Variety (September 1908)

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30 VARIETY REPRESENTATIVE ARTISTS REPRESENTATIVE ARTISTS WALTER AND Under the personal direction of PAT CASEY end JENIE JACOBS CC ABE _*. RAWSON and CLARE BOH TO VS. THE COMEDY DUO. BERT «no LOTTIE WALTON OBPHEim, YOVXEBS, THIS WEEK (SEPT. 81). WEEK SEPT. M, POLTS, BBIDGEPOBT. PAT OA8ET, Agent -CHAS. AHEARN TROOPE of CYCLING 00MEDIAB8 At* one of the big features at the Central Canada Exhibition at Ottawa, Canada, tali weak. Vow record for a mile 12% seconds. Week Sept 28—BENNETTS THEATRE, QUEBEC, CANADA. AL. MAYER U the Booker. I it VIN R. WALTON Rt SHSSSTm. ».> WHAT THE CRITIC SAID: "The imitations run from Lillian Russell to one of a prise light. The last ii the best, and it ii in IT that IRVIN R. WALTON makes one of the biggest hits in the history of the Empire as a burlesque house." "Walton imitates Eddie Foy, and he is as funny as Foy ever dared to be "—Toledo, 0., Hews Boo, Sept. 14th, 1908. J AS. P. LEE "THAT COMEDIAN." \ Mere's a record breaker and still hrsahins? Hi weeks, Theatra, loa Angeles; 88 weeks. People's Theatre, Los Aageies; 88 weeks, Lyceum, *Prl*s*j 88 weeks. Empire, 'Prisoo; and now ia my 18th week at the Ualqu* Theatre, Los Angeles. Address JAB. P. LEE, Unique, Los Angeles, VELDE, TRIO la their European Equillbrial Aorobatio Combination, including the "LOOP-THS-LOOP" BOOS) (The original, not a oopy) Played with tremendous suooess 88 weeks oa the Westera States Circuit. Now playing in Middle West. Add r ess oar* VARIETY, Chicago Office. DALE WILSON The Fascinating Prima Dona*. In a captivating Pianologue. with Chas. J. Burkhardt la "THE TBAVELEBS." "3" MUSICAL MILLERS Oa* of the features ca th* Iat*r-8tat* Circuit. ALWAYS WORXXNO. AND Being Very Cleverly Received MYERS $ LEVITT, Representatives Joe DuVal etndk Co* N ENTIRE NE A NOVELTY SINGING-DANCING-COMEDY SKETCH Just Returned to Amerioa after a successful tour of 140 weeks through South Africa and Europe. AMOROS SISTERS TONY WILSON AMD HELOISE NOW ON THE WESTERN AND ORPHEUM CIRCUIT. GREAT AERIAL SMITHS WORLD'S GREATEST TRAPEZE ARTD3T8. THE TALK Or EUROPE. AMERICA'S UNSURPASSED DANCERS. Du Ball Bros.-3 Introducing one of the Greatest Horcltleo ia Singing and Daarlag. Opening on UNITED time, Colonial, Lawreaoe, Mass., Oct. 8. Ask AL SUTMEBLAND. Tw* NOVELTIES OP MEBXT: (la Ml) JIMO.ZOlJBOlJL.AKI ATOOI U Mtautes. MIST AMD MUSIC D MUSICAL VI "*a*"i'*p*a st sis—.) niETY ENIOKERBOCEIR THEATRE BUILDING, NEW YORE CITY. CARDS OF ARTISTS UNDER THE HEADING OP " REPRESENTATIVE ARTISTS •• AT FOLLOWING BATES: 1-f now alnsjto aaL, 04.00 mantfcly, swt 1 la** ^ 7.00 ,r ^ ^ 1-t lawk awabl* m^ 7.00 " " I lawk •• "• 11.80 • ■ 1-BI II 8 Ott^OasMsjMp.aat 10.00 00,00 V* advertisement under this headlag accepted for less thaa one moath and ao preferred positloa given. Remittance must aeoompaay advertisements forwardod Vr maiL Cask discount for 8 aad 18 months. J SAM RICE, thro' the Agenoy of PAT CASEY, Presents in Vaudeville A magnifloent scenio production equipped with marvelous electric effects aad "A NIGHT IN Introducing the famous lady dancer, LULU DEC SON, and WARD aad WCDCsr* Companion DaaooTS. When antwering advertitmmti kindly mention ardroo*, entitled ' ■ Staged by AL. WHITE, Keith's Theatre Bufldlag, Phila. Week Sept. 88, Temple, Detroit Oct 8, Cook's, Rochester. ■