Variety (Sep 1935)

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56 VARIETY RADIO Wednesday, September 25, 1935 New Business (Continued from page 54) caily, Including Sunday. Began Fri- ■ 'SayT'Seiji: 'tv •ahirrfaayv Ovrt; -7; -tt> elusive. Placed by S. Alfred Wasser. WMEX. Rose Ami Beauty Solov, Cam- bridge, 48 2u-word llasheti, one dnily except Sunday, Kegan Friday, Sept. 13 to Nov. 7, inclusive. S. Alfred "Wasser." "WMltX. ' -"" . RvdcU's Dvcsx Shop, South Boston, series of lOO-word announcements for foiii'-weelt per'.od, three weelcly, on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Beginning Monoay, Sept. IC to Mcur day, Oct. 14, inclusive:. S. Alfred Was^-er.—WMEX.- _ Fcmnoie Cafe, Boston, series of XOO-word announcements daily at 1:45 p.m.,. and another saries of 30- word announcements daily at 1:59% p.m. Started Saturday, Sept. 7. In- definitely Direct. WCOP. Orchid, Boston (restaurant), series of 30-word cut-!n anriouncem'.nts, one daily on Thursday evenings. Contract 13 weeks. Began Thurs- day, Sept. 12 to Thurday, Dec. 5, in-, clusi. e. Direct. WCOP. Ital^Radio, Boston (Journal of the air In Italian), 62 weeks of bne- quarter-hour programs^ daily, except. Sundays. Beginning Monday, Sept. 30, 1935, to Sept. 26, 1936. Yesley Advertis ng Agency, Boston. WCOP. Pan Hellenic Program, Boston (musical program In Greek and in _ WEAF ' 10:30-11 P.M. DST i Wednesday EXCLUSIVE MANAGEMENT ROCKWELL-O'KEEFE INC. WILLIAM MORRIS AGENCY Si EXCLUSIVE .\> A N A G t M E N . ROCKWELL OKEEFE INC. EXCLUS MANAGEMENT ROCKWELL-O'KEEFE. INC, ■^1 EXCLUSIVE MANAGEMENT R C C K V/ E L L C k ^ r r ^ C . English), 62 weeks of one-half hour programs, Sundays from 2:00 to 2:30 i).ni. Contract elfective Friday* Oct. is; "iliT57''to~D'et.--n7 "i^JS«r-~i>ircct-.- WCOP. ' Lady' Ann, Chelsea, Mass, (dress shop), four weeks, 150-word ao- nouncoments, daily except Sunday, s; Alfred Wasser. WMEX. Independent Vpholsfery Conipany, Chelsea', Aiass., four'Weiiks, luV-AVord announcements, three times weekly, on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. S.- Alfred Wa.sser. WMEX. ..„ Apple Crest Farm, Hanipton Falls, New Hampshire (apple!*), .12 weeks, 150-wot;d aniiouncementSi once a -w'eck - on -Friday- as -a -partic^patiOiX; during the Voice of Israel show, from 7:30 to 8:15 p.m. Beginning Sept. 20. Harold F, Lewis Agency, Bos- ton. WMEX. L, Grossman Sons, Inc., Chelsea, M.Tas. (building and plumbing sup- plies), four 75-word announcements daily. Indefinite. S. Alfred Wasser. WMEX. W. S.. Qtdnhy Company (LaTou- raine Coffee), eight 126-word an- nouncements, Tuesday and Thurs- days at 7:00 p.m., starting Sept. 3. Through Ingalls Advertising Com- pany. WEEI. Wheatena Corporation, 15 tran- scribed programs, Sundays, Wednes- days and Fridays, 6:45 to 7:00 p.m., starting Sept. 16. Transcriptions, 'Pop-Eye the Sailor,' furnished by agency, McKie & Albright. .WEEI.: D'Airiao Bros. ('Andy Boy' bro- colU), 13 125-word announcemerite on Sundays at 7:54 p.m., starting Oct. 20. Through Harold E. Lewis. WEEI. Joseph WaiiJe Company (washing machine dealer), six 125-w6rd an- nouncements, following American Washing Machine Association pro- gram ('Helpful Harry') on Tuesdays, at 9:05 a.m. Direct. WEEI, Ford Motor Company (Somervllle branch), 19 , one-minute announce- ments on 'After Dinner Revue,' Mon- days through Fridays, and Saturdays at 6:44 p.m., starting Sept. 9. Through McCann-Erickson, Inc., WEEIl Adorns House, Marblehead (res- tauranf), six one-minute announce- ments at approximately 7:55 a.ra.,. during Radio Almanac program.. Tuesdays and Fridays, Sept. 10, 13,. 17, 24 and 27. Direct. WEEI. Royal Worcester Corset Co., 16 15- mihute programs, Tuesdays and Fri- days, beginning Sept. 15, Through Wolcott & HoJcomb, Boston. WNAC- WORC-WICC-WLBZ,WRDO-W»tAS and WDRC. Store Review (Newspaper), 62 16- mlnute prograims, Fridays, began Sept. 6. Through Salinger & Public- over, Boston. WNAC. Albany Carpet Cleaning Co., 28 weather reports, dally including. Sun- day, begaii Sept. 9. Through Dore- mus & Co., Boston. WNAC, Houghton & Button Co. (Depart- ment Store), six 100-word announce- ments, Mondays, Wednesdays, Fri- days, began September 6. Through David Malkiel, Boston. "VJ^NAC. Oould Negative Ion Process, 16- mlnute programs, Sundays, Oct. 6. Through Louis Glaser, Boston. WNAC. Ford Motor Co., 21 100-word an- nouncements and 21 l-^aseball scores, daily including Sunday, began Sept. 9. Through McCann Erlckson, New York. WNAC. R. H. White Co. (Department Store), one 30-minute program, Sept 15. Through Chambers & Wiswell, . Boston. WNAC. Nantaslcet-Boston Steamship Co., 10 15-word announcements, Tues days through Saturdays, began. Sept. 3. Direct. WNAC. Shaiomut. Battery Factory, 26 125- word announcements, Tuesdays and Thursdays, began Sept. 10. Through Frank T. Day, Boston. WAAB, Gold Reclaiming Corp., 28 15-word announcements, two daily including Sunday, began Sept. 8. Through B r,6 0 d c a s t Advertising^ Boston. WAAB. H. Traiser d Co. (Pippin Cigars), three participations in Yankee Net- work News Service broadcasts, Sept. 9, 11, 13. Through Wood, Putnam & Wood, Boston. WAAB. George Procpir, 100 time signals, dally except Sunday, began Sept. ?. 'Through Harry. M. Frost, Boston. WAAB. • Brewer £ Co., 28 16-mihute pro- grams, Tuesdays, beginning Sept. 17. WNAC - WEAN - WORC - WDRC - WICC. Radio League of the Little Flower (Father Coughlin), 26 one-hour pro- grams, Sundays, beginning Oct. 27. Through E. W. Hellwig, New York; WNAC - WEAN - WORC r WMAi? - WDRC - WICC- WLBZ - WRDO'- WLLH-WNBH-WFEA-WATB. Grove Laioratories, Inc. (Grove's Nose Drops), 104 15-minute electri- cal transcriptions, Mondays through Thursdays, beginning Oct. 14. Through Stack Goble, New York. WNAC. Maryland Pharmaceutical Co., (Rem), 104 30-worrt announcements, Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridas's, beginning Sept. 30. Through Joseph Ivatz, Bnlti.moro. WNAC. Applccrest Farm, 26 15-minute pro- grams, Fridays. heRlnn'ng Sept. 20. Through Harold Lewis, Boston. WNAC. Alderman John T/ynch, one 15-min- ute political talk, Sept. 6. Direct. WNAC. H. Traiser <€ Co, (Pippin Cigars), one participation In Yankee Network- News Service broadcast, Sept. 6 Through Wood, Putnam & Wood, Boston. WNAC - WEAN - WMAS - WIIC - WDRC - WLBZ - WFEA- WLLil-WNBH. Fellows Medical Manufacturing Co., Inc. (Sherrln), thlrty-nino 15- mlnute programs, Mondays, Wednes- days, Fridays, beginning Sept. 23. -WNAC--WJEAN„T_W.QRQ.-WDRC-. WICC-WMAS-WATR. H. Traiser & Co. (Pippin Cigars),, one participation in Yankee Network News "Service, Sept. 11; Through Wood, Putnam, & Wood, Boston. WNAC - WEAN - WORC - WMAS- WICC . WDRC- - ..WL.BZ • WRDQ - WFEA-WLLH-WNBH, Joyce Brothers (Clothiers), igh- teen 15-word announcements, Sept. 12, 13 and 14.' Through Chambers & Wiswell, ..Bcstpn. WNAC. California Fruit Ordwers Ex- .cfeajip,e^.tw£n.ty.-.elght., 100-word an- nouncements, daily including ' Sun-' day, began Sept. 16. Through Lord & Thomas, New York. WNAQ.. Norm,a7idie Ballroom, four 30- word announcements, Fridays, be- gan Sept. 13. Through Harry M. Frost, Boston.. WNAC. Houghton <C Button Co., three 100-word ainnouncements, Sept. 16, 18 and 20. Through David Malkiel, Boston. WNAC. W. Xi. Thompson (G. E. diatrlb-. utors),. one hundred and elghty^two 30-word announcements, daily, 'in- cluding Sunday, began Sept, 15.. Through Harold Cabot, Boston. WNAC. Royal Worcester Corset Co., six- teen 15-mlnute programs, Tuesdays and Fridays, began Sept. 17. Through Badger & BroTiVnlng, Boston. WNAC- WORC-WICC-WMAS. Van Camp Sea Food Co., Inc., re- newal, participating, Home ■ Forum Cooking School, twice a week for 13 weeks, starting Aug. IT. Through Emll Briaacher .& Staff. WBZ and WBZA; Brewer <£ Co., Inc., renewal, IB minutes, Thornton W. Burgess Radio Nature • League, once a week'for 13 weeks, starting July ' 30. Through DeForrest Mercha,hdislng Co. WBZ and WBZA. Auburn Auto Co., new,' one-minute announcements seven times a week for one week, starting .Aug. 14. Through P. P. Willis Corporation. WBZ and WBZA. Brockton Fair Association, new, ono-mlnute announcements °. seven -times a week for three weeks, start- ing Aug. 25. "Jhrough Ingalls Ad- vertising. WBZ and WBZA. Zenith Radio Corporation, new, one-minute announcements foUr times a week for 13 weeks, starting August .aoi. Through H. W. Kaster. & Sons Advertising.' WBZ' and WBZA. Swartchild 4 Co., new, one-minute announcements once every two weeks for 20 announcements start- ing Sept 16.. Through Selisser- Meyerhoft, Inc. WBZ and WBZA, Rival Packing Co.j, new, 1& mih'- utes, Musical Clock, six times a week for 52 weeks, starting" Sept; 16. .'Through Charles Silver & Co. "WBZ and WBZA. HarmoTiy Garments, Inc., renewal, 15 minutes. Musical Clock, six times a week for 13 weeks, starting Sept. 9. Through Broadcast Advertisng. WBZ and WBZA. NEW YORK CITY European Radio. Company, series of half-hour and quarter-hour pe- riods weekly, for 52 weeks. WFAB. -Zinn's Fur Shop, renewal for two quarter hours weekly, for 39 weeks. WFAB. Empire Gold, renewal for six 15- minute periods weekly,'for 13 "veekis. WFAB. Tarson Chemical, renewal for spots, for 26 weeks. WFABi Morrow Clothes, series of spots, for 13 weeks. WFAB. Icy Point Salrnon, series of Sunday hours, presenting music and songs. WOV. Rabinovltch, Sunday series, pre- senting Josephine Conistraci, vocal- ist, for an indefinite period. WOV. May's Zlth St. Store, dally series presenting Pat Rossi and orchestra. WOV. Scft/osimon'si. star ting Sept. 23, for a dally series, presenting Vince Collendo, songs. WOV. Madre Sieillia Olive Oil, Sunday series, presenting 'Incredible Truth,' for an indefinite period. WOV. American Gas Machine Company, series of spots, for an indefinite period. Placed through Greve Ad vertlslng Agency. WNEW. Fair Wine & Liquor Stores, quar- ter hour arid dally spot series, for an indefinite period. Placed through Bess .& Schillin, Inc. WNEW. Bakecrofterjs of America, series of quarter hours on Thursday, for 13 weeks. Placed through Atlantic .Agency. WNEW. Clemons Clothes, Inc., dally spots-, for 13 weeks. Placed through Ernest Davids, Inc. WMCA. William P. Goldman, Inc.', for eight weeks, presenting songs and .music. WMCA. llotuard Radio Co., Saturday series, nresenting Negro News of the Week, for 13 weeks. -WMCA. i. Jackfin Clothing, starting Oct. '9 for 62 weeks, Wednesdays at 8:30 Placed through Roger Belkin Agency. WMCA. Stirling Fur, starting Sept. 30, for 13 weeks, series of spots twice daily. WMCA. Cardinal Lahoratonies, Monday :md Thursday, for 13 weeks, presenting Helen Leighton. Placed through Blackett - Sample - Hummert, Inc WMCA. Selwyn Studios, furs, dally series, for nn indefinite period, participatl ing on Musical Clock prograni. Placed through Tifft Advertising Agency. WINS. J, Kurtz, Inc., daily series, for 13 weeks, on Musical Clock program. Placed through Fegus Advertising Agency. WINS. Crazy Water Crystals, 26 weeks, hill billy series. Placed through Lucky-Bowman agency. WHN, Boughertv's Warehouse, Inc., for 13 wefeks, using disks, with Bill Shepard, announcing, "VYHN. London Chatacter Shoes, for five weeks, spots daily. Plabed through Peck Advertising agency. WMCA, ■Reid-Mitniocitx'-tstiiiftinB: ■ Sept. 30 for 62 weeks, using time signals. Placed through Philip Palmer agency. WMCA. John Hill, Inc., series of. spots, for 3(5 days. Placed -through Sterling Advertising agency^ WMCA. .New,y.oxk^ Stai.s.:^Bureau, pf_M^^^ Publicity, presenting Milk Minute's" dally for an indefinite period. Placed through Mathews, Inc. WINS. London Character Shoes, series of spots, for an indefinite period. Placed • through Peck Advertising Company.' WINS.. PROVIDEN.CE Swiss Cleaning Co., 58 15-word an- nouncements,- two daily, including Sunday,' began Sept.. 1.; Through Lanpher & Sclronfarber, Providence. WEAN. North America7i Bye'Corp., 56 100- word announcements, dally except Sunday, began Sept. 9. Through Atherton & Currier, New York. WEAN. Sterling Shoe Co., 364 weather re-, ports, dally including Sunday, began Sept. 1. Through 'Westminster Ad- vertising Service, Providence. WEAN. . . Good Housekeeping. Shopsilnc, 100 16-word announcements, four daily- except Sunday, began Septi 2. Through ' Prank E. Dodge, Provi- dence. WEAN. Ford Motor Car (7o.,.42 100-word announcements, two daiiyi including Sunday, began Sept. 9. Through Mc- Cann Erlcksoii,. NeW York.- WEAN. 3uic1e-Motor Car Co., 20 15-second electrical transcriptions,, four daily, beginning Sept. 23. Through Erwin, Wasey, New 'York. WEAN. American Radiator Co., eighteen 9-minute electrical transcriptions daily except Sunday. Began Sept. 11. Through" Marschalk & Pratt, New York. WEAN, , Lobel's Children's Outfitters, seven 30-word announcements, daily in- cluding Sunday, began Sept. 9. Di- rect. WEAN. Michaels-Bauer,. Inc., 3,640 15- word announcements, six daily, in- cluding Sunday. Beg^inriing Sept. 27. Direct. WEAN. OMAHA, NEBRASKA Continental. Keller Co., radios, one unit. dally on Adam Reinemund's period, began Sept. 10 till forbid, WAAW. : I-O-Vita Mineral Food Co., one Relnemund dally from Sept, 9 till forbid. WAAW; Lacene Laboratories, one Relne- mund unit dally except Sunday be- tween Sept. 9 and Dec. 9. Placed through Btuchanan-Thomas Adver- tising Co., Omaha. WAAW. Mid-West Walnut Co., lumber buyers. One Relnemund unit for one year from Aug. 29, "W'AAW. A: A. Nixon Co., feed and grains. Announcement daily except Sunday, for one year. Began Sept. 2, WAAW. Northwestern Television Institute. Announcement dally dUring Septem- ber. WAAW. P. F. Peterson Baking Co., one ReinemUnd unit from Sept. 16, 1935, to May ,15, 1936. Placed through Earl Allen Co., Omaha. WAAW. DAYTON, O. Kosto Co., Series of 39 one-minute announcements, three times weekly. Placed by Perrln-Paus Agency. WHIO. Metropolitan Co., 13 quarter-hour programs once weekly. Direct. WHIO. Wuilitzer Co., one 30-minute pro- gram. Direct. WHIO. Rogers & Co.,-13 15-minute pro- grams. Direct. WHIO. Kellogg Sales Co., 15-minute pro- gram. ■ Direct. WHIOi Neal's BairVi 13 15-mInute pro- grams. Direct. "WHIO. Fenton Bry Cleaning, one flve- mlnute program. Dlredt. WHIQ- Famey Store, one flve-mlriute pro- gram. Dhrect. WHIO. Coleman Insurance,-aerieB ot one- minute announcements. Indefinite period. Direct. WHIO. Montgomery County/ Fair Broad- cast, sponsored by Enterprise Equip- ment, Rike-Kumler Co., Meredith Music Stores, Guild and Landis. Dir rect. WHIO. V LOS ANGELES Kay Clothing, i6-minute transcrip- tions, three times.weekly, for three months. Place direct. KFWB. Magyar Radio ClUb, 30-miriute pro- gram weekly, Hungarian music and news, for 52 weeks. Placed through Newkick & Lawrence. KECA. » Pasadena Products, 15-mlnute pro- grim weekly, Pauline Holden ana Utah Trail Boys, for 52 weeks. Placed thi'oUgh Newkirk & Lawrence. KNX. Torgsin, melodies of Russia., tran- scriptions, one 15-minute period weekly, for five weeks. Placed through Free & Sleininger. KFWB. Technical Laboratories, iu-mlnute transcriptions, once weekly for 13 weeks. Place direct. KNX. Haven of Rest, semi-religious pro- gram, 30 minutes, five times weekly. for 52 weeks. Placed through New« kirk & Lawrence. KNX. Gaffers <C Sattler, refrigerators, Johnny Murray Variety Sho\v, 45 minutes every Thursday for slat months. Pldced direct, KF'WB, Pierce Brothers, mortuary, Ports of Call transcriptions, 30 minutes every Monday for six months. Placed through-FWtlij-M-eany;—feFWB-.——<- Br. Cowen. dentist, lUbiUieSi 30- ralnute program, five times weekly, f-w- Indaflnito period. Placed -"irect. KFWB. F. Arnold "Young, English lessons, one . J.5.-.;i7lniit$, progriam. Placed through Pearson Jay Mbse & Assb-' elates, KHJ, Three G Brands, 15-mlnute tran- scriptions, tliree times weekly, for 13 -weeJts.. JPl9,c^(} through Stodell &, 'KFWB.- —nj\..j?aiJiic&4_,J>arfcfir.,._deiatlst...jthe... Philistine, philosophy and news com- ments, 15 minutes every day except Sunday for one year. Placed direct. KFWB. La Vida Water Co., flye-mlnute health talks, three times weekly for one year. Placed through N. J. Newman; KFWB. Calocide Co., foot powder, dude ranchers, 45TminUte program, twice weekly, indeflhite. Placed through United Remedies, KNX, 2?osicJMcian Order, fraternal, type of program undecided, for 15 weeks. Placed through Frederick S e 1 d Agency. Fels Naptha Soap, Hometown Sketches, 15-minute program, twice weekly, indefinite renewal. Placed Young & Rublcam, KNX. BE NAY VENUTA EVERT THUBS. 6:16-6:80 P.M. EVERT SON., 7:00-7:80 P.M. EDST—W.-inC And Entire Columblift Ketwork WED,, S«pt. SStli-^. GUEST STAR LIFE SAVERS 8-8:30 P.M., NBO Now Appearing In 'Anything Coes" AlTln. New Tork Manasement .OBS Artists Boreaa Pergonal Managrement iVWS AI.BERTI, S°15 Mndlson Ave. New Tork City And His ORCHESTRA • CONTINENTAJL CLUB, HOLI,m'OOD, CALIF. CBS NETWORK • ' Sole Direction, HERMAN BEBNIE 1010 Broad\ray, New York GRACIE BARRIE OPENING IN NEW "GEORGE WUITE'S SCANDALS" Sole Direction, HERMAN BERNIE. 1010 Broadway, New Tork ''LITTLE" JACKIE HELLER lite Ole Maextro's Rnfllo Sensation NBC NETWORKS iWon., Twcs., Wed., Frl. and Sat. OPHIS WEEK (Se'pt. 20) CENTLRV, BALTIMORE Direction HERMAN ilERNIE, in nsNoclntion \vl(U NliC Artist Bureau VAUGHN DE LEATH .MON.. THUKS.. FKI„ .1:.1(I-S:1.''. P..M, \VJZ—VIIC COAST-TO-COAST PerNunnI Met. HERMAN IIEKMR EKCLL'SIVf: MA.NAGCMENT ROCKWELL ■ C KEe.'"-E: INC.