Variety (September 1908)

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VARIETY 37 SEND IN OPEN TIME FOR THIS SEASON WITH ROUTE BOOKED. CAN ARRANGE CONVENIENT JUMPS. ACTS DESIRING TIME ABROAD, FORWARD PARTICULARS AND PHOTOS IMMEDIATELY WILLIAM MORRIS, Inc. 1440 BROADWAY, NEW YORK London office;. 41 • strand, w. c. 167 DEARBORN ST., CHICAGO Boston Office s 513 WASHINGTON ST. HUGO MORRIS. Repr«s«nt»tii PAUL MURRAY, Manager AND STILL THEY COME IDYLLA VYNER, of "Rose Hill English Folly Company," writes us: "I want to toll you how pleated Z am with my wardrobe. Everything was perfection, etc" Let ui send you one of our Ladies' BOOKLETS. WOLFF, FORDING « CO., 61-65 Eliot St., Boston, Mass. I'M THE MAN Who can get yoo the lowest prices and the best accommodstlons If you are foln« to EUROPE References: Anne Bertling, Chan. Karoo, Berhard Trio, Carew A Hayes, Caron A Herbert, Collins A Hart, Perry Corwey, Creo Bros., Morris Cronln. Clemeuro Bros., Paul Clnqwvalll, Callahan & St. George. PAUL* T A U S I G, Vaudovlll* Ntoamehlp Age>nt 104 East 14th St. New York. German Savings Bank Building. Telephone—2099 Stuyvesant. CHICAGO BOOKING AGENCY CHAS. H. DOUTRICK, Manager. Room 29, 92 La Salle St., CHICAGO. Boo king for Vaudeville Theatres, Parks, Airdomes and Fairs. Managers wanting good aots, write. WANTED.—Big Comedy and Novelty Feature Aots to write or wire open time. CHICAGO VAUDEVILLE MANAGERS EXCHANGE 5th FLOOR, MERCHANTS' BLDG., 151 WASHINGTON 8T., CHICAGO. Big Comedy Sketches always in demand. FRANK Q. DOYLE, Manager. THE LEADING ENGLISH THEATRICAL AND VAUDEVILLE NEWSPAPER. Established 1880. THE STAGE Foreign Subscription. 3/10d. per Quarter. May be obtained at Samuel French's, 22-24 West 22nd Street, New York. ARTISTS VISITING ENGLAND are cordially invited to register at "The Stage" offloes imme- diately upon their arrival. The Editor of "The Stage" will always be pleased to weloome them. Advance notioes of sailings and opening dates should be posted to the Editor. When an artist has registered at "The Stage" office, whioh may be regarded as bis permanent London address, all cor- respondence will be immediately forwarded. London OfieeeT: 16 York St., Cerent Garden, London, W. O. HAMMERSTEINS VICTORIA AMERICA'S MOST FAMOUS VARIETY Open the Year Around VAUDEVILLE HEADLINERS - (nOOD STANDARD ACTS If yon have an open week you want to fill at abort notice, write to W. L. DOCKSTADBR, Gar rick Theatre. Wllaiagt.m. D.L Can close Saturday night and make any city east of Chicago to open Monday night. Charles liorwitz Sketches from the pen of Horwits are the best in vaudeville. His record speaks for Itself. Over One Hundred Hits now playing. Order that sketch, playlet, monologue or song from CHARLES HORWITZ, Knickerbocker Theatre Building, Room 815, 1402 BROADWAY, NEW YORE. WANTED ANIMAL ACTOR to plsy NEWFOUNDLAND PUPPY with sketoh, star part. Address Burt Green. Metropole Hotel. New York. Percy G. CIRCUIT The COLONIAL New York The ALHAMBRA Harlem The ORPHEUM Brooklyn The CRESCENT Brooklyn The NOVELTY Williamsburg The GOTHAM East New York And The NEW GREENPOINT THEATRE Brooklyn Address all PERSONAL letters to PERCY 0. WILLIAM, St. James Bid*, 26th St. and Broadway, New York City .- ger, mgr.).—Pictures and four acts of vaude- ville, changed bi-weekly. VAUDEVILLE (W. O. Warren, mgr.).—M. p. PACIFIC (P. Gor- don, mgr.).—M. p. FAMILY (Herick & Bloom, mgrs.).—M. p. HARRY KIRK. ST. JOSEPH, MO. CRYSTAL (Fred Coeman, mgr.).—The Markee Family Band (New Acts) head strong bill. Fiske and MacDonougb, "The Ladles' Interfering So- ciety," leughlng hit of bill. The Bannon Troupe of Jugglers show many new feats. Geo. W. Huesey, ventriloquist, very good. LYCEUM (0. U. Phtlley, mgr.).—Miss New York, Jr., snowed three nights, 17-10, one of beat burleeque aggregation so far this season. NOTES.—Geo. Ira Adams, formerly proprietor and manager of the Crystal Circuit, has purchased a half interest in the Crystal Theatre, Milwaukee, and will take active management on Oct. 1. Mr. Adams for- merly Owned a half interest in the bouse when it was giving Six shows dally, but sold on eccount oi ill-health.—The U."' 8. Military Tournament, which is being held st Lake Contrary, has hurt the attendance of the downtown houses, extremely hot weetber helping It along.—The Bijou Dream opened 20 with moving pictures. BUTCH. SYRACUSE, N. Y. GRAND OPERA HOUSE (Grand Amusement Co., mgrs. Mondsy rehearsals 10:80).—The bill offered this week is tbe best seen here In some time. Williams and Walker's "Chocolate Drops," good; Al. Lawrence, good; B. Frederick Hawley, Francis Halght and Co., went big; BUnore Slaters, made good; Capt. Winston's Seals, good; 8sm Williams, good; Clarence Wilbur and Co.. well received. SAM FBBBMAN. TOLEDO, 0. BMPIRB (Harry Winter, mgr.).—The third week of the burleeque season opened on Sunday with "The Lid Lifters." The show la aneppy all through. From a comedy standpoint "The Lid 14 ft ere" leaves no room for complaint. The olio opened with Jack and Helen Davis in a dancing act on skates, clever; Lee Hickman and Johnny Jess, generous share of applause; Hattle Mills made e good-siaed hit with her neat little sing- ing act; Rose and Bills, barrel Jumping, did nicely; Walker and Barret cloeed the olio with some classy character work which pleased. "The Lid Lifters" carries a bunch of good-looking, active show girls. THE ARCADE (Will Bettte, mgr.).—This week reopens the vaudeville sea- son. Isabel C. Jackson and Co., funny sketch, "Hearts and Dollars"; The Oaavee, clever comedy Juggllug; Harry 8alx, a youthful performer, who sings and dances with spirit; Gladys Dix, dancing and posing, was well received, as was Leslie Beets in a classical singing act. THE VALEN- TINE (Joe Hlrscbfleld, mgr.).—Vaudeville and talking pictures. The regular season opens at tbe Valentine this .week, but tbe moving, pictured will be kept on for Sundeys end all vacant dates. NOTES.—Will Bettls, formerly menager of the Sunbeam, has now taken bold of the Arcade, the Hurtlg A Seamon house bere. Mr. Settle is making a number of changes in tbe policy of the theatre.—Howard Gale, ahead of Joe Galtes' "Three Twins," was in town this week. 8YDNBY WIRE. excellent; Blllle Beard, fair; Daisy Harcourt, clever; The Plcaro, good. GAYETY (Tbos. R. Henry, mgr.).—"Night Owls." Show ss a whole good. STAR (Harry H. Hedges, mgr.).— "Brigadiers" give bright, snappy performance. Cora Llviugstou as special feature. HARTLEY. WASHINGTON, D. 0, --— GAYETY.—Bob Manchester's "Cracker Jacks" are here this week. LYCEUM.-r-Tom Miner's Bohemian Burlesquers sre the attraction this week. TORONTO, OMT. SHEA'S (J. Shea, mgr.).—DeHaven and Parker have clever dancing; "That" Quartet, above the average; Juble Ring, pleased; Ferrell Brothers, WATERTOWN, H. Y. ORPHEUM (W. C. Mack, mgr.).—Smith and Reno, acrobatics, good, comedy fair; Miller and Russell, good; Morgan and Chester, many laughs; Dunbar's Goats, well trained; Campbell and Beard, music and some far-fetched comedy; Wsrtenburg Bros., foot Jugglers, none better; plcturee. ANTIQUE (L. M. Sneden, mgr.).—LaCentra and La Rue, comedy musical; L. O. Welser, Tierney and Tierney, Frank Narvene, Robert Sharkey and pictures. WONDERLAND (J. B. Shaff. mgr.). —Howard Robinson and Co., magic; Geo. B. Toubey, vocalist; pictures. BIJOU (J. W. Lud- low, mgr.).—Art Richardson and.Co., talking pic- tures, big attraction bere; Frank Bennett, vocelist; pictures. LYRIC (0. HlMebrandt, mgr.).— Collis LePage, Howard and Whiting, John Cough- lio, Cbas. Hildebrandt, and pictures. STAB (W. B. Armstrong, mgr.).—Brsnd Bisters, F. B. Brown snd pictures. ODELL. WHEELING, W. YA. WONDERLAND (H. W. Rogers, mgr.).—The best bill of season. Woodford's educsted animals, excellent; Enoch, msn fish; Allen, Delmain and Co. have a good playlet; Langford and O'Farrell, good; Whitman Brothers, novelty contortionists, very good. THE GRAND (Cbas. Felnler, mgr.). --Win. Sullivan and Clarice Pasquelena, assisted by Harry Hardy, "A C. O. D. Package," very good; Melrose and Kennedy, comedy acrobats, good; Ramsey Sinters, well liked; May Duryea and Co., comedy, well acted; Jane Wbltebeck, very pleasing; W. E. Whittle, as President Roose- velt on the battlefield, very novel and enter- taining; Wilton Brothers, horizontal bars, very acceptable. 0. M. Bi. WILLIAMSPORT, PA. FAMILY (Fred. Lamade, mgr.).—Three Sense- tlorial Olivers, wonderful work on tight wire; Howard Truesdell and Co., laughable; Belle Gor- don, good; Jerge-AUeen and Hamilton, s. and d., pleasing; Johnson, Davenport and Ladello, "The Jay and tbe Football Players," whirlwind acro- bats; Lake and Sorge, singing and talking, good. NOTES.—Klnetograpb is reeling off a base- ball picture taken on the Chicago American grounds, which shows Manning and Blair, a former Wllllamsport Trl State battery, In action. STARK. WORCESTER, MAES. POLI'S (J. C. Crlddle, mgr.).—Reed Brothers, clever; Mr. and Mrs. Jlmmie Barry, "At Hens- foot Corner," went big; Anna and Bffle Conley, pleasing singing and dancing act; Adeline Dun- lop and Frank McCormack and Co., "Tbe Night of the Wedding," well played; Tie. CebelH. Brothers, musics], good; Sidney. Dean and Co„ fine; Jean Clermant'a Comedy Circus, muck laughter. M. M. SHERMAN. ZAVE8VTLLK, 0. ORPHEUM (Sun-Murray Co., leeseee and man- agers; H. 8. Carter, roe. mgr.).—Marvin Bros., hand balancing, fine; Bordley, Angelo and Prin- cess, The Minstrel Boys, excellent; Two Almonte, yodlers, good; Frances Holt and Co., "The Honey- moon Trip," clever; Al Dew ton, mimic, good. F. M. HOOK. MAUDE HALL IKIACYi it PRESENT The Magpie aid the Jay ft By EDWARD WEITZEL. Opened the season under the management of WILLIAM MORRIS. This Week (Sept. 21), Lincoln Square. CM/IRLES IB. GUSSIE TAYLOR When anewertng advertisement* Unity mention Variety. anr j "who's your friend " A|| Eacluslve Direction _ LYKENSfc LEVY