben Bernle •Morris-W.' ft B. PRINCESS PAT 0:30-M-WJZ Sketch •McJunkIn P'CT'R ft G'MBI.K 3:IB Daily Ex. Sa'- 6u-\VEAB (Crisco) Vio ft Sade' ' Art Van Harvey Billy Idelson RernAdlne PIvnn 10-Sn-WEAF (Ivory .Soap) 'Uncle Charlie's Ivory Tent Show' Chas. Winnlnger Adele Ronson .Mo'ngsmtth's -Ouart'i denrad Thibnult . Jack ft L Clemenp Lots Bennett Don Voorhees Ore 7:1B-M-W-F-WJZ IVory Stamp Club Caipt. Tim Healey •Blackmaa S:4S-H to F-WEAF (Ivory Soap) ' •The O'Nells* Hale McCorab Jane West Aee McAllister Jimmy Dorielly Jack Rubin Jimmy Tansejr Janet' t(irb"e"rt ' '"' •Blackinap 8:30 Dally Except 8* ft Sn-U'EAir (Oxydol) 'Ma Perkins* Virginia' Payne Marjorle rHannon Chas Egelson Hilda Graham Charner Bateon John Mathews Corlnb ' Deorth Biitl^r Mnndevllle Ken Grifflb •B locket I 8:4B p.m.-^Tn-W- ■•"Oli-WEAF' - (Camay) "Dreams- Come True' Barry HoKlnley Ray Senatra Ore vfPedlar ft Ryan ' 8 R. ' m. Dally Ex- cept Snt ft' Son- WEAF (Chlpao) 'Home Sweet Home* C. W. Seerest Harriett McQIbbon Billy Halop •Btaekman MOa<Wed -Frl.l2:16 WEAF Pat Barnes •Plackett-S-H RALSTON PURINA 5:30-M-W-F.WEAF Tom Mix Adven- tures' 'Gardner RADIO CORP. AMERICA 2 p.m.-Snn-WJZ'.' Magic Key of RCA' John'- B, -' Kennedy Walter- Damrosch Frank Black Paul Whiteman . Amos 'h' Andy • -. •Lord ft Thomas BEAL HIIJi 9<Sll-WJZ Cha's.' Previn Orcb Betty Bennett. Singing ' Knlghta •Brwin- Wrbbv • - BEM1NOTON.. RAND, ft TIME 10:30-Dally Except .. Sat-Sn-WABO ' March ot .TItae' •B B D ft O B. J. -REtNOLDS TOB. 00. (Camel Cigarettes) 9-Tn-Th-WABO 'Camel • Caravan* Walter .O'Keefe Louis Sorln Alice; Frost Kenny Sargent. Pee Wee ,Hunt. Deane Janls OLen. Gray'a Ore. •WUUm C. Est v..Co. SCOTT 'ft-BOWNE Sat-SnA-5:4B-U'JZ Gabriel Heatter •Marschalk ft Pratt 8UEF1TELD FARMS e :4B-H-'Di-F-WBAF Billy and Betty •N. W. Ayer SHELL . (Petroleum). 0:30-8a-\VEAF Al- JoISOD Ginger Rogers Jack Gardiner Peggy Stanton Victor Toung .QtO ■ . •J. Walt, Thompson SINCLAIR 9-H-tVJZ Gene Arnold Bill Chllds . Mae MeCloud Joe Parsons Cliff Soubler Harry Kogen •Fedprnl .- SLOAN'S . A:8Q p,in.-W-WJiZ '20.000 Tears in Sliig. Sing' Warden Lawes ♦C.-W;-Cecil s(m;ont vAOtJinH 8-F-WABO Socony. Sketches Christopher Morley Virginia Verrlll Jimmy Farrell Marjory Logan Eton Boys Max .Meth Green's Orch •J R Getrhell SPRATT'S DOG FOOD 6:80-8nn-WOR Albert Payson Ter hune ( •Paris & Peart E. B. SQUIBB ft SONS 0:30-Th-WABO 'To Arms for Peace' Richard. Crooks Balnbrldire Colby Deems Taylor Hbward Barlow 'Paths of Glory.' - •Geyer, Cornell ft Newell, S»S CO (SS3 Tonic) 8,8n-F-WOR The Music. Bos' Mary E. Wood nilly. Axton •Johnson-Dallls STAND. OKANDS 8-8a-WEAF (Chase ft Sanbdrn A. K. Spencer. DIr Aniateur Show MrI Hdw PnwpB Graham McNamee 8-W-WEAF (Ruyal GHliitlne) One Man's Family Carleton B. Moore Dir. I. Anthony Smyth MInetta Allen Michael Rafetto Kathleen Wilson Barton Varborough Bernloe Perwin g-Thnrs-WBAB (Flelscbmanii) Q. Thompson, DIr, Rudy Vallee and His Conn. Tanks George Brent Lionel Atwill Canibrlan Choir Tom Hb'ward George Shelton Agenciesr-Sponsors buPphi begins airing over CBS on-Oct 9, with all by-producta of the firm Included In the radio pro- graratr—-Titie—o*- -eeriefi—lo—Htet<«?y of Anierlca, with dramatized flash- backs. Firm used radio before. Will broadcast Wednesdays at S p:m. Cast, final story details, etc, now being worked out. B. B. D. & O. agency .handling the account. William B. Gaines, former col- umnist for Associated Press In New York^as Joined Kenyon & .Eck- hardfTlnc, as publicity chief; ^ one. lime he..edlted.^.two. .scr.een,...fa;n. mags.' Sear^TRoelbuck Co. store la changing to plugging of -actiUal merchandise items rather, than .in- stltiitlonal stuiR on ia, radio cam- paign over" ■WFBL,, SSyraiiuse. The store has bought 32 spot announce- ments to exploit. its coming 49th Anniversary Celebration. Purity Bakeries starts Oct. 7 over WOR, New York, and MBS, Monday through" .Friday at 5:15 p.m., pre- senting 'Omar, the Mystic' Station WJaW, Clncy, is so' filled up. that program Is being'shifted to slstet^ outlet; waAI<, Hanf£-Metzger hand- ling the account.. Santa DePrime ' and orchestra slated for Locatelll, . Inc;.. account (cheese), which, starts. Oct. . 3 over WOR, New York, on Thursday, at 12:46 .p.m. Rltter :& Co.. handling the a,ccount. Series runs for 13 w«eks.. Humble Oil & Refining.Companyr San Antonio,' grabbed lion's, share of pigskin fracases for Southwest- ern conference season. Will air games weekly via South'western Broadcasting" System. '' Games" are 1:30-Su-W.IZ Royal Gelatine) olce of tbe Peor pie' .lerry Belcher Parkea Johnson J Walt. I'hoinPL STANDARD Oil OF Ni .r. 8-M-WARO Guy Lombardo & bis Royal Canadians •Marschalk &. f catt STERLING PROD. e:30-8n-TVEAF . (Bayer's) Frank Munn VIvlenne Segal O.hman .& Ardep Oiia Haenschen' Ore Bert HlracM o-f-iveaf' (Phillips Mag) Waltz. Time' Abe Lynian Ore Prank Munn Bernlce Claire 8-Ta^WABO 'Lavender and Old Lace'- Lucy Monroe. Prank Munn lus Haenschen'a Or R-8a-\V.\B0 Abe liyman Bernlce Olalro Oliver Smith •Blarkeff STEWART- WARNER (Alemlte) lO-Th-WABC Lyabeth nugbes Bob McCoy Art Thoraen. Horace Heldt King Sisters Steve Merrill Jerry Bnwne Alyce King Alvtno Rey Cnarles Goodman' Al Dupont Harold WoolRcy r.onis Vandeveer Al White •Ularkett Sample STll DEBAR EB , 10-F-WAItC Richard HIniber Stuart Allen ♦ Roche W & C SUN OIL e:4n-Dnlly Except Sa-Su-WJZ I,oW(;l| . ThomoB "Rncli<> Wllll.Tms -■ SWiFT 10 p.m.-Tu-\VEAF 'Studio Porty - SIgmund Romberg Deems Taylor Helen Marshall Morton Buwe Rise Stevens George Brltton •J. W. Thompson' T.^iSTVEAS'l • I2-Su-\V.)Z Amateur Show Chubby Kane Horace. Pehyl Johnny Johnson Ore •ClemeniB TEXAS CO. BtSO-Tu-WEAF Graham McNamre Eddie Duchin Ore •Hnnff-Metriier UNION CRNTRAI (Insiimnce) '6-Su-\V>)Z RospB & nriime' H. Williams, Dir. Helen Claire Reed Brown, Jr. rbhn Griggs Bric Dressier Edward Jeromt Jack Rosleigh Krwvn ttuteh . •J. Walt, Thompson ONITBII DRUG 0-So-\TEAJj Rhythm Symphony D.eWolfe Hopper •Street &. Finney 'D, S. TOIIACCO ^Dill's Beat) - 8:30-S1'WABO One Night Stahds' Pick tc Pat Josef B'nnlme Ore •McCann-Erlck VICK OHEMl(^\t .Hd-OsSO-WEAF Grace Moore . *. Pastornack'a Ore. •C-W-CecU ' 1T.4NDER CO. (OValtlne) , S:4STDnlly-\V<IZ 'Little Orphan A* Henrietta Tedro Jack Mather Art Van Slyke Forrest Le.wla Vic Smith Eugene .McGtllen •Blackett CHAS.. WARNER (Sloans' Liniment) 0-w-wjz .T. Charles Thomas Willi Morris Frank Tours Oro •Cecll,\ W. & C. WXSI'iT PROD'CTS 7:30-p.m,-Mon. WABO 'Singing Sam' . Harry FranUel 12-I>Blly Ex. Sa-Sn 2-Sn..WOR e:4B-8a-WABO .'Voice Experience' M. Sayles Taylor •Brwin Wasey B. I.. WATKINS 0-Su-WEAP . (Dr. Lyons Tonth- paBtPt Georges Metaxa .I'lerre Ijo Kreeun Rachel Cnrlay. Men .About Town Andy Snnnella Urt •nifl.fUctt 0:4G a.m.-M to F- WOR (Tooth Powder) ■ 'Back Stage Ife' Vivian Fridell Ken Grlffln Henry Snxe Mary McCormtck Jamen Goss •Blackett-S-H, WELCH (Grape Juice) 8-F^W.JZ (rene Rich •Ka«ior WESTCI.O.\ 6:30-Su-WKAF 'Big '.Ben Dream Dramas' Arthur. Allen Parker PeOnell • B. n n * < I WHEATENA 1;in-Tu-WEAF •Popcye the Sailor' •McKee, Albright WUODHI KV 7:4B-MiW-F-W.iy 'Dangerous Para- dise' ICI.ile Hlt2 N'Ich Dawson' •Lennen A M \m. WRIGi.EY 7-nnlly Ex. Sa- So-WABO •Myrt & Marge' Mrytle Vail Donna Dnmerel •Tack Arnold' Ray Hedge Karl Way Marie NelRon •Frances Hooper sti^plemonted by quarter- hour weekly chatter program via Texas Quality Network. Magnolia Petro-. J^ium. ..Compaivy . .'wlU... air... fluar-ter-r: finals, f3eml windup and finals for Texas high school championship later In season vla^ SBS. ' 'Back Stage, Wife,' romantic serial oyer.MBS for 39 weeks. Is sponsored by R. li, Watklns (Dr., Lyons tooth- paste). It orlgintites at WON, Chl- ca,go, and is aired Monday to Friday Incltislve. Current schedule is gar- bled a bit, but when dayAghy-gStSfriig" lime,. .end^^.. tull... net.wpck ^. sch edul^ will be set at 9:46 a.ih, Blackett- •., ha.. Armand. S. Weill Advertising Agency, Buffalo, assigned tb handle radio for Loblalw Groceterias Chain. Firm now using; spot announce- ments, WBEN, to boost month-long sale. Morris Plan^ of Fort Wayne, Ind., is sponsoring a new dramatic series over WGrL, using only players with at least four, years' experience be- hind, them. Franklin Toolce, former. American Academy student^ now on the announcing staff, Is in charge of the programs. Others members of the casters to be picked from ra,h1cs of Old Fort Players, local legit igroup. Kenyan & .Eckhardt, Inc.,. ling Lehn & Fink's series starts Nov. 4 over NBC. .Cramer-Krasselt Co. in charge of Maybelllne's .Account Starting Oct. 13, presenting Penthouse Serenade over WEAF. immy Fidler and his Hollywood Gossip program starts Oct. 30 dv6r WJZ, With Cecil-Warwick & Cecil In chatge. Program Is sponsored by George Liift • Company (Tangee Lipstick). Best Foods, sponsoring Ida Bailey Allen starting Oct; 1, thrice weekly over "WEAF." Benton & Bowles handling for sponsor. Harry Bereowrch ot 3. Stirling Getchell Is readying new air shows tor Plymouth and Helena Rubin- stein in addition to the current Socony radio program. Rubensteln (cosmetic) is a new account and wants to go on the air pronto. M<t$k.in9 Clothing Store has sighed for 16 minute weekly pro- gram on WFBL, Syracuse, New York. Program Is 'What's New at the THeatres* given by Katherine Cuff, station's p.a., and giving syn- opsis of the film opening the next day at Loew's State, plus a review of the pictures playing in some neighborhoods. American. Dye Cjbrporation has spotted .twice weekly qilarter hours —Wednesday at 10:15 a,ni., and Friday at 10:45 a,m.—with Virginia Martin and "Vlttorlo Trucco, over WINS, New York. Placed through Atherton & Currier agency. P. Lorillard company switches Thornton Fisher, sports corhmen- tator, from Briggs to Old Gold product, starting Oct. 6, for a con- tinuation of his NBC iserles. Grid- iron figures to guest on the broad- casts through the fall season. Len- nen & Mitchell agency handling. Whelan Drug chain goes on the air Oct, 1 with ■variety show fea- turing Isham Jones ork, "Loretta Lee, vocalizing and the four Eton boys. Show airs ovpr WOR for a half hour between 8: 30 and 9:00 p.m. No agency concerned, account handled direct. Margaret (*Mlke) Schaeffer, for- werly with WCAU and WHAT program departments and recently Eree-lariclng through Feigenbaum agency, this week becomes head of Philadelphia agency's n'^w radio department. 'Flying Red Horse Tavern, suc- ceeds Socony Sketches over CBS starting Oct, 4, Jim Harklns, Fred- die Rich, Willie Morris plut- choir In the r .w cast. Also the guest policy will be used, the first to be Dr. Roy Chapman Andrews, J. Sterl- ing Getchell handling. Henry Hayward formerly in CBS commercial program department, now working on Burns & Allen series for Wallace-Armstrong.