Variety (September 1908)

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mm VARIETY •• Many seem called but few are chosen—some get called for choosing.* 4 PLAY THE ORIGINAL PRESTON KENDALL In the ORIGINAL vaudeville presentation of Translated by JOHANN KNITRAY Adapted by PRESTON KENDALL Publicly produced in New York City AUG. 20, 1908 BOOKED BY ALBERT SUTHERLAND PLAYING UNITED TIME PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE: HOWARD HERRICK ANNIVERSARY NUMBER OF KIETY WILL BE ISSUED December 12.1908 j Reservations for spaoe now sooepted. Early applioations will be given the preferenoe. 1 Page, $125; i Page, $65; i Page, $32.50; 1 inch, $2.80. Single Column Cuts, $15; Double Column Cuts, $25. Applications may be made to publication office, 1402 Broad- way, New York City, or branches in London, Paris, Chi- cago, Denver and San Francisco. Beautiful Experienced CHORUS WOMEN, Big NOVCLTY ACTS, BURLESQUE COMEDIANS, Property Man, Electrician, Experienced Business Manager to join Entire NEW BI6 BURLESQUE CO. To open ON EASTERN WHEEL in New York SEASON ABOUT 34 WEEKS OPEN AND CLOSE SEASON IN N. Y. • Give Permanent Address for two weeks in answer to this Advertisement Address ANDY LEWIS, care COLUMBIA AMUSEMENT CO., 46th Street and Broadway New York City OR CALL MURRAY HILL THEATRE. WEEK SEPT. 38. Anna Woodward AMD TIDE "RUBE BAND" Tint time on any stage. Olympio Theatre, Chioago, this weak (Sept. fl). Time of aot, 18 minutes. 5-e-l COAT AIMS etebt fertormavce. Held eta*e 10 minutes over Tvesday night Had to repeat Finale. Hew arranging Western Vaudeville and Orphenm time. Fifteen people. Address WESTER* VAUDEVILLE ASSOCIATION, MAJESTIC THEATRE BTTILDIHO, CHICAGO. When antwering o4 v m t U*mmt$ kindly mention Variety.