Variety (November 1908)

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16 VARIETY t VARIETY ARTISTS' ROUTES FOR WEEK NOV. 16 WHEN NOT OTHERWISE INDICATED. (The rentes here giro*, searing ae tote* are free* MOV. 16 to MOV. It, lnolusies, 4e- psnlsnt apsa the rponlag aai elsstng iafa af s ngoga msats la different parts of tha ooantry. ah aAdroasoa below an fanritVrt VABIETT ay artists, AAdr s ss ss aan Buaaaan or agents will not as printed.) "0. B," ia the list Jndlostss tha nats af ths stress named, with wUah tha artist ar act la with* and may be found ender "0IBCU8 BOTCH." "B. B.." "VUVLMMQUE BOTCBB." BOTCBB TOM THB V0LL0WXVO WBBX MUST BSAOH THDl OFFICB MOT LATBB TKAM TUMBAT MOBBTBO TO BBBTTBB PUBLICATION. ) a »,s M S"»«a*s*»*s*s»s»s»s»s»s«»« Abdsllsb Bros.. Three. 1236 Golden Gate, Frisco. AAsir A Dolls, Birnun. A Bailey. 0. B. Adair. Art, Hagenbeck-Wallece. C. B. Adama. llabelle. Orphenm, Seattle. Ader Trio. 2288 N. 8, Poll*. Adelyn. BOX 249. Champaign. 111. Are*. John. Singling Bros., 0. B. Anemrna, ine, Urptteuai,"*o»iauiouvSi, ^ _ Ahearn. Cbaa., Troupe, Empire, Peterson; 88, Orpheum. Altoona. Ps. Alberl. Glulla, Bcrlbnere Big 8bow. B. B. A1 bene A La Brant. 212 E. 28. N. T. Alburtua A Millar, Hippo.. Brighton, Bag. Aldo A Vannerson, 284 W 24, N. T. Alexandra A Bertie. 41 Acre Lane. London, Bng. Alexander A Scott Not. 18-80, Mellini, Hsnorer, Oar. _ Alexis A Sehsll. Orphenm, 8pokane, Waah. Anderson, Madge, 8814 Ph. Helghta. BaltL, Md. Allen, Chaa. H., 481 8 Morgan, Chicago. Allen, A. D., Co., 74 Pleaaant, Montclalr, rt. J. Allen, Ed. Campbell Broa., C. B. Allen, Sesrte A Violet, 222 B. 14, N. T. Allen. Leon A Bertie, 118 Central, Oshkosh, Wis. All, Hunter A AU, Majestic, Dearer. Alllaon, Mr. A Mrs., Green Boom Club, N. X. Alpine Troupe, Cols Bros., 0. B. Alrona, Zoller Trio, Mardl Grss Beautlea, B. B. Alreno. Msdsme A Co., West Mlddletown. O. Alrsrettss, Three, Jeraey Lilies, B. B. AlTin, Peter H., Bullocks Comedy Co. American Dancers, Six, K. A P. 128th St., N. I.; 23, Orpheum, Yonkera. American Newsboys Quartet, Majestic, Danes, Tex.; 28, Majestic, Houston. American Trio, 88 Penn Are., Newark, N. J. Andersons, Four, Family, DsTenport, Is. Andsrson A Golnss, Hathaway'a, Brockton, Mass.; 28, Auditorium. Lynn. Angell Slaters, 712 W. N. York. Indi a n a po l i s. Apollo Bros., 848 W. 4, N. T. Archer, Bob, Jolly Girls Co., B. B. Ardell Bros.. Majestic, Birmingham; 28, Majestic, Little Bock, Ark. Ardo A Bddo, 800 B. 84, N. T. Arlaons Troupe, 881 B. 18, N. T. Arlington Four, Bennett's, Hamilton; 28, K. A P. 5th Are., N. Y. Armonda, City of Yesterday,. Lyceum, Calgary. Can.; 23, Lyceum, Lithbrldge, Alb., Can. Armstrong A Levering, Empire Burlesquere, B. B. Armstrong A Verne, Msjestlc, Chicago. Armond, Grace, Darenport, Is. Arnold A Felix, Family, Pott by Me, Pa.; 28, Fsm- • lly, Chester, Ps. Arthur, W. J., Columbia. KuoxtIUs. indef. Arrllle. Dorothy, Boaalelgh Court, 85th. N. Y. Aatalrea, The, 42 Eldorado, Highwood Pk., N. J. Auberta, Lea, 14 Frobel 8tr. III., Hamburg, Osr. Anbnrna, Three, 885 Beacon, Sbmerrllle, Mass. Auera, The, 87 Heygate, Southend on-Sea, Bng. Anger, Capt., Geo., 12 Lawrence Bd., So. Ealing. London. England. Austins, Tosalug, Hippo., Birkenhead, Bng. Arery, W. I., 8008 ForrestTllle, Chicago. Ayroa. Howsrd, 2411 So. Alder, Phils. Assrds, The, 229 W. 88, N. Y. Bsrsbsn Basslaa Troape, 108 B. 116tb. N. Y. Boeder, La Veils Trio, 888 N. Christiana, Chi- cago. Bschmen, Msrls, Grand, Los Angeles, Indef. Bacon. Mr. ft Mrs., Majestic, Houston; 28, Ms- Jostle O sires ton. Baaraatala. Harry, BIJon, Baeina, Wis., ladsf. Barry ft Watford, Keith's, Boston; 28, Auditorium, Bemes ft Conwsy, City Sports, B. B. Barroo, Baby. 20 B. 68. N. Y. Barrett, Marjorie, 28, Bijou, Winnipeg. Barry ft Hughes, Orpbeum, Omshs. Bsrnold, Usls, Olympic. Chicago. Barnsa, T. Boy, ft Crawford, Beasts, Poll's, Scran ton; 28, Poll's, Springfield. Barton, Harry, 608 P., Kara dry, Cal. Bassstt, Edward, Hathaway'a, Lowell, Mass.; 28, Hsthswsy's, Nsw Bedford. Batro ft MeCne, 818 No. Second. Beading. Battle, Wo. Carl, Poll's, Nsw Hsrsn; 28, Poll's, Worcester. Be Anna, The, 8448 Chsrlton, Cblcsgo. Beam, Will, Star, McKees Bocks, Ps.; 28, Lyric, Martina Ferry, 0. Beimel, Musical 840 B. 87th, N. Y. Bernler ft Stella, Pantages', Tscoms. Wash. Beyer. Ben ft Bro., 1486 Bryant, N. Y. Beard, Billy, Empire, Pstsrson. Beeurala, Arthur ft Co., Victor House, Chicago. Beettle, Bob, Little Nemo Co., indef. Beaeher ft Maye, Lyric. Bridgetoo. N. J., indef. Behrend, Musical. 62 Springfield, Newark. Belford. Al G., Frank A. Bobbins, 0. B. Bell. Cbaa., Lyceum, Calgary, Can.; 28, Lyceum, Lithbrldge, Can. Ball, Hani Ferns, New Castle, Ind. Bonnet, Phil, Poll's, Springfield; 28, Poll's, Bridge- port. Beuclair Bros., Hammeratein'a, N. Y.; 28, Hsth- swsy's Lowell. Bnr le eq ners . B. B. Bertlna ft Brockwsy. 811 Third, Nsw York. Biff ft Bsng, Bijou, Ls Crosse, Wis. Big City Qasrtet, Orphsnm, Sloox City, Is, Blssett ft Scott, Orphenm, Portlsnd, Ore. Black Pstti Troubadours, Sbermsn, Texas; 88. Tulsa. Okla. Blaka ft Amber, Hippo., Nottinghsm, Bag. Blsmpbin ft Hshr, Family, Chester, Pa. Bteser * We&fc-fST W. 44, N. Y. BUon Ceassdy Trio, Wataaa's Blnghsm. 886 Beacon. SosnerrlUe, Mess. Blsoa City Qasrtet, Cook's, Bocheeter. Black ft White Trio, 684 Columbus, N. Y. BUck ft Lselle. 484 Bees, ClncinnetL Blsnchsrd, Clin*, Boyal SUre Co. Blondell ft Co., Ed., Orphenm, Atlanta. BlondeU, Mysterloua. ft Co., 16 Second St., N. Y. Blmm, Bomm ft Brrr, Keith's, Portlsnd, Ms.; 28. Hsthswsy's, Lowell. Bimbos, Ths, Msln, Pearls, Dl. Booth-Gordon Trio. 1668 Broadway, N. Y. Bootblack Quartet, Poll's, Worcester; 88, Poll's, Hartford. Bonlden ft Quinn, Tome Blrer, N. J. Bowen, WhaXea ft Florenas, 8688 Msse., Cambridge, Mass. Bowers, Wslters ft Crooker, Msjeetlc, Chicago. Bowery Comedy Qnar., Bunswsy Girls, B. B. Borslnl Troape. Hegenbeck-Wellsce. 0. B. Bowen Bros., Orphsnm, Ksnsss City. Celeet, T4 Grore road. Olsphsm Park. Chadwlck Trio, 88, Orpbeum, Bait Lake. Chess, J. Percy, BIJoo, DsoAoat. Wis., unset Cberie. Doris, Follies of tha Day. B. B. Chereiler, Louis ft Co., Los Angelas, Loe Angeles Cal Christopher. Chris.. 48 6th An., Chi Canary, Wsyns G., 801 W en, N. Church City Foar. fitroOlng Plsysrs. B. H. CUire, Ins, Bennett's, Montreal; 28, Bennett's, Ottawa. Claadlns ft Scarlet, 28, Orpheum, St. Paul. Clark ft Turner. 148 W. 84. N. Y. Clarke, Wilfred, Orpheam, St. Paul. Clayton ft Drew, Majestic, Joplla, Mo. Clsrmontss. The, 128 W. 27, N. Y. Clito ft Sylrsstsr, 0.0. H.. Pittsburg. Cogsn ft Bancroft. 1668 B'way, N. Y. CogsweUs, Three, Touring Mexico. '08-'08. Cole ft Clemens, Lyceum, Msadrllls, Ps.; 88, Orphenm, Oil City, Ps. Cole, Bert, Hsgenbeck-Wellsee, 0. B. Cole, Will, Olympic, Cblcsgo. Colsmsn ft Ls Moat. Hippo Blnk, Birmingham. Coloalal Qnsrtst, 1882 Psgs. Baa Frsndsoo. Colonns ft Cnmmlngsr, Psrillon, Llrerpool, Bag. Columbls Mualcal Trio, De Bae Broa.' MinetreU. Columbians, Firs, 126 Midland, Flndlsy, 0. Comrades, Foar, Vsrletlss, Tarn Haate, Did. Conley, Anna ft Bahe, Orphenm, Harrlabnrg. Courtnsy ft Jeennette, 868 14th PI.. Chicago. Connelly, Mr. ft Mrs. B- 8140 Indiana, Oldham. Bng. Connelly ft Wsbb, Columbia, St. Louis. Conn, Downey ft Wlillsrd, Ksltb's, Prorldsnee. Conroy, Le Msln ft Co., Bennett's, Ottawa; 88, Bennett's, London. Conway Ar Levari, PeUce, €a.U»le, Lug." -- Hz*kfKar&aiMr ■n j n u tfgcT-'Wiahe*. C. B. Delsraya ft Frits. 8687 Madison. Chicago. Doming, Joe ft Co., BUon, Dnlnth, Minn. Dalmar ft Delmar, 84 Henry, N. Y. C, Delmore ft DarraU, 1616 Ninth, B. Oakland, Cal, DeUnon, Misses, Columbia, St. Louis. Delmon ft Oneida. Camden, N. J.; 28, Hudson r Union HUL N. J. Deltoa, AL H., 688 18, Milwaukee. Demeeoa, Tha. 118 N. 6. Phils. Demonlo ft Belle, Family, ML Vernon, O. Denser, Bon, Behmsa Show. B. B. Deonso Bros., SchsIIsrs. Copenhagen, Denmark. Desmond Trio, Crystal, Braddock, Pa.; 888, Alpha, Erie, Pa. Dwell, The, 1-21, Sea Francisco, Cal. Ds Mora ft Graceta, 288 Crystal. Flndlsy, 0. De Benso ft Ls Due, Psntages', Portlsnd, Ore. De Vera ft Greenwood, Keith's, Pewtuckst; 28, Keith's, Providence. Do Verne, Thelms, ft Co., 4678 Ystss, Dearer. Da Yonng. Tom, 166 B. 118. N. Y. Dismoad, Jim. Kentucky Bailee, B. B. Dlsmond ft Smith, Fsmlly, Elmlrs, N. Y.; 28, Auditorium, York, Ps. Dlerlcke Broa., Majestic, Kslsmssoo. Mich. Dixie, Harris ft FrsncJs, 248 B. Jefferson, Decatur, 11L Dlxoa, Bowers ft Dixon, 766 8th An., N. Y. Donald ft Carson, Majestic, Milwaukee; 28, Hay- market, Chicago, Donnelly ft Botall, N. Y. Stars, B. B. Doherty ft Hsrlows, Hsthswsy's, New Bedford; 28, Hsthswsy's, Lowell. Doherty Slstsrs, Orphenm. Allentown, Pa.; 28, G. 0. H., Wheeling, W. Va. Dooley. Jed. Keith's, Clerslsnd; 28, Hudson, Union Hin. N. J. Cook, Frank, Austin ft Stone's, Boston, indef. Cook, Joe ft Bro., 28, Orphenm, Salt Lake. Cooke, Maurice B.. Majestic, Chicago. Coombs, Frank ft Stone. Muriel. Poll's, Springfield. Cooper, Harry U, Williams' Imperials, B. B. OoreUls, Three, Haceabeck-Waflan. a B. Courtney ft Dunn. 288 B. 18. N. Y Courtney ft Jesnette, Fslrylsnd, Bristol, Tenn., Indef. Coutboul A Co., Poll's, New Hsren; 28, Poll's, •^ Worcester. Crawford, Pst, HI Henry Minstrels. Oralge, Mualcal. 286 B. 168, N. Y. Cremea, De Witt, 688 Church. Ann Arbor. Mich. Creasy ft Dsyne, Keltb'e, Columbus; 28, Ksltb's, Cleeeland, O. Orlmmlns A Gore. Bijou, Ann Arbor, Mich.; 28, BUon, Flint, Mich. Crolius, Dick ft Co., Columbia, St. Louis. Cronln. Morris. 21 Alfred Place. London, Bnglsnd. Cummtngs ft Msrley, Unique, Los Angelas, Indef. SEND IN YOUR ROUTE VARIETY Prints No Route Not Received Direct Boyce, Jsck, Young's, Atlsntlc City. Boyds, Two, 1260 So. Decatur, Montgomery. Ala. Brays, Ths, Campbell Bros.. C B. Brady ft Mshonay, Irwin'e Bta Show, B. B. Bradabsw, Cbss. H. ft Co., Columbls, St. Louis. Breeu. Hsrry, Poll's, New Bedford; 28, Hsth- swsy's, LowsU. Brenon ft Downing Co., Msjeetlc, Houston. Brighsm, Anns B., 28 Exchange, Blnghsmton. Brtnkley'a, The, 424 W. 88, N. Y. Brltton, Sedle, Coliseum, Burlington. Is., indef. Brittons, Ths, Orpheum, Brooklyn; 28, Alhsmbrs, N. Y. Brooks ft Vedder, Orphenm, Loe Angeles. Brooks ft Denton, 670 6th, N. Y. Brooks, Franklin A., Palace, Cony, Ps. Brooks ft Jesnette, Mossrt, Elmlrs, N. Y.; 28, Fsmlly, Wllllsmsport, Ps. Browne. Bothwell. 407 W. 128, N. Y. Brown B. Jay, 181 Dennyway, Seattle. Braces, The, Bijou, Ann Arbor, Mich.; 28, BIJon, Lansing, Mich. Brunettes, Cycling, 0. H., Pottsrllle, Ps. Brysnt ft SsrlUe, Liberty, Pittsburg; 28, Or- pheum, Oil City, Ps. Bnch Bros., Bdeson St., Bldgefleld Pk., N. J. Buckeye Trio, Blsln Are., Merlon, O. Burks, John ft Mss, Msjestlc, Cblcsgo. Burks, John P., Gem, Tsmpe, Fla., indef. Buckley, John, Psn Hsndls Psts Co. Burnhsm, Cbss. C, ft Co., Bijou, Lsnslng, Mich.; 28, Cryital, Mllwsukee. Burns ft Bmersoo, 1 Piece Boledlen, Perls. Burt, Glenn, City Sporta, B. B. Burt, Laura, ft Stanford, Henry, Bennett's, Hsm- ilton; 23, Bennett's, London. Burton ft Burton, Al Besres, B. B. Burton, Hughes ft Burton, 683 Stanton, Nllss, O. Burton ft Vsss, Cbsmpsgns Girls, B. B. Bush ft Elliott, 1864 66 St., Brooklyn. Bossier. Welter H.. Orphls, Msdlson. Wis., indef. Buster Brown ft Tigs, 48 W. 26, N. Y. Butler ft Bessett, 128 W. 80, N. Y. Buxton, Cbss., Crystal, Msnsshs. Wis., Indef. Byers ft Hermann, Orpheum, Butte. Byrne-Golson Plsyers, Msjestlc, Coder Keplds, Is. Byron A Lsngdon, Orpheum, Ksnsss City. Csln Slstere, Empire, Youngstown, O., indsf. Callahan ft St. George. Coliseum, London, Bng. Caliph, The, 15-28, Ssn Francisco, Csl. Csmeron A Byrne, 81 Bsrtlette, Ssn Francisco. Csmpbell ft Brsdy. Hsstlnga' Big Show. B. B. Carbrey Bros., Auditorium, Lynn; Keltb'a, Boston. Csrillo, Leo, csrs of Vsriety, N. Y. Carlln A Otto, 28. Chase's, Washington. Carraya, The, 10, Perry, Pittsburg. Carol Sitters, Serensdsrs, B. B. Canon, Mlrsm, F., G. O. H., Indlsnapolla. Csrter, Cbss. J., Milton, Queens, Sydney, Ann. Osrtsr, Lllllen, L-wtn't Majesties, B. B. Carey A Stamps, 82 Court St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Cnsey ft Le Clelr, 244 K First, Jeraey City. Castellane A Bro., Orpbeum, Portland. Ceballoa, Helarlon A Bossli, 770 Stats, Bridgeport. Curtis. Ssm J., ft Co., Hsthswsy's, Nsw Bedford; 28, Hathaway'a, Brockton. Curson Sisters, Circue, Bbnmsn, Bsrttai, Ger. Cutty's, Mualcal, Nor. 28, Keith's, Phils, D'Alrini, Bocky Point, B. I., Indef. Dsly ft O'Brien, 418 Strand, London, Bng. Dele, Wm., Crystal, Elkhart, lad., Indsf. Dare. Harry. 826 B. 14, N. Y. Darrow, Stuart, Mr. A Mra., Poll's, New Hsren; 28, Poll's, Bridgeport. Deris, Bdwarda, Orpheum, Boston, Ps.; 28, Or- pheum. Hsrrlsburg, Ps. Deny ft Moore, 466 B. Carnad, Detroit Daeeanort, John, Yankee Boblnson, Q. B. Darenport, Stick ft Norms, John Boblnson's, 0. B. Davis. Floyd. Temple. Boulder. Col.. Indef. Dswson ft Whitfield, Dainty Duchess, B. B. Darla Broa., Hi Henry Minstrels. Dey. Carita. 823 Mott Aes.. N. Y. Descea, Harry A Co., Unique, Minneapolis; 23, Bijou, Fargo, N. D. Dell ft Mttlsr, Hippodrome, Bnffslo, Indsf. Ds Cortet ft Beg©, 1668 Broadway, N. Y. De HoUla ft Vsldora. Colonlsl Belles. B. B. De Veea Hubert. 864 Prospect PI., Brooklyn. De Velde ft Zelds, Poll'e, Bridgeport; 28, Poll's, Springfield. Dorsch ft BunseU, Wash. 8q.. Ssn Franclseo. Dotson, Howsrd, 1668 Broadway, N. Y. Dors ft Lee, ImperiaLB. B. Dow ft Dow, Lyric, Wellsborg, W. Vs. Drew, Dorothy, 16 St. Martina St., Loadon, Dnw, LowsO B., 4338 Psehln. Boaboroawh, PhUa. Dudley, O. B, Crystal, lad., Indsf. Daffy. Dan J., Lincoln Apta., Atleatn OHy. Du Mare, Henry, Star, Tyrone, Ps. Duncan, A. O., 28. Orphenm, St. Paul. Dunham, Jack. City Sports, B. B. Dnnbsrs, Four, Columbls, Cincinnati. Dnnedln Troupe, 418 Strand, London, W. C, Bhuj. Dunn, Hsrrey, De Hue Bros.' Minstrel*. Duprei, Fred, Hsthswsy's, Msldsn; 28, Colonist, Lawrence. Eerly ft Late, Century Girls, B. B Eckboff ft Gordon, Bice ft Bsrton'a Galsty. B. B. Bdlnger Bisters, Jsmee Adsms Co., Auditorium, Cbsriotts, N. C. Edwards, Fred B.. Gem, Lancaster, O. Edwsrds, M. ft C B., Hippodrome, Bnffslo. Indef. Bdwsrds ft Glenwood, Msjeetlc, Houston; 28V Msjeetlc, Gslreeton, Tex. El Bsrto Family, 2581 No. HoUywood, PhUs. ElasUc Trio, Msjestlc. Pittsburg, indsf. Elliotts, Ths. O. H., 8. 8.. Pittsburg, Indef. Ellsworth, Harry, Mr. A Mrs., Orphenm, Attests* Gs. Emerald, Connie. 41 Hollsnd Bd.. Brixton, Londoa. Emerson ft Bsldwln, Follea Bergen, Parts, Francs. Emmett, Grade ft Co., Orphenm, Loe Angeles. Empire Comedy Four, Mohswk, Schenectady; 28. Bennett's, London, Csn. Enlgmsrells, 262 Flint, Bochestsr. Brgott ft King. Circus 81nlselli, Wsrsaw. Bussta. Esmeralde Slstere, Nor. 1-80, Forlrlsl, Bndspsst, Hungsry. Espe, Dutton ft Bspe. Orpbeum, Kansss City. Eesns ft Lloyd, 028 B 12, Brooklyn. ETere, Geo. W., Bijou. Jackson, Mich.; 23> Bijou, Ann Arbor, Mich. Faber, Alata. Hagenbeck-Wallscs. 0. B. Fsdettes of Boston, Proctor's, Albsny. Fslrcblld. Mr. A Mrs. F.. 1640 47, ChtesgOv Fsntss, Two, Mystic, Pittsburg. Fanton Trio, American. St. Louis. FsrUrdsux, Osmllle, Bice ft Barton's Gslety. B. B Fsrrell. Billy, Moas ft Stall, London. Bng. Fay, Bey F.. Alsmo. Coder Bsplds, Is., indsf. Fsy, Anns Brs, Melrose Hlgblsnds, Msss. Fsy. Frank A Gertrude. 77 Walton PL, Cblcsgo, Fentelle A Csrr, Orpheum, Memphis; 23, Orpheum, New Orleans. Fernandes, May Duo, Columbia, St. Louis. Ferguson, Dick A Bsrney, Grand, Portlsnd. Ferguson ft Du Pree, 0 ft 16 Metropole, Psnsms, C. A. USB THIS FORM IP YOU HAVE NO ROUTE CARDS CARDS WILL BB MAILED UPON REQUEST