Variety (September 1908)

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VARIETY 19 Cook and Verdon. Dancers. 15 Mins.; One. People's, Ottawa, Can. Harry Cook haa joined with Joe. Ver- don, opening with a song, followed by waltz clog by both, doling with tome of the fastest double work yet seen here. Both are neatly outfitted in tennis attire and promise to be one of the coming teams. Otto O. O'Regan. The Chagnons. Mimicry and Comedy. 15 Mine.; Full Stage. People's, Ottawa, Can. The Chagnons have some fast talk and a duet, nicely rendered, with several min- utes of clean comedy. Mr. Chagnon imi- tates the phonograph, also musical instru- ments. The act ia a very good one. Otto Gf. O'Regan. "Gibson Girls" (ia). ao Mins.; Full Stage (Exterior). Shea's, Buffalo, N. Y. Taken from "The Belle of Mayfair" tho act is very pretty in setting, an exterior. Several tableaux are given in which the statuesque girls step out of the famous black-and-white Gibson pictures to good efTect. Especially "The Lovers," in which little Bettie Bell was pleasing as Cupid. "My Little Girl Is a Shy Little Girl" and "Why Do They Call Me a Gibson Girl?" were the singing numbers. Violet Holmes and Daisy Smyth introduced some excel- lent fancy dancing, and the posing by "The Gibson Girls," especially Margaret Rutledge, assisted by Harry Husk, were well carried out and entitled to first place in the playlet, a big hit on an ex- cellent program. Dickson. Mabel Russell and Johnny Stanley. 18 Mins.; One. Young's Pier, Atlantic City. Mabel Russell, last seen here in a single singing act, and Johnny Stanley, late of Gus Edward's "Blonde Typewriters," offer a mixed act of singing and talking. On Monday it was rough and needed toning down. Stanley, who can dance, is lacking in this respect, although he has a good chance to score. They offer a very funny hotel scene. The burlesque "Merry Widow" dance is an excellent finish. Both are capable and should do better in an act written especially for them. This looks as though they had put it together themselves. Sig. Bert Kahlmar and Jessie Brown, the two latest leading figures of the recent "The Follies of Vaudeville," have prepared an act by themselves. They will appear Sept. 21 at Camden, booked by Ed. S. Keller. Fred Ward, formerly of Fields and Ward, left this week for Denver where he will permanently reside. Al Fields is re- ported to have a sketch in hand in which he will appear with a company of four people. James J. Butler, president, and John H. Whallen, treasurer of the Empire Cir- cuit Company, are in New York this week. General business brings them, according to the statement from the Empire Head- quarters. (Continued from page 18.) Beard. Billy, Geo. Primrose's Minstrels. Seattle. Bob, 604 1. 148. N. T. Beettiee, Juggling. 187 Park, Peterson. Beeursls, Arthur 6 Co., Majestic, Birmingham. Bedell Broa., 811 B. 14, N. Y. Bedlnl. Donst, 4 Doge, 220 W. 88, N. T. Beecher a Maye, Lyric, Brldgeton, N. J. Indef. Beimel, L.. Mimical, 840 B. 87, N. T. Belford, Al Q., Prank A. Bobblna, O. B. Belford Broa., Singling Broa., 0. B, Belleclalr Broa., LlTerpool, Bug. Bell * Richard*. 211 B. 14. N. T. BeU, Cryetal, 806 Wayne, Hamilton, 0. BeU, Prank, 1588 Broadway, N. T. BeU, Chaa, ( Bugling, Broa., 0. B. BeU, Haiel, Perna, New Caetlo, Ind. Belle, The, Barnom a Bailey, 0. B. Bennett, Laura, 14 Linden, Jersey City, N. J. Bennett, Musical, 288 Dean, Brooklyn. Beneona, Musical, Gen. Del., Chicago. Benton, Lew, 229 W. 88, N. T. Bentley, Musical, 111 CUpper, San Frendaeo. Benton, Maggie, 714 Tibbets, Sprtngnold, O. Berkee. The. 408 W. 80, N. T. Bergln, B. Howard, Adalbert Hotel Kansas City. Bernler a Stella, 22 Haywood, Providence. Berry a Berry, Mohawk, Schenectady. Beverly. Prank a Louise, 288 Merrick, Detroit Beun, Teddy, Osborne Hotel, Atlantic City. Blehle Musical, Lodge, Clowdcroft, New Mas. Big City Quartette, Orpheum, Los Angelas. Big Pour, 60 Boulevard Bd., Weehawken, N. J. BlUlngs a Blsnny, 186 Bndlcott, Worcester, Mass. Bingham, 886 Beacon, B om ervfl lo, Maaa. Bingham, Kittle, 886 Beacon, SomerrlUe, Maaa. Blnney a Chapman, Lyric, Lebanon, Tenn., Indef. Birch, John, 188 W. 46, N. P. Blsck a Leslie, Hippo., Huntington, W. Va. Blecf. PatU~Trouuadoure, Hffiton, W. V*v Blamphln a Hehr, Golden Crooks, B. R. Blondell, J. George, 60 B. Houston, N. T. Blue Cadets, 61 Hanover, Boston. Bijou Comedy Trio, Watson's, B. B, Blanchard, Blanor, National, San Prandseo. Blitser, Joseph, 208 Blver, oboken, N. J. Blush, T. B., 8241 Haywood, Denver. Blair, Boae, 70 W. 60. N. Y. Boorum, Mattle, 164 Clifton PI., Brooklyn. Booth a Gordon, 1808 Broadway, N. Y. Bootblack Quartette, G. O. H., Indianapolis. Booker, Hen—, 63 Porsytl N. Y. Bolsea, Plve, 44 Curtis, Grand Rapids. BoreUa, Arthur, Barnum a Bailey, 0. B. Bottomley Troupe, N. A. 0., 18 Cedar, Brooklyn. Bouldon a Qulnn, Tom's Blver, N. J. Bowen a Plorense, Wonderland Pk., Bevere, Maaa., Indef. Bowery Comedy Quartette, Clark's Runaway Girls, B. R. Bowers a Smith, OUver, Everett, Mass. Boranl a Nevero, 180 B. 10, N. Y. Bowen a Vetter, 818 N. Wash., Baltimore. Borsinl Troupe, Hagenbeck-WaUace, 0. B, Bordon a Zeno, 000 N. Wood, Chicago. Bowers, Walters a Crooker, Orpheum, Kansas City. Bowmsn Bros., 826 W. 48, N. T. Boyce, Jack, Trent, Trenton, N. J. Boyd a Veola, 110 B. 14, N. Y. Boyds, Two, Orpheum, Atchison, Kas. Bradford!, The, 280 W. 41, N. Y. Bradna a Derrick, Barnum a Bailey, 0. B. Bradley a Davis, Barnum a Bailey, 0. B. Bradys, The, 266 W. 48, N. Y. Brlgbam, Anna B., 28 Exchange, Bingham ton. Brian, L. B„ 28, Haymarket, London, Eng. Brentford, Tom, Park Hotel, Port Chester, N. Y. Brays, The, Campbell Broa., C. B. Breen, Harry, Empire, Peterson, N. J. Brindamour, 1402 Broadway, N. Y. Brlsson, Alice, Barnum a Bailey, 0. R. Britton, Sadie, Coliseum, Burlington, Is., Indef. Broud, Billy, 1563 Broadway, N. Y. Brooks a Clark, 2464 Paton, Philadelphia. Brooks a Jeanette, 1602 Madison, N. Y. Brooks A Vedder, Grand, Victoria, B. C. Brotherhood, Barlowe a Co., Grand, Sacramento. Brownie*. The, R. F. D., No. 8, Topers, kas. Brown Br oh. A Kealey, Majestic, Milwaukee. Brown, E. Jay, Orpheum, Marietta, O. Brown, George, Barnum A Bailey, C. B. Brown & Nevarro, 4 W. 135, N. Y. Brown A Wllmot, 71 Glen, Maiden, N. Y. Brown & Wright, 344 W. 45, N. Y. Browning. Flora, 1553 Broadway, N. Y. Browning. Mr. A Mrs., Hotel Everett, N. Y. Browning A I* Van, 806 Canldwell. N. Y. Bruces. The. 1525 State, Chicago. Brunettes, Cycling, Morgan, Sharon. Fa. Bryant A Savllle, Norumbezca Pk., Boston. Bnrke A Finn. 44 7th Ave.. N. Y. Burton A Brooks, Fair Haven, N. J. Bnch Bros.. 06 Milton. Brooklyn. Buckleys, Musical, 1840 Brook, N. Y. Buckeye Trio, 646 E. Center, Marlon, O. Burdette. Madeline. 212 W. 44, N. Y. Bupke, John A Mae, 10, Orpheum, Butte. Bnrke, John P., Flood's Park, Baltimore. Buckley's Dogs. Rlngllng Bros.. O. B. Buckeye State Four, 2364 B. 57. Cleveland. Burcos a Clsrs, Barnum A Bailey, 0. B. Burgess. Harrey J., 687 Trenton, Pittsburg. Burke. Wm. H., 84 Bsrstow, Providence. Burke-Touhey A Co., Esst Haddam, Conn. Burke a Urilne, 110 B. 14, N. Y. Burns, Morris a Co., 64 Hermen, Jersey City. Burns a Emerson, 1 Piece Boledleu, Perls. Burns A Bobbins, Bijou, Newark, indef. Bornell. Lillian, 511 W. North, Chicago. Burt, Glenn, Champagne Girls, B. R. Burt A Stanford, Hathaway's, New Bedford. Burton A Burton. Al Reeves, B. R. Burton, Hughes A Burton. Annex, Auburn, N. Y. Burton, Mstt. 1185 Valencia, San Prandseo. Burton A Shea, 111 7th Ave., N. Y. Burrows, Travers Co., Verplancks, N. Y. Bush A Elliott, Bijou, New Brunswick^ N. J. Bussler, Walter H., Orphla, Madison, wis., Indef. Bulger, Jenae Lee, Northslde, Pittsburg. Burtlnos, The, Rlngllng Bros., O. R. Bunch, Johnny, Gen. Del.. Atlantic City, Indef. Bntler A Lamar, 2310 S. Bouvier, Philadelphia. Buxton, Chan., Crystal, Menasha. Wis., indef. Byers A Hermsnn, Orpheum, Sioux City. Byrd A Vance, 1622 Wright wood Ave., Chicago. Byron A Blanch, 166 3d, Jersey City. Byron A Langdon, Columbia, St. Louis. ByTona* Musical Five, 5138 Indiana, Chicago. Caesar a Co.. Pranta. St. Charlea Hotel, Chicago- Campbell a CuUy. 1688 Bourbon, New Orleans. Caldere, A. K. ( 126 Washington. Hobokea. Gala Bisters, Empire, Youngstown, O n indef. Galef a Weldron, 261 W. 82, N Y. Calvin, James, 446 W. 64, Chicago. Ca llahan. Joseph, 1688 Broadway. N. Y. City. Callahan a St. George, HaUoway, London, Eng. Cameron a Flanagan, 706 4th, Pt. Madison, la, Cannon. Jack a Glide, Hotel Bexford, Boston. Corbley a Burke, 1844 Atlantic, Brooklyn. Carey a Stampe, 1668 Broadway. N. Y. Carbrey Broa., Bennett's, London, Eng. Carlllo, Leo, Orpheum, Omaha. Carlisle a Baker, 127 W. 68, N. Y. Carlisle's Lariet Experts, Lyceum, Washington. Carrie, Mile., Orpheum, Omaha. Carlos, Chaa., 104 W. 40. N. Y. Carol Sisters, 816 W. 140. N. Y. Carmen, Frank, 21, Family, Butte. Carmen Sisters, Empire, Ban Francisco, Indef. Oarmontllla, Colnmbua Plat 6, JaekaonviUe. Carroll a Cooke, Hotel York, N. Y. Carroll a Judge Trio, Singling Broa., 0. B. CarroU, Nettle, Barnum a Bailey, O. R. Carson a Wlllard, Keith's, Providence. Oaraon a Deveresnx, 806 Sycamore, Bvansvffle. Canon Broa., 628 68, Brooklyn. Caron a Furnum, 286 B. 24, N. Y. Carter, Chaa. J.. "Milton," Queens. Sydney, Aw. Carter, Taylor a Co., 711 B. 176, N. Y. Carter a Wsters, 168 Greenfield, Buffalo. Cartera, The, 021 Ninth. LaaaJle, IB. Oartmen a Harris. 180 Norma, Brooklyn. Carver a Murray, 228 W. 88, N. Y. Caaettaa, The, 4018 So. Artesian, Chicago. Casey a Cfaney. 15 H So. 6. EUsabeth. Casey a Le Clair, Forepaughe, Phlla. Cased a De Verne, Unique, Dee Moines, Cussidy, Jsmett J.r i'^6 N. 15, Phlla, Caasln a Beevee, Cryetal, Sioux City, Ia. Castellans a Bro., 808 8rd, Brooklyn. Caswell, M. a Arnold, Touring, 80. Africa, Caatano, Edward, 104 W. 61, N. Y. Oeleet, 74 Grove road. Olapham Park, L ondon. Chsdwlck Trio, 220 W. 88, N. Y. Chameroys, The, 1861 48,, Boro. Park, If. Y. OhantreU A Schuyler, 210 Prospect, Brooklyn. Chspln, Benjamin, Lotos Club, N. Y. Chsse a Carma. 084 W. 68. Chicago. Cherie, Doris, FoUles of the Dsy B. B. Cbsster a Jones, 211 B. 14, N. Y. ChevsUer, Louis a Co., Grsnd, Tacoma. Chlnqullla, Princess, Shorevlew Pk., Jamelca, L. I. Christopher, Chris, Msjestlc, Wausaw, Wis. Christy, Wsyne G., 776 8th Ave., N. Y. Church City Four, Strolling Players, B. B. Clare, Sydney, 64 B. 110, N. Y. Clalrmont, 2061 Ryder Ave.. N. Y. Clark A Duncan, Star, Chicago. Clark, Edward, 1563 Broadway, N. Y. Clark, Geo. G., 2464 Patton, Phlla. Clark, John P., 180 Ferolna. Rutherford, N. J. Clarke, Herry Corson, 180 W. 44, N. Y. Clsrk A Sebastian, Barnum a BaUey, O. B. Clark a Turner, 146 W. 64, N. Y. Clarke, Wilfred, Columbia, Cincinnati. Clarke, Three, Rlngllng Bros., 0. B. Claudius a Scarlet, Majestic, Chicago. Claua a Radcllffe, 10 Old Broadway, N. Y. Clayton a Drew, Majeetic, Madison, Wis. Clermento, Frank a Etts, 120 W. 27, New York. Clements, Dudley, Brighton Beech, Musle Hatt. Clifford a Burke, 20. Orpheum, Sioux City, Ia. CUfford, Billy 8., Cliffords, Urbane. O. Clifford, George A., Comedy, Brooklyn, indef. Clifford A Nolan, Cohen's Hotel, Lee Ave., B'klym. Clifford A Rsldln, 1075 Bergen, Brooklyn. Clifford, Lew, 123 Ave. C, N. Y. Clinton, Chris., 48 W. 28, New York. Clipper Sisters, 46 Blewett, Seattle. Clivette, 274 Indiana, Chicago. Clito a 8ylveeter, 004 Walnut, PbUa. Clyo a Rochells. 87 Park, Attelboro, Mass. Clover Comedy Club, 383 8yndenhem. Phils. Cogswell. Cycling. 246 W. 21, N. Y. Cox, Lonso, 5511 Lake, Chicago. Coate, Charlotte A Margrete, 1553 B'way, N. Y. Cohy A Gsrron, 080 Putnam, Brooklyn. Cohen, Isadore, 754 Westchester, Bronx, N. Y. Cohen, Tlllle. Pslsce, Boston, Indef. Cole, Bert, Hagenbeck-WaUace, C. R. Cole. Will, 40 4th Ave., Brooklyn. N. Y. Coleens, Singing. 102 W. 38, N. Y. Collins, Eddie, Osbkosb. Wis., Indef. Collins, Nlns. 205 W. 102, N. Y. Colllnn A Brown, Msjestlc, Milwaukee. Comrades, Four, 834 Trinity, N. Y. C. Conklln, Billy 7V., 441 W. 10, Erie, Pa. Conley, Anna A Effle, Poll's, Bridgeport. Courtney A Jeanette, 058 14th PL, JacksonvUle. Contlno A Lawrence, 240 So. May, Chicago. Conners, George, Bsrnum A Bailey, C. R. Connelly, Mr. A Mrs. E., Orpheum, Spoksne. Conlon A Carter, 1563 Broadway, N. Y. Connelly A Connelly, 128 Graves, Chlllicothe, Me. Connelly, Edward, Lake Sunapee, N. H., Indef. Conway A Leland, Alhambra, Perls, France. Cook, Frank, Austin A Stone's, Boston, Indef. Cooke A Rothert, 8154 Prslrle, Chlcsgo. Cooke A Myers. 1310 Park St., Vancouver, B. C. Cooper, Harry L.. Williams' Imperials, B. B, Cooper. Jss. A Lucls, 2111 Amsterdsm, N. Y. Corellls, Three, Hsgenbeck-Wellace, 0. B, Corns lias, Eight, Rlngllng Bros., C. B, Coroners, Grimes, Newfleld, N. J. Cossar, Mr. a Mrs., 806 W. 121, N. Y. Cotton, Lola, Cuba, N. Y. Coubsy, William P., 464 W. 84, N. Y. Courtney a Dunn. Atlantic City, N. J., Indsf. Courtney A Jesnette, Alrdome, Tampa. Coutboul, Jessie, 6632 Harvard, Chicago. Courtleigh. W. M., Lamb's Club, N. Y. Cowper, Jlmmle, 86 Carroll, Blnghsmton. Crsve. Nick. 083 Columbus, N. Y. Crawford, Arthur. Grand, Fargo, N. D. Crswford A Manning. 258 W. 43, N. Y. Cremes. De Witt. Lyric, Alton, 111. Creo A Co.. 1404 Borle, Phlla. Crensy A Dayne. Orpheum, Seattle. Criterion Male Quartette, 156 6th Ave., N. Y. Cronln, Morris, 21 Alfred Place, London, Bngland. Cross. Billy, 2830 Ssrsh, Pittsburg. Cross. Will II. A Co., 368 Dearborn, Chlcsgo. Crucible, Mynterlous, 241 neywsrd, Brooklyn. Cunningham, Bob snd Dslsy, 112 B. Wesh., Chass- palgn. III. Cunnlngbem A Merlon, 183 E. 04, N. Y. Cummlngn A Merley, Unique, Los Angeles, Indef. Cunningham A 8mltb, 183 B. 04, N. Y. Cnrtln a Blossom, 81 NeweU, Greenpolnt, Curtla, AUen, 2256 Marlon, Denver. Curtis, Sam J., A Co.. Poll's, New Heven. Curaon Blstere. Cnlleeum. London. Bag., BaSeC Cnshmsn A Fields, 2562 B. 68, Osveland. Cuttys, Musical, Maryland, Baltimore. I D'Alvlnl, Rocky Point, B. I., Indef. Dahl, Katherlne, 800 Colnmbua, N. Y. Dahl, Dorothy, 808 Colnmbua, N. Y. Daly a O'Brien, 418 Strand, London, Eng. DaUlvette a Co., Theatre, Niagara FaUe, Dele, Wm.. Cryetal. Blkhart, fad., Indef. Daly a Devere. 116 B. 16, N. Y. Dale, Dotty, Dainty, 262 W. 86, N. Y. Deltey Bros., 1878 No. Main, Pall Blver, . Daniels, Jossph W., 16 Tower, Forest H1B, Dare, Harry, 826 B. 14, N. Y. Dexttng. Phil, SeUs-Floto, C. B, Durmody, Woburn. Maaa, Darwin, Rlngllng Broa., 0. B. Darling a Daye, 2621 B. 61, Cleveland. Darragb, Mabel, Cryetal, Colorado Springe, CoL Dalton, Pen, 176 Irving. Brooklyn, N. Y. Davenport, John, Yankee Boblnaon, C B, Davenport, Stick a Norma, John BoMneoa'e, 01 B. Devenport, Flossie, 1818 So. Hancock, PaO*. Davenport, Victoria a Orrin, Bereum a BaUey. Davey, Dancing, Circle Diamond Bench, Taatflfcss, CoL Davis a La Bay, Pittsburg, Pa., indef. Davla, Edwarde, 1668 Broadway, N. Y. Davis, Floyd, Temple, Boulder, Col„ ladef. Davla, Hal a Co., Qrayllng, Mich. Davla, H., Air-Dome, Murphyeboro, 111., Isiaf. Davla, Mark a Laura, New Sun, BprlngaeM, Ov Dawn, Bella a Co., 867 B. Market, Akron. O. Deweon, Harry Cleude, 1001 Light, Bait Dax=cn A WiltSeld, 846 B. 68, N. Y. Day, OariU, 686 7th Ave., N. Y. Dean, Al, Barnum A Bailey, 0. B. Deaton, Chaa. W„ c o. Bert Levy On, Deavee, Harry a Co., Automaton, B ergon Deery a Francis, 828 W. SO, N. Y. Delmore a Oneida, 886 B. 48, N. Y. Gttp. Delmore a Wilson, 26 Schmulk Pk., L. I. Delmo, 38 Boae, Buffalo, N. Y. Delmore a Derrell, 1515 Ninth B. Oakland, CaL Delmore, Misses, 418 W. Adsme, Chicago.. Delevoye a Frits. 2667 Madison, Chicago. Dell a MUler, Hippodrome, Buffalo, Indef. De Lorts, Musical, 218 Swan, Buffalo. De Veeu, Hubert, 8644 Prospect 'PL, Brooklyn. De Velde a Zelds, 21, Fair, Preecott, Out., Can. De Voy a Dayton Sisters, Orpheum, Butte. De Ceme, Obee., a Dogs, 8 Union Square, H. Y. De Cortet a Rego, Alrdonfe, Gulfport, Mlse. Demacoe, The. 114 N. 8, PhUedelphla. Demonio A Belle, O. H., Hope, W. Va. Denman, George. Barnom a Belley, 0. B. Denker, Rose, Behmen 8how, B. R. Deonsa Bros, a Co., Olympic, Paris, France* De Foe a Betes. 2448 Cornell, IndlaaapeUe. De Hollls a Valdora, Colonial Bailee, B. B. De Here Sextet, Orpheum, Los Angeles. De Tricksy, Coy, Hunt's Hotel, Chicago. De Mario, Rlngllng Broa., 0. B. Do Moat. Robert, Trio, 722 W. 14 PL, Chicago. Da Maths, The. 26 Central, Albany. De Renso A La Doe, 207 B. 14, N. Y. Devlne, Doc, Ashland "Hotel, Phlla. 1 De Vsn, Johnnie, 2868 Vernon, Chicago. De Voy A MUler, 208 B. 14, N. Y. De Vers, Medellne, 64 W. 126, N. Y. De Young, Tom, 166 B. 118, N. Y. Dervln, Jss. T., 616 So. Flower, Loo Angolan. Devlin, Prof., 2611 Cumberland, Philadelphia. Devlin A Elwood, 1668 Broadway, N. Y. Diamond a May, Fischer's. Los Angeles, ladef. Dlsmond A Smith, 854 43, Brooklyn, N. Y. Dickinson. W. 8.. 2010 Vine. Lincoln, Nob. Dlerlcke Bros., 21, Lyric, Terre Heute. Dills A Templeton, Colombue, 0., Indef. Dlllee, Msz, Singling Bros., C. R. Dlzon, Nons, 6620 Csrpenter, Chlcsgo. Dollar Troupe, Barnum a Bailey, 0. B. Dona, 411 Keystone Bank Bldg., Pittsburg. Donnelly A Rotall, N. Y. Rtsrs, B. B. Donnete, Ire, 188 W. 46, N. Y. Doberty, Lllllsn, Wlntergsrten, Berlin, Gar. Dohn, Robert, Barnom A Bailey, C. B. Donaven, Emma, Hsgenbeck-Wellece, 0. B. Doric Quartette, 100 Wells, Toronto. Dotson, Howsrd, 485 Blngamen, Beading. Dove A Lee, Imperial, B. R. Downey, Leslie T. Dresmsland, Racine. Wis. Doyle, Mej. Jes. D., 1563 Broadway, N. Y. Dreano, Josh., Revere Houee, Chicago. Drew, Dorothy, Empire, Johenneeberg. 80. Africa. Drew, Lowell B., 4220 Pecbln, Phlla. Du Ball Bros., Three, Bijou, Orange, N. J. Du Bols, Grest, Co., 2067 N. Msln. Bridge p or t. Dudley. O. B., Crystsl, Ind., Indef. Duff A Welsh, 2608 Falrmount, PhUedelphla. Dunne, Thos. P., 128 B. 18, N. Y. Duncan, A. O., Orpheum, San Francisco. Duncan, Tom, Singling Broe., 0. B. Dunham, Jack, City Sports, B. R. Dunedln Troupe, 418 Strand, London, W. C, Eng. Dunn, James, 464 W. 51, N. Y. Dunn a MUler, Richmond Hotel, Chicago. Dupree. Jeanette, 164 Pulton, Brooklyn, N. Y. Dnpres, Fred, 1705 Atlantic, Brooklyn. Do tone, Three, Rlngllng Bros., C. B. Eckhoff A Gordon, Rice A Bertons Gsyety, B. B. Edgertons, The, Orpheum, Omaha. Edlnger Sisters, James Adams Co., Sumter, S. C. Edwards, Fred R., Star Donorn, Pa. Edmonds a naley, 808 B. 60, Chicago. Edmonds a Monle, 308 B. 60. Chlcsgo. Edwsrds, M. a O. B., Hippodrome, Buffslo, Indef. Edwerds, Robert M., a Family. 114 W. 100, N. Y. Edwsrds, The, 100 W. Stockton, N. S., Pittsburg. Edytb, Rose, 845 W. 23, N. Y. Edwsrds a Vaughan, 2030 Lawrence, Phlla. Egbert, II., Master, 233 B. 0. N. Y. Egener, Fred. Barnum A Bailey, C. R. Rhrendall Bros., 1344 LefflngweJl, St. Louie. Elsstlc Trio, Majestic, i'lttsburg, Indsf. Eldrldge Prow, .135 W. Ill, N. Y. Eltlnge, Julian, N. Y. Thestre, N. Y., Indef. Ellnwortb. Charley, 04 B. 11. St. Peul. Emmett, Ilngli J.. A Co.. Bijou, La Crosse, Wis. Engleton, Nan. 413 W. 87, N. Y.