Variety (November 1908)

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VARIETY ALICE RAYMOND ~ PLAYERS - The Morning Telegn "A Vlfht in Egypt" at tae American. Much has been written recently *f the "Spell of Efypt," and Its effect la aaaarelly realised at the American Theatre tbla week. One of the European sensations engaged by WUUam Motrla for the theatres nnder hla control la "A Night in Egypt," introducing Alice Raymond and Her Players. Tbla spectacular musical production has been seen in Manhattan before, bat under condltiona un- suitable for Ita proper .appreciation. On the programme at Uarry Lauder's opening under Morria auspices, "A Night in Egypt" followed the Scotch comedian <>n the bill. The dash for the door at the conclusion of Lander's songs and patter waa too mnch to OTercome In any way other than tot him to agree to return and sing another song later. This he naturally did ph SaIcI Tuesday Last i not, so "A Night in Egypt" waa loat in the ahufflc for the time. A dinger, who Is also the musical conductor for the act. tells In Terse of "The Shadow OfttS) vramidfi." The stage is dark during hla tinging. When the light Is Hashed there is s stags ssttuf Tyi taw that places the audience at once under the away of that mysterious "Spell of Egypt. That mere scenery and properties and costumes could so carry one to the land of gorgeous lni of liplomntic chicanery snd lustful romance might sound Impossible. Yet this set scoonplishss mental Journey. ^^ The musicians render what is familiar to other than Egyptian eara, but this Is no longer Incongruous In s country that baa yielded under protest to the Influence of the Englishman, sad of the American, too. This W If you want a cartoon for that Anniversary Advertisement, communicate with me, care VARIETY THE CARTOON I© XHEXHINO did this booking. FILMS Trade Mark •o '*?*' EMBER lOth, 1908 "TAMING OF THE SHREW" Free Adaptation of Shsksipssrs'i Comexay Object L.e>a»on If we could see ourselves as others see us, what models we would become. Shakespeare doubtless had this in mind when he wrote this masterpiece of comedy, evidently taking his inspiration from Dekker's comedy, "A Medicine for a Curst Wife." One may readily conceive the wonderful possibilities for spirited motion picture situations in such a theme. Follow- ing the example set in the produotion of Ingomar, only the stirring, interesting portions of the play are depicted. At the same time the story is clearly, though concisely, told. It starts just before the arrival of Petruchio to sue for the hand of Xatherine, the shrew, contrasting her nature with that of her sister, Bianca, the gentle. Petruchio woes sad wins Katherine in spite of herself, and at onoe sets out to curb her headstrong humor. This he does by becoming a veritable tyrant himself, and ostensibly all for love of her, showing her first of all how despicable the ill-tempered, restive being is, and finally teaching her that a wife's duty ia obedience to her husband, all of which is accomplished, but not until his poor servants are beaten black and blue and heada nearly broken in punishment of pretended offences and skortoomings. The cook ia accused of burning the meat and geta the joint at his poor head; the baker has made the tart too sweet and receives it full In the faoe; the chamber attendant haa not made the bad properly and so is made to feel the sting of the whiplash; in fact, the whole household is ruled with extreme despotism and all in pretension of pleasing her ladyship, Katherine, until finally we see her pleading mercy for the poor servants. However, she finally realises what she herself haa been guilty of in the past and it effects a permanent cure, transforming; her from the shrew and froward woman that she was to s meek and amiable being. LENGTH, 1048 "THE GUERRILLA" An txcitinri ats>iso<le> off War Times Swift defines war, "That mad gams the world so loess to play," but Sherman said, "War Is hell." However, the Guerrilla contingent is the moat terrifying, as it ia mads up of unconscionable brutes, whose sole occupation is brigandage or worse. A portrayal of theae unfortunate conditions the Biograph selected as the foundation of this subject. It is an episode that may have occurred during the progress of any civil war, but to give it atmosphere have timed it during the civil war of the United States. We show a party of these guerrillas in camp, where they don stolen Confederate uniforms and start off on their nefarious campaign. Jack Sanford ia seen bidding hla sweetheart Dorothy adieu to join hla company of Union soldiers. The exigencies of war are such as to prevent any tidings from him to her for more than a month. However, there comes s welcomed letter that he will soon be with her. Hardly haa the postman left when there drives np a drunken guerrilla, disguised as a Confederate Colonel, whose portentioua mien alarms the girl, and she hastily dispatohes the old negro servant with a hurried note to Jack. Such an office was hazardous in the extreme, and the poor old fellow, after being ahot from hla horse, fairly crawls to ths Union quarters, where he delivers the mesaage to Jaok, who la soon a horse st ths head of hla faithful followers. All this while the drunken guerrilla ia terrorising the poor girl, wrecking her home as hs pursues her from room to room, she endeavoring to bar the way at eaob antranoe. Out on the road Jaok is Buffering handicap in having to fight hla way through the Guerrilla Outlaws, and several thrilling sabre combats are partici- pated in. He arrives at Dorothy's home Just in time and fells the drunken Guerrilla after a spirited fight. The battle scenes are particularly effective, showing some wonderfully olever work in fencing and horsemanship. LENGTH, SQS WM,JLT GET ON OUR MAIL LIST AND KEEP POSTED WRITE FOR OUR DESCRIPTIVE CIRCULARS ALL PICTURES ARE MADE WITH OUR CELEBRATED BIOCRAPH CAMERAS OUR FILMS RUN ON ANY MACHINE AMERICAN MUTOSCOPE-BIOGRAPH COMPANY IJOkVmi! 5 KLEINE OPTICAL COMPANY. j^vMButMi {WILLIAMS, BBOWV * EARLE. AMERICA* MTJTOSOOPE A BIOGRAPH CO. E« l^tH STREET, NEW YORK CI IT WILL PROTEOT OUR CUSTOMERS AND THOSE OP OUR LICERSEES AGAINST PATENT LITIGATION IN THI USE OP OUR LICENSED FILMS KTeine Optical Co., Chicago, Special Selling Agents 312 California Street, Los Angeles, Cal. IT sv^^t 0P*W^v^My OTV^V^fWn^nw^WnT swWW^poy bwVIWnOsw ▼ AJUsVa»•