Variety (September 1908)

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VARIETY A Variety Paper lor Variety People. PsManed every Saturday bf THB VARIETY PUBU8HINO CO. ■ Knickerbocker ThMtrt Bmldlag. New York City. r TK: •JL-M^««l •tetter Deoemoer 22, ef fee Pott OJloe ef yew 7ore # N. Y., th* mot o/ Congrmo e/ Iforc* 8, 1879. CHICAGO OFIXOSt 101 OUoagO Omi Mama* Hook* (none, Midi MM). XOSBOW omen, ill atonal (liM •). J. WMMEMAM, la ekaife. ■ay rmivonoo omox, lllf Tarn frees Ave. (1ms 111). W. ALIUS WMO*, BepioeaaUUw, SXWTZK OlfKB, 17M Oaxtia Street, CHAO. F. LOVDOVXB, Benraecatative. FITIUUXv 01TIGZ, L. BOM, Bofreeeaftatlve. CtDIOiniATI OITXOK, AT. LOUIS OFFICE, lovhtillb omox. W. L. Y AMJUMMUW **, Befteaantatlve. fajub office, HBU.1M lain* Didier, zdwaed o. anuw, Eeieoeoatative. BEELXY OmOX, ' Untor den Linden €1, XIXtXL'l LXBXAXT. SO i-enta an scat* 11m. fS.OO an Inch. Ona paea, OUD; ^one-kelf page, $00; one-quarter page, moo. Caargee for portralta farnlahad on application. •pacta! rata by tne month for profaaatooal card nndar haadlnff "Bepreaantatlve Artleta." Ad*eJtflstnp> copy abonlO ba raealTOd by Thure- day at naan to laaare puMteatkm la eunaut Inane. :iv*v-w- rrr ':-v M o SUBSCRIPTION BATES. Foreign Six and thraa months In p ropor ti on. Single coplaa tan centa. VARIETY will ba mailed to a parmaoent ad dram or aa par root*, aa dcatred. Advertleemente forwarded by mall moat be ac- companied by remittance, made payable to Variety PuMlahlng go. Copyright, 1000. by Variety Publishing Co. Vol. XII. SEPT. 12. No, I. Reed Albee is on duty at the United Offices. Grace Hazard has signed for the Morris Circuit. Qe eg ge Whiting became the father of a boy Tuesday. The Orpheum Circuit has ordered the abolishment of all advertising "drops" in its houses. "The Australian Tree-fellers" and Bianca FYoelich, the "Salome" dancer, hold over at the Lincoln Square next week. The Cohan and Harris Music Publishing Co. will publish the music for Klaw & Erlanger's "Little Nemo." Fred Lindsay, the Australian wbJpcrack, appears at Williams' Colonial Sept. 28. "Young" of Young and DeVole is now one Hensel, recently with the Rogers Bros. Esra Kendall plays Keith's, Boston, next week, placed through Levy & Lykens. iMMV James SRvinTias wriTOST TuSVEWEi Bet," which James Kelso will play in vau- deville. Carroll and Cooke iure playing the Em- pire, Peterson, this week as an emergency number. James Moran, claimed to be a "second Harry Lauder," will be at the Colonial next week. Frank Mayne has been out of the cast of "The Mimic World" for ten days, due to an attack of grippe. On Sept. 21 at the Lincoln Square, McMahon and Chappelle will commence their Morris Circuit time. Mr. and Mrs. Nello play for the first time in three years around here at Blaney*s, Yonkers, next week. Fisher and Fisher, comedy cyclists, have been booked for the William Mor- ris, Inc., time by Myers & Levitt. Hoboken's Gayety (Eastern Burlesque Wheel) is in readiness to open Monday, Sept. 14, with "The Behman Show." "My Lady Vaudeville," George Fuller Golden's novel of the White Rats and vaudeville, is about to be published. Lucy Weston will leave the "Follies of 1908" on Sept. 19. Miss Weston will either return to England or vaudeville. John Jacques is manager of the Olym- pic, Brooklyn (Eastern Burlesque Wheel), having succeeded the veteran Nick Norton.. The Mount Vernon Theatre will open Sept. 26 under the management of Walter Rosenberg with vaudeville and moving pic- tures. Martin Beck and his family will meet Morris Meyerfeld, Jr., at St. Louis, next week. Lir. Beck will be away for two weeks. The Bijou, Atlanta, a Jake Wells the- atre, is open with Eastern Wheel bur- lesque as the attraction. Good business is reported. Winkler and Kress are at the Garrick Theatre, Morristown, Pa., this week, the first they have worked since Kress was injured during a performance of the com- edy acrobatic act at Olympic Park, New- ark, X. J., Aug. 17. Ar fbe benefit held at the Lyric Theatre last Sunday night for the Golden Gate I*rof*>*sional Club, this advertisement ap- peared in the program: "The Orpheum Circuit. The Circuit that ectfl tb.e artistic stardard for vaudeville." Frank Abbott, formerly manager of the Bijou, Brooklyn, and last season in charge of "The Parisian Widows" manages the "Bon Tons." Cherid)ah Simpson plays Dayton, O., next week, booked by Alf T. Wilton. Miss Simpson may remain in vaudeville through- out the season. »<»/< "That" Quartet commences upon a two months' western trip at St Louis Nov. 9. They play east until then, placed through Lykens & Levy. Leon Allen (Leon and Bertie Allen) is very ill at St. Mary's Hospital, Oshkosh, Wis. It will be some time before the act can'resume. Rose Berry, who played about New York in the Keith-Proctor houses has been engaged as soubrette for Bother's "Bunch of Keys." James J. Morton, at Hammerstein's this week, opens on the Morris Circuit Sept. 21. The Ha miners tein engagement was en- tered last Spring. The Cohan and Harris Minstrels defeat- ed the Yorke and Adams baseball club at National League Park, Cincinnati, last Friday, by 30 to 9. The Momandos, a foreign musical act, booked by B. Obermayer, make their first American appearance at the Empire, Pet- erson, N. J., Sept. 14. "The Rialto Rounders," under the man- agement of Louis Harris, will start its Eastern Burlesque Wheel season at the Harlem Music Hall Oct. 5. Ward Brothers have revived their former act "A Night on the Plantation," and it reopens at the Hudson, Union Hill, Sept. 21, booked by Ed. S. Keller. Joe Emerson, of the "Sam T. Jack" Company (Western Burlesque Wheel) will shortly leave that organization. He will be replaced by Crit Jesse. Woods and Green replace Bernard and Hanson in "The Bon Tons" Monday at Philadelphia. Olga OrlofT, the "principal boy," will also leave that show. Hugh Mack, playing a small part in "The American Idea," which opened at Buffalo on Monday evening, is reported as having made one of the show's hits. Maude Odell, called by the Morris of- fice "England's Ten Thousand Dollar Beauty,"' will come over to play the Morris Circuit. Miss Odell will pose. The Lyric, Newark, Willam H. Curri- er's new vaudeville theatre in that city, will open October 5 as a point on the Mor- ris Circuit. The capacity will be 1,500. A coble received this week from Paris informed Wesley «fc Pineus that The Kratons in hoop rolling, a colored Ameri- can act, hod scored a tremendous success on Monday when they opened at the Folies Marigny in the Parisian capital. Winona Winter opened a vaudeville tour this week at the Temple, Detroit. The Cam i He Trio holds both American and European contracts. The act is wanted on both sides. It will probably remain over here, where it is at present. "The Patriots," by Julian Edwards and Stanlius Stange, with the Le Brun Grand Opera Trio featured, opens at Keith's, Providence, Sept. 14 for its United sea- son. »'*»H|'. «*..*. »•■** "Runner" Hayes will appear at the Fifth Avenue next week. It will be an athlefic carnival; Frank A. Gotch, the wrestling champion, also playing the same bill. The Orpheum at Memphis, the last of the Orpheums to commence its season, opens next Monday, Sept. 14. The Or- pheum, Kansas City, reopened on Labor Day. Gus Sun has opened an office in Cin- cinnati; Jao. L. Ring is in charge of it. Mr. Ring was formerly booking manager of the Associated Booking Agency, Pitts- burg. Clarence ("Jed") Prouty, who has been managing a Keith vaudeville and picture property in Southbridge, was in New York this week, the house having temporarily closed. Daisy Wood opens at the Lincoln Square Sept. 21. The Morris Circuit is billing the English girl as "Daisy (Lloyd) Wood. The last, but not the least, of the Lloyds." Curtis and Vanity have been signed by the Shuberts to go with the new show which will exploit Eddie Foy. Miss Van- ity will do her acrobatic dance aa a spe- cialty in the piece. The Henri Trombetta, at present in prison in Paris upon the charge of murder, is the male member of the Trombettas, the singing and dancing act which appeared over here last season. The Lloyd - Plimmer - Blake Company, which is exploiting several American mu- sical shows in England, will shortly open a London office in that city and will engage in international booking. Joe Pine is now manager of the Bijou (Western Burlesque Wheel) in Peterson. Maurice Jacobs was manager last year. This season he is on the road with one of his firm's burlesque organizations. The father of Dick Lynch died in De- troit Tuesday of this week. Lynch plays in "Huckin's Run" (Walsh, Lynch and Company), a feature of Fred Irwin's "Ma- jesties" (Eastern Burlesque Wheel). Vera Michelena has been assigned to a part in "The Soul Kiss," by F. Ziegfeld, Jr. She was engaged by Mr. Ziegfeld through the Marinelli office during the manager's visit to Europe last summer. Jos. Callahan has engaged to play "The Devil" in the production of that title to Ih* sent out by Jas. 1>. JJarton, Mr. Callahan having secured a release from W. K. Gorman, with whom he had signed to be "Mephisfo" in "Faust."