Variety (November 1908)

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VARIETY The Ideal DAINTEE Ch ante use NEXT WEEK (Not. 23), GRAND OPERA HOUSE, SYRACUSE. Permission Messrs. KLAW, ERLANGER and ZIEGFELD If you want a cartoon for that Anniversary Advertisement, communicate with me, care VARIETY THE CARTOON IS THE THING E^r Representative. Tt»d. M»* FILMS Trad. Mark IVI WOMAN'S WAY ROM AMCC Oil IT HE, CANADIAN WOODS There it nothing that can be compared with the oaprioiousness of woman. Bat one of the moit peculiar changes of front occura during the notion of this Blograph subject. The pretty daughter of a French-Canadian backwoodsman incitee the love of a trapper, who ia ao smitten with the beauty of this wood nymph that he purchases hor into marriage from her father. Thia transaction meets with repugnanoe *rom the ffirl. She was entirely oontented with conditions—a ohild of nature, oare-free. However, she finds her pleading of no avail and ao pretends to accept the situation. The t rapper and Canadian go into the cabin to aeal the bargain with a drink, and while inside the girl closes and fastens the door on them | and makes hor way through the woods to eacape. The door fastening proves but a slight handicap and the trapper Is MOB in pursuit. The girl oomea upon a camping party, who giro her protection, driving the trapper off at point of gun. The next day, however, the trapper returns and, surprising the girl, carries her off in a oanoo, boating hor into submission. Her cries alarm the campers and the man start off to her rescue. Although armed with guns, they dare not fir* for foar of hitting the girl. Finally the trapper, after cuffing and kicking the poor girl, ties her to a tree, intimating that thorn she will remain until she promises tractability. While in this situation the rescuers approach stealthily, and oovering the trapper with a pistol, foroa him off while they release the poor a*irl. The trapper shows fight and is knocked down and about to bo set upon by the man, bnt the girl, ssoing hor tormentor's plight, at once changes heart and, picking np the pistol, turns it on hor would-be deliverers, who retire in amassment. Woman, lovely woman, you are certainly a peculiar commodity. The scones of the subject ara extremely picturesque, with their beauty enhanced by appropriate tinting. LENGTH, 67 6 FRET I II "THE CLUBMAN AND THE TRAMP TANTALIZING ANNOYANCE OF HAVING A DOUBLE Hare is n case of "the fellow-that-looks-like-me" with a vengeance, A Blograph story of two Dromios that makes Shakespeare's "Comedy of Errors" appear like a Sabbath School Charade in comparison. So many are the oomio incidents that it is vain to attempt to describe them, following in rapid succession, one upon the other, as they do, we are obliged, therefore, to merely give an outline of the subject, fully appreciating your keen perception of Its possibilities, assuring yon we have not missed one, making it one of the moat ludioroua efforts ever issued. Bniffins, although a sport and a Jolly good fellow, never forgot his own fireside. He had no aversion for a quiet little game with the boys at the Club, or a little spread at the cafe with the ahow girls, but always alive to his domestic obligations, and, therefore, made it a point to quit in reasonable time. This saved him many a curtain-lecture from hia wife or Jawing from his mother-in-law. Henoe, he enjoyed as many privileges aa a benedict might consistently hop* for—perhaps more. However, there comes a day of reckoning, through no fault of Bniffins. To the baaement door cornea a fat, laay tramp in quest of the usual hand- out. By subterfuge he gets into the house, dons a suit of Bniffins' clothes and, upon seeing a portrait of Bniffina, makes np so as to be a perfeot double. Thus caparisoned, he salliea forth and things come easy for him. He is accosted by everybody as Bniffins, borrows money in all directions, geta gloriously soused, paints the town—for all of whioh poor Bniffins is blamed—and is finally taken home by two sympathising friends, who, of course, think he is Bniffins, only to meet the real Bniffins. Consternation! Amasement! This explains everything. Well, poor Bniffins' reputation is cleared, and his Trarapship is allowed to sleep his Jag off in the cooler. LENGTH, 994 FEET GET ON OUR MAIL LIST AND KEEP POSTED ALL PICTURES ARE MADE WITH OUR CELEBRATED BIOGRAPH CAMERAS WRITE FOR OUR DESCRIPTIVE CIRCULARS OUR FILMS RUN ON ANY MAONINE AMERICAN MUT0SC0PE"dBI0GRAPH COMPANY (KLEIFI OPTICAL COMPANY. GREAT IfORTHERN FTLM 00. 11 R> 14.eLi CTDCCT BJaTLAl VsTaDlsf riTV \ WILLIAMS, BROW* fit BABUL AMERIOAM MUTOSOOPE A BIOORAPH CO. ■■ Baa I •till 9 I If KB. I | IwsLwY YVIYIX Vl | Y WILL PROTECT OUR CUSTOMERS AND THOSE OP OUR LICENSEES AGAINST PATENT LITIGATION IN THE USE OP OUR LICENSED PILMS Klein© Optical Co., Chicago, Special Selling Agents 312 California Street, Los Angeles, Cal. When annoering adwrtUcmmU HnUv nswUMON Vabhtt.