Variety (September 1908)

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38 VARIETY REPRESENTATIVE ARTISTS REPRESENTATIVE ARTISTS s THE VENTRILOQUIIT WITH A PRODUCTION Ed« Wm REYNARD And Kit Famous Mechanical Figures. POL at MtS. GENE HUGHES IN "8UPPRES8ING THE PRESS." Flaying the Orpheum Cirouit. England's Premier High-Class Comedy Duettists. The Champion Sincere of Vaudeville. FIDDLER « SHELTON "Suffocated with Delifhtf ttlness." WNk Sept. 88, Majestic, Johnstown, Pa. Direction, PAT OASET. WILBUR MAGI Assisted hy in "The Girl aad the Peart" Booked Solid Baited Time, CO* 8 ' f* 6e »>o n THB NARROW FBLLBR* The Italian and His Sweetheart. T HE PI9TTIS CHARACTER SONGSTERS. 16 Mini., in One. Address care VARIETY. OHAS, J. '«Jackson Family World's foramoot exponents of Scientific Cyc- Ung, Including Loo Jackson, Phenomenal Cyclist of ths century. Touring America. H. B. MARINELLI, Agent. BEST BIG IN ONB neneojemenl ED. S. KELLER fk.iuM.BMr., IN A GUMS BY HIMSELF I Harry Le Clair America's famous Merrymaker, Playing "THE DEVIL." la Vanderille, BURKHARDT "THE MAN WITH THE FTJNNT SLIDE." Poatarod With tha "TraTOiors Co," 800008 08-9. Netta Vesta SINOINO COMEDIENNE. Keith Circuit. Address care VARIETY. ALBERT WESTON "THE DRUNK" With Fred Karno's "A NIGHT IN AN ENGLISH MUSIC HALL" in EM •ttlia LOLA LEA BAIL COMPANY Now winning merited sue cess In (be Vaudeville Houses of the Esst. Address care VARIKTY. Gartelle Bros ZatrodaoiBg Singing, Daaoiag and 8KATOR1AL16M ■AftOUEEUTE Mason i Keeler Direction ASKTN-8INGER CO., Prinoeas T heatre, Chicago. CAVIN, PLATT and PEACHES Presenting "THE 81 osa 4417 trd Arc (] ), Bow York, <m « TOMMY ATKINS aad MIES LIBERTY. JOHN ANO JESSIE Comedy Singing aad Dancing Noreliles. 17 MINUTES IN ONE. THD1 LEBANON. NEXT SHAMOKIN. ATKZB8 aad MIES LIBERTY. POWERS VARDON PERRY WILBER "Those Tkroo Bays" Botnraiag to Vanderille. CADIEUX In Astounding Feats on the Bonnding Wire ROHM A EDELMAN, Agents. THE CHALK LINE Sam J. Curtis?.' Ia "A SESSION AT SCHOOL." By GEO. W. DAY. Weak Boot. M, Poll's, Worcester. Booked solid for season. HENRY-YOUNG A Comedy Chapter Takaa from Ufa, "NEVADA" WIGGIN , s"rARM Apply to THE OHADWIOX TRIO. BILLIE REEVES THE ORIGINAL "DRUNK." "P0LLXE8 OF 1908." Management, ME. F. EIEOFELD, JR., 'OS-'OO. "Catch Mo" la "Tko Boiing Bout." Biggest laughmaker within ths oldest memory. BOOKED SOLID. MARION VICTORIA Direction AL SUTHERLAND. Barry-Wolford The Typical Topical Tioklo Singers. Booked Solid until July, 18*9. This Week, Chase's, Washington. Sept. 18, Poll's, Now Haren. REICH A PLUNKETT, Smart Agents. MYERS AND ROSA " HE COWBOY m GIRL" WHIRLWINDS. Week Sept. 88, Broad* way, Camden, V. J. Going it alone once more and always making good.. What do yon think of that! F. STANHOUPE J. HERZOG T. DUFFY J. KEARNS When answering advertisement* kindly mention Variety. Six DKiitbs' tour Abroad FEATURED with the ADELAIDE HERMANN CO. T. DUFFY, Met. SAILING