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26 VARIETY REPRESENTATIVE ARTISTS REPRESENTATIVE ARTISTS FRED KARNO'S Comedians • mi Mgr. ALF. REEVES. Night in an English Music Hall" "Night in Slums of London" This week (Nov. 2,) Keeney's Brooklyn WILLA HOLT WAKEFIELD SOHG EEADnrGS. uetted booeteg oman, raw tobx Lillian Hale A "° Co. Presenting "THE FHAJTTOM HIVAL," written by 8AOEB DEAH. One of the best laughing high oUm farcical playlsts v in TaadarUle^ OB SalliTan-Oonsidine Cirouit. DeVeJde & Zelcta jXrhshc (rauilibriste Playing the Poll Oirontt. Direction R. 1. EELLSR. SCOTCH BONOS. joxrar SCOTCH DANCES SC OTCH COMEDY. DOVE LEE "THE DANCING BURGLAR •• THE INDIANAPOLIS STAE. Wednesday, October 18, 1000. One of the best dancing acts seen at the Em- pire in a long time ia contributed thlt weak In the olio of the "Imperials" show by Johnny Dore and dainty little Minnie Lao. Both are exceptionally clever in light comedy parts, aad' their singing and dancing makes a bit from the start. Miss Lee's work smacks of Dresden china and she baa few superiors as a dancer. HOLCOMBE'S RUBE BAND AND ANNA WOODWARD MAJESTIC, CHICAGO, THIS WEEE (NOV. t). ORPHETJM TIME TO FOLLOW. Billy Beard •THE PAETY FROM THE SOUTH." EMPIRE, Hoboken, next week (Nov. 9) Direction AL. SUTHERLAND ONE OF AMERICA'S FAVORITE PRIMA DONNAS LOUISE MONTAGUE & CO ■ Under sole direction of LYKENS & LEVY, HUDSON THEATRE, UNION HILL, N. J., WEEK NOVEMBER 9, '08 EIGHTEEN MINUTES OF 140 WEST 42D STREET, N. T. City. 'Phone 2x64 Bryant Cable address, LYKLEVY: New York. "Cavaleria Rusticana" rrr™" 7 JOE KANE Now Playing Opposite to Max Rogers In Panama Claude Roode AMERICA'S PREMIER SLACK WIRE ARTIST Now Playing United Booking Offices Time. Direction ED. So KELLER, St. James Bldg., N ew York LEWIN MARTELL, Xylophonist Hot the world's greatest: but the GREATEST Greater of the World's Greatest. The only man playing the antiro Liast's "Rhapsody Ho. t" aa it should bo pUyed, and a repertoire of 400 solos. Soon to bo associated wtth nTUBTOAX IfOWS. This not for phrasing, toohnlqna and a knock- out will follow any xylophone apt for money or glory. A oontost from other xylophonlsts would bo- ▼ery acceptable. LOIA/E and MARTJEJ-L LEEDS AND LE mm AR Australia's Burlesone Sketch Artists. Introducing their Original Boxing Act, Originators of the "Dust-pan and powder gag." Address care WHITE RATS, 1558 BROADWAY, MEW TORE. HARRY CLAY BLANEY " THE BOY, THE GIRL AND THE COURT " AND COMPANY VAUDEVILLE HAYMARKET, CHICAGO, HOV. 2 When answering advtrtUmxmU kindly mention Variett.