Variety (November 1908)

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VARIETY 25 UNITED BOOKING OFFICES MARTIN BECK, SULLIVAN t CONSIDINE. Have Installed press bureaus for their various circuits. The lire, up-to-date artlat will have special newspaper notices prepared by an expert to send abead to tbese offices, ss well as otber dates tbey play. Let me arrange some for you at a small cost. SIG WACHTER Knickerbocker Theatre Bids. HEW YORK CITY. Boom 185. ('Phone 2905 88th St.) I. MILLER. Manufacturer of Theatrical Boots 4 Shoes. CLOG. jsjint Aorobatie a specialty. All work made at short notloe. 202 W.232ST N.Y, SHORT VAMF SHOES (Exclusively far Women). Fee Evening- Wear. Great Tarlety, Creator of Short Tamp Shoes. 507 Sixth Ave.. Maw York. Bet. 80th and 81at Bta. Send far niuatrated Catalogue, One Fllfht Dp. Tel. IBM Ifadlaoo M FINK $ 0RTL0FF 186« BROADWAY, AT ITth STREET, (Telephone 4467—38th) NEW YOJUL CITY. Now showing the snspplest Una of fall styles ea tbe market. SUITS SSO AND UP NOTE.—All garments made on the premises ander the personal supervision of Mr. Ortloff. CHAS. LELLA Maker of Fine Stake Footwear Guaranteed superior to all others. 131 W. 42d Street, BXW YORK CITY. Mme. Belmont American Milliner to Alice Lloyd 194 W. lists St. Phoaa MOO, Morning. MEW Y01K KE 2107 MICHIGAN AVE., TTUIVI EXCLUSIVE DE8IGNS. Oostumer for the Leading Stage Celebrities. 'Phone, Calumet 2402. WANTED IggSLLw Good talker, elegant dresser, to Introduce head- line act. Offers to M. J., care WHITE RATS, 1503 Broadway, New York. singing Is mild. Frsnk Moetyn, Kelly and Co., In "Dom and Jerry," deserved a better position. The act is bright, has a good theme and Intel- ligently Interpreted. Maurice B. Cook (New Acts), Chas. La Deux twisted himself into vari- ous shapes on a trapeie, and Askeland played the violin with much expression. Dean and Price appeared In a comedy sketch. OLYMPIC MU8IC HALL (J. J. Murdoch, mgr.). —The second week of tbe Olympic's csreer aa a music hall started in very encouragingly with an excellent bill. Several numbers are new here. "Paradise Alley" is one of tbe "big" acta to play this house. Tbe idea Is not at all new, bnt the talk is a rebaab of discsrded Jokes. It Is Inti- mately related to tbe "Krauaemeyer Alley" series. The musical numbers and Marguerite Haney, who la featured, held the Interest. Miss Haney la a pretty and talented girl. Without her the act would not have held attention Monday night. The Melnotte Slaters and Clay Smith have a very diverting singing and talking act. The girls hsve Improved greatly In appearance and the contribu- tion was liked Immensely. "At the Sound of the Gong" la a prlae fight act. It Is similar to other aketcbea of tbia sort. Else Berrold, who recites while the fight takea place, gave strength to tbe piece, and Will Cook aa "Skeetera" made an Im- pression. Lelpslg again mystified with his dexter- ous card manipulations, tbe best seen here, and tbe "Bight Palace Girls" are retained. Bllbon's animals, Including wonderfully trained felines, gave an interesting performance. Leon T. Rogee la by far tbe most sccompUsbed lmltntor of musical instruments seen. His method is artistic and his lmltatlona remarkably true. Jobn and Mae Burke offered a* combination of singing, talk- ing and piano playing. The conversation la not rery entertaining. The augmented orcheatra helped tbe acts materially. STAR AND GARTER (U. J. Herrmann, mgr.). —Gua Hill's pantomime, "Around tbe Clock," which played the popular priced tbeatrea last sea- son, has been made over into a very serviceable vehicle for burlesque. The piece is given wltn several of the original company by the "Vanity Fair." No one will recognize the "Vanity Fair" of tbe past. It never waa so complete aa tbia season. There is a succession of comedy from tbe opening of the first part to' tbe closing of the second. A better company to exploit tbe ma- terial, which seems made to fit every instance and detail, could hardly be found. There la Billle Ritchie, the English comedian, first time in bur- lesque, with not a dull moment when he Is on tbe stage. Be la spontaneously funny and his eccentricities, both aa tbe "inebriated swell" snd expressions are clever blta of mimicry. Hla dance with Winifred Francla was grsceful and amusing. Ritchie la Invaluable in tbe "music hail" scene. gf **• tarjjirfeag j: ts.nM r" . Ji-& , atttg^> tiw-L^Wi— "&li audience laughed heartily at hla antics on Sun- day afternoon. If burlesque bad more comedians of his kind, painstaking methods and drollery, there would be less talk about trying to Improve burlesque. He baa shown the West Siders what a good show ought to be like and managers would do well to investigate. Dick McAllister is an- other English comedian. He la diminutive, active and clever. Chaa. Emerald played tbe "English Lord" with regard for naturalism. He la a good actor and displayed undisputed talent in the Im- portant scenes. Sadie Duff bandied a character part well, and Anl Hill made herself prominent In numbers. Nina Varnon and Maud Emerald were conspicuous, appearing together frequently aa a "sister act." Tbe muaical numbers are catcby and well arranged. Tbe coatumea are poetry, especially the military uniforms. Tbe shsdowgrapblc arrangement la novel and brought many encores. Tbe Musketeer Quartet sang effec- tively and barmonioualy, with agreeable comedy. It la a good singing act. Anl Hill gave a dexter- ous display of physical culture and gymnastics on a single trapese, which scored. Nick Long and Idalene Cotton are added attraction. They presented a new dramatic sketch by Ullle Aker- strom, entitled "The Bsnker snd the Thief," scoring heavily. It la a well written playlet and exceptionally well played by tbe couple. McGloln and Shelly, dancers, also added, were liked. The show la one of the beat that has played 'tbia house. It baa an excellent company, which la a great deal. FOLLY (John A. Fennessey, mgr.).—Remnsnts of the Incongruous and traditional burlesque sort, surnames "At the Springs" and "Seeing Chi- cago," make up tbia season's "Yankee Doodle Girls." There Is nothing pretentious In the evolu- tion of comedy, the elements being kept to tbe level of familiar burlesque, witb no attempt to discriminate any portion. It served to bring laughter, for that was tbe purpose, and tbe big Sunday night audience seemed to enjoy the chaotic rough house and buffoonery with flavors of spice. Harry Seyon, aa principal comedian, worked hard and carried tbe comedy end, assisted by James Hazelton, Charlie Collins, Sam Hawley, W. Harrison Davis, Charlie Collins, Harry Hearn, Sadie Huested, Julia Seyon and Jennie Gladstone. Tbe chorus Is active during several numbers. "They look more like thoroughly experienced "chorus women" than well trained "girls." Tbe costuming is not above tbe average. Collins and Hawley opened the olio with a singing and danc- ing number that was liked. Tbe Seyona sang and Joked efficiently and received applause for their efforts. The Grotesque Randolphs intro- duced ring gymnastics and comedy. Hilda released herself from manacles snd other steel vices. She appeared after tbe regular abow. EUSON'S (Sid J. Euson, mgr.).—Irwin's "Big 8how." EMPIRE (I. H. Herg, mgr.).—"Tbe 8trolllng Players." HAYMARKET (W. V. Newklrk, mgr.).—"Gib- son Girls," Katie Barry, Cbaa. and Fannie Van, Farrell-Taylor Trio, Nonette, Mario Trio, Dixie Serenaders, Coyne and Tlnlln, Llpman and Lewis, Cherokee, Blanche and Cowboy. STAR (Tom Carmody, mgr.).—Galletl'a Mon- keya, Rawla and Von Kaufman, Flo Adler, Halght and Dean, Besale Browning, Genter and Gllmore, Leonard and Louie, Asher Samuels. SCHINDLER'S.—Nelson, Hawkins and Gilbert. Goodwin Sisters, Chester and Co., Monaban and Sheehan, Chrla Lane, All Zada. THALIA.—Webb, Romalo Troupe, Mark and Bertha Monroe Co., Hall and Colburn, Cowley and Delle, Robert Nome. NORTH AVENUE.—Tetsuwsrl Jap Troupe, Sophie Everett and Co., Fleishman's Hungarian Orchestra, Great Jarrow, Barry and Gray, Maa- quetia 'Sisters, Acme Qusrtet. COLUMBIA.—Greet Msrtynne, Nlcbola and Smith, Burt B. Melburn, Musical Bensons, Mon- aulla and Russell, Hsnlon and Walsh, Nellie La Vere. LYCEUM.—Wlnchermsn's Bears, Martin and Crouch, Lyecum Comedy Four, Bland and Jonea, Kobler and Victoria. VIRGINIA.—Ed. Dunkborat and Co., London Blunt, Bowen Bros., Tbe McCarvers, Elmore and Bartlett. PEKIN.—Cora Youngblood, Corson Sextet, Thaleroa Circus, Llndstrom snd Anderson, Mex- ican Trio, Tim Owaley, Tbe Cassettes. CRYSTAL.—Colonlsl Trio, Csrrie Scott and Co., La Pearl and Bogart, Leon and Bertie Allen, Smiling Harris and Co., Imperial Trio. PALAIS ROY/L.—Four Cates, Trlc-O-Lora, Sbafter and Sbafter, Walter Ross. Fries Sisters. PREMIER.—Benton snd McKensle, Evelyn Bird, Banka and Glass, Three Barneys, Doyle and Adsms, William Stanford. IOLA.—Tbe Warrlcka, Johnson and Payne, Almee Bernard, Tbe Raplera, Mile. Fay, Otto's Animals. GRAND (Chicago Heights).—McCarthy and Major, Van Hoven, Stevens and Washburn, Stitb and Stitb, Three Williams Sisters. Chss. Moreland, of Moreland and Lee, la at the County Hospital, Chicago (Ward 22, Bed 10). He would like to hear from hla friends. The Omaha* Theatre Co., Omaha, Neb., baa been Incorporated with a capital stock of $20,000 by Wm. R. Gourley and Ed. L. Culver. Tbe concern will operate a circuit of vaudeville and moving picture theatres in tbe West.—Ellsworth snd Jordsn, lessees of the Auditorium, Oklahoma City. Ok la., will build a vaudeville and moving picture theatre In that city tbia winter.—James F. Maher, with the "Colonial Belles," celebrsted bis first marriage anniversary 12, and a featlval waa held on the stage of the Folly between matinee and night. Tbe participants were mem- bers, of tbe company besides Mr. and Mrs. Jobn —!».♦ 5»*"?**wa* *n«t liut J>G»*fv -*a& .. j£-Jt.h~ ahon-i- waa organised in Chicago, moat of tbe company live here, and they brought everything for tbe occasion, from roast duck to chocolate cake. Manager Wash Martin made a apeech. Tbose present were C. T. Raymond, Arthur Ball, Ed. J. Sheehan, Minnie Weeka, Ethel Kherns, Florence Fields, Billy Betts, Hasel Lucas, Geo. !W. Bandy, Ed. Lucaa, Chaa. Miller, Jessie Buckley, Peggy Da via, De Hollis and Valors.—Merian'a Dogs will probably return to Europe when tbe Orpheum Road Show* closes for tbe season next spring. The act la under contract to play abroad but ia trying to nave Its time extended here If a release can be secured.—Tbe Star City Amusement Co. will build a new vaudeville theatre at Lafay- ette, Ind.—F. M. Tull, who recently built a vaudeville theatre at Oklahoma City, has or- ganised a company to build another playhouse In tbe new State.—The Fernandez-May Duo did not open at the Majestic last week on sccount of the illness of Mrs. Fernandez. The act la In St. Louis this week. «f\IN PRAINGISGO By W. ALFRED WILSON. VARIETY'S San Francisco Office, 1110 Van Ness Are. (By Wire to VARIETY.) ORPHEUM (Martin Beck, mgr.).—Tbe bold- overs are tbe beat. In "Tbe Musical Black- smiths," of the newcomers, the lightning trans- formations easily won, decidedly scoring. Welch, Mealy and Montrose have some new tricks In their comedy acrobatics. Morrow and Schellberg, in a playlet, did fairly well. NATIONAL (Sid Grauman, mgr.).—Tom Moore was added to the bill, acorlng. The Royal Jap- anese Troupe proved tbe best In its line ever seen here. The Three Zaraa and Carmen did some clever hoop rolling and baton spinning, tbe latter much the stronger. Jolly and Wild, a "piano act" with nice comedy, made a atrong showing. WIGWAM (Sam Harris, mgr.).—The Zln- gara Troupe the feature, and is a great singing number. The others are Frivalo, with the "milk- can"; Noble and Brooks, Tops, Topay and Topa, comedy acrobats; Hesse and Riordan, banjolsta; Harry Thornton and Le Anders, with tbe Sisters Yllerome. globe. E"MPIRE (Melvin Winstock. mgr.).—Tbe Fays continue to draw on their holdover week. They are heavily billed. Klein, Ott Bros, snd Nicholson make up an excellent musical quar- tet, and were well received. Lester and Miller, In "The Little Emigrant," presented a flnlxhed bit of comedy which scored. .Mr. and Mrs. Buckley and Frank Martin, wltb an old farce, did not do over-well. The La Toy Bros., snd Lester and Qulnn also. WASHINGTON SQUARE (Zlck Abrsms, mgr.). —The DeWolffs, clever youthful singers, replaced Tom Moore. The others are Kelly and Violet, Musical Gardners, tbe Vivians, Hill and Sylvanla, and Welch and Earl. DENVER By CHAS. LOHDOHER. VARIETY'S Denver Office, 1700 Ourtla Street. (Special Wire to VARIETY) ORPHEUM (Martin Beck, gen. mgr.).—A well balanced bill la pleasing large crowds this week. Julie Heme and Co., In "A Mountain Cinder- ella" heada it. The sketch borders upon the melo-dramatlc, but is cleverly written and well played. There are eight Instead of Seven Julians ss billed, a youngster being added. It Is nest, quick acrobatic work, Including "Rlaley" exer- cises. "Tbe Pictorial Post-Card Album" is new and dainty. Bertie Fowler Is a fair "Merry Monolog Maid." Frank White and Lew Simmons are big laugh getters. They can give,some or the youngsters in blackface everything In the deck excepting the deuce, and still win out. Ethel MscDonougb and ber drum are favorites here. Joe LaFleur put over something of a novelty in acrobatics, and was well liked. CRYSTAL (Wm. Weston, mgr.).—Mme. Louise and her monkeys made a successful headline at- traction, the work of tbe "monk" In the Cbar- mlon disrobing scene on tbe trapese going strong. Musical Huchn pleased, Devoy snd Beaumont, In a comedy talking act were a "knockout." They put one over that counts for a borne run. Stana- fleld. In a "silly kid" line of talk did very well. Frank Hall, the English lion tamer, wltb "Wal- lace" the fiery and untamable beast, made a hair raising thriller. Big bill and drawing big bu Pin ess. NOTES.—Ted Lenore, singer, and Minnie 8t. Claire, "Tbe Girl from Missouri," hsve both been very ill here, but will be able to work In about a week.—Tbia week will see BLG0DG00D (COSTUME*) 103 WEST 43d STREET NEW YORK CITY Telephone: 3205 Bryant Bear 0th Ave. SAM ANDREWS DEALER XV FINE FURS and DIAMONDS ROOM OtS, REPUBLIC BLDG., STATE AND ADAMS 8T8., CHICAGO. • • A. UGHT PROPOSITION" Cotton Tights, per pair S .78 Worsted Tights, per pair 1.8S JBiUl J***lt9<LTLlMn^.M*r o#lr- »,,.*»*_ 9A*. .a.. Heavy weight stage satins. In all colors, par yard, 80c. Sbirta same price aa tlgbta. Spangle* In all colors and alsea; samples on request. WOLFF. FORDING db CO. 61-66 ELIOT ST., BOSTON, MAS A ESTOP rifiJDCTTCC sV CIGARETTES MRHTOR ' 'IMPORTED" 40 eta. " ROTAT. WR8TOR" Blue Label, 15CU. Green Label, ■S eta. If you must have the very best Smoke Nestor's and ignore the rest. V¥^wyyNWvyyvrvw w »¥WV¥ V C A DAY OC Rental lor ^^^ DES Biggest Illustrated Song Hits Bend for Proposition and Complete List. jos 1. nil co., 1021. m si., 1. y. cm Shs^shsbjysJsa^Ms^aJs<*jsh»»a»aRa%JS*ja»jahshshaWsJsj»h I WRITE FOR VAUDEVILLE, MUSICAL COMEDY AND BURLESQUE. IRVING B. LEE 70S Chicago Opera House Block, CHICAGO, ILL. HEADLINER8 MAKING TREMENDOUS SUCCESS With the real bit of this season. A sweet waits ballad. Charms audiences. Send for it at once; FREE to I kt formers only. Send late program. I Pub. hv A. TERES MUSIC PUB. CO., 240 % E. Houston St., Hew York. 4 GREAT PARODIES on "Are You Sincere T" "Sunbonnet Sue," "Rainbow," "Mandy Lane"; 25 cents each, or tbe four for 00 cents. Your money back if tbey are not a riot. Jaok Gorman, Room 831, 140S Broadway, Hew York. ROLTARE - MAGICIAN Clubs, Concerts, Vaudeville. 81ft W. 28d St., Hew York. 'Phone 1084 Chelsea. Lew Simmons snd Harry De Voe on the boards here. Both ere veterans of tbe old minstrel school. De Voe Is probably the oldeat blackface comedian on tbe atage to-day. He la assisted by Harry Beaumont.—Bualneae must be good at the Crystal as Manager Weston is having hla office painted and repapered. BOSTON ORPHEUM.-rAn acrobatic act that beate any- thing brought here la that of the Joe Boganny Lunatic Bakera. Frank Bnah haa some real new stories and Vasco, "Mad Musician," some new ideas; McMabon and Cbappelle are wltb their "Pullman Porter Maids," an act that everybody aeema to like; Clarice Vance holds over and Maud and Sidney Wood return; Tecbow'a Cata are a good eight act; Maude Hall and Carleton Macy bold over in "The Magpie and tbe Jay." Bual- ness holds good. KEITH'S.—Thos. E. Shes, In "Tbe Bells." headlined, and la mighty good for those who like tbe sblvers; Ellnore Slaters, a scresm; Sydney Grant, mimic, goea well and Barry and Wool" ford also Rosins Casselll's Dogs, unususlly good, better trslned than most; Msrle L. Brsekmsn, singing, out of tbe ordinary; Shadowgraphs by Cbasslno please; Jessie Blair Sterling puts over some Scotch songs, unusually good, snd tbe Zanettos, Jugglers, are worth the money; Ferrell Brothers, cyclists, and Sam Williams, planologlat, are also good numbers. Good bill, playing to good business. NOTES.—The Lew Gaiety Theatre When answering advertisement* kindly mention Variety*