Variety (November 1908)

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VARIETY 29 The Idoal DAINTEE Chantouse NEXT WEE i (Not. 16), MARYLAND THEATRE, BALTIMORE. Permission Monro. KLAW, ERLANGER and ZIEGFELD Messrs. E. P. ALBEE and MARTIN BECK PRESENT Mr. JULIUS STEGER Assisted by Alfred Hollingsworth, Maud Earl and John Ramano (Harpist), in his own musical-dramatic playlet entitled: "THE FIFTH COMMANDMENT (Honor Thy Father and Thy Mother) At Hammerstein's Victoria Theatre, Week Nov. 16th. At Percy G. Williams' Colonial Theatre, Week Nov. 23d. At Percy G. Williams' Orpheum Theatre, Week Nov. 30th. At Percy G\ Williams' Alhambra Theatre, Dec. 7th. ft B. B. <EL B. SPECIAL AS GOOD OR BETTER FOR $5 LESS Mr. Steger's Song "CASTLES IN THE AIR" composed (or him by Paul Linclce. • V. 7. EMPIRE (H. J. Bruggemann, rca. mfr.).— Preston Kendall, In one act version of "The Devil," line; Wlllard Slmma, comedy, a scream; Frank Le Dent, Juggling, clever; Lyons and Parks, well received; Ott-Nelsoo-Stedman, comedy aketch, fair; Smith and Campbell, Une of talk pleased; Rafayette'a Acrobatic Dogs, very good. FOLLY (Jos. B. Pine, res. mgr.).—"Pat White and His Oayety Girls." Grant and Gat- lln; Jennings and Webb; Malvern Troupe, acro- batic work, good; Geo. T. Davis, 111. song. VAN. INDIANAPOLIS, DTD. NEW GRAND (Shafer Zlegler, mgr.).—Bert Lennon, Impersonations, good; Frederick Musical Trio, comedy; Work and Ower, deserved hit; "The Van Dyck," with Harrison Hunter; Leo Carrillo, versatile snd pleased; Four Casting Dunbars, able aerlallsts with catchy comedy; Donald and Carson, pretty set and good comedy; Tscbernoff's Unique Circus Troupe, a scream for the youngsters. EMPIRE (Henry K. Burton, mgr.).—Fslk's "Fashion Plates," attraction this week, gives pleasing performance, but comedy Is rsther weak; Kid Haslmoto, the Jap dare-devil who does a slide from the theatre dome to the stage on a tight rope, fell Into the orchestra pit Monday afternoon, and was severely bruised, but plucklly attempted the feat a second time. Business good. JOE S. MILLER. IOWA OITT, LA- BI JOD (H. F. Pocock, mgr.).—0-11: Great Westln; La Pine and Grela; Marie Salisbury. 12-14: Four Andersons; Sam Barrlngton; Tint Welch. J. J. M. CLARK'S AIRDOoIE (A. J. Clark, mgr.).—Wesley and Burns, Hebrew comedy, very good; Ruth Clark, vocalist, sweet voice; Le Claire and West, comedy sketch, good; Three Faggs, Irish comedy, good. R. N. DICKEY. johbstowb, fa. MAJESTIC (L. B. Cool, mgr.).—Wm. Hawtrey and Co., "Compromised," the feature, superbly rendered; Geo. B. Reno and Co., big laughing hit; Sadie Jansell, Impersonations, splendid; Colby and May, ventriloquist and dancing doll, good; Worm- wood's Dogs and Monkeys, scored; Frank Whit- man, dancing vloUnlst, fine; Plquo, English pan- tomlmlst, good.—-GLOBE (J. G. Foley, mgr.). —5-7: Krlp and Krlps, "The Actor snd the Dauber," ordinary; Marion Neville, In mind read- ing, success; Harry Rose, Italian monolog, fair; 9-11: Lulu Coldlng, songs, neat and clever; Beauchamp and Aubrey, comedy acrobats, good; Harney and Hsynes, blackface sketch, fine. CAMBRIA (H. W. Scherer, mgr.).—Sam T. Jack's burlesque. JESTICAM. KHOXVXLLE, TXJTtf. CRYSTAL (Thos. E. Collins, mgr.).—Bmmett snd Lower, excellent; Herman and Bmmett, very good. OOLUMBI1.—Dolliver and Rogers, s. snd d., excellent, letslned for next week; J. Marss, comedy Juggling, very clever. W. ARTHUR 8PROUSB. at the price. a8 in 99.00 30 in 10.00 3 a in 11.00 34 in xa.00 36 is 13.00 38 in 14.00 40 in 15*00 43 in 16.00 B. B. & B. TRUNK CO. 520 WOOD : 623 SMITHFIELD 109 FEDERAL, North Side PITTSBURGH, PA* Three-ply veneer body, heavy duok severing, Hickory Slats, Maleable Scroll-Bound, hand riveted, TIPPING TRAY. GUARANTEED SEND for FREE CATALOGUE M. p. and 111. songs, as usual command good crowds. NICKEL.—M. p. and 111. songs; full bouses every afternoon and evening. JOHN J. JOYCE. Hearts," fair; lamphln and Hehr, singing, ex- cellent; The Le Velles, dancers, good; Bitten- house, ill. songs, good. J. O. ASHTON. LINCOLN, NEB. MAJK8TIC (L. M. Gorman, mgr.).—Week 2: Rice and Blmer, "bar, good; Cleone Pearl Fell, dancing, good; Rosslter's "Dancing Four," scored heavily; Leo Flllier, violinist, numerous encores; Edwin Geough and Co., drawing card; Fern and Mack, comedians, laughs; Kraton'a "Hoopville," best hoop act seen here. LEE LOGAN. LONDON, CAN. BENNETT'S (Geo. F. Driscoll, res. mgr.).— Kelly and Barrett, in "The Battle of Too Soon," a solid hit; Johnson snd Wells, "The Sunny South," popular; Cbss. Leonsrd Fletcher, Imper- sonations, very good; Emma Partridge, con- tralto, much appreciated; Smith and Arado, good; Eckert and Berg, "Land of the Two Moons," repeated success; Flying Martins, very fine. M. G. HCESTON. JACKSON, MICH. BIJOU (Will Marshall, mgr.).—Mllbards. comedy muslcsl, very good; The Braces, s. snd d., plessed: Huntress, character impersonator, clever; Cummins snd Gore, Isugbsble. BRADLEY. JACKSONVILLE, FLA. ORPHEUM (J. D. Burbrldge, mgr.).—Jesse Hall snd Co., comedy sketch, well received; Slater Brockman, character Impersonator, liked: Wade and Reynolds, playlet, very good; Lee Edmonds and Co., comedy aketch, good. COLONIAL (J. Fred Lees, mgr.).—The Lovltts, pleased; "The Advance Agent," one-act comedy drama by Richard Warner, excellent; Morrlasey and Ayer, impersonations, s. and d., hit; J. C. Nugent and Co., "The Rounder," clever; Tom Nawn and Co., in "Pat and the Genii," very funny and was easily the bit of the bill; Sam Stern, character Impersonator, went well; the FOUr Floods, knockabout, one of the funniest. LY- CEUM (Wm. L. Gallagher, mgr.).—Annie Walsh's Cssino Burlesquers; "The Klpplings," songs snd dances, clever; Fox snd Gray, comedlsns, funny; Rochfort snd May, sidewalk conversation, made bit; ill. songs by Viols Meebsn. very good; Bur- lesque by Tom Levene, "Intelligence Office," s Isugh from start to finish. MARQUISE.— LOWELL, MASS. HATHAWAY'S (John I. Shannon, mgr.).— Conlon and 8teele, trick piano players, well re- ceived; Sam J. Curtis and Co., "A Lesson at School," caught the crowd; Sam Elton, panto- mime comedy, hit; McNIsh and Penfold, very funny; Al Rayno's Dog Show, good; Annie and Effle Conley, s. and d., very good; The Three Du Ball Brothers, dancers, went well. ACADEMY, under new msnsger, Wm. O'Nell, bss re-opened with vaudeville and m. p. Mae Bagsbsw, In HI. songs, good; Lllllsn Kaufman, s. and d., waa a hit; the Three Mualcal Staf- fords, musical act, good. JOHN J. DAWSON. MAHANQY OTTY, PA, FAMILY (E. F. McAtee, res. mgr.).— 0: Marriott Twins snd Co., cycle and Juggling, very good; Edgar Foreman and Co., "A Duel of HATHAWAY'S (Samuel L. Tuck, mgr.).—The Hanlona, pantomimic absurdity, royal reception; Harry Breen, monolog and parodies, scream; Charles Herrera, novelty gymnast, good; Olbney snd Esrl, comedy sketch, well received; Leeds and Lemar, burlesque aketch artiste, hit; Dolly Burton's Dogs, best of season; Frank Willeoa, "rube" comedian, liberally applauded. THOMAS 0. KBNNBY. MILWAUKEE. MAJESTIC (J. A. Hlgler, mgr.).—"Glbeou Girls," attractive beadllner; Katie Barry, asms old favorite; Lulu Beeson Trio, singing and danc- ing act, high clsas; "The Dixie Serenadere," very entertaining; Delmore Sisters, sing accept- ably; Emerln and Campbell and Aubrey Yates prenent "200 Miles from Broadway," diverting; Mathews and Reece, remarkable Juggling; Arm- strong and Verne, please. CRYSTAL (F, B. Winters, mgr.) .—Morgan and McGarry and six girls, sketch of the musical comedy sort; The Rial to Quartet, entertaining; Coyne and Tlnlln, skillful bsnd balancing; Rose end Severnes, de- lightful little comedy. OAYETY (S. R. Sim- mons, mgr.).—Fred Irwin's "Big Show," great burlesqne. STAR (F. Trottmsn, mgr.).— "Merry Maidens," good burlesque In every respect. HERBERT MORTON. MOLINE, ILL, FAMILY (Harry Beneke, mgr.).—S-ll: E. C. McDonald, HI. songa, good; Warren and Faust, s. snd d^ fslr; Askeland, violinist, very good: Arlststo Troupe, acrobats, very good. ELITE (Chss. Berkell, mgr.).—0-11: Prentice Trio, musi- cal, good; B. D. Julian, "strong man," very good; Lome and Dillon, comedy sketch, several encorei; Greve and Green, blackface, very good. MORAN AND WISER 11 The Eooenlrio Boomerang Hat Throwera " Instantaneous success, Palace Theatre, London. Prolonged there Indefinitely and booked solid in Eng- land and America. No open time. Impresario, FREDERIC MELVILLE. MOTOGIRL " The Enigmatical Puzzling Girl" Booked to return Coliseum, London, and Moss-Stol Tour, with Wintergarten, Berlin, to follow. Fifth re- turn engagement. Impresario, FREDERIC MELVILLE. WW eweew wWeBsT^VB^y wG^w^^^N&^NNi^^&wW 9^/ww9^f ^B^^WwWww w AeSnlWX•