Variety (November 1908)

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VARIETY to WJL-l-IAiVI MORRI Inc. 1440 BROADWAY, NEW YORK 167 DEARBORN ST., CHICAGO 513 WASHINGTON ST., BOSTON LONDON orriCEi 418 STRAND. W. C. PAVE. MURRAY. Manager SATISFACTION COMPELS POPULARITY Situ* O'Brien, of Daly A O'Brien, now touring Europe, says we're all right: "The ooat «U re- ceived and am well pleated. Everything 0. X. Will give yon aa order for dress later on." Tou can get the best for the least money by consulting our BOOKLET of atage fashions for ladies, whioh is seat free. A postal does the triok. WOLFF, FORDING ft CO. 61-65 Eliot Street, Boston, Ness. I'M THE MAN IP* £%: aJ a* 104 East 14th St. Who can got yosi the lowest prices and the boat accommodations If you are going to EUROPE References: Ksrtetll, Kara, Karoo Co , Frank £ Jen Latona, Laraen Sisters, Nate Leipzig, Alfred Lester, Leigh Bros., Ons I*onard, Llnd. Four Lukens, Ls Belle Lorraine. T A u S ; G, M 'auddv!i:« Stoatnahlp mamnt Vow York. German Ravings Bask Building. Telepho n e , S PSS BUj jsaast. CHICAGO VAUDEVILLE MANAGERS EXCHANGE 8th FLOOR, MERCHAMTS' BLDO., Ill WA8HTNGT0H IT., OHZOAOO. Bit Oom ody Sketohes always la demand. TRAKK ft. DOYLE, 1 THE LEADING ENGLISH THEATRICAL AND VAUDEVILLE NEWSPAPER, HAMMERSTEINS VICTORIA AMERICAS MOST FAMOUS VARIETY Established USO. THE STAGE Foreign Subscription, 8/10d. per Quarter. May be obtained at Samuel French's, W-84 West 22nd Street, New York. ARTISTS VISITING ENGLAND are cordially invited to resistor at "The Stage" offlcea imme- diately upon their arrival The Editor of "The Stage" will always be pleased to welcome them. Advance notices of sailings and opening dates should be posted to the Editor. When an artist has registered at "The Stage" office, whioh may be regarded as bis permanent London address, all cor- respondence will be immediately forwarded. London Offloes: IS York St., Cerent Garden, London, W. 0. PLAYING THE IN VAUDEVI SULLIVAN and CONSIDINE CIRCUIT GENERAL BUSINESS OFFICE SULLIVAN AMD CONSIDINE BLDO., THIRD AMD MADISON STREETS, GENERAL BOOKING OFFICE SUITE S AMD IS, 1858 BROADWAY, NEW YORK CITT MET*. LI/fCOL/f. Con. Mgr. Clf*J-A O. 'B'XOW/t. Mgr. BRANCH BOOKING OFFICES WOODWARD PARODIES (Exclusive Permits) at fl.00 each, are NOT JUNK. The author of MATTHEWS A ASHLEY'S Poor- Season Hit. "The Dope Song," could not write rubbish. Write for Parody List snd circular of splendid testimonials. MATT WOODWARD, 494 Eighth Ave., M. Y. City. Music Hall, has leased the Family from Herrick A Bloom for vaudeville purposes snd will take possession November 80. Sam J. Klein will be the resident msnager. HARRY KIRK. ST. JOSEPH, MO. CRYSTAL.—Seven Zsnsibsrs, acrobats; Florence Modena and Co., "Bargain Mad," lsugbsble fsree; Unthsn, armless wonder; Dsve Berry, blsckfsce, uinslcsl. NOTES.—8 was grestest dsy in the history of the Crystsl. Four packed bouses.— Frsnk Oroh, song Ulustrstor st the Crystsl, has sung under extreme difficulties for several dsys, owing to illness. He did not miss a performance, however. ILSHAW. Snlts Moore made good. GAYRTY (Thos. R. Henry, mgr.).—The Hsstlngs Show with Viola Sheldon, the California nightingale, as the big feature, plessed. HARTLEY. SYRACUSE, M. Y. GRAND OPERA HOUSE (Grsnd Amusement Co., nigra. Mondsy rehearsals 10:30).—The bill offered this week was only fslr. Sam Wstson's Fsrmysrd, good; the Three Lelllotts, fslr; "A Spotless Reputation," fslr; Sesrle Allen and Co., pleased; Ralndeare and Maud Dunn, went big; Fred Ray's Plsyers, good; Alba, pleased.— NOTE.—Mike Ksllet. assistant treasurer st the Grand for several years, has been appointed treas- urer. SAM FREEMAN. TROY, M. Y. PROCTOR'S (G. A. Graves, mgr. Mondsy re- hearsal 10).—Good bill with no weak spots. Sara Wllllsms, pianist, good entertainer; Patsy Doyle, stories that arc new and to the point; Ellnore Sisters, spicy repartee; Devlin and Elwood won approvsl; "The Watermelow Trust," colored, spplsuse; "The Dog Circus" with the smallest horse, slso. LYCEUM (R. H. Keller, mgr.).— "Follles-of-the-Dsy." 9-11, capacity houses; 12-14: "Frolicsome Lsmbs." SHEA'S (R. J. Shea. mgr.).—M. p., vaudeville, Eva Whltford, so- prano. J. J. M. Open the Yeer Around VAUDEVILLE HEADLINEkS -GOOD STANDARD ACTS If yon bsve an open week you wsat to fill xt short notice, writs to W. L. DOCKSTADBR, GarrlaE Theatre. Wllmlagten. DeL Can close Saturday night and make any city east of Chlcsgo to open Mondsy night. Charles Horwitz Sketches from the pen of Horwlta sre the bast in vaudeville. His record spesks for Itself. Over One Hundred Hits now playing. Order that sketch, playlet, monologue or song from CHARLES HORWITZ, Knickerbocker Theatre Building. Room 815, 1402 BROADWAY, MEW YORK, Piano - MUSIC ARRANGED - Orchestra Copying. Transposing. Autographing. W. H. NELSON, 1867-9 Broadway, Maw York. Percy O. CIRCUIT The COLONIAL New York The ALH AM BR A Harlem The ORPHEUM Brooklyn The CRESCENT Brooklyn The NOVELTY Wiluamsbortf The GOTHAM East New York And The NEW GREENPOINT THEATRE Brooklyn Address all PERSONAL letters to PERCY 0. WILLIAM, SL James Bldg., 26th SL and Broadway, New York City WANTED-BIG COMEDY and NOVELTY FEATURE Acts to write or wire open time. Three weeks in Chicago. Also othsr hoasea in Illinoia. CHICAGO BOOKING AGENCY CHAS. H. DOUTRICK, Manager. Room 29, 42 L a Salle St., Chicago. Wanted — Vaudeville Acts For Fimlly Vaudeville Theatres Manager Majestic Theatre, CINCINNATI, O. Variety's Chicago Office IS IN THE Chicago Opera House Block Advertisements and subscriptions received at regular rates. News items may be forwarded there, and will be promptly transmitted. FRANK WIESBERG, Representative. TOLEDO, 0. ARCADE (Will C. Bettls, mgr.).—A better bill tban usual with s ventriloquist ss the heed- liner. He la Hugb McCormsck, and satisfied; gentle little Grace Wallsce, also s big fsvorlte; Lexlle Bettls, bsrltone. plessed: Montgomery snd Trssk, s. snd d.. plessed; Gertrude snd Dsy. mualcsl, snd the Acsde Stock Co. In "tslklng" pictures, closed the bill. EMPIRE (Hsrry Winter, mgr.).—"Dsinty Dacbess." good sbow. SYDNEY WIRE. TORONTO, OMT. SHEA'S (J. Sbes, mgr.).—Lily Lens, clerer, dsinty English srtlst, received s wsrm welcome ss sbe ls s big favorite here; Julius Steger snd Co., fine; Hswtborn and Burt, good; Joseph Adelmsnn, tslented; Hsrry Alllsber, good; Myers snd Rosa, fair; Barnes end Crswford, well re- ceived; Robledlllo, sensational. STAR (Hsrry H. Hedges, mgr.).—The Cosy Corner Girls with WATERTOWH, V. T. ORPHEUM (W. C. Meek, mgr.).—The Omega Trio, emphatic hit; Irene Jermon, character sing- ing, good; Csrter snd Wslters Co., "Excess Bsg- gsge," very lsugbsble; "A Night with the Poets." scored hesvlly; The Bell Boys' Trio, ex- cellent; Apdsle's Anlmsls, good closing number. ANTIQUE (I* M. Sneden, mgr.).—Dsve Farb, comedian, fair; The Juggling Quintans, ex- cellent; The Greet Jordsn, plessed; Miller snd Egsn, comedy muslcsl set, excellent; Robert Sharkey, fsrorlte singer; m. p. LYRIC (C. T. Hildenbrsndt, mgr.).—Ned Fltaglbbons, vlolln- ist; Fen ton Sisters, soubrettes; The Hslstons, dsnclng; Msrvelous Ed, equilibrist; Cbss. Hilden- brsndt, singer; m. p. WONDERLAND (J. B. Sbsff, mgr.).—Ned Walker, minstrel; Jimmy Logue, comedy; Bert Allen, singer; m. p. BIJOU (J. W. Ludlow, mgr.).—Beverly Brothers, sketch; Zelda Ms it ton, contortionist; Msrty Fuller, comedy; Fletcher Smith, singer; ra. p. ODELL. Goldman, does Hebrew cbsrscter impersonations well, snd his eccentric dancing is also very good; Seymour and Dupree bare a very novel sketch The Vyners bsve. a good muslcsl novelty in their Mualcsl Fsrm; Bert snd Berths Grant were well liked in their rapid fire comedy. THE VIC- TORIA (Geo. Shaffer, mgr.).—Novelty la the keynote of the bill. Sir General, an educated pony, is s msrvel; Lois Cotton created quite a atlr; The Petite Family, in good scrobstlc work; Ryno snd Emerson, very entertslnlng; Joe Cusalc furnishes most of the comedy on the bill for the first pert of the week. Those on the bill for the last half are: Sidney Jerome and Co., Leonard Kane, La Bell Troupe, The Imperial Musical Trio. Sir General held over. 0. M. H. Hippodrome Elepbanta, big feature act; Mills and Moulton, travesty, well liked; Gsrdner snd Golder, comedisns, big lsugb; Melrose snd Ken- nedy, comedy acrobats, very clever; Tommy Hayes, bone soloist, good; Farley and Preacott, s. snd d., plessed. STARK. WHEELHfO, W. VA. GRAND (Chss. Feinler, mgr.).—The Grsnd hsd sn excellent bill this week. Middleton. P,aura Spellmeyer end Co., "A Texss Wooing," was well received; The Four Flying Derdens, s good scrobstle set; Gsrdner snd Stoddsrd, in a little bit of everything, very entertslnlng; Ssm WILKES-BARRE, PA. POLI'S (J. H. Docking, mgr.).—Jennings snd Renfrew, songs, plessed; Burt end Stanford, "The Order of Battle." did not do well; Ila Grannon, alnging, good voice, generous spplsuse; Three Kestons. went well; Irene Franklin, bead- line, msde hit; Laddie Cliff, generous applause; Kewbold snd Csrroll, acrobats, plessed. NOTE. —This is Wllkes-Bsrrs's first season for op-to- ds te vaudeville. The house ls doing excellent business, snd from tbs above program the town Is receiving the best of shows. JAMES. WTLLIAMSPORT, FA. FAMILY (Fred. M. Lsmsde, mgr.).—Powers' WORCESTER, MASS. POLI'S (J. C. Crlddle, mgr.).—Potter and Har- ris, clever; Lew Wells, good; Walter Law and Co., in "At the Threshold," went big; Mettle Lockctt. soubrette, seversl encores; Three Leigh- tons, went from the start; Five Avoloa, good music and well liked; Brothers Byrne, big. W. M. SHERMAN. YORKERS, V. T. ORPHEUM.—Our Boys in. Blue, ssversl 1m provements and big drawing csrd here; George Felix end Lydls Barry, with Emily and Clara Barry for novelty s. and d. comedy, real big bit; Shewbrook and Berry, very talented, s. and d. act; Maurice Freeman, good in "Tony and the Stork," with Nadlna Winston ssslstlng; Phil Bennett, tenor yodellng, takes; Went snd Van 8lclen, "College Gymnasium," mimical comedv act; Grands Wood, very obedient hoops.—- NOTES.—Msnsger Hsrry Leonhardt is busy In New York mansglng Elks, No. 1, charity benefit in Terrace Garden this week. JOHN A. BRENNAN. When mmoerinp advertUmnenU kindly mention Variety. IN VAUDEUILLE Reich & Plunkett art NOT our agents Address 320 West 96th St., N. Y. CITT