Variety (September 1908)

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23 ast of "th Lloyds [Has made a lasting impression at the Lincoln Square Theatre this week, with another "Shapiro " Song A POSITIVE SENSATION AND INSTANTANEOUS HIT This song is restricted for the use off Miss Daisy (Lloyd) Wood during her American Tour. Like all good songs it io published by Cor. Broadway & 39th St. NEW YORK J O'Neil, Bake. Osborne, Jack. Orating, Mra. Mamie. Pearl, Tony. Pathenaon, Rayard. Plarcb, Gene. Price, Beatrice. Pembroke, Kitty. Pood, Dave O. Purdy, Francla. Pllcer, Harry. Polo, Gabriel. Powera, Jno. T. Powers Elephants (P.O.) Piper, Franco. Prevoat, Loala. Prldeau, Steve (C. O.) Primrose, Anita (C. O.) Parle, Lionel (C. O.) Qnlglley, Helen. Rlna, lime. Roae, Adam A. Read, Alex. D. (S). Royer. Augnatlne. Reynold*, John B. Roblnaon, Ada B. Reanlnga 4 Brown. Rankin. J. IfcKee. Richard «V Barry. Rico, Resale. Roeenberg-Keogh-Hlll. Roaaell, lilao Mona. Roalna. Rellly, Johnnie. Roaen, Jitnmle. Raymond, Melville B. (0. O.) Rock, Wm. (0. O.) Ray, Bllaabetb (C. 0.) Roaaell Broa. Shadrlck, Jamea A. 81n Clair Bister*. 8pencer, Uoyd. 8pringfi*|d, Harry. Schllchtner, Ubert Shaffer, Harry. Smith. Harry H. SatteU. Broa. Star Spangle Banner Co. Show, Doc. Stokes, Minnie. Spong, Hilda. Steven*. Mike J. Sommera, J. T. Scberaor, Mario. Bntharland a OartftB. Snook. B. J. Sargent. 8. P. Sharrocka. The. Sheldon, H. 8. (C. 0.) Swor, Bert (C. O.) Sutherland & Curtis (C. O.) Button A Sutton (C. 0.) 8axton, BUlle (0. 0.) Stlne, Chas. J. Shoff, Ado R. Sbeehan a Monahan C. O.) Ttaropp, Clara. Thompson, Bph. Truman, Wallace. Trlckey, Mia* Coyde. Tolly, May. Ulpas S Hella. Uyatt, Mlas Ida. Van, Cbaa. (The Vana) Verdi, Georgia. Valley. Camilla. Valveno Broa. (0. O.) Waaaman 4 field*. Wayne, Cbaa. Well, Mr. Wetberall. Harry. Williams. Leon. Wilson, Harry. Wilson, George. Wolfe, Grade (t). Woycke. Victor. Wyne. (Kkle). Winner, Kllle. Welch. Paulino. Weston. Bmma. Ward a Cnrron. Wkltaly a BolL Ward, K. Williams, Dot. wiimtr a Vincent. Willing Brothers. Walt*. Emily. Winter, Bank*. Walton, Loala*. Woodman, Joseph. Wright, Mrs. Fred. Ward, Mlsa May. Wallace, Franklin. Wlllard, Alice (C. 0.) Walter, Lee (0. 0.) Yule. Mabel. Yoacarya, Mr. Zaretsky, Bablna. Zola 81sters (C. 0.) CORRESPONDENCE Unlet* otherwise noted, the following re- ports ere for the current week: GHIGAGO by nun wiESBxn s, VABIBTY*8 Chicago Offlce, Chicago Oner* Hon** Block, MAJESTIC (Lyman B. Glover, mgr.).—Mcln- tyre and Heatb revived "The Man From Mon- tana" and acored tbe laughing hit of the bill. Murray Sisters have improved wonderfully In the last two yeara. Tbe singing is much better and there 1b more spirit and animation In their work. The taller girl makes a fine "Gibson" model. She Hang charmingly. Tbe political aong. al- though timely, does not enter opportunely In their very pleasing offering. "Country Boya and Girls," Homan'a rural act, here for the first tfcne. Moat of the aong* are old and the comedy Is of tbe extreme hackneyed sort. Two young girls do tbe most. Only the songs appreciated. Kennedy and Rooney, one of tbe big numbers. Angela Dolorea and Company In "Cupid at Home." Theme conventional but well played and made a good Impression. Frank Whitman, "the dancing violinist/' solid bit. Olivette offered aecond-aigbt reading, lntereated thoae concerned. Mr. and Mrs. Allison famished agreeable comedy and well chosen songs. Clark and Duncan, Jug- gling MathleuH and Ed. and May Woodward completed the bill. STAB AND GARTER (U. J. Herrmann, mgr.). —When Rice and Barton's "Roae Hill" ahow played Chicago last season an alleged "mualcal comedy" entitled "Knights of the Red Garter" was the vehicle. It waa not particularly sclntll- latlng with originality or merit, tbe only feature* of the performance being the femalea and ape- claltlee. This aeaaon the organisation offera tbe same antiquated abaurdlty. for It la nothing more than a revision of conventional ldeaa and eplaode* with Illogical altuatlons. The humor dependa on the complications arising from the adventures of two married men who carry on a revelry of friv- olities with "Arabian Night a" suggestlona. The sheath dresses aud abbreviated pink garmenta are about the only attractive costumes shown now. Tbe choristers are in ambush for fully forty-flve minutes during tbe discourse of the "story" in the second scene, and at the finish only eight girls, wrapped In tbe Japanese robes (repeated), appear and atand around aimlessly. Tbe girls are not accomplished In any way. Most are awkward and alow. Tbe music Is dull most of the time, and there Is little action. It Is a cumbersome arrangement. There are slapstick, seltser bottles snd other decrepit utensils of primitive burlesque fame. The "Comedy Satire" Is very old and crippled, and the breaking of Ice In glasses Is not at all nourishing to good tsste. The duet by Dlsncbe Newcorabe snd another young woman abould not be permitted. Tbe harmony la terrible. One of the best number* waa "All Aboard," through the excellent work of Henrietta Wheeler, a comely and capable woman who can act Intelligently. Beatrice la an agile dancer, but her evolutions were too long In the lsst scene. Tbe first setting is used In tbe final acene, adding inconsistency to tbe action. Idylla Vyner, who has big type In the program with Geo. W. Rice and T. F. Thomas, emerge* attired in a "coocb" outfit and whlrla around mildly. The program aaya It la "Salome." It doesn't matter. The "Rainbow Ballet" and "Scarf" dance preceding Mlaa Vyner'a version of "Sslome" proved attractive. Geo. W. Rice bandlea bis Hues In tbe ssme familiar manner, and T. F. Thomas, bis aid, likewise. There are two extra olio numbers. They are Leon and Adeline, comedy Jugglers, and Lydell, Butterwortb and Morton, excellent dancers. The comedian la a good eccentric dancer. Tbe regular olio has a* a feature tbe Four Londona, in daring casting, one of tbe beat acta of its kind seen. Mia* Vyner appears in songs, well liked. Blanche Newcombe, In "Buster" attire, aang two songs, one effective. John E. Cain and two others of- fered tbe hackneyed farce, "A Good Nlght'a Rest." It Is an old negro sketch, depending on mechanical devices for comedy. Andy McLeed gsve his musical monologue, same aa usual. The show Is not a worthy successor to those already st the Star and Garter thla aeason. It should be thoroughly censored and strengthened. EUSON'S (Sid J. Euson, mgr.).—It requires three scenes to explain the melange of discon- nected comedy elementa In tbe first part pro- vided In the "Blue Ribbon Girls." Tbe opening chorus medley brings on the entire company, the alert coryphees drensed to represent tbe different attaches characteristic of a railroad atatlon. There Is not much contrast In tbe representstlon, but worked out consistently enough, aa burlesque runs. Tbe usual money changing, betting and other familiar traditions are developed In suc- cession. The mock minstrel first part, Interpreted by Pauline Moran and chorua, in black aatln An Act you have never seen First Appearance In America A Sensational Novelty World*s Greatest "FUNAMBULIST" An act you will never forget MURRAY HILL THEATRE, THIS SUHDAY (Sept. 27th) Business Representative, BOHM I EDELMAN. Knickerbocker Theatre Bldg. Wkm anncering advertisementt kindly mention Variety.