Variety (November 1908)

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VARIETY 21 JEROME & SCHWARTZ'S BIG HIT. Rose Time, Rom" For SLIDES apply to SCOTT & VANALTENA, 59 Pearl St., New York. CEO. M. COHAN'S Sr&SS*. Featured in "THE YANKEE PRINCE." I'm Aw u ly Strong For You i> ORCHESTRATIONS will be made in any key to suit the Singer. JEROME & SCHWARTZ'S COMIC SONG SENSATION, "None of Them's ftot Male and female versions. A positive applause win- ner for any singer. This is the song that warms up a cold audience. BERT COOPER now at the SHERMAN HOUSE, CHICAGO. If you are in that vicinity or playing West, call or write to him, and he will gladly serve you. THE COHAN & HARRIS PUBLISHING CO. 115 WEST 42d ST. Bel Breadwejr and ttk Ave. NEW YORK J Frolicsome Lambs, IS, Royal, Montreal; 28, Star, Toronto. Golden Crook, 16, L. O.; 28, Majestic, Kansas Cltj. Happy land, 16, Gayety, Toronto; 28, Princess, Moutreal. Hastings Show, 16, Princess, Montreal; 28-25, Empire, Albany; 26-28, Empire, Holyoke. High Rollers, 16, Majestic, Kansas City; 28, Gayety, St. Louis. Imperials, 16, Star, Cleveland; 23, Academy, Pittsburg, Irwin's Big Show, 16, Euaton's, Chicago; 28, Gayety, Milwaukee. Jersey Lilies, 16, Gayety, Hcboken; 23, Harlem Music Hall. N. Y. Jolly Girls, 16, Columbia, Boston. Kentucky Belles, 16-18, Empire, Des Moines; 19- 21, L. O. Knickerbockers, 16, L. O.; 28-25, Gllmore, Spring- field; 26-28, Empire, Albany. Majesties, 16, Gayety, Milwaukee; 23, Buson's, Chicago. Mardl Gras Beauties, 16, Gayety, Washington; 23, Gayety, Pittsburg. Masqueraders, 16, Gayety, Brooklyn; 28, Gayety, Philadelphia. Merry Maidens, 16, Dewey, Minneapolis; 23, Star, St. Paul. Merry Makers, 16, London, New York. Miss New York, Jr., 16, Lyceum, Washington; 28, Monumental, Baltimore. Morning Glories, 16, Gayety, Columbus; 23, Em- pire, Toledo. New York Stars, 16, Garden, Buffalo; 23, Cor- inthian, Rochester. Night Owls. 16. Harlem Music Hall; 23, West- minster, Providence. Parisian Widows, 16-18, Empire, Albany; 19-21, Empire, Holyoke; 23, L. O. Pat White's Gaiety Girls, 16-18, Gayety, Al- bany; 19-21, Lyceum, Troy; 23, Royal, Montreal. Reeves' Beauty Show, 16-18, Gllmore, Springfield; 19-21. Empire, Albany; 23, Olympic, N. Y. Rents Santley, 16, Murray Hill, N. X.J 23, Casino, Philadelphia. Rice A Barton, 16, Boson's, Chicago; 23, Gayety, Milwaukee. Rice A Barton's Big Gaiety Co., 16, Star, Brook* lyn; 23, Gayety, Brooklyn. Rial to Rounders, 16, Waldman's, Newark; 23, Gayety, Hoboken. Rollickera, 16, Empire, Brooklyn; 28, Imperial, Providence. Rose 8ydell, 16, Gayety. Pittsburg; 28, Gayety, Columbus. Runaway Girls, 16, Olympic, N. Y.; 28, Star, Brooklyn. Sam Devere, 16, Star, St. Paul; 28-25, Empire, Dea Moines; 26-28, L. O. Sam T. Jack, 16, Bijou, Philadelphia; 28, Em- pire, Brooklyn. Scrlbner's Big Show, 16, Greenwald, New Or- leans; 28, L. O.; 80, Majestic, Kansas City. Serenaders, 16, Corinthian, Rochester; 28, Gay- ety, Toronto. Star Show Girls, 16, Bon Ton, Jersey City. Strollers, 16, Empire, Chicago. Thoroughbreds, 16, Empire, Newark. Tiger Lilies, 16, People's, Cincinnati. Trans-Atlantics, 16, Empire, Cleveland; 23, Gar- den, Buffalo. Travelers, 16-18, Electra, Schenectady; 18-21, Bijou, Paterson. Trocaderos, 16, Westminster, Providence; 23, Gayety, Boston. Uncle Sara's Belles, 16, Star, Milwaukee; 23, Dewey, Minneapolis. Vanity Pair, 16, Star and Garter; 28, Standard, Cincinnati. Washington Society Girls, 16-18, Luserne, Wilkes Barre; 19-21, Gayety, Scranton. Watson's Burlesquers, 16, Avenue, Detroit; 23, Folly, Chicago. World Beaters, 16, Empire, Toledo; 23, Gayety, Detroit. Yankee Doodle Girls, 16, Folly, Chicago; 23, Star, Milwaukee. LETTERS Wfiere C. 0. follows name, letter is In Chicago Office. Advertising or circular letters of any description will not be listed when known. Letters will be held for two months only. P. C. following name Indicates postal card. Anderson, Dan (C 0.) Angerlne, Louis. Andrews, Pearl (0. O.) Austin, Miss Maxlne. Aces (C. O.) Ackerman, Ed. Ames ft Ball (0. 0.) Barron, Ted. 8. Boyd, Wm. Borneman, Alfred. Bentley, Arthur. Butemen, Thomas. Barry, Dick ft Dolly. Barrett, Pat. Bender, Wlnfleld. Barnard, Joseph B. Balsder. Bd. Bragg, Archie (C. O.) Brlgnola. B. (C. O.) Beck. Carl B. (C. 0.) Bowles. Geo. Belmont, Freda. Baker ft Carlisle. Belmont, Bella. Burke, Chas., ft Co. Bellman, Harry K. Bruce, Mlaa Gertrnde. Hi a hams, The tO. O.) Braham, Michael. Burns, Jonn H. Bunnln, Miss Evelyn. Blacher, Miss Anna. Brltt, Freddie (O. 0.) Bell. Floes (0. O.) Baker ft Robinson (0. O.) Briscoe. Ollre. Bennett, Mrs. Mar- garet. Brooks, Herbert. Brown, Harris ft Brown. Barrett, J. J. Barlowe Frederlcke. Bunch, Johnny. Cllne. J. E. Curren, P. Corrlgan, Emmett. Carroll ft Baker. Conklln, Al. Cbilds, Miss Jeanette. Chester, Elizabeth B. Columbians, Flva (0. O.) Clifton. William. Camp, Frank B. Calvert. Albert (O. O.) Clo*e. Sidney (C. O.) Clifford, Dave (C. O.) CarlBKs. Miss Carlle. Carroll, Tom (0. O.) Cook, Dick (0. O.) Clark, Geo. A. (C. O.) Culbert, Mrs. Centeno, Jose. Crawford, Margaret. Colllgnon, H. A. Clarke ft Clifton (C. 0.) Carr Trio (C. O.) Connelly, Arthur. Davln, Laura (C. O.) Dreano, Josh. Donald, Peter. Da Kelks, Gabriel. Denton, Ray (C. O.) Douglas, Wm. (C. O.) Darrell ft Hodges (0. O.) Da Baaslnnl, Vera. De Moss. Edward. Dailey. Bob ft Nellie. Delmar, Carlotta. Dumont, Charles. Drnton, Mlaa Alfretta. Dunfee. Effle. Davla. Ed. F. (C. O.) Dean, Louis (0. O.) Doris, Frank. Dolan, Eddla (0. O.) Daly Comedy Trio (C. O.) Devere ft Pollock. Dunn, Miss J. Lee. DoLoaeh ft Zlllbauer (C. O.) Dupreece, Mlaa (0. O.) Deane, Walter. Dresser, Miss Louise. Doyle, Bart. Evans, Chas. B. Eckert, O. W. Edwards, Jay (C. O.) Evelyn, Pearl (0. O.) Rngel, Carrie L. Evans, Mlaa Ann. Eddy, Wm. (C. O.) Early, Emma (0. O.) Evellen. David M. Edmonds, Rosle (P. C.) Farnon. Wills ft Ransley. Florence Sisters. Free, Martin. Fergeson ft Dupree. Fltagerald ft Wilson (0. O.) Facclattl Tom (C. O.) Foy, Harry (a O.) Fisher, Miss Minnie. Frascona, Menottl (C. O.) Fullsell, Paul. Fall-man, R. Wm. Farren, L. K. Foreman, Root. N. Ford, Miss Bdltb. Fays, The. Feurt, Lois (0. O.) Fox, Charlotte. Forrest, Great. Francis, Miss Emma. Fref Trio (C. O.) Finnic, J. (P. C.) Franks, Sophie ft Myrtle. Frederlckes, John (P. O.) Faccenda, Alberto (C. O.) German, Will. Guillen, Gna. Graham, Miss Gladys. (it tu, Harry. Goddard, Stanley (C. O.) Gibson, Chas. T. (C. O.) Gluckstone, Harry (0. O.) Golnes, J. Gregg, W. W. Grade ft Reynolda. Grlsmer, Miss Florence Gordon, Mlsa Ruth. Gibson, Chas. T. (C. O.) Geyer, Bert. Green, Irene F. (P. C.) Hart, Geo. Dury. Hynes, Tom. Hawthorn, Mlaa Dor- othy. Harris, Will J. Hicks, Leonard. Hardlna Elec. Ballet Co. Heras, Wm. Holland, Mlsa Lay. Huntress (C. O.) Hayes, Edmund. Harrison, Charles. Hutcblnson-Lusky OsĀ» (C. O.) Hansel, Emlle. Hammond, Chas. Uonnlngbam, Albert (C. O.) Hamlin, Paul (0. O.) Harvey ft Farrell (0. O.) Hodges, Jamea (0. O.) Hart, Henry (0. O.) Howley ft Leslie (0. O.) Hyde, Jimmie. Husk. Harry B. Herkimer. Madge. Harrington, A. A. lahmeal, Prince P. Innes Band Mgr. (0. O.) Irwin, C. Jacobs, Miss Threea. Johns, Harry (0. O.) Jarron, Bmil (C. O.) Joyce, Mlaa Lottie. Johnstone, Gordon. Johnson, Otto. Juniper Bros. Juniper ft Haynes (P. C) Judge, Todd. Jenson, Otto. Kelvana, J. J. Keeley, Mlsa Bdna. Kelley, Frederlcke. Kelly, Frank. Kyle, Ethel (C. 0.) Kane, Genevieve (0. 0.) Klignan, Sam. Kelsey, A. Kelly, Walter C. Kenyon, Jack. Krefscbman, John. King, Louis. Larose ft Hatfield. La Salle, Jessie (0. O.) Linton, Harry B. (0. 0.) "THE LOVE WALTZ" "THE PlANOPHIENDS" "THE MILITARY OCTETTE" *'AT A COUNTRY CLUB" "QIRL WITH THE BATON" "THE BLACK HUSSARS" "A NIGHT ON A HOUSE-BOAT" The above Headline Vaudeville Acts were staged by Lewis Hooper, now located at the (Seventh Floor) Knickerbocker Theatre Building ISftSL VAUDEVILLE ACTS ARRANGED AND PRODUCED THAT SWEET SINGER OF SUCCESSFUL SONGS " ROSES MARIE LAURENT BRING DREAMS OF " SHAPIRO M Music Publisher, Corner Broadway and 39th Street FEATURING IN VAUDEVILLE YOU" NEW YORK CITY When answering advertbementi kindly mention Variety.