Variety (Sep 1935)

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^^ednesday, Septehiber itS, 1935 ' A D I O VARIETY 59 Radio Chatter (Continued fr6m page 52) Cub games for the balance oi the play-by-play Bpiellng.. ' Two weekly amateur shows set "for WtCN thlg'wlhtef-r with one originating on a theatre stage Jtt each Twin. City, Dob Sunshine, —Midlo , left Bpyal American Shows during State Fair week and signed a binder with WTCNv KSTP staff In a busy froth, over debut ceremonies for their ether "WsWiifr"KR^oc;' Rochester,- -today- (■Wednesday) and tomorrow. Bob LeFevre's second Milkman's picnic at Wlldwood drew 2,500 listeners. Tou have to get up at 6:00 a.m. to hear this -WTCN stint. Ken Husted, WCCO's asst. geh. mgr.; to Chicago and back on biz. Ted Johnson's Scandinavian ork back from personals to air five times weekly over WTCN, started Monday (23). Fred Herrman, WGCO engineer, has his own short wave set. Gets letters and cables from England and Costa Rica regularly from listeners- in on pre-arranged schedule. Gives •em mostly U. S. current events. British Columbia Home Gas Orchestra, on the air eeyeral years, now with one hour Sunday night concert, opens its winter season Sept. 29, and will use Lyric theatre. Pa;st winter seasons has used Hotel Va.ncouver ball- room. FolltiCB fill the air for listeners and B.R. for station owners these days. There are five parties in the federal election field in each of the lour city constituencies not to men- tion three or fbTJr suburban ridings needing coverage. On top of that there's the big wigs of the three main parties taking national, west- ern or B.C. network time, according to their party ranking. The station salesmen will soon have to go around in disguise and night sus- taining programs will be a inemory. Russell Woolliams Is resuming his 15 minute weekly garden talks over CK-WX. Roy Casey, oriisihator and pro- ducer of the 'Happy Family' dra- matic series for children over CK-WX, has worked his scripts into a book he has now published. merly with WMiB and KMBC, Kan- sas City, and on Columbia. KRNT will feed the 'Church of the ■AiV-tuX'cl-ormbta;--STB)St;-22;"urihg Drake U. musical program and ad- dress by Dean D. "W. 'Morehouse. • j; O. Maland, manager, -WHO,- In Washington and New York for two Both WHO.and KJJNT. fed speech, of Gov. Talmadge to the Iowa Far- mers' Union tol the networks. KSO covered the Drake V. foot- ball rally to the network, -wltla 'Red' Grange the honor guest of the eve- ning. KSO also covered Drake's annual fo6tba;ll show at'the stadium where between "18 and 20 "thbusahd were admitted free and a mock game between the varsity and f rosh teams demonstrated new plays, penalties, etc., which is probably the only show of its kind in the country. G-wen McClcary of the continuity staff, KSO, Is a pinchhitter any- where, as femme announcer she even carries off the Inquiring mike assignments. KSO will cover the Iowa post- masters' convention riext week. Last week's coverage of the Boy Scdiit Jamboree developed five or six Unusual programs that have brought high comment. Especially interesting was covering the Canip flre-songfest and story celebration and the Sundiay religious program for the boys. Rahny Daly, formerly of KFRU, Columbia, Mo., Is a new addition for KRNT, and doing m.c. work on the^ farm program. KRNT'a Tall Corn Time for Farm Folks now goes on the air'at 5 a.m. of AI Jolson show being given first call on web's studio on'RKO lot. KFWB and KRKD entered pro- tests to license for station at Po- mona. Walter Guild, who has had a hand in the Myrt and Marge pirograms, set for the Century Club In L.A. -KNX- broadcastings 'from- • L;A-. county fair daily. Bill Ray played 'mine host' KPWB's bread-breaking with air eds. for the South Carolina Iowa KRNT, Des Moines, has a new 'contest for the farmers. Cash prizes are being paid for the tallest Iowa corn stalks sent In to the Tall Corn Time program. Modernists join WHO, Des Moines, Sept. 23. They were for- REED L AWT ON "The Carlsbad Cavalier", y AND HIS MUSIC Tues., Thurs., 1-1:15 P.M.' WOR Carlsbad (Sprude!) 3alt Pi*ogram Personal Repr«8«'lltativeB 270 Park Avianae, Mew Xork , second year hew york' carl^ and . his prchestra nbc-wjz—thurs.. 11^11:30 p.m. mbs-wor—fri. 1l!l5-11:45 p.m. C L E 0 BROWN NBC NETWORK Daily, 9:05-9:15-A.M. COST CHIGAGO Personal Manager SAM BEER Connecticut Cast of Adelle Frederick's 'Friendly Folks' scripter at WICC, Bridgeport, Includes Roger Fox, Walter Schwartz, Grace Breerie, Ruth LaCroIx and Harry Friedman. Jimmy Cavallaro's Singing Strings' ensemble, commercializing at "WICC's New Haven studio, bow- ed last week at Manhattan's "WNYC. Illness of Alma Dettinger, author, will delay production- of autumn muslcomedy at WICC, Bridgeport. 'Music Box Serenade,' . sustainer, premieres at WICC, . Bridgeport, with Elsa Lumb and Beatrice Don- court. , , .' • Lillian Andersoit' and .Ed» ."Neary teaming next montfi in noonday niche at WICC ' .• . Joe Haymes' ork. one-nlted Sun- day at Ritz ballroom, Bridgeport.. Harold June of Byrd expedition commuting, from Stamford home to '"Voice of Touth' broadcasts at WICC, Bridgeport. Nordi Carolina Three Calico Sisters, WSB har- mony trio, now on the road with the Hi Ho Broadway revue company, playing picture house time. Major Bowe's amateurs In North Carolina playing film houses. Loring Smith MC.'s, with a company of 20 toepple doing 11 acts. Tal Henry's stag& band makes the music. " Forest Lawn .Burial Park, Char- lotte,, has a new program on WSOC called 'The Golden Bells,' directed by Earl.Rasor. Charlotte city council hAs altered an ordinance governing use of the municipal ariiiory so that the North Carolina Symphony orchestra can make .winter headquarters there. . Charlotte police-short wave radio, WPDV, will have ' its transmitter plalced on top of .the city hall In connectibii with a program of Im- prbviemehts designed to strengthen the station. California Marvin 'Toung Joined NBC pro- duction stiiff In Hollywood. Happy vjtCck Kay detached from KilJ's 'Rise .artd . Shine' 6 a.m.'er. KHJ Inaugurated the grid season with iMorley Drury calling the plays in the Occidental-U of / Mexico ' fracas. '' •Jean Mulr talked about her Play- ers Workshop on George Fischer's Studio Whispers niche. Marion Kyle given |378 Judgment against KMTR for unpaid commis- sions. Don Allen of KFWB mum on that network offer. ' Al Jarvis opened a music shop on Hollywood boulevard. KNX's Frank Watanabe., (Eddie Holden) Is syndicating a box fea- ture. Lou Houston scripting 'School Kids' serial for KFOX. Gregg Williamson and C. H. Na- than producing Luckies Hit Parade. Ozzlo Nelson and Harriet Hilliard feted L.A. radio eds. John Fee Joirted the production forces of McGregor fe SollIe. ' L.A. court acquitted John Wit- tenmeyer, announcer,: of morals charges.' '''. .v« NBC had to r<^))i the Radio Play- house in L.A. \n bro.-idoast Hit Pa- fade with Fred on account Bevo Whltmlre, assistant WFBC mgr., launched grid season with in- terview witlv college ofldcials. Milt Ponder and Martin Wales, assisted by Bill Gaines, others,- handling^ Wg football spiels this year. Duncan Sisters, WFBC quartet Off to Louisville and Indianapolis for wax recordings.. -Jesse Jackson and Fred Heller making music for new WFBC 'Dream Ship* program. ' Margaret McCravey Wood, WFBC" artist, in Gotham for a short stay, also to make recordings In Chldago. Franchelle Parsons, >Houst6h, Texas, 'blues , singer,' WFBC ac- quisition. ; Fred Gentfy,i tenor, long heai^d on WSPA, now dividing talentia'and time with WFBC ' ' Missoori Clarence Q'. Cosby, KWK,.. St^ Louis,- gen. mgr. In New York after trip to Chicago and Detroit. j John Harrington, KWK, St Louis, sports announcer, making flying trip' oyer entire National Baseball League to contact important "play era for MlnitrRub, which sponsors KWK's sports review. ■; Robert T. Convey, pres. KWK, St, Lauls,-In Toledo on business.. , Al Dietzel, director of. KWK's orchestra, has added Herb l^ettt^^ forinerly with' Paul Ash in Chicago, to his saifophone. section. Ray Schmidt, KWlC Sports an nouncer, subbing fOr John Harring- ton and Bob Thomas, who are out of town on business. . KMOX special features depart- ment broadcasting several spots dally during the, American Legion convention, using for the firiat time the' uitrarhigh frequency Mobile tt-ansmitter W-IO-XAL on 40,600 kilos;,This ti-ansmitter used, for first broadcast, of . <;onyention ..."when" "ItMOX. greeted persons oyer, short; wave"" lii Various- hotels and -Head quarters.; ■- .GiRntsk anid. .ApplicfttiPDis; Nebraska Foster May, KFAB-KFOR, Llnr coin. Neb. 'Man - on the Street,'. Is taking a turn at p.a. all over the territory. When in theatres, he does 'Man on the Aisle' and keep^s 'fem in stitches, he says. Beth Langford, KPAB's Miss: Hoi- lie Wood, will, go off - the air for the Lincoln Theatre Corp., she says. - Jettabee Ann Hopkins, KPAB, Is rating the handle of a script Jug- gler. She has two. serials-on the air now and is readying for a,, third. Washington, Sept. 24. Denying one riequest for a frequency change, the Federal Communi- citions CCmmissipn last'week set for hearing ■ar-score' of applications. Commish frowned upon plea .of KFBB, Great Fialls, Moiit., for frequency change from. 1280 tci 610 kc, upholding recommendations of Examiner Melvin ,H. Dalbe'rg." "" ""' Boom in applications set for hearing Included 15 requests for new tra.nsmltters, six for power boosts and two for frequency change. The following applications were referred to examiners: Fort Dodge Broadcasting Co., Fort Dodge, la.,, new station to operate on 1210 kc with 100 watts; "Wausau Broadcasting Co., Wausau, "Wis., new station- to oparate on 1310 ko with I-OO -watts; Winona-Broadcasting Co^ Winona; Minn.j new station to operate on IBOO kc with 100 watts; Ma- son City Broadcasting Co., Mason City,- la., n§w station to operate on 1420 kc, with 100 watts; Appleton Broadcasting Co., Appleton, Wis., new station tp operate on 1500 kc with 100 watts; HastlhgSi Broadcasting Co., Hastings, Neb., new station to operation 1420 kc with 100 watts; Clin- ton Broadcasting Co., Clintpn, la., new. station to operate on 1310 ko with 100 Tvatts; Burlington Broadcasting Co., Burlington, la., new station to operate on 1370 kc, with 100 watts; Mankato Broadcasting. Co., Mankato, .Minn., new station to opei'ate on 1210 kc with 100 watts; WISE Broad- <5|i8ting Co., St. .Paiil, Minn.,.new station, to operate on 630 kc with 250 watts; Grand Island Broadcasting Co.| Grand Island, Neb., new station to operate on 1370 kc with 100 watts; Northern Broadcasting Co., "Wau- sau; Wls.,.'new> station-to'operate on 1370 kQ with 100 watts; Thames Broadcasting Corp., New- London, Conn., new station to operate on 1500 kc with 100 watts,, diys; A. L; Chilton, j Dallas, Tex., new station to oper- ate on 990 kc with, days;" John E. Feltzer,^Saginaw, Mich., new- station to operate on 800 kc with l >kw; days. Applications of two transmitters for frequency changes Sind. power in- crease were listed for hearing. Station WJIM, Lansing, Mich., requested change of'frequency from 1210 to 1460 kc, with power Increase fronti 100 Wiatts nights, 2^0 watts days, to 600 watts nights, 1 kw days; WSGN, Bjirmlngham, Ala., frequency change from 1.310 kc to 690 kc, increase pbwer from 100 watts nights, 260 watts days,,to unlimited. ,[ Life .of Station KOIL, Council Bluffs; la., was placed In Jeopardy when Commish ordered hearing on application for .renewal bf- jts ,license. ; Requests for six new stations were received, together with three appli- cations for power boosts and two for frequency changefl. The'applica- tions fblltfW: Symonsf'Investment Co., Seattle, Washington, new, station to operate oh-^60 kcv.wlth 250 watts nights, 600 days (facilities of KXA, Seattle); John Perkins Rabb, Lenoir, N. C., new station to operate .on;1370 kc with 100-wattfl; . "Fred. A. Baxter, Superior, Wis.,'tiew, station to. operate on 1870 kc-with 100 watts; Seattle Broadcasting Co., Everett, Wash., new statfoii;to.ope»:ate on 1370 kc with 60 watts (facilities of KRKQ; Seattle); Joseph G. Morrow, Oakland, Calif., new station to operate on ^15,0 kc -with 250: watts, days; Station KROC, Rochester, Minn., new-stat'Idhi'to operate ori-1310'kc .with 100 watts; Sta,tlon K"VSO, Ardmpre, Okla.,.. ptfwer .boost from 100 watts days to 100 wa.tts nights, 250 watts days; Station KORE, Eug'ene, ^Ove., day povver boost from lOO to 250 watts; gtatlpn KPRO, Longvlew, Tex., frequency change from 1370 kc to 1210 kc (jfaclHtlea KWEA, Shreveport, La.)"; Station k"VL, Seattle, Wash., frequency change from 1370" to 1070 kc and power Increase from 100 to-260 wattb .-(facilities pfKRKO,"Seattl4), ■ .Ek^min^rs' Repoffs . Construction of .a new . transmitter ,at Moorhead; .Minn.,, was recom- mended by Examiner -P. '\V.'Sewaj'd to" the Commuhlcatlons" Com"mlSBlon, with tbe proyisilpn that KGFK;>. at present serving Moorheid,'bfe removed to Duluth, .jVIinri,, -before application . is , granted. Newj.'fftatldn wwuld operate -on 1310 kc. with 100 wktts'ahdi would be owned And operated by Robert K. Herbst, -- ' . Examiner Seward advocated thai the Commish deny. request, If the incunibetit station-does not. move, pointing out that; while a need for aiddltlonai-service will exist in area if KGFK pick's uipi-fbr DuTuthi present service Is generally adequate. Principal objection, to KGFK Is based on row over rates. f —— '—^ — Massachosetts WCOP, Boston, has signed- wjth World Broadcasting for platters;' Unique new program, on' WCOP, Boston, is ,'Lost Personalities,' ban- died by W. Colt Treat, in the mant- ner of ^ missing persons bureau. Already one family has been re- united by the feature. Two comers .^ri, " the vocal field;: heard ove^^ "WC.QP,, Bbstoli,.,'aye; Francis- Lydns" Arid- Francis ,M«tf*Or>" rana. " ,. . ' . ' ''■:-"'. . .. Roy FraziSe,"!" -.WMEXi . 08t<Jji,;i{j:U'ftl^c 'v studio organist, "and" MarJorie' lPbsa- selt, -vioUniSt,^.botiii'- -with siistainto'g- programs over that station., : ■ijijr'e'; also airing over-Wi^Dfi,'Boston.:?. * Italian Jlour sHo'Sv, broadcast Jn Italian Thprnlrigs 'from 9:45 to 10: Od o'clock is being;-,-fed to ,"W.pJSb, providence, by WMEX,. Boston. Bridgeport Cuffo Show Bridgeport, Sept. 24 Season's first amateurer will be launched Friday (27) on stage ot Majestic (Locw-Poli), with WICC exhaling. Show is tie-up across the board; Outlet Clbtiilng Co. of Bridgeport sponsors half-hour of airing for 10 weeks, winners of "each event com- peting in grand finale for in-person week at Majestic and appearance on Loew's "WHN amateur hour in Manhattan. Morris Rosenthal, manager of house, arranging weekly tyro ro.s- ter, with Harry Shaw; divisional g. m. for Loew'."?, skedded as pre- miere emsee. Buffington Figures It Out Baltimore, Sept. 24. Al Buffington has quit job as an- nouncer at WCAO to become a salesman at W.t^'BB. Figures it's, salps-splellng eithor way, biit as a time-salesman thoro's commi.s.sion plus Houston Okays TraflSc Court Pickup by KTRR •Houston, Sept. 24. City council has voted to allow KTRH, Houston, to broadcalst trailic court twice weekly. Moiioii was passed after Harry Gr'ler, i)rogram director, explained that It would be handled on a sustaining basis. Sta- tion will set up Us microphones ,on the tra)fBc tourt bench so as to gretr a'-d«t<iLiied 'alt , picture' .of prbfe^ea- Ings. . ' . '. / 'Itai^a i^a3-,'i^id' t'o.olt3f^;a3 a puWlc- liiy Ini^'d.l'tim'WfH-a^^^ ' :Mvimh:^^ T. & S. --* ' •' iQJrfcago, Sept. 24. ',A,..- Bp.wman has quit as exec pf„th"e :Commercial Credit firm to Join the special rep outfit of Free & Sleiiiinger here. Bowman Joins the F.i sales group as account exec. LITTLE J A C K LITTLE and His Original Orchestra EARL THEATRE Wasliington, D. 0. Week Sept. 27th • 'Broadcasting Daily for Niagara Hudson Electric Light and Power Co. ALSO ON .COLUIWniA BECORDS irS A LIE! ' Contrary to All Rumor8 GEORGIE PRICE HAS NOT QUIT SHOW BUSINESS!!! HE IS AVAILABLE FOR RADIO I KNOW BECAUSE I REPRESENT HIM WALTER BATCHELOR 234 W. 44th St., New York. CH. 4-6205