Variety (September 1908)

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26 VARIETY REPRESENTATIVE ARTISTS REPRESENTATIVE ARTISTS YOU'VE GOT TO rrvvp YOUR EYE OH THEM EVERY MINUTE THAT THEY ARE OH THE STAGE. THE WEL L KN OWN SULLY RAMIL.Y In one of the fasteat moving comedies, "THE SUIT CASE," written especially for them by 8EARL ALLEH. Tntsedocing that Finished Young Comedian, HA8TER WM. T. BULLY, and DrollI MA6TER JNO. F. 8ULLY, JR. This act is folly protectad. WEEK SEPT. SI, INDIANAPOLIS. SEPT. 88, 8T. LOUIS. Agenta, WESLEY A PDfOUB. Castellane AND Bro "THE DOUBLE SOMERSAULT OF DEATH." Our feature aensational triok among onr many. JANES E. AND LUCIA (00H In "CHATTERING CHUMS." Gm, Blotch mad* ma laugh. SEPT. 81—BENNETT'S, OTTAWA. SEPT. 88—BENNETT'S, QUEBEC. THAT THAT IS, IB. THAT THAT 18 HOT, IB HOT. FRED KARNO'S Comedians If gr. ALP. REEVES. "Night In an English Music Hall." "Night In Slums off London." This Week (Sept. 21). Geleelal, New York -Felix g Barry-4 WILLA HOLT WAKEFIELD BONO READINGS. UNITED BOOKING OFFICE8, HEW YORK. WILFRED CLARKE PTQSsatlng His Sketohes "HO MORS TROUBLE" and "WHAT WILL HAPPEN NEXT!" Address, ISO W. 44th St., Haw York City. HARRY TATE'S Co. FISHING MOTORING IN. Auatrall< Africa DR. CLARKE ii AND MISS BERTHA CLARKE VAUDEVILLES MOST SENSATIONAL ACT. THE HAZARDOUS GLOBE H Act fully protaotad hy U. 8. Patents. - NICK KAUFMANN Cycle Trick Riding Enterprises REFINED CYCLE TRIOK RIDING ACTS Hirhait prioed; original swellest artlita in this Una of business, including "Frank." Absolutely the greatest trick rider on earth. Eight waaki, Empire Theatre, Johannesburg:, Sooth Africa, Aug. 10 to Oct. 8. Permanent address, NICK KAUFMANN, Berlin. W. 80, Winterfeldstrasse S. Oabla addraai, Bicycle, Berlin. Talaphoaa Arat. 6, 18881. DISCOVERED-A novelty!* f "IN THE PENNY ARCADE" Soon to be presented by FAT-HATTIE COLEY (Formerly of Fsy, Coley and Fsy). It's s NOVELTY COMEDY TALKING ACT IN "ONE," with special scenery. Booked by the WESTERN VAUDKVILLt ASSOCIATION EVERETT SCOTT Sutton Sutton "THE BUBE AND THZ LOTNQ PUMPKIN." Lillian Hale A "° Co. Presenting "THE PHANTOM RIVAL,' written by BAOER DEAN. One of the beet laughing high olaaa farcical playlets in vaudeville. Big Bncoaai on Sullivan-Conaidine Circuit. TIME EXTENDED. NEW NOVELTY "THE MYSTERIOUS NEW NOVELTY BIG LADY" IN A NEW ECCENTRIC COMEDY ACT Animal Impersonator with ••MI LITTLE 6ULS AND A TIDDY MAI Booked one year solid. M K.-P. Circuit. IVIO Kolth'm Thontro, Extracts from The Boston Press "Paullnettl sod Plquo evoked much laughter In a burlesque acrobatic act."—HERALD, Sept. 22. "Paullnettl and Plqno do much that Is amnalng, in the Hoe of novel stunts, sod also famish a lot of run by burlesque feats."—GLOBE, Sept. 22. "Paullnettl and Plqno gave a maivelous exhibition of Joggling each other in the air."—BOSTON JOURNAL, Sept. 22. "Paullnettl and Plquo's act Is very clever, end some of the feats tbey do seem quite Impossible."— DAILY ADVERTISER, Sept. 22. "A really unique acrobatic act la presented by ranlluettl and PIquo."—BOSTON TRAVELER, Sept. 22. Permanent Addreaa—8814 Bo. Broad St.. Philadelphia, Pa. (Bell 'Phone) Bpruce 2949 D. MUSI DLMOIMDS PARISIAN STREET SINGERS Always a success on any bill Now on the Morris time SETT. 88—SAVOY, FALL RIVER. OCT. 8—AMERICAN, N. Y. 0. When antioering advertUemenU kindlp mention Variety. .