Variety (September 1908)

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VARIETY 21 La Pearl, Mr. * Mm., Hafeabeck-Wallace, a B. La Tour Sistera. Uea. Dal., Atlantic Gttj. N. J. La Blase, Bertram, Grand, Sacramento, lndef. La Centra and La Rue, Grand, Herkimer, N. T. La Olalr ft Waat, Pickwick, Wilmington, Del. La rieur, and Dogs, 07 Hanover, Providence. Lakola * Lorain, Bijou, Calumet, Wis. LalliTette ft Co., 408 iTalrmount, MaadTilla, Pa, Lane, Chrta. 8485 Cbeatnut, Philadelphia. Pa. Langdons, The, Show Girl Co. Larrlvee ft Lee, Garrlck, Norrlstown, Pa. Lawaon ft Namou, Empire, Johannesburg, So. Af. Leigh, Llale ft Co., Bennett's, Ottawa. Lambert, Frank L., Flood's Pk., Baltimore, Md. Lambert, Maud, Cliffords, Crbana, O. Lamb ft King, 858 State. Chicago. Lampe Bros., Villa Raao, ▲baecon, N. J. Landln, Edward, Majeatic, Little Rock, lndef. Lang, George, Crystal, Bedford, Ind., lndef. Larex. Joaeph, Barnum ft Bailey. C. R. Larkln, Frank J., Lyric, Union town, Pa. Latlna, Mile., 124 W. «S, N. Y. Lawler ft Daughters, 100 W. 100, N. T. La Blanche, Great, Hotel Light, Chattanooga. La Nole Bros., Poll's, Springfield. La Roee ft La Gusta, 2y Hancock PL, N. T. La Raab, 888 Locust, Johnstown, Pa. Larke ft Adams, St. Louis Am. Co., lndef. La Marche, Frankle, 436 E. 28, Chicago. La Hague Slaters, Barnum ft Bailey, C. B. La Toaka, Phil., 135 W. 22, Los Angeles. Lane Trio, Vogel's Minstrels. La Van ft La Valette Majestic. Pitteburg, indef. La Rex, Wonderful, Clara Turner Stock Co. La Van Trio, Barnum ft Bailey, C. R. La VeUa ft Grant, 226 B. 14. N. Y. La Velles, The, 114 E. 110, N. Y. Layette ft Doyle, 840 N. 2, Hamilton. O. Lavlcc Clcarcn TV4e, 20 r --4Cfhonre»- Mlnneayx 1 !?, Lavlne, Edward, Orpheum, Oakland. Lakola, Harry H., Box 76, San Fernando, CaL La Gray, Dollle. Bijou, Racine, Wis., indef. Latoy Bros., Gay Masqueraders, B. R. Lavlne ft Leonard, Orpheum, Memphis. Lawrence, Bert, 8 Laurel, Roxbury, Maaa, La Velle, Rose. City Sports, B. R. Le Clair, Harry, Orpheum, Atlanta. Le Veola, Bvea, Stockholm, Sweden. La Anders, 890 Madiaon, N. Y. Le Clair ft Sampson, Orpheum, Loa Angelea. Lelpalg, Nate, Orpheum, St. Paul. Lea, Jamea P., Unique, Loa Angeles, lndef. Lea Tung Foo. 1228 2d, B. Oakland. Levy, Jack, 80 Barcley, Newark, N. J. Leahy, Frank W.. Manhattan, Norfolk, Va., Indef. Lowe, Musical. 79 W. 101, c. o. Herri*. La Maira ft King. 678 Lenox Are., N. Y. La Hlrt, Mons.. 826 CUfford. Rochester. Le Dent, Frank. Colonial, Norfolk, Va. La Witt ft Asbmore, 1008 Broadway, N. Y. 0. Leightone, Three, 1003 Bway., N. Y. Leonl ft Leoni, 208 B. Indiana, Chicago. Leonard, Chaa. F. Reilly ft Woods, B. B. Leonard, Eddie, N. Y. Theatre, N. Y., lndef. Leonard, Grace, St. Paul, Hotel, N. Y. Leonard ft Phillips, Pastime, Beaumont, Tax. Leonard, Gus, Acme. Sacramento, lndef. Leonard ft Louie, 21, Majestic, Birmingham. Leontina. Marie, 17 B. 97, N. Y. Lenore, Ted, No. Detroit St., Xenla, O. Leonard ft Drake, Orpheum, Allentown, Pa. Leo, Jolly, O. H., Pocomoke City, Md. LeBoy ft Woodford, 2417 Wylie Atc., Pitteburg. Lea Bastions, Singling Bros., C. B. Lea Carraya, 19 Perry, Pittsburg. Lea Jarolea, Barnum ft Bailey, C. R. Leslie, Eddie, Orpheum, Salt Lake. Leslie ft Pattee. 714 Mellon, B. Pittsburg. Levllle ft Sinclair, Orpheum, Butte. Leyden, Margaret,, 8647 Veron Chicago. Leran, Miss H., Barnum ft Bailey, 0. B. Leater, Will, 281 John R.. Detroit. Lewi* ft Harr, 181 W. 16. N. Y. Lewie, PhU, 121 W. 116, N. Y. Lewis ft Young, 201 So. 4, Bklyn. Ubbey ft Trayer. 802 W. 47, N. Y Light, Mark. 1780 Madison. N. Y. Llncolns, Four, Theatre, South Bend, Ind. Lincoln, BUI RlngUng Bros., 0. It. Llngerman. Samuel ft Lucy, 700 N. 5, PhUa. Lloyd, Herbert, 36 Great Wilson. Leeds. Bag. Loder, Chaa. A., Roaa Lawn, Areola, Pa. Lois, Mllltown. Maine, lndef. Lomlson, Wllllard, 228 Montgomery, Jersey C*ty. Long, John, Family. Erie, Pa., indef. Long, Frank L., 422 No. Anderson, El wood, Indaf. Loralne, Oscar. Chase's, Washington. LoTltts, The, 814 Beverly Rd., Brooklyn. Lowward. A. G., Barnum ft Bailey, C. B. Lowry, Mr. ft Mrs. Ed.. 44 E. Cross, Baltimore. Luce ft Luce, Bijou, Perth Amboy, N. J. Luckie ft Yoast, 889 Sumpter, Brooklyn. Lucier, Marguerite, Hans ft Nlxe Co. Lucier, Paul ft Co., 1559 Marlon, Chicago, lndef. Luigl Plcaro Trio, 460 Adolph, Brooklyn. "Luis King," 14 Marlborough Rd., London, Eng. Luta Bros., 18 Grant, Corona, N. Y. Lukens, 4, Reading, Pa. Lynton, Chris., Empire, Loa Angelea, lndef. Lyons ft Cullum. 217 W. 10. N. Y. Lyres, Three, Fashion Plates Co., B. R. Mack, Billy, 203 Third. N. Y Mab Queen. 013ft Chancellor, Phila. Mack, Wilbur, Orpheum, HarrLsburg. Pa. Mack ft Dougal, 1008 Broadway, N. Y. Maze, Edna. 821 Forest. Bronx, N. Y. "My Fancy," Empire, Camberwell, 8. ■., Lon- don, Eng. Mac Fadyen ft Mac Fadyen, 818 So. 0th, B'klyn. Madden, Fltapatrick ft Co., 1568 Broadway, N. Y. Maddern, Joaeph, ft Co., Green Room dob, N Y. Madcaps, Winkler's. 104 B. 14. N. Y. Mac Dona ugh, Ethel. 68 W. 107, N. Y. Ma Dell ft Corbley, 116 Howard, Buffalo. Magee. Clem 0., 160 Spring. N. Y. Majestic Musical Four, Olympic, Chicago. Malvern Troupe, Pat White's Gaiety Girls, B. R. Mason ft Keeler, Glen Alex Farm, New Hartford, N Y "Madle!" 408 W. 51. N. Y. Makarenkoa Duo. Bella Floto, C. R. Malchow. Geo., Bijou, Oabkoab, Wis.. Indaf. Manley ft Norrls, 017 Walnut, Hamilton. O. Manhattan Banjo Trio. 418 W. 106. M. Y. Manley ft Sterling. Temple, Ft. Wayne. Mantell'a Marionettes. Bijou, Great FaUa, Mont Ma reel l ft Lanett, Gantry Braa.. O. R. Marcus. Harry. 118 W. 114, N. Y. a Mardo Trio, RlngUng Braa., 0. R. Marguerite ft Han ley. RlngUng Bros.. C. B. Marion ft Grace, National Hotel, Chicago. ALWAYS THE BEST COLORED ACT IN VAUDEVILLE ^ SUNNY SOUTH Originally sUged by GERTRUDE HOFFMANN Marlon ft Lillian, National Hotel, Chicago. Matanmoto ft Agawa, Hagenbeck-Wallace, 0. R. "Martha," 210 E. 86. N. Y. Marnello, Mornlts Troupe, RlngUng Broa., 0. R. Marsh, Joe 8122 Lucas, St. Louis. Marshall, Bert, 288 Spicer, Akron, O. MarshaU Bros., Sheedy's, Brockton, Mass. Martin, Dare ft Percle, Kentucky Belles. B. R. Martlnette ft Sylvester, Majestic, Dee Moines. Martlnea ft Martinez, Grand, Pittsburg. Martynne, O. B., Orpheum, Leavenworth, Indaf. Martyne, Dottle Francis, 028 W. Mulberry, BalL Marty, Joe, 1628 Hancock, Brooklyn, N. Y. Mario Trio, 62 B. 8th, N. Y. Mary ft Petroff, Barnum ft BaUey, C. B. Mason ft Bart, Victor House, Chicago. Mason ft Davis, 180 River, Hoboken, N. J. Mason ft Doran, Sheedy's, Fall River, Maaa. Masons, Four ft Corinne Francis, Falrhaven, N. J. Mason, Win. A.. Minerva Hotel, Phila. Masquerta 81sters. Three, 9-23, Chicago. Matthewa ft Ashley, 808 W. 42, N. Y. Matbieeon, Brooks ft Carson, 92 W. Ohio, Chicago. Maxwell ft Dudley. 106 W. 96, N. Y. Mayne, Elizabeth, 1888 S. Milton, Phila. Maynard, Shorty, Hagenbeck-Wallace, 0. B. May, Ethel, Dominion, Winnipeg. Maze, Edna, Jersey Lilies, B. B. McAvoy, Harry, 1010 No. 4, Harrlsburg. Pa. McAvoy ft Hartley. 8 E. 108, N. Y. McCabe ft Peters, 1553 Broadway, N. Y. McCann, Geraldlne. ft Co.. 706 Park, Johnstown, McCarthy, Myles, Great Kills, Staten Island. McCloud ft Melville. Ill E. 111. N. Y. McConnell ft Simpson, Poll's, Hartford. . McCormack, Hugh ft Wallace, Flora De Venn Co. McCoy, Nellie, 557 W. 124, N. Y. McGarry ft Doyle, 901 Missouri, Toledo. McCree Davenport Troupe, Hagenbeck-Wallace, C. B. McCullough, Walter, Alexander Hotel. Chicago. McCune ft Grant, 8 Banton, Pittsburg, Pa. McDowell, John ft Alice, 627 6th St., Detroit. McFarland, Frank, 811 W. 142, N. Y. McCauley, Joe, Wonderland. Minneapolis, lndef. McGee, Joe B., Hannibal, Mo., lndef. McGlnnls Bros., 70 Bradford. Springfield. Maaa. MoGrath ft Paige, O. H., Morganstown, W. Va. McGregor, Lulu, Grand. Altoona, Pa., lndef. McKenzie. Gertrude, 714 Taylor, Springfield, 0. McLaughlin, L. Clair. Sherldanvllle, Pa. McNally Bros.. RlngUng Bros.. C. R. McPhee ft Hill, Orpheum, Portland. McWilliams, G. R^ Poll's, Bridgeport. Meaney, Lottie, ft Co., 7 Elm. Charleston, Maaa. Meara, Cbas. B., 2920 N. 13, Kansas City. Meegan, Mr. ft Mrs., 947 Amsterdam Ave., N. Y. Meier ft Mora, Deutcbes, Muncben, Germany. Melville ft Hlgglns, 272 So. 2, Brooklyn. Melrose, WlUiam. Barnum ft Bailey, C. R. Melroy Trio, 97 Park, Chicago. Melville, George D., Hippo, N. Y. Indef. Meredith, E. E.. Hagenbeck-Wallace, 0. R. Mercer, John, RlngUng Bros., C. B. Merrltt ft Love, Empire, San Francisco. Indef. Merritt, Raymond, Premier, Chicago. Merriman Sisters, Bebman Show, B B. Meers Sisters, Barnum ft Bailey, C. B. Metzetties, Ten, Barnum ft Bailey, C. R. Mesano Troupe. Campbell Bros., C. B. Miezckoff Sanders Troupe, Proctor's, Albany. Mlaco, Al., RlngUng Broa., O. B. Middleton, Gladys. Bijou, Iowa City, la. Mlgnou, Helene. Empire, St. Paul, lndef. Miley, Katbryn, Auditorium, Lynn. Milvo Bros., RlngUng Bros., C. B. Mlaco, Ida. Hagenbeck-Wallace, C. B. Millard. BUI ft Bob, 896 Bowen, Detroit. Mildred. Little. 567 E. 18, Chicago. Miller, Jack, 1372 No. Humboldt, Chicago. Miller, John, RlngUng Bros., C. R. Miller, Elizabeth. 1726 W. 81 PI.. Cleveland. Miller, Grace, Phillip's. Richmond, Ind., lndef. Miller, J. Frank, New Star, Milwaukee, Wis. Miller, Kitty A., Scenic Temple, Boston. Miller ft Princeton, 88 Olney, Providence. Miller, Theresa, Criterion, Chicago, indef. Mills ft Lewis. 114 B. 11, N. Y. Mills ft Morris. Clarendon Hotel, N Y. MlUetta, The, Singling Broa., O. B. Mil mars. The, 62 So. Wash., Kokomo, Ind, Miner, Coleman ft Co., 201 W. 125, N. Y. Minstrel Four. Merry Maidens, B. R. Minerva, 47 W. 28. N. Y. MltcheU ft Cain. 611 Sterling Fl„ Brooklyn, ANNIVERSARY NUMBER OF 'Ariety WILL BE ISSUED December 12,1908 Reservations for spaoe now sooepted. Early applications will be given the preferenoe. 1 Page, $125; 4 Page, $65; i Page, $32.50; 1 inch, $2.80. Single Column Cuts, $15; Double Column Cuts, $25. Applications may be made to publication office, 1402 Broad- way, New York City, or branches in London, Paris, Chi- cago, Denver and San Francisco. Wkem mnsw*r i n§ • dv m Ht^mm U M u itp mention Vautt.