Variety (September 1908)

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20 VARIETY Cobb's Corner 8ATURDAY, 8ZPT. It, 1908. No. 183. A Weekly Word with WILL the Word wright. " SUNBONNET SUE ** H.w u •mphatla kit. Am tm*r *» kt bM. " BAREFOOT DAYS •• "THINK ONE LITTLE THINK OF ME*' "CHEER UP, CHARLIE" "THAT FIRST GIRL" And the first sky Minaer ditty. "ALL THE WAY UP TO THE MOON, BOYS" F. 8. to One Bd wards fI WILL D. COBB Emerald, Connie, 41 Holland Bd., Brixton, London. Bng. Emerald, Maude A Chaa., 76 Rockwell PL, Bklyn. KlUiworth, Mr. A Mra. H., National Hotel, CAL Emeraon A Baldwin Hauaa, Hamburg, Oer. Bmerye, The, Dedham, Mass. Bmmett A Lower, U433 Turner. Phlla. Emperora of Mualc. Four. 481 W. 84. N. T. Empire Comedy Four. Qoeene Hotel, London, Bng. "Eclgmsrelle," Garrlck. Wilmington. DeL Bpps A Loaetta, 210 W. 27, N. "Y. Erb A Stanley, Moltne, IU. Brgott A Kink, Clrcna SinlaeUi. Waraaw. BasMU. Eameralda, 8 Union Square, N. T. Bape, Dutton A Eape. Orpheum, Butte. Eugene Trio, 808 E. Orange Grove, Fate life. Oal. Bmmatt. H. W., 2488 Tomer, Phlla. Evans A Lloyd, Hudson. Union Hill, N. J. Brans, Marie, 4822 Calumet, Chicago. Everett A Eckard, Unique, Minneapolis. Brers, Geo. W., Majestic, Madison, Wis. Bxcels, Louise, Hagenbeck-Wsllace, O. B, Faber, Alata, Hagenbeck-Wallace, C. B, Fagan A Merlam. Shirley, Mass., lndef. Falrchllda, Mr. A Mrs., 141 Wells. Wilkee-Barre. Falrchild. Violet, 466 N. MarshaUfteld, Chicago. Falls, Billy A., 698 SyeU, Bocheater. Farnon A Ranaley, Dunlop Hotel, Atlantis City. Farlardanz, Camllle, Bice A Barton's Gaiety, B. R. Farb. Dave, 616 W. 6, Cincinnati. Farrell A Le Boy, 1721 First, N. W.,Waeh., D. 0. FsrrelL Charlie. 882 Main, W. Everett, Mass. Farrell. Billy. Moss A Stoll. London. Fssaeos, Four, Barnnm A Bailey, 0. B. Fantas, Two, Bijou, Travers City, Mich. Fay, Anna Bra, Melrose, Highlands, Maaa. Fay, Coley A Fay, 1668 Broadway, N. T. Fay. Bra. 188 W. 48. N. T. Fays, The, 188 W. 47. N. T. Fell, Pesrl Cleone, Palace Hotel, Chicago. Fentelle A Carr, Orpheum, Salt Lake. Fanst Brothers, 242 W. 48, N. Y. Favsrs, Marguerite, Saratoga Hotel. Chicago. Fay, Bay F., Alamo, Cedar Baplds, la., lndef. Ferguson, D. A B., Bijou, Duluth, Minn. Ferguson A Do Pree, 818 B. 71, N. Y. Ferry, Human Frog, 504 So. 21, Phlla. Fiddler A Shelton, Poll's, Bridgeport. Fischer. Joe G.. 240 Market, Newark. Field Bros., Theatorium, Lynn. Fields A Hanson, Bennett's, Hamilton. Fields, Harry W., Colonial, Norfolk, Vs. Fields, W. C. Hippodrome, London. Bag., Fields, Will H., Bijou. Superior, Wis. Fillmore, Nellie, 641 W. Garfield, Chicago. Flleoo A Krrol, 280 Magnolia. Hollywood, Cal. Flak, Henry, Standard, St. Louis. Finn A Ford, Bijou, Oshkoah, Wis. Fisher Troupe, Barnnm A Bsiley, 0. B. Fisher, Mr. A Mra., 681 Wash.. BrookUas, Fisher A Fisher, Savoy, Fall River. Fluke A McDonougn, 768 Jennings, N. T. Fltahnghs, The, People's, Weatberford, Texas. Flaherty Dan, City Sports, B. B. Flatow A Dunn, 111 W. 06, N. Y. Fletcher, Chas. Leonard, Trent, Trenton. Flyna. Jas. A., 1218 Penn Ave., Washington. Florede. Nellie. 241 W. 48, N. Y. Florences. Six, Barnum A Bailey, 0. B. Floods, Four, Empire, Hoboken. Flynn, Barl, 8834 Prospect, Kansas OMy. Foley, Jack, Singling Bros., C. R. Forber. The Marvel, 168 W. 0. So. Boston. Force A Williams, Lyric, Houston. Fords, Famous, Majestic, Little Rock. Fortune A De Vlrne, Hagenbeck-Wallace, 0. B. Foreman, Bdgar A Co., 1668 Broadway, N. Y. master, George, 86 N. Clark. Chicago. Foster, B., A Dog, 211 Pesrl. Brooklyn. Fox A Evans, Van Nest. Frisco, Cal. Fox A Hnghes, Empire, Boise, Idaho, lndef. Fox, Will H., 14 Leicester, London, Bng. Foster. Geo. L. 2080 York, Philadelphia. Fox, Imro, Majestic, Chicago. Fox A Paddock, 246 W. 87, N. Y. Foy Bros., Grand. Circo Bell. Mexico, lndef. Franklin. Blllle. 708 7. 8. W., Wsshlngton, D. a Friend A Downing, 1884 7th, N. Y. Frederick's Musical Trio. 107 B. 81, N. Y. Fredlans, Great, Barnnm A Bailey, C. B. Fredo, George. 207 E. 14, N. Y. Franks, Jessie J., Hagen beck -Wall ace. O. B. Freeman Bros., Bose Sydell's London Belles, B. R. Freeman. Frank E., Hastings' Show, B. B, French A Inmsn. 71 Lincoln. Chicago. Frevolt, Frederick. O. H., Kingston, Ps. Froato. Ohrla.. 017 W. 8. Faribault, Minn. Froato A Weyman. Grand, Fargo, N. D. •Fun la A Boarding House." Alhambra. B. Y. Fuller. Ida. 188 Alexander Ave.. N. Y. Fullerton A Dersey, Family, No. Tonawaoda, B. Y. Fullerton, Lew J., Star, Geneva, N. Y. Fulton, May, 120 W. 18, N. Y. Gaffney Girls, Five, 404 W. Madison, Chicago. Gallettls, Monkeys, 804 Msplewood, Chicago. Galando, 82 Sumner, Brooklyn. Galloway, Bert, Davis, Braddock. Ps. Gardner, West A Sunshine, 141 Merlden. Boston. Gardiner Children, 1068 No. 8. Phlla. Oath, Carl A Erma, 44 Cass, Chicago. Gardner, Eddie, 27 High, Newark. Gardlners, Three, Majestic, Lincoln, Neb. Gardner, Georgia A Co., 1687 Montrose Bird.* Chicago. Oartelle Broa., 416 8. Main, Gloversv Us, B. Y. Gaston A Green, Orpheum, Memphis, Term. Gavin, Piatt A Peaches, Bennett's, London, dan. Gsylor, Bobby, 6602 6th Ave., Chicago. Gay lor, Chas.. 768 17. Detroit. Gaylor A Graff, 244 W. 16, N. Y. Gehrue, Mayme, A Co., 200 B. 88, W. Y. Genaro A Band, Wash., Spokane. Georgettys, Great, 104 B. 14, N. Y. Geromes, The, Barnum A Bailey, C. R. Geyer, Bert, 818 N. F St.. Richmond. Ind. Gibson, Fsy, Standard, Davenport. la., lndef. Gibson, Sidney C, Orpheum, Oakland. Gilbert. Jane. 400 W. 28. New York. Gillette Sisters. 60 Msnhsttsn. N. Y. G1U A Aker, Bijou, Saginaw. Mich. Gllmaine, 68 W. Bagls. B. Boston. Gilmore. Mildred, City Sports, B. B, Grimes, T. A G.. Grimes Corn era, Newfleld. B. J. Gladstone. Ida. City Sports, B. B. Gleeson, John A Bertha, A Houlihan, Poll's, Now Haven. Glover, Edna May, Robinson's, Cincinnati. Godfrey A Henderson, 1668 Broadway, N. Y. Godfrey A Brxleben. Park Hotel, Chicago. Goets, Nat., 1818 Tree, Donora. Pa. Goldberg. Bert. Harris. Braddock. Ps. Goldsmith A Hoppe, American, St. Louis. Golden Gste Quintet. 846 W. 66, N. Y. Golden A Hnghes, Mllford, Mass. Goldln Russian Troupe, Sells-Floto. 0. B. Goelems, Six, Ring ling Bros., O. R. Goodwin A Lane. 8485 Chestnut, Philadelphia. Gorman A Cushman. 208 B. 14, N. Y. Golden, Marta. Gerard Hotel, N. Y. Goolmans, Musical, Continental Hotel, ChkagO* Gordon, CUff. 8 E. 106. N. Y. Gordon A Hayes. 281 Wabash, Chicago. Gordon A Le Boy, 1777 Atlantic. Brooklyn. Gordon A Shaken. 118 W. 46. N. Y. Gordon A Mary, Mains St., Peoria, 111. Gorman A West. 62 B. 88. N. Y. Goshen, Alice, 208 Mermaid, Coney Island. Gossans, Bobby, Barlow Minstrels. Goes. John. Vocal's Big City Minstrels. Gottlob, Amy A Co., Orpheum, Zanesvllle, 0. Grace, Frankle A Wm., Miners Americans, B. B. Grace, Lisxle Grace, Minora Americans, B. B» Graces, The, 228 W. 26. N. Y. Grant, Burt A Bertha, Proctor's, Albany. Grant, 8ydney, 10 W. 85, N. Y. Hawkins, Jack, Hippo., Lexington, Ky. Hayea A Haley, 147 W. 127, M. Y. Hayes A Wynn, Empire, Strattford. London, Bng. Hayes A Johnson. West indies, Panama, lndef. I layman A Franklin, Hippo., Southampton, Bng. Heagney. John, 442 W. 30, N. . Healy, Jeff A La Vera, Bice A Barton Gaiety, B. R. Healy A Vanes, 215 W. 106. N. Y. Heath, Thomas, Gainer, Poll's, Bridgeport. Hechl A Ardo, Rlngling Bros., C. R. Heath A Emeraon. 200 Berrlman, Brooklyn. Hedge, John, A Ponies, 8ana Souci Pk., CsBSBBfc Hefron, Tom, 1653 Broadway, N. Y. Helm Children, Camden, Camden, N. J. Helston. Wally A Lottie, Pantages', Tacoma. Henly A Elliott, 4825 Cypress, Pittsburg. Henneseeys, Two, West Haven, Conn., lndef. Henry A Francis, 248 W. 46. N. Y. Henry, Harry F., 64 India. Brooklyn. Henry, Roething, 8t. Charlea Hotel, Chicago. Herbert. Frog Man, 85 Moreland. WlnterhlU BU Boston. Herbert. Mabel. 404 Main, Woborn. Mo. Herbert, Three Broa., 1658 B'way, N. Y. Herbert A Vance, Orpheum, Zanesvllle O. Hers, Ralph C, Hammersteln's, N. Y. Herman A Netser, 808 Rivlngton, N. Y. Hermann, Adelaide, Gilsey House, N. Y. Herron, Bertie, Orpheum, Butte. Hewlettes. The, 806 Are. G. Council BUR*, Is, Hess Sisters. 258 W. 66. N. Y. Havener A Llpman. 1668 Broadway, M. Y. Hlatta, The, Pavilllon, London. Eng. Hibbert A Warren, Shea's, Toronto. Hickman Broa. A Co., Keith's, Providence. Hickman, George, Pearl River, N. Y. Hlestsnd, Chss. F., 2688 lows Ave., St. Louis. Hill, Bdmonda Trio, 262 Nellson, New Brunswick. Hill. Cherry A Hill, 107 Bay 20. Bath Beach. Hlld. Irene, 148 Morgan, Buffalo. Hllliard, Robert, Palace, London, Bng., lndsf. Hillman A Floyd, 218 W. 62, N. Y. Hilton Troupe. City Sports, B. R. Hlllyers, Three, 702 Bay 25, Bensonhurst. Hlnee A Remington, Harrison, N. Y. Htrsb, Bstelle, 4812 Indiana. Chicago. Hobson A Macnichol, 76 3d Ave.. N. Y. Hobaou, Mr. A Mra.. Rlngling Bros.. O. B. Hoch, Em 11, A Co., Harrisburg, Pa. Hodges, Musical, Pantages, Portland. Hodgln. Alberta, Rlngling Bros.. 0. R. Hohner, M., 152 Magnolia. Elisabeth. N. J. Holden George, 101 Belleville, Newark, M. J. Holt, Alf, 41 Lisle. London, W. B., Bng. Holt, Joseph T., 486 B. 8th, Brooklyn, N. Y. Holmsn Bros.. 207 B. 14, N. Y. Holman, Harry, Majestic. Birmingham, Ala. Holmes A HoUlson, 218 Elm, W. Somervttlo, Mass. Holland. Zsy, 10 W. 65. N. Y. Honan, Eddie, 422 Collins. Pittsburg. Honan A Kearney, 118 Richfield. Buffalo. Houeego, Frank, 54 Howard, Boston. Hope, Marjorle, 7818 Woodlawn, Chicago. Hoover, Lilian, 211 B. 14. N. Y. Horton A La Triaka. 808 8th. Long Island OKy. Horton A Under, Rlngling Broa., C. B. Houston, Frits, Varieties, Terre Haute. Principals with burlesque organlzRtlons will be listed in VARIETY'S Route Sheet If names and title of company are forwarded Graham, Geo. W., Scenic, Providence, lndef. Graham A Lawrence, Lyceum, Marblehead, Mass. Gray A Graham, Empire, Peterson. Grannon, Ha, Bennett's, Montreal. Gracey A Burnett, Fair Haven, N. J., lndef. Greve A Green. 400 Nicollet. Minneapolis. Greene, George, Rlngling Bros., 0. R. Gregory, Geo. L.. A Co., 848 Lorlmer, Brooklyn. Gregory, Frank L., Empire, New Castle, Eng. Grimm A Satchell, 2072 8th Ave., N. Y. Grove, Chaa. L., 847 Wash., Chamberaburg. Pa, Grove, Harris Milton, A Clayton Slaters. York Road, Phlla. Gruet A Gruet, Williams Imperials, B. B. Guertin, Louis, Metropolitan Hotel, Brockton, Conn. "Hadji," Great Falls, Montana. Haines A Russell. 043 Muskogee. Milwaukee. Hall, Harry, Rlngling Bros., 0. R. Hall, Geo. F.. 180 Center, Boston. Hallman A Collins, Wash. Society Girls, B B. Hale A Harty. 5 Pond St., Plttafield, Mass. Hale. Lillian A Co., 2010 N. Marvine, Phlla. Haley, Harry R.. 236 Ogden. Chicago. liaison A Mackler, Chestnut St., O. H., Phils. Halllday A Curley, Auditorium, York, Ps. Halperlne, Nan, 568 6th Ave., N. Minneapolis. Hammond A Forrester, 101 W. 88, N. Y. Hanlon A Lewis, 121 W. 116, N. Y. Hanon, Billy, 728 No. Western, Chicago. Haney, Edith A Lee, Jr., 4118 Winona, Denver. Hanvey, Louis A., Bennett's, Hamilton, Can. Hanson A Nelson, 602 10th. Brooklyn. Harney A Haynes, Gen. Del., Baltimore. Harris A Randall, Palace Hotel, Chicago. Harcourt, Frank, 44 Pleasant, Worcester. Hsrdlg Bros., Barnum A Bailey, 0. R. Hardman, Joe, Family, Butte. Hart, Fred, 883 8th Ave., N. Y. Hart, Sadie, 1168 Jackson, N. Y. Hart. Willie A Edith, 1818 S. 11, Phils. Harvey, W. S., A Co., Orpheum, Minneapolis. Hartsell, George, Rlngling Broa., C. R. Harland A Rolllnson. 16 Repton, Manchester, Bag. Harmonious Trio. 8830 N. 14, St. Louis. Harris, Sam., Vogel's Minstrels. Harrison A Lee, 808 Oak. Dayton, O. Hart Bros., Hagenbeck-Wallace. 0. B. Harrington A Lester, 567 B. 13, Chicago. Hsrrlty A Herr, 146 Luna. B. Liberty, Pa. Harris, Hattle. 504 So. 21, Phlla. Harris, Joe. Revere House, Chicago. Harvey, Elsie, Auditorium, Lynn. Harvey, Harry, 8110 Cottage Grove Ave., QBssBJAj Hss, Hash. 014 Cherry, WlUismsport, Pa. Hassan. Ben All. Lona Villa. Coney Islsad Haskell, Loney. 47 Lex. Ave., N. Y. Hastings A Wilson, Majestic, Little Bock. Hatches, The. 152 W 27, N. Y. Howard. Bernice A Co., Bijou, Battle Creek, Mich. Howard's Pony A Dogs, Armory, Blnghamton. Howard, Harry A Mae, Grand, Hamilton, O. Howard, Lew, 505 Gates, Brooklyn. Howard A Cameron, 478 No. Clinton, Howard, Chas., Interlacken, N. Y. Howard A Beher, 881 N. Artlsen. Chicago. Howard A Howard, Orpheum, Oakland. Howard Bros., Apollo, Bordeaux, France. Howard A St. Clair, Vaudeville Club, Howard, Len, 1585 Gatea, Brooklyn. Howard, Jos. B., Aleds, 111., lndef. Howard, Geo. F., 8456 Scran ton Bd., Cleveland. Howard A Wilson, 874 No. Bandolph, Phlla. Howell A Webster, 1558 Broadway, N. Y. Hoyle. William, 16 5. Attleboro. Mass. Hoyt, Frances, A Co., Sherman House, Chicago. Hudson Bros., 1887 Msple, Canton, O. Heunkl Musical, 1553 Broadway, N. Y. Hoyt A McDonald 258 W. 88. N. Y. Hugbea, Mr. and Mrs. Nick, Jamaica, Lb I. Huegel Broa., Gentry Broa., 0. R. Huehn A White, Roton Point, Conn. Huetterman, Mlsa. Barnum A Bailey. C. B. Hughes, Arthur James, 50 Laura, Providence. Hughes Musical Trio, Hathaway's, Lowell, Mass. Hunter A Tyrell, 235 E. 106th, N. Y. City. Hurleys, The, 185% So. Orange, Newark. Hurley Frank. J. 152 Magnolia, Elisabeth. N. J. Husaey, George W.. 2454 Irving, Mt. Clemens. Huston, Arthur, Poll's, Hartford, Conn. Hyde, Mr. A Mrs., Chemo Lake, Clifton, Ms. Hyde, Walt. M., A Co., 8506 5, Pittsburg. Hylnnds, Three, 28 Cherry, Danbury, Conn. Ingram, Kyle A Co., Cambria, Johnstown, Ps, Imperial Viennese Troupe, Barnum A Bsiley, O. Inmsn. The Greet. 812 W. 24. N. Y. Inman A Welters, 212 N. 8rd, Atchison, Kae. International Musical Trio, 8tar, Cleveland, O. Irving Musical, Temple, Marlboro, Mass. Irving, Thomas R., Palm, Syracuse, lndef. Italia, Steubenville, O. Jack, Lew A Bro., 0240 So. Chicago. Coleago. Jackson Family, Rlngling Bros., C. B. Jackson, H. A K.. 206 Buens Vista, Yonkers. J scobs A Sardel. Cole Bros., 0. B. Jsmes A Prior, 810 2nd Ave.. Seattle, Wash. James, Byron, Bijou, Flint, Mich., lndef. Janeen, Herr A Co., National, Havana, Cuba. Jefferson, Cecil, 664 W. Monroe. Chicago. Jenkins A Clark, Box 206, Apple ton, Wis. Jennings, Arthur, 482 Manhattan. N. Y. Jennings A Jewell. 8828 Arlington. St. Loois, Me. Jennings A Renfrew, Lyric, Dayton, O. Jermon, Irene. Bxperance House. *«»^nsf Lska. Jerome, Nat. 8.. 1287 Washington Ave., B. Y. Tin Chat. K. Harris Courier "Always Me" Slides now ready for the greatest baby song without a doubt that Mr. Harris has ever written. Professional copies now ready. A beautiful song for any ballad singer. Bend for it at onoe Can bo sung without or witn slides. CHORUS: Always me, always me. They wont play with me they say, And they always run away. Alwsys me, seems I'm nobody. Never Blllle, Grace or Millie, Always me. Address all communications to CHAS. K. HARRIS, tl WEST 31st ST., BEW YORK. Chicago, Grand Opera House Bldg., BOB ADAMS, Professional Mgr. Jess, Elinor, Steel Pier, Atlantic City. Johnson, Jess P., 622 So. 4, Camden, N. J. Johnstone, Lorlmer, Bijou, Baclne, Wis. Johnson Bros., A Johnson, Orpheum, Schenectady. Johnson, Chester, 888 3d Ave., N. Y. Johnson, George, Rlngling Bros., C. B. Johnson. Musical, Empire, Johannesburg. 8. Africa. Johnson A Hart. National, San Francisco. Johnstone A Cooke, Bijou, Baclne, Wis. Jolly A Wuld, Family, Butte. Jolson, AL. Bordentown, N. J. Jordan, Alice, 200 Mermaid. Coney leland. ladsf. Jordons, Five, Hathaway's, New Bedford. Jones A Sutton, 222 W. 17. N. Y. Jordan A Brauneck, 385 E. 134, N. Y. Jordan, Ed. C, 886 B. 134, N. Y. Jorden Troupe, Rlngling Bros., 0. B. Joyces, The, 48 Howard, Boston. Jules A Margon, Barlow Minstrels. Julian A Dyer. Varieties, Terre Haute. Kslms, B. H., 1887 B. Ill, No. B., Cleveland. Kalmo, Chas. A Ada, Rlngling Bros., O. B. Karland. Great. 120 No. Marshall, Norfolk. KartoUo's Juggling. De Rue Broa. Minstrels. Kesley, Doc, Singling Bros., C. R. Keane, J. Warren, Keith's, Boston. Koaton, Jack, 620 Parker, Boston. Keatons. Three. 228 W. 88. N. Y. Keefe, Matt, N. Y. Theatre, N. Y., lndef. Kelfe, Zens. 228 W. 48, N. Y. Keegan A Mack, Cosey Corner Girls, B. B. Keely A Adams. Blaney's, Yonkers, N. Y. Keeley Bros., Orpheum, Denver. Keene, Juggling, 1360 Boston Bd., N. Y. Keene A Adams. Pavilion. Portrusb, Ireland. Keene. Mettle, A Co., 1558 Broadway. N. Y. Kelly A Hale, Talaqulga Pk.. Attleboro, Mass. Kelly, John T., Elmhurst, L. I. Kelly A Bose, 131 W. 41, N. Y. Kelly, M. J., 46 Johnson, Brooklyn. Kelly, Walter C, Belfast, Ire. Keller, Major, Poll's, Waterbury, lndef. Kennedy Broa. A Mack, 32 Second, Dover, N. 1 Kennedy A Wllklns, 1553 Broadway. N. Y. Kennedy's. The, 814 No. 23, Birmingham. Kennard Bros., Hagenbeck-Wallace, C. R. Kenton, Dorothy, Central, Magdeburg, Ger. Keogh A Francis, Poll's, Bridgeport. Karslake, Lll, Rlngling Bros., 0. R. Kberns, Arthur H., 131 Wyoming, Cincinnati, 0. Kleist, Paul, Theatre, Richmond, Va. Klein, Ott Bros. A Nicholson. 253 W. 84, N. Y. Klein A Clifton, Wash., Spokane. Klcbl A Haghl. Rlngling Broa.. C. B. Kimball A Donovan. 113 Northampton, Boston. Klngsburye. The. 1553 Broadway. N. Y. King, Alice, City Sports, B. R. King A Bailey, 152 W. 27. N. Y. King, John, N. Y. Theatre, N. Y., lndef. King, Sam A Nellie. 2374 Pitkin. Brooklyn. Klns-Nera, 843 N. Clsrk, Chicago. Klngsley, Julia A Co., Orpheum, Spokane. Kinsons, The, 21 E. 20. N. Y. Klralfo, Gus, 1710 Third, EvansvUle. Kirk. II. Arthur, Gloversvllle, N. Y. Klrscbhorns. 207 So. 18, Omaha. Kling, Anna, Midget, Wlldwood, N. J., lndsf, Knight, Francis, 225 W. 45. N. Y. Knight A Benson, 111 McAllister, N. Y. a Knight A Sswtelle, 1710 Cornelius, Chicago. Knowlea, Harry. 1553 Broedway. N. Y. Knights, Ten Dark, Olympic. Chicago. Knox Broa. A Helene, Box 203, Danbury, Conn. Kolfage, Duke, Crystal, Elwood, Ind., lndef. Rollins A Carmen Sisters, Crystal, Denver. Kokln, Mignonette, 804 Maplewood, Chicago. Koppes, The, 215 E. 56, N. Y. Kramer Birmo Trio 104 E. 14. N. Y. Kramer, Joe. 228 Springfield. Newsrk. Kratons, The, Folle Marigny, Paris. Francs. Kraton, John, National, San Francisco. Kraft. Gus. Barnum A Bailey. C. B. Kretore. Camden. Camden, N. J. Kurtis-Busse, 6 W. 8th St., Erie, Ps. Kuryllo, Edward, Sells-Floto, C. R. Kyle, T. E. Gurney Co., 181 Pslmerston. La Auto Girl, 868 Fisher. Detroit. La Belle, Helen. San Souci Pk., Chicago, La Kelle. Fsustlne. 242 W. 48, N. Y. La Oandall. 1786 E. Spring. New Albany, La Tour. Irene, Colonial, Richmond, Va. La Fayette Lamont Co., 2808 Germany, CincinnatL L« Mar, Sadie, Strolling Players, B. R. La Mass Bros., Bonacbor, Vienna. Austria. La Moines. Musical. Empire. Grand Forks, N D. La Salle A Llnd, Bijou, Oshkoah. Wis. La Pearl, Harry, Barnum A Bailey. O B.