Variety (November 1908)

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34 VARIETY REPRESENTATIVE ARTISTS REPRESENTATIVE ARTISTS THE VENTRILOQUIST WITH A PRODUCTION Ed. F. REYNARD And Hit Famous Mechanical Figuree. ELLIS MONA England'! Premier High-Class Comedy Duettists. Tha Champioa Stagers of Vaudeville. FIDDLER - SHELTON "Suffocated with Delight fulness." Weak Hot. 16, Orpheum, Harrishurg. Direction, PAT OASET. PLAYTNO CLUBS. RANKIN AND LESLIE Eighteen minutes of music aad laughter 1b "One." First Appearance on this side of THE GREATEST EUROPEAN NOVELTY, THE KYASYAS (Jack and Miss Oaaa). ' Unconcerned Hew Style Athletes, a sensational Dental and Hirsute Novelty. This week (Hot. 9), Chase's, Washington; Pioneer for theae mighty atoms. AX. SUTHERLAND, Agent <6 With LA PETITE ADELAIDE. The Dainty Four" In Vaudeville. ch ae. f. *<tt, 0n "TUB WAJLROW WELLEM* T HE PIOTTIS Presenting "THE ITALIAN AHD HI8 SWEE T HEA RT." 16 Mins., On e. Address oare VAR IETY. EzcIusIto Agents, WEBER aad ALLEN. 7. BURKHARDT "THE MAH WITH THE FUMHT SLIDE." Featured With the "Travelers Co," Season 06-0. Netta Vesta SINGING COMEDIENNE. ORPHEUM CIRCUIT. Direction JENIE JACOBS. I1SS Broadway, Haw York City. THOS. J. RYAN- RIGHFIELD GO. BUSY, THANE YOU. MILDRED THE CARR TRIO MASTER CLIFFORD. EaSaad Singers aad Dancers. Western States Vaudeville Association, STANLEY AND SCANLON Vow playing the Casino Vaudeville Circuit. HARRY FOX Uadar Management of TOM MTwim, Address En Boat*, "Miner's Marry" Co. r. Duly Burgess Going it alone once mora aad always making good. What do yoa think of that! 8 U 0 C E S S. 3 KELTONS Management WM. MORRIS. RUBY RAYMOND X Booked Solid Through United Booking Offices. HOY. IS, PROCTOR'S, NEWARK. Gartelle Bros. Introducing Singing, Daaoiag aad SKATORlALISm HOMER 0). MARQUIRITI Mason i Keeler Direction MOBT H. SINGER, Princess Theatre, Chicago. GAVIN, PLATT and PEACHES Presenting "THE STOLEN Address 4417 trd Ave. (Brass), life Mr Will Consider Offers. Regards to all Friends. VARDON, PERRY •«• WILBER "Thoee Three Boys*' Still playing Xeogh's Cafe. 4094 Harrison Ave., Chicago. SamJ.CurtisK! Ia "A 8ES8ION AT SCHOOL.'* By OEO. W. BAY. Week Hot. 16, Hathaway's, Haw Bedford, Booked solid far season. Aots may come aad acts may go, bat LULU JOSEPH KEEGAN"»MACK Are still with tha show. Big hit this weak at Star, Toronto. En route—"COSY CORNER GIRLS." HOTEL WILLI A RD. 262 W. 76th ST.. NEW YORE CITY. BILLIE REEVES THE ORIGINAL "DEUHE." "FOLLIES OF 1908." Management, MR. F. ETEOFELD, JB., 'OO-'OO. "Oatok Ma" la "Tka Boxiag Boat" Blggeat laaghmakar wlthia tha aldaat memory. BOOKED SOLID.. MARION VICTORIA Diraotioa AL SUTHERLAND. Barry * Wolf ord Tha Typical Topical Tickle Singers. Booked Solid until July. 1909. This Weak, Greenpoint, Brooklyn. HOY. 16, KEITH'S, BOSTON. REIOH * PLUNKETT, Smart Areata, MYERS AND ROSA WHIBLWIND6, Weak Nor. S, opened the show at Shea's, Buffalo, after tha first ■how moved to oloslag. ROLTARE - MAGICIAN Olahe, Concerts, Vaudeville. 816 W. tld St, Hew York, 'Phone 1064 Chelsea. ^■■■■^^■■■■^■■■■■■■■^^■■^■■■Hi^HHi Have Your Card is VARIETY The THREE CLAERES One Lady Two Gentlemen Week Nov. 16, Shubert, Utica. I Asf etrwsoi com amtsgaleatloat* lor ombi t Mr. A. at. JOHNSON. Pat Cat for of»oav tlmo to Arfwsmcy When answering advertisement* kindly mention Vaetety.