Variety (November 1908)

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■ VARIETY . ... ... _ 17 The Chat. K. Harris Courier "Always Me" The ballad hit of the country. The moat beautiful slides ever issued. Mow being sung to many encores at every performance at Miner's Bowery Theatre with the Broadway Gaiety Girls by SOL ABRAHAMS CHAS. K. HARRIS. at WEST 81 it ST., HEW YORK- COHEN, Manager. Chicago, Grand Opera BOB ADAMS, •» Faust Bros.. 242 W. 43, N. Y. Fay, Anna Bra, Melrose Highlands. Mass. Fay. Frank A Gertrude, 77 Walton PL, Chicago. Felix & Barry, Orpbeum, Alien town; 7, Orpheuni, Reading. Fentellc A Carr, Majestic, Chicago. Ferguson, Dick & Barney, Grand, Sacramento, Cal. Ferguson & Du Pree, 818 R. 71, N. Y. Ferguson, Frank & Co., 152 Monroe, Chicago. Fiddler A Shelton, Keith's, Phlla. Field Bros.. 02 II. IUH. N. Y. Fields, Harry W., Poll's, Hartford. Fields, W. C, Hippodrome, London, Bog., InAflL Finnic. Jack. 1911 So. Chad wick. Phlla. Flske A McDonough. 201 W. 108. N. Y. Fitzgerald, H. V.. Family, Chseter, Pa. Flaherty. Dan. City Sport*. B. R. Flemen A Roth, Star, Chicago. Fleming, Mamie, Young's, Atlantic City, N. J. Fletcher, Cbas. Leonard, Empire, Hoboken; 7, Empire, Peterson. Floods, Four. K. & P. Stb Are., N. Y.; 7, K. A P. 125th St., N. Y. Fonda, Dell & Fonda, Orpheuni. Spokane. Fendell, Sam'l J.. Strolling Playera Co., B. B. Fords, Four, G. O. H., Indianapolis; 7, Columbia, Cincinnati. Fords, Famous, 891 Gates, Brooklyn. Forrester A Lloyd. 1658 B'way. N. Y. Four, Dainty Columbia, St. Louis. Fox, Imro, Orpbeum, Omaha. Fox, Imro, Orpbeum, Kansas City. Fox A Evans, Academy, Richmond, Va.; 7, Ford's, Baltimore. Francis. Emma, Dee. 1-81, Bonacbers, Vienna, Ana. Franklin A Green, Colonial, N. Y.; 7, Orphaum, Brooklyn. Fredo, Geo.. Bijou, Oshkoah, Wla. Frederick Musical Trio, 107 B. 81. N. Y. Frey, Fred, Dreamland, B. Liverpool, O.; 7, Audi- torium, Latrobe, Pa. Frey Trio, c. o. C. D. Frey, Chicago Eve. Post, Chicago. Franclscos, The, Miner's Merry Burleaquers, B B. Freeman Bros.. Boae Sydell's London Belles. B. B. Freeman. Frank B., Hastings' Show, B. B. Frevoll, Frederick. O. H., Danville, Pa.; 7, O. H., Williainsport, Pa. Froato A Weyman, Family, Wllllamsport, Pa. rullerton, I^ew J.. 9« Sumner PI.. Buffalo. Fun In a Boarding House, Sbubert's, Utlca, N. Y. Gabriel's. Kid, Brigadiers. B. R. Gaffney Glrla, B'way Gaiety Girls. B. B. LAST CALL ALL ADVERTISEMENTS AND ORDERS FOR THE PERFORMER ANNUAL MUST BE POSTED IN NEW YORK AT THE LATEST WED. DEC. 2 aa Wellington St. (Strand), LONDON, ENG. aj..^.. ... _.^.„^_^ Galnsboro Girl, Bennett's, Quebec; 7, Bennett's, Montreal. GaUajrU'a Monkeys. 804 N. Maplewood, Chicago. Galloway. Bert. Davis. Braddock. Pa. Garden A Sommers, 140 W. 42, N. t. Gardiner, Three. ChUdren. 196* W. 8. Phlla. Gardiner A Vincent, 1 Orpbeum, Minneapolis. Gardner. Eddie, Saroy, Fall River; 7, Keeney's, New Britain, Conn. GarceV -Musical Co.. 2738 N. Dover, Phlla. I AND EL- OREEN Not. 80, Orpheum, Oakland. Gavin, Piatt A Peaches, Keith's, Portland. Gavlu. Piatt A Peaches, 4417 8d Ave., N. Y. Gelger A (Walters, Shea's, Buffalo. > Genaro A Band, Orpbeum, Salt Lake. Genter A Gllmore, Majestic, Chicago. Gibson, Fay. Standard. Davenport, la.. Indef. Gibson, Sydney C, Hopkins, Louisville. Gill A Aker 501 Sprlngtteld, Newark. Gllmore, Mildred. City Sports, B. B. Glose, Augusta, 7, Columbia, Spokane. Gilroy, Haynea A Montgomery, Bennett's, Ottawa; 7, Bennett's, Montreal. Gleesons, The, A Houlihan, Proctor's, Albany. Glocker, Cbas. A Anna. "Follie* of 11107" Co. Glover, Edna May, Gay Musician Co. Godfrey A Henderson. Bijou. Flint, Mich. Godfrey A Erxleben. Reed Hotel, Ogden, Utah. Golden A Hughes, 14th St., N. Y. Goldman, Abe. New Century Girls Co.. B. R. Goldsmith A Hoppe, Orpheum. Rockford, 111. Gordon A Marx, Bijou, Danville, 111. Gordon, Belle, P. O. Box 40, N. Y. C. Gossans. Bobby. Orpbeum, Cblllocothe, O.; 7, Orpbeum, Marietta, O. Gould A Rice, S2d Smith, Providence. Goolmans, Musical, Hathaway's, Maiden. Gotcb, Frank A., A Co., 7, Empire, Leeds, Eng. Gottleb, Amy, 446 N. St. Lewis, Chicago. Graces. The, 2(57 W. 88. N. V. Graham. R. A., Dime, Walla Walla, Wash., Indef. Graham A Lawrence, Keith's, Philadelphia. Grant, Burt A Bertha, Bennett's, Ottawa; 7, Bennett's, Montreal. Grant, Sydney, 269 W. 261, N. Y. Or a bam, Geo. W.. Scenic. Provide i indef. Gray A Graham, Armory, Blnghamton. Gregory, Frank L., Hippo., Leeds. Eng. Grimm A Satchell, Pantages's, Portland, Ore. Gruet A Grnet, William's Imperials. B. B. Guertln, Louis. Metropolitan Hotel, Bracktea, Mass. Guild, Martin J., Orpheum, Sidney, O.; 7, Empire, Trenton, O. Haggarty A La Clair, 129 17th St., Detroit Hale, Lillian A Co., 2010 N. Marvlne, Phlla. Hale A Barty. 5 pond. Pittaneld. Mam. ■allay A McKennon, Ducklings, B. B. Bellman A Oolllne, Waah. Society Glrla, B. B. HaUlday A Cnrley, Bljon, Duluth, Minn. Bamiln, Hugo, WBllaai TaU Beam, Beaten. Handler, Lew, 1012 Broadway, N. Y. Handler, Louie, Orpheum, Spokane. Haney A Haynea, Wick, New Kenalngton, Pa. Banaone, 1087 Tremont. Beaton. Hanson, Mildred, Family, Wllllamsport, Pa.; 7, Family, Milton, Pa. Hanvey A Baylls, Orpheuni, Lima, O.; 7, Or- pheum, Canton, 0. Barland A BolUnaoa, 16 Bepton, Manehaatar, Bag. Barria, Bam. VogeTo Minstrels. Harrington. Giles W., 624 Acklttt, Toledo. Harrison, Al., Follies of the Day Co., B. B. Harrison-West Trio, Empire, Milwaukee. Harvey, W. S., A Co., 8814 Park Heights, Balto. Harvey, Elsie, A Boys, Columbia, Cincinnati; 7, Anderson. Louisville. Hassan Ben All's Arabs, Orpheum, Brooklyn; 7, Alhambra, N. Y. Hastings A Wllsln, 166 Dearborn, Chicago. Hatches, The. 811 W. 87. N. Y. Hawkins, Jack, Haymarket, Chicago. Hawley. E. F., A Co.. 65 11, Detroit. Hayes A Wynne, 7, Empire, Palace, Liverpool, Eng. Haynian A Franklin, St. Kilda Hotel, N. Y. Hayter A Janet, Empire, Grand Forks. N. D. Hacxard, Lynne A Bonnie, 251 E. 81, Chicago. Healy, Jeff A La Vern. Rice A Barton, B. B. Hearn A Rutter, Keith's, Providence. Helm Children, Hathaway's, Brockton; 7, Empire, Hoboken. Helston, Wbally A Lottie. Crystal, St. Joe, Mo. Henry, Jack, 41 Lisle, Leicester Sq., London. Henry A Young. 270 W. 89. N. Y. Herbert Bros., 1568 Broadway. N. V. Herbert. Moos, Main St., Peoria, 111. Herrman, The Great, Theatre Bouffes, Moscow, RumsIs. Herrmann. Adelaide. G. O. H.. Auburn. N. Y. Herron, Bertie, Temple, Detroit; 7, Sbea'a, Buf- falo. Hiatts, The, 7, Empire, Wolverhampton, Bng. Hlbbert A Warren. Orpheum, Des Moines. Hickman Bros. A Co., Colonial, Norfolk; 7, Trent. Trenton, N. J. Hickman, Wills A Co.. Pearl River, N. Y. Hill. Cherry A Hill, Watertown, N. Y.; 7, Hudson, Union Hill, N. J. Hill A Wbitaker, Keith'a, Portland; 7, Colonial, Lawrence, Mass. Hilton Troupe, City Sports. B. B. Hillyers, Three, 192 Bay 25th St., Benaonhurst, N. Y. Hocb, Erall A Co., K. A P. Stb Ave., N. Y.; 7 K. A P. 125th St., N. Y. Hoffmann. Cycling, Stanley Hotel, 8 No. Clark, Chicago. Holt. Alf., 41 Lisle. London. W. R.. En*. Houston, Frits A Ryan. Bljon. Dubuque, la.; Howard A Howard. Orpbeum. Denver. Howard A Co., Bernlce, 8007 Calumet, Chicago. Howard A St. Clair. Vaudeville Club, linden. Howard Bros., Nov. 24-31. Eldorsdo. Nice, France. Howard Harry A Mae, Star, Wilensburg, Pa.; 7, Star, Carnegie, Pa. Howe, Laura, 298 Harvard. Brookllne. Mass. Howsrd's Ponies A Dogs, Poll's, Springfield; 7, Poll's, Bridgeport. —„_ Hoyt * McDonald, Family, Rock Island, 111. Huehn, Musical, Crystal, Colorado Springs, Col. Huegel Brow.. 118 E. 24tb. Erie. Pa. . Huebu, Musical, Crystal. Pueblo, Col. Hufford A Cbalne. Tyrone, Pa. ' Hughes' Musical Trio, 7, Keith's,- Columbus, 0. , Hughes, Johnny A y«i!e, Olynspjc, Chicago. i»» Hughes Musical Trio, Bennett's, London; ■ 7, Keith's. Columbus, O. Hurley, Musical, 152 Magnolia. Elisabeth, N. J. Huston. Arthur. 89. Marlon. Toronto, Can. Hyde, Mr. A Mrs. Robt., London, Manchester, Va. Hylauds, Three, 22 Cherry, Danbury, Conn. Ingram A Hyatt, Crescent. Cbattanooga. Tenn. I ones A Ryan, folly, Oklahoma City, Ok la. International Musical Trio. 275 So. 0, Brooklyn Irving. Thomas R., Palm, Syracuse, indef. Irving. Musical. 80 Boston. Newark, N..J. Italia, Broadway, Mlddletown, O.; 7, Orpheum. Sidney. O. ** Jacobs A Went. 205 E. 2d St.. Jamestown. N Y. Jacobs A Sardel, Garrlck, Burlington, la. Jamea A Prior, 910 2d Ave., Seattle, Waah. Jamea. Byron. Bljon. Flint, Mich., Indef. .Terrell Co.. Bijou, Superior, Wis. Jennings, Arthur, Grand, San Diego, Cal. Jennings A Jewell, Majestic. Galveston. Jennings A Renfrew. Empire. Peterson, N. J.; 7, Proctor's, Newark. Jeaa. John W.. Lid Lifters, B. B. Johnson B. Melvln. Johnson Hotel, Lafayette. Int. Johnstone. Lorlmer. Ontario Hotel. Chicago. Johnson, Musical, 16 St. Martins, London, W. C, Eng. Johnson Bros. A Johnson, Lyric, Blnghamton, N. Y. Johnstone A Cooke. G. O. H., Grand Banlda; 7, Bijou, Lansing, a'ich. Johnson, Honey, 39. Tremont Cambridge, Mans. Johnson A Wells, Cook's, Rochester. Jolly A Wild. Wigwam, San Francisco. Jones, William E., Gem, Newark, N. J., Indef. Jones A Mayo, 144 W. 88. N. Y. Jones A Sutton. 224 W. 17, N. Y. Jordans, Five Juggling, Maryland, Balto.; 7, Or* pbeum, Harrlsburg. Joyces. The, 48 Howard, Boston. Jules A Margon. Barlow Minstrels. Julian A Dyer, Bijou, Dubuque, la. Juuiper A Hayes, 120 W. 27th, N. I, Kalden, New Albany, 0. Karno, Fred, Co., Maryland, Baltimore, Md. Ksrrollo's. Juggling. I>e Rue Bros.. Mlnatrele. Kanfman Bros., Poll's, Hartford; 7, Poll's, Worcester. Keane, J. Warren, Orpheum, Baston, Pa.; 7, Or* pbeum, Reading, Pa. Keegan A Mack. Coney Comer Glrla, B. B. Keeley, Lillian, Folly. Chicago. Kellie, Edw., A Sidonne, Dixon, 4 Lower Court, Chicago. Keith A De Mont, 722 W 14th Pi., Chicago. Kelly, Sam A Ida, Grand, Portland, Ore. Kelly, Walter C. Hotel Cecil, London, Keller, Major. Poll's. Waterbury. indef. Keller, Jesse, National, Havana, Cuba. Kendall, Preston, 254 W. 46. N. Y. Kenton, Dorothy, Dec., Wintergarten, Berlin, Ger. Kenyon A Healy, 282 Murray. Newark. N. J. Keogb A Francis, Bennett's, London; 7, Bennett's, London. Kimball A Donovan, Family, Milton. Pa. King. Alice. City Sports, B. R. Kingston A Thomas. Star Show Girls. B. B. Kirk, Arthur, Colonial, Plttsfleld, Mass.; 7, 0. II., Holyoke, Mass. Klein A Clifton. Majestic, Birmingham; 7, Majestic, Little Rock. Knight A Co., Harlan, Comedy Club, N. Y. Kobers, Three, Majestic, St. Paul. Koppes, The, 117 W. 23, N. Y. Kohl. Gu« A Marlon. 911 Fourth. Milwaukee. Kokin. Mignonette. 804 N. Maplewood, Chicago. Kolfage, Duke, Crystal. Elwnnd. Ind.. Indef. Kooper. Harry J., Buster Brown Co. Kratons, The. Wintergarten, Berlin, Ger. Kretore, 119 Wash.. Altoona, Pa. KurtiH-Busxe. Varieties, Canton, 111. Kuryllo, Edward J., Proctor's, Newark, N. J. Kyle. Ingram A Co., Parish, Ithaca, N. Y.; 7, Antique, Watertown, N. Y. La Belle, Veola, Dec. 1-15, Salon, Margerlta, Rome, Italy. La Clair A West, Fairyland. Colunfbla. S. C. La Fleur, Great, Orpheum, Portland, Ore. La Tour, Irene, Poll's, Bridgeport; 7, Poll* a, Hartford. La Tour, Irene. Orpheum, Baston, Pa.; 80, Poll's, Bridgeport. La Mar, Sadie, Strolling Playera, B. B. La Maae Bros., Ronerher. Vienna, Austria. La Rose Bros., 206 8. El Paao, Bl Paso, Tex. La Salle A Liod. Richmond Hotel. Chicago. La Salle Singing Four, 226 La Salle, Chicago. La Tell Broa.. 2842 Tulip. Phlla. La Toaka. Phil., Family, Billings, Mont. La Tour Slaters. Golden Crook. B. B. Le Centra A La Bue. 2461 2d Ave.. N. Y. Lc Clair. Harry, 245 W. 13. N. Y. Le Dent. Frsnk. K. A P. 5th Ave., N. Y.; 7, Chaae'a Washington. Cobb's Comer SATURDAY. NO fit. 1908. No. 143. * A Weekly Word wf\h WILL, the r Werdwright. "Take Plenty of Shoes • I MARIE CAHILL'S BIGGEST '08 BIT and by WILL D. COBB WORDWRIOHT. % ' Lacey, Will. 629 O St., N. W., Wash., D. C. Lamb's Manikins, Majestic, Cedar Raplda, la. La vail Sisters, 143 Golden Gate, San Francisco. Lawson A Namon, Tlvoll, Cape Town. So. Af. Landln, Edward, Majestic, Utile Bock, Indef. Lang. George. Crystal, Bedford. Ind..- indef. Larkln. Frank J.. 24A N. Franklin. Phlla. Laraon-Rlva Troupe, Bijou, Oshkoah, Wla. La Van A La Valette, Majestic, pltteburg. Indef. La Rex, Wonderful, Clara Turner Stock Co. Lane Trio, Vogel's Minstrel*.. Lavlne A Cimaron Trio, Columbia, St. Louis. Lavlne, Edward, Orpheum, Dee Moines. Lawrence A Healy, Bijou, Decatur, 111. La Gray, Dollle, Bijou, Racine. Wla,, indef. Lavlne A Leonard, Orpheum, Seattle. v La VeUe. Rose. City SjmitU. B. K, * La Ear A La Ear, 168 Dearborn Ave.. Chicago. Leeds A La Mar, Hathaway's, Lowell; 7, Hath- away's, Brockton, Mas*. Leigh. Lisle A Co., Poll's. Springfield, Mass. Le Pagea. Great, Nov. i-Dec. 81. Empire, U don* Eng. La Fevre A St. John. 1R88 Broadway, N. Y. Leigh tons, Three, 1558 Broadway, N. Y. Lelliotts, Three. Poll's, Wilkes Barre, Pa. Lee, Jamea P., Unique. Loe Angels*, ludaf. Le Clair A Sampson, Majestic, Chicago. Le Boy A May, Lyric, Du Quoin, 111. Le Boy A Le Boy, Crystal, Nelsonvlfle, 0.; 7, Electric, Athena, O. Leipzig. Nat, Anderson, Louisville; 7, Columbia, Cincinnati. Leonard, Chaa. F., Reilly A Woodo, B. B. Leonard A Phillips, Lyric, Muskogee, Ok Is. Leonard A Drake, 1680 p«rk PL. Brooklyn. J Leo. Arthur, 1688 Richland. Baltimore. Leo, Jolly, 786 Carmen, Camden, N. J. Levllle A Sinclair, 216 W. Ill, N. Y. Lewla, Hsrr A Co., 181 W. 16, N. Y. Lewis A Lake, 2411 Norton, Kansas City. at*. Lewis A Green, Orpbeum, Los Angeles. Lewis A Chapln, Anderson, Louisville; 7, Colum- bia, Cincinnati. Locket te. Mattee, Orpbeum, Harrlsburg, Pa.; 7. Wllkes-Barre. Pa. Lock wood A Buyson. Orpheum, New Orleans, La. Lohse A Wllkens, Burk'a Shows, R. B. Lois, Dreamland, Newport News, Va. Lois, Dreamland, Newport News, Va. Lloyd, Herbert, 86 Great Wilson, Leeds, Bng. Lone. John. Family. Erie, Pa.. Indef. Loraine, Oscar, Poll's, Springfield; 7, Keith's, Portland. Loretta, Epps A Co.,, Orpheum, St. Paul. Luce A Luce. Lyric, Dayton, O.; 7, G. O. H., Wheeling. W. Va. Lucas, Jlmrtile, Proctor's, Troy; 7, Colonial, Law* rence, Mass. Lurler. Marguerite. Hans A Nlz> Co. "Luis King." Varieties, Leeds, Eng. Lynton. Chris., Empire. Loe Aneel»a. Indef Lyons A Parks Poll's, 8cranton; 7, Keith's, Phlla. Lyres, Three, Fashion Plates Co., B. R. Mnb, Queen, A Mr. Weis, Camden, Camden, N. J.; 7. People's. Phlla. MacDouougb, Ethel, Orpheum, Sioux City. Mac .A Derby, Pusque Isle, Maine. Mack. Wilbur. Empire, Hoboken; 7, Empire, Peterson. Mack*. Two. 24B W. r.9. N. Y. Mac Larens. Musical, Grand, Sacramento, Cal. Mallla A Bart, 123 Henulngton Rd., London, M. B., Eng. Malvern Troupe. Pat White's Gaiety Girls. B B. Malchow, Geo., Bijou. Oshkoah. Wis.. Indef. Mauley A Sterling. 67 So. Hark. Chicago. Mann A Franks, Family, Sbamokln. Pa. Manning A Dixon. Knickerbockers. B. R. Mantell's Marionettes. Pantages'. Seattle. Manny. Ed.. Rroadwsr Gaiety Girl*. B. B Marchands, The, Sydell's London Belles, B. B. NOT YOUR BEGINNING BUT YOUR FINISH Should Interest you greatest when you buy a theatrical trunk. It's not so much what the trnnk costs you to BtTY but what It costs you to KEEP—bow much excess baggage charges and repair bllle are going to add to the original coot. In the end the best is the cheapest, and tbe best and the lightest theatrical trunk manufactured Is the "BAL" FIBRE TRUNK. WILLIAM BAL. Inc. SEBD FOB CATALOGUE V. BUILDERS OF 2ft -Wttt 42ntl Street, New YorH