Variety (September 1908)

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22 VARIETY REPRESENTATIVE ARTISTS REPRESENTATIVE ARTISTS AND MULVEY Under the personal direction of PAT CASEY and JENIE JACOBS ft Kl A EX RAWSON and CLARE OS ion THE COMEDY DUO. BERT » LOTTIE WALTON KEITH'S BOSTON, THT8 14). NOTICE PAT OABET. ifMt GIRARD and GARDNER TIMS FILLED WILLIAM MORRIS. Inc. BILLY HART This with BOB MANCHESTER'S "CEACKEB JACKS." The show ii t kit JAS. P. LEE '• A •ft "THAT COMEDIAN." still brooking lit weeks. Unique Theatre, laatra, Lea Angola 'Frisco; and now in my Hth Address JAB. P. LEX, Union*. Lot Angolan. ■ Tnaatra, i^a Angeles t Si" .^^ ^w-™, at the Unique VELDE TRIO EqnttlbrUl Aerobaiio Oembinatiea, including tha "L00P-THX-LO0P" DOGS (Tha original, not a easy) Played with tremendous anooaaa M waaka an tha Weetara Statue ObuuJt. Vaw playing Address aaia YAXIETY, Harry Aluster CELEBRATED EUXOPXAV IMPERSONATOR, t MX. MARTIN BECE and MX, FXXOT O. WILLIAMS. Addraaa aaia MAXIXELLL DALE WILSON Tha Faeoinatiag Prima Donna la n Captivating Piaaologue, With Chea. 7. Bernhardt In "TXX TRAVELERS." AND Being Very Cleverly Received MYERS 3 LEVITT, Representatives THE CHAS. AHEARN TROUPE Of CYCLING COMEDIANS Hare the greatest collection of freak wheela in vauleville. Big iuooom at every house. Weeh Sept. 21—Central, Canada; Exhibition, Ottawa. P. S.—VARIETY'S Buffalo correspondent said: "Greatest oycle act that ever played Shea's Theatre," ii 99 MOTHER BIG SUCCESS THE ITALIAN By CHAS. J. BURKHARDT and MORT FOX A One Act Playlet Enacted by CHAS. J. BURKHARDT and Capable Players, Inoluding JOSEPH OPP, DAVE ROSE ("The Original Monk"), ARTHUR WELNEERG, FRED LA VARGE, MIS8E8 MAY HARBISON and LOL MARLOWE. Yea, They Ory * Bit ■ En Route with "THE TRAVELERS" Frank AMERICA'S UNSURPASSED DANCERS. Harry BUI 3-Du Ball Bros,-3 Introducing one of the Greatest Novelties in 8inging and Dancing. Opening- on UNITED time. Colonial. Lawrence, Mass., Oct. ft. Ask AL SUTHERLAND. Two NOVELTIE8 OF MERIT! (in one act) Presented by JIM0.Z0iJI30UL.AKI3 CLAT CARTOONIST AND MUSICAL VIRTUOSO 14 Minutes. (Seven in "one' ; open or olose.) K1ETY KNICKERBOCKER THEATRE BUILDING. NEW YORK CITY. CARDS OF ARTISTS UNDER THE HEADING OP " REPRESENTATIVE ARTISTS " 1-2 Inoh alngle ool., S4.0O monthly, net 1 Inoh a 7.00 M ■ 1 -2 Inoh double ool„ 7.80 " " 1 Inoh 12.60 H AT FOLLOWING BATES: 8 I no ha* double ©ol., S22.60 1 -2 Inoh aeroaaaaae, 16.00 1 Inoh f 10.00 2 Inohoa - 60.00 monthly, not Lmrajmr Space Pro Rata No advertisement under this heading- aocepted for loss than one month and no preferred position given. Remittance must accompany advertisements forwarded by mail. Cash disoount for • and IS months. if THE MUSICAL CAFE" BILLINGS "» BLANNY The New All ORIGINAL Novelty Scenic Double Comedy Musical Act (POXMEXLY BLANOHAXD BROTHERS) YES. WE AXE IN THE BANKING BUSINESS!I!!!! HAVE $1,000,000 WORTH OP h OTCS FOX ANY CIRCUIT!!!! Tellers. BEICB « PLUNEBTT. STILL DEPOSITING NOTES WITH SMALL BANKERS; BUT WATT!! When antwerinff odvertitementt kindly mention Variety.