Variety (Sep 1935)

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76 VARIETY TIMES SQUARE Wednesday, September 25, 193S Broadway Bob Stevenson out of .hospital. Nick Holde, reported ill, is okay, Charles Washburn ahead of 'Venus In Silk.' Jeanine Macy back to Clncy after her first look-see. Eleanor Powell goes over WHN, Friday night (27). Maurice McKenzle, of Haya oflfice, BtUl sick at hla home. Betty Liongacro now with the Warner h. p. publlcty staff. Bill Norton Is manager of 'Jubilee' with Lep Solomon assistant. Half of Ha rms, . Inc., Journey to Boston tor the*TrubiWti*" oliertlhS". miviS-BpsWlrt- the -first- of the Coast bunch In for Baer-Louis fight. J. Russell Robinson and wife con valescliig from ah auto adcident ih Columbus, Indi Max Mazzanpclc)i handled num- ber one Elks, charity dutinig at Babylon Sunday. Ci N. b'Dell. down In Washington to handle opening of 'Crusades' at National Sept 29. . Gov. Paul V. McNutt of Indliana at Winter Garden the second night of 'At Home Abroad.' Steel work is already up on the new Rialto, with hopes for an open- ing Thanksgiving Day. Many complaints, by motorists and others over, the influx of ; pushcart peddlers in the Square. Warren O'Hara handling road show of 'Midsummer Night's Dreia.m' •film, Philadelphia unit. It's Col. John Clark now, 20th Ceiitury-t'ox'9 general sales head being honored by Kentucky, Hal Jprome. (Jerome and Gray) Is bedridden at the U. S. Veterans' Hospital, San Fernando, Cal. Joe Byron Totten has Joined the Pauline Cook agency, in charge of casting and drainatio department. Barney Gallant premiered his new East B4th street spot yesterday (Tuesday) just before the big fls- tlcullsi The Woife Kaufmans' 10th anni- versary party was a curious hy- bridization of VAribtt muggs and UteraU. Lillian Emerson of stage, who stepped ■ into. high society as Mrs. William Wright Harts, Jr., is try- ing to get into pictures; Tom Waller, took, week's vacation , to move, into the new Riverside Drive apartnient, giving up a com- muting habit of 26 years. Mrs. Louie (Lee). Sobol to the Lenox Hill hosp for another nose- stralghtening as result of that, bad auto/craokup.a yedir ago. pick Maney has been getting al- most as much publicity as Billy Rose and''Jumbo,' The press bunch p.a.'ing a p.a. is a. novelty. Bdom. nltery trade has the bonl- faces believing that corner's, been turned' long ago: plenty of wine parties,- always a keynote. -Another Longchainps on the for- mer Madison avehue site where Rieubens used to be, including tele-, phones at your elbow, terrace bar, etc. Daniel Longwell, assistant to Henry Luce, president of Time, Inc., has returned from London where he has been for two months on busi- ness connected. with launching •March of Time' reel. Last week Broadway went Phil Spltalny conscious as it got around he was.offering 2-1 on Louis, with plenty of Bear money hungry to cover the maestro. Demand Was so great, he cut It down to 6-5. Roy Chartler (Vatuett) met his bride, the former Carol Rosenbaum, half-way from Meridlen, Miss., in Washington, D. C, over the week- end, where the knot was tied Satur day (21); It's the second for both. Typical^ Broadway: a picture house p.a.' Was salved with all sorts of hooey o-vec the phone for a pair of daklles. When refused, the here- tofore solicitous acquaintance be rated the p.a. for being small and petty. Lee Marcus and L. Wolfe Gilbert ate two who didn't come east for the flght. Marcus" mother's birth- day brought him to N. Y. and the Gilberts, Sr., are celebrating their grolden anniversary, which-explains the songwriter's hop east. Mrs. Lou Wplfson ((jwen Stone, ex-Stone and, Vernon) with her , family in Cleveland awaiting the first Wolf son addition in Decem- ber. The William Morris agency's forolgn booking specialist commiites between Biroadway and Cleve, Ye Oldfii Chop House on Cedar street in the financial district is on the same spot and still retaining the same old' bar and other fixtures since founded in 1800. Harry Kra- mer family took it over in 1905 I'heatrical attorneys who started downtbwn still commute to Cedar street to renew old acquaintances On her recent Coast trip. Marcel Lamaze was building up Ethel Shutta; with a Lou Davis steak, which the Lamaze flics from N; Y. Since the Geprge Olsens (Miss • Shutta) are gpod friends of Davis, she decided to wrap up the steak and fly it right back to Davis in N. Yl (as she was returnlns on the morrow) and ialso because she ^couldn't enthuse about the way it "tasted. Richard Tauber and fiancee, •Blana Papier, here, Norman Kerry here, getting him self a Hungarian national costume. Zgolt Harsanyl, playwright and novelist, recovering after grave pper.j|^lg.n. National theatre's iiuge chandelier crasHed into "the auditbrluni durrng repairs. Fortunately didn't happen during a performance. No casual- ties. Ella Gombaszogi lost 14 pounds In Karlsbad this summer, but must promiptly set about putting on flesh again, ias producers say her comedy appeal threatens to be reduced in proportion. 'Ladles in Love,' adapted from his own novel by Bus Fekete, the open- ing novelty oi; the Vigszlnhaz thea- tre. Novel is to be published in English shortly, in Guy Bolton's translation. Ima Bulle's resemblance to Elisabeth Bergner deflnltely estab- lished by casting her in -famous Bergner parts. She, Is to do Shaw's 'Saint Joan' and 'Escape Me Never' at the Belvarps'i theatre this seaspn. Erno Kiraly, o>ie-tlme matine^ idol of Hungarian musical comedy, settling in U. S. for good. Is mar- rying JUlia Orosz, American-Hun- garian actress, and will dlt-ect Hun- giariah broapasts and theatricals in Chicago. Gitta, Alpar—Gusta-v Froellch divorce finally agreed upon, on the terms of Frbellch depositing $8O,OO.0i for.their daughter, which she Is to touch when she. marries or comes of age. Miss Alpar. renounced her ali- mony claims. Alex Hunyady developing into Hungary's most screen 2author. Universal Is to do his script 'Little Catherine," here with Francy Gaal.- Granovsky has bought his .'London- made Suit' anil he Is also doing the scenario of 'New Landowner,' from a Jokal hovel. Budapest p. JacobI Riviera By George Axejsson Marie Dubas at Jetee casino for week, Doug Fairbanks and Lady Ashley at Cannes. There is an acute shortage of drinking water in Cannes. Jean Aqulstapace dug in at Cros de Cagnes for his vacash. Jack Bushby now presiding over the Martinez Bar. in Cannes. Bill MacKinnon aind his Mrs. down from Pariis to see Chevalier In Cannes. Scenes now being taken on Riviera for 'Lune de Miel' ('Honeymoon') a Pierre Duels production. Only one Nice cinema out of the existing 17 operates on grind sched ule. Others all two-a-day, Josephine Baker to the Lido in Venice for a couple of days, but ex- pected back in Cannes shortly, Tlnp Rossi, Corslcan warbler, In Nice making a pic, 'Ademat ay Moyen Age,' at the Vlctprine studio. Jean and Ermete 2<accone, Italian comic. Just finished making a pic, 'Celpo di Ventb,' adapted from the play by Forzano. Legit will have three homes in Nice this winter instead of the usual two: Mediterranee, the Nou veau and Jetee casinos. Municipal Casino opened with girl shpw fcatuiing Vera Grey, Dot Shir ley and, 12 Frances MacKenzie girls. Bpok by Jean Valmy and Rpbert Valerie. The Juan les Pins radio station is jtill the only one on the Riviera, Government has erected the La Brague plant, which is to operate on an.18-hour continuous schedule, but nobody knows when It will open, and the Government won't tell. Honolulu By Mabel Thomas Ray Kinney singing at the Royal. Blroy Fulmer back from Call- "ornla. Mert and,Marge of radio here for a week. J. J. Franklyn back from the main land. Hank Johnson came down on Jack Ford's yaoht. Harry Owens suddenly depai't^d for the Coast. Mal'c ConnPlly renewing old ac- quaintances here. E. I. Parker back from a business trip to New Yoric. Bill Quiiin meeting all Incoming main land steamers, Honolulu Community Theatre driveverj-^ aucceqsfalv— • Johnny Nobel hooked Irving Berlin Music Co. . Mr. and Mrs; Ph.U Bery C^ella HyamS) back to the U, S. Edith Nash, sister of , Ann Hard- ing, at the Moana for a month. Wit6 and aaughtw of Buck Jones here for five days on a world tour. Lillian Wirth a one-day visitor en route to join her: sister in Shanghai. Del Courtney knd band complet- ing engagement at the Young Root KGMB radit) station now con- trolled -by ^Consolidated.Amusement Co, r. and Mrs. Harry Wurtzel here to confer with John Ford, Fox di- rector, Elmer R. Davis and Margaret Em- bree mart-ied Sept 8. He is a Con- solidated ofRcIaK' Hal Roach and party of polo play- ers back to Cal, Roach will return soon to get his polo pony farm go- ing, , Vienna Fritz Blschof goes to Wuerzburg as Bass and Reglsseur. Countess Agnes Esterhazy is thinking of returning to stage. Werner Kraus is to be the lead in two new fllms^ 'Napoleon' and. "The Tufted Lark.', Pliaho-palr Rawlcz-Landauer un- der contract with N£.C. for Uni- staties concert tour. London's BiB.C, orchestra elated to come to Vienna for a. concert un- der stick of Adriian Boult Dr, V. Premihger, ex-manager of the Theatre in der Josefstadt, in Vienna agath to stage l^i^&udal im Kohzerthaus," Rudolf Forster undecided whether to appear in the title role of Karl Zuckmayer'3 "This HandTKisser* or! go a-fllmlng. Unfinished interior re^decbriition Is the alibi offered for fact the Folks-Opera of Vienna will open season only. in_Qct Musical comedy,' 'Street Music,' can be heard in Raimund theatre for as little as.Sc. .if .'you are will- ing to hear it standing. Franz Voelker,' said to be dis- appointed with Nazi Berlin^ has re- turned to Vienna opera and will be' scheduled for. 18 evenings, this sea- son. 'Das Liebeslied' ('The Love Song'), A new play by Karl -Schoenherr hung around a Tyrolian theme, has been inserted .into repertoire of the Burgthheater. Wilhelm Jerger's compositions scheduled for performance in all Austrian titles, many German cities, aind in England and Czechoslovakia during the winter. During Nov., Toscanlni will direct the Philharmonic in.' two concerts. First to contain new . .work from Honegget* and a symphony , of Jan Sibelius; second will be all Brahms. Raoul Auerheimer's . 'Die Grosse Lendenschaft' (The Great Passion') iq to have its Vienna premiere in the Akademle tbeiatre. World prem was in Germany several years ago. Inge List, Vlenha's yoiingest. film diva, well publicized, by having rumor spread she turned down good ofCers'from Germany and remained in Austria to help native fllms. Under the terms of the bankr ruptcy compromise- reached by the bid management of the Theater on dier Wlen, the staff will receive, dur- ing the next five years, 50-60% of What's due them. 'Door by Door,' "Fresh Wind from Canada,' and 'Black Clouds' are to open The New Theater on' the Prater Strasse. First is a folk piece, second a musical coihedy, third a crime thriller. throat of Duspllna Glannini, which played her so many sheenanl- gans' during the Salzburg Festival that she Was not able to warble in the city of Mozart Is now okay and permits ■ her to appear in Vienna opera. Rome By George Byrne Consorzio Film is producing a new pic, 'The End of the World,' by Liicio D'Ambrji, ' Gennaro Rlghelli has begun shoot- ing 'L'Aria del Contlhenete,' taken from a story by Nino Martogollo. Angelo Musco .ahd Leda Gloria star, Josephine Baker arrived here to chin vfith local film producers re gafdlng possibility of doing a, pic ture before sailing for America for the 'Zlegfeld Follies.' A new film tentatively titled '1848 Idyll' is in the works for Tlberia Films at Cines. Stoty taken from Nando Vitali's comedy 'The Cat in the Cellar.' Mario Mattloli directing. Because of improvements being done on roads in Turin, the Ghersi and Vittdrio Cinemas have been shuttered and will be demolished Two others, the Splendor and Min- erva. Cinemas will also pot the ax eventually. 'March of Ti local blRce mov- ing- Rosa Ponseilia up from Saint Moritz. Ramon Noviarro on a short rest hop from Lohdon. .. .'Michel stroKpff• ill. troupe off to Bulgaria on location. Robert ToUrheur named stage di- recT6r"oTtKe"Theatre"d<S-Pai'ltf. — . Series of Russian pictures to be shown at the Cinema du'Pantheon. Abel Gailce to commence megglng 'Lucrecia Borgia' at end of Sep- tember. 'Supper at San Diego' chosen as the next detective play for the Capuclnes. Willie Lewis' band- playing In "Fanfare d'Aniour,' picture' megged by Richard Pettier, Meg Flower and Ketty: Mflxwell to reihain as stripperis in the coming Concert Mayol show. Marcellei Chantal to Rome to play lead ih 'Madona of Sleeping Cars,' fllm, in French version. Champs in various lineis to give, sports talks-every Sunday from the Paris PTT radio station. Housewreckera. . starting on the Bal Bulller to make way for a swimming pool and skating rink. Rachel and Zoiga, dancers, of the Casino de Paris, opening in yaude at the European, liabe house in the Cllchy quarter. Marcel Rpma's troupe giving a performance Of Moliere's 'AVare' and a play by Bdouard Contino, by candlelight, in the Rue Monge out- door theatre. Mexico Ciiy ., Grahame Beas' Model Circus did well here. Mexican -Symphony Ork giving pop concert In the bull ring.: • Ramon Peon and company to Acapulco, west coast port, to make a pic. Fu. Manchu, magician^ reading scr.ipt which a native film, producer wants to make, Ernest Ansermet completed his engagement here ad guest director of Mexican Symphony Ork. Boris MaicOn, Russian director who has spent soine time in Mexico, to N. Y. to study the film situation. Film folk feted Xavler Villaur- rutla, Mexican author and . scenarist who won a Rockefeller Foundation scholarship at Yale. . Native company has started mak- ing .a shocker,. 'Los Muertos que Hablan* (.'The Dead V7h'o Speak') at George Stahl's studios. Studious thesplans listened in on radio talk by" Alfredo Gomez de la Vega, ranking ,Mexican (Jramatic actor, who is In Moscow getting the Soviet drama slant. Jose Bohr,. Argentine actor, pro- ducer of Mexico's first home-made gangster pip, 'Puponiril, El Terror de Chicago' CLuponlnl, the Terror pf Chicago')! He's playing the lead himself. Prpducclones Argos, S. A., co-op unit of Mexican'film folk and news- paper men, has completed its sec- ond folklore-scenic, 'Patzcuaro, el Lago de Ensueno' ('Patzcuaro, Lake of Dreams'). Virginia Fabregas, Mexico's ace actress, who has played in Holly- wood; Maria Teresa Montoya, dra- matic actress, and Ferna.ndo Soler, star actor, heading cast of 'Besos Perdldos'.('Lost Kisses'), drama, at Palace of. Fine Arts (National the- atre). The Hague By M. W, Etty-Leal Boswell sisters at Laren making records. Radio Tenor Josef Schmidt tour^ ihg Holla;nd. Last fireworks at Sphevenlngen niarked'end of bathing season. Dutch Soprano Re Coster engaged at Prague for musical festival there. Dutch film 'Dead Water' in Lon- don now at Academy Cinema, Ox- ford street. Understood that Haro von Peskl signed for Hollywood. One of H6I- land!s best directprs. ^, Hpllandsche Sehouwburg reviving '^Ir. Wu' by Harold Owen, with Louis de Vries in title role. Pierre Mols. Legit Co. bought rights for Holland of German play by Dr. Oskur Singer, 'Herren der Wfelt' ('Men of the World.') . Two Dutch artists got a decora- tion when honor list was published on Queen Wllhelmina's birthday: Else Mauhs; actress, and Jo Vin- cent, sopranoi. Italian Socleta Nazlonale per la Clnematograflca negotiating with Dutch Producer A. Benho for Ital- iari version of his film, 'Hopes for Blessing,' which already flnhlintl in Swedish and German. London sir George TalHs around. Fred Sanborn and .stooges oft to Parld.- - ■ ■■ V- ' Madge Kendal, 86,-year-old act- ress, seriously ill. .ulolin. MftTf^w.eU's.-S.%Hght!e.c,.ma.rrlf;A, in Glasgow, Sept 10. Fred Bernhard too busy to tak* his annual, vacation. Hildegarde'returhihg to tli'e Rl hotel cabaret Siept 30. Horace Judge oft to South France for fortnight's vacation^ Mae Wynn Forcine returnlnR to America after two years in Europe. Charles Tucker's A,merlcan rep- resentaltlves now the Simon Agency. Jimmy Brj-son off to Paris for another confab with, Josephine _Bak6L_.-.i_;.__.__.^. .„ Russell and Miarconi broadcast- ing for the first time hero week ot Nov. 18. Oscar radley's brother, permit trouble; ■Donovan Pedeltty doing a Para- mount quickie at the Joe Rock studios. Ben Goetz here; going to con- tinent for a, week and returning to London. Thomson Brothers again talking about staging a new show in the 'VV'est-End. Bob Batteneuth, husband and pianist of Alleien Stanley, here on a flying trip. R. Olttoes-Dayles, advertising and press agent for Paramount here, has resigned. ' Victor Marlow (Kay, Kay ttnd Kay) framing his own act, with a femme pirther, Phil Reisman off to Amsterdam, Brussels and Faris, and then returns to>New. York. Eddie Deusberg, Scala, Berlin, booker, oft to America to line up some new acts. Ralph Reader will Drury Lane pantbml His flrst attempt. George Black has the picture bUg. Intends to concentrate, on produc- ing two big fllms yearly. Michael Egan waiting for Arthur Sinclair to return from America;.he has a new play for him, Monty Banks to direct GrraclQ Fields In her next picture, to be titled 'This Day of Grace.'. ■ Gene Sheldon and Loretta Fischer into the Palladium show Sept 19 for eight weeks with option. Leon M. Lion now appearing in resuscitated 'Lady Precious Stream' at the Little theatre wearing: whiskers. .Following a week in Glasgow and ahpther in. Manchester, 'Two Share a Dwelling' ppeiis at St. James' the- atre early in Oct. Objectors of General Theatres Corp; reconstruction scheme will get a hearing Oct. 8, ^when appeal is to be heard in Court. KInematograph Renters Society's private barring list Just Issued; blacklists . some of biggest picture theatre owners. Mark and David Ostrer contem- plating a trip to New York as soon as the annual Gaumont-British meeting is over. Douglas Fairbanks, Jr., to do an- other for his new film company at Beaconsfleld studios, with thorntoh Freeland directing. shares have jumped 60c. in last few days on an- ticipation of same dividend as last year and bigger profits. Conchita. Supervia cancelling ap- pearance in forthcorning Covent Garden Opera Festival and resting throat for a few months on doctors orders. 'Public Nuisance No. 1' is flrst Herman Fellner film, to star Arthur Rlsco and maybe Frances Day. Shooting starts at British ,& Do- minion studios early Oct. Brookins and Van arrived in Ply- mouth, Sept. 9 and chartered plane endeavoring to open in Glasgow the sanie evening, but encountered bad weather and could not complete trip. Maurice Schwartz has bought American rights of 'Israel in the Kitchen,' by Noah Alstein, Man- chester JournaUst. Show was dpne in the West-End seme four years ago, Schwartz '%ylll do Yiddish ver- sion. William Mollison actively engaged In rehearsals of 'Seeing Stars,' Les- lie Henson show starring Henson, supported by Louise Browne. Flor- ence Desmond, Roy Royston and Fred Emney. Show opens out of town and comes to the Gaiety end of October. S. Africa By H. Hanson Carter, the Magician, at the Opera House, Capetown, business not too good. 'Les Miserables' ( traction at Metro ( nesburg. Sarah Sylvia, Jewish actress, and her company, staging 'Night Birds' and 'Aching Hearts' at His Majesty's, Johannesburg. Andre Huguenot Afrikaaus (Dutch) actor, and co., producing 'Die Heilige Ulaul' ('The Sacred Flame') and 'Ek Het 'N Mau Vor- moor,' ('The Man I Killed"! In Johannesburg.