Variety (September 1908)

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26 VARIETY REPRESENTATIVE ARTISTS REPRESENTATIVE ARTISTS MAGNETIC AS A BATTERY * PRETTY AS A PICTURE LOVELY KEITHS, PH1LA.,5EPT. Hi GRAND SINGING A NEW REPERTOIRE OPERA HOUSE, PITTSBURG, Or HER OWN ORIGINAL SONGS SEPT. 28 MEW NOVELTY HEW HOVtLTY "THE MYSTERIOUS BIB LADY" In a Hew Eocentrio Comedy Act. for Im mediate Time. Add*— jtjj So. Broad St.. PhUadalphla. Pa. FONDA, DELL - FONDA Auj. 81—Haymarket, Chicago. Sept 17—Colombia, Cincinnati. Sept. 7—Majestic, Milwaukee. Oct IS—Olympic Chicago, Sept 14—Colombia, St Louie. Oct to—Mary Anderson. Louisville. Sept SI—Grand Opera Houae, Tndi s n spo H a p A y QMMEY Jlsjanf bio success Donro TWO a day. BILLY WILLIAMS Cloning SO Buooeaaful Weeki SalllYan-Conaidia* Cirouit t ., . , HARRY PlLCER I __- Eooentrio Singer amd OPEH FOR OFFERS FOE C0MI1IQ BEA80N. GREAT Addreae oaro VARIETY. GLOIE KING OF FOOLS ART) FUNNY FALLS. •boulder buck danoe. Direction, LYKENS db LEVY EDDIE FOY IN BURLESQUE IRVIN WITH D "FADS AND FOLLIES" ■* ■ IMPERSONATED BY WALTON Carroll «»* Eller Closed with the "Fty Foster" Co. and open at the Orpheum, Davenport, Iowa, in stock burlesque for Manager JOS. OPPElfHEIM, former mgr. of "Fay Foster" Co. MISS ELLER produced all the Musical Numbers for the "Fay Foster" Co. and they are the big features of the show. FOUGERE and EMERSON 'THAT CLEVER COUPLE." Bad Boy Is 1st Box" KNICKERBOCKER TICEATRE BUILDING (ROOM 602), NEW YORK. EW rich McAllister IN THIRD SUCCESSFUL SEASON "A Night In An En glish Music Hall' Will* GUt HILL that funny musical act. NELLIE GRAY GRAHAM Rooked solid until June, 1000 with United Booking Offlcee. SAIL JULY, 1000 FOR ENGLAND. THE GIRLS WHO WILL MAZE YOU STAND UP AND SCREAM FOR KELP WHO ? Dorothy Arville's "Troupers 11 MELVILLE REAPPEARANCE IN VAUDEVILLE, ELLIS Direction 'FAT CASEY EVERETT SCOTT Animal Imporsoaator with "ill LITTLE GIILS AND A TIDDY BIAS Booked on* year solid. •■ E'P. Circuit. SAM Rice, thro* the Agency of PAT CASEY, Protests in Vaudeville A maa-nilooat aoosio production equipped with marreloue oleotrio effects aad hand some wardrobe, entitled "A NIOHT IN EL F»ASO" Introducing the famoua lady dancer, LULU PgESON, and WARD and WrQCB, Companion Danoerr ALHAMBRA THIS WEEK (September 14th). Tit Fanous Quaker City Quartette Xaowa as tho Singing Blaeksmiths, with JOHN HEALY, America'• Best Blaokfaoe Comedian. Manager MYERS d> LEVITT. Agents KNICKERBOCKER THEATRE BUILDING, 1408 BROADWAY, N. Y. CITY. AFTER THEIR PRONOUNCED SUCCESS EN ENGLAND. HAWTHORNE and BURT WILL RETURN TO FULFIL AMERICAN CONTRACTS, AFTER WHICH THEY WILL RETURN TO ENGLAND. When answering advertisementi kindly mention Varlety.