Variety (November 1908)

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VARIETY 19 with Hie "There Never Win Girl Like You/' "When I Marry You," "I Used To Be Afraid To Go Home In The Dark," " I Want Some One To Call Me Dearie," " Rainbow/' "Naughty Eyes," "When Jack Comes Sailing Home," •• Mandy Lane," and 4 " Over On The Jersey Side," and " Shine On, Harvest Moon," Z * u from "The Follies of 1908." Song or THE SHERMAN HOUSE CHI Commenoing THE AND ORCHESTRA AND BAND A R R ANGE/WENTS <»<••' JEROME H. REMICK AND COMPANY DETROIT HYDE & BEHMANS Amusement Enterprises HYDE I mm AMUSEMENT CO.; TEMPLE BAR BXTILDING. BROOKLYN, V. T. Relff A Clayton, 78 Stfllman, Rochester, N. T. Belff Bros., Orpbeom, Omaha. Renshaw. Bart, Majcatlc. La Salle, 111., lndef. Revell. Nellie. Stock Finn. Greenwood, Ind. Beeves, AJ., Maryland, Baltimore. . Bernard, Ed. F., Orpbeum, Atlanta; 7, Colonial, Norfolk. Blanoa, Four, Orphenm, Omaha. Bice A Elmer, BlJon, Laming, Mich.; 7, Ineiana, 80. Bena. Blch Duo, Arcade, Toledo, O. Blcbarda. Great, Sbnbert, Utlca; 7, Eelth'a, Watertown, N. Y. Richard* A Grover. 2S18 7. N. Y. Richards A Montroae, 460 So. 1st Are., Mt. Vernon, N. Y. Blcbarda. Ellen, Orpbenm, Watertown, N. Y. Richardson, John 8., 18 Granyer PL, Buffalo. Blcbt. Gerties. 80S Elm. Buffalo. Blstler, Gertie, 808 Elm, Buffalo. Bitter A Foster, 7, Coventry, Eng. Elvers A Bocheater, Unique, Dea Moines. la. Boattlno A Stevens, Majestic, Houaton; 7, Majes- tic, Galveston. Bobblna A Trenaman, Elite, Atlanta, lndef. Roberta, Blfna. Mercede, Cal. Robertson A Fancbette, Bijou, New Brunswick; 7. Young's. Atlantic City. Robinson, Alice, 457 Orchard. Chicago; Roberta. Hayes A Roberts, Mohawk, Schenectady; 7, Poll's. Bridgeport. Roltars, Cbas.. SIS W. 28, N. Y. Romalne, Julia A Co., Grand, Fargo. N. D. Ronaldos, Three, BlJon, Oshkosh, Wis. Boss,* Blmer A.. Bostoq Belles. B. R. Boss A Lewis, 7. Empire, So. Shields, Eng. Boas Bisters, 68 Cumberford, Providence. Boss A Adams, 11 W. 114. N. Y. Rosey, C. W.. 1821 80. Wichita, Wichita, Eas. Boacoa A Slma, Caalno Girls, B. R. Roaaleya, The. Family, Plttston, Pa., lndaf. Boyal Doll Princess, 182 W. 86, N. Y. 0. Royal Mualcal Five, 249 So. 9, Brooklyn. Roy's Mlnstrela. 8 Salada PI., Plttaborg. Roya, The. 10th St.', PhUa., Pa. Russell' Bros., Bfcaburat, L> I. .. Russell A Davis. Idle Hour, Atlanta, lndaf. Russell, Mona, Bam Bernard Co. Russell, Will, Haymarket, Chicago. Butledge A Pickering, 188 W. 48. N. Y. Byan A White. Eelth'a, Boston; 7, Hatbaway'a, New Bedford. Sabine A Vera, Star. Seattle. Balmo, Juno. Dec. 1-80, Coliseum, Vienna, Ana. Samson. Doc. Coburn Greater Minstrels. Bamueli A Chester, Box 116, Melrose Park. 111. Banford A Darlington. 2422 60. Alder. Phtla. Bantell. Great, Winchester Annex, 8d A Market, Frlaco. Sa Van A Hill, Serenaders, B. B. Schrode A Mulvey, Poll's, Worcester; 7, Poll'*, Hartford. Seabury, Balph, 187 Madison, Psterson, N. J. Selblnl A Grovinl, Orpbeum, Yonkers. Sevengala, Original. Watertown, N. Y., lndef. 8hedman, W. 8., Dumont, N. J., lndat. Shannons, Four, Saratoga Hotel, Chicago. Scbefels, Male, Majestic, Denver. Schuster, Milton, Palace, Boston, lndef. Scott, Edouard. Grand, Reno, Nev., lndef. Somon, Cbas. F., Proctor's, Newark; 7, Empire, Hoboken. Sears, Gladys, Tiger Lilies, B. B. Senettl, Anne, City Sports, B. B. Sherman A De Forest Co., Grand, Tacoma, Wash. Shields, A Galle, Murray, Mackey A Co. Sblrhart. A noon. Crystal, Detroit, lndef. Silhon's Cats, G. O. H., Indianapolis, Ind. SUvas, The, G. O. H., Pittsburg; 7, Keith'x, . Cleveland, O. SUveno A Co., 2029 Liberty, Ogden, Utah. Simpson, Cora, 718 N. Maine, Scranton, Pa. Sinclair, Mabel, Olympic, Chicago. Six Girls A Teddy Bear, 7, Orpbeum. Kansas City, Slater A Flncb, Trousdale Bros. Mlnstrela. Sloan, Blsncbe, Oak Lodge. Cedar Manor, Jamaica. Smedley. Effle A Co., 280 W. 84, H. Y. Smiths, Aerial, Dec. 1-81 Ronacker, Vienna, Aus. Smith A Heagney, 272 S. 11. Newark, N. J. Smith A Brown, Orpbeum', Vancouver, B. C. Snyder A Buckley, Orphenm, Spokane. Soper, Bert, Star, Altoona. Pa., lndef. Somere A Storke. Walker, Champagne, 111.; 7, Majestic, Montgomery, Als. Sound of the Gong, Hsymarket, Chicago. Spissel Bros. A Mack, Dec. 1-30, Tichey'a, Prague, Aus. Sprague A Dixon, 606 Mt. Hope Ed., Cincinnati, O. Spring Song, San Francisco. St. Clsir, Annie, 2910 Armour, Chicago. Stafford. Alice, Puritan, Fall Elver; 7, Lyric, Newark, N. J. Stafford, Frank, A Marie Stone, R. A P. 6th Ave., N. Y.; 7, Trent, Trenton. Stanton A Sandberg, Dominion, Winnipeg; 7, People's, Cedar Rapids, la. Steger, Julius, Orpbeum, Bklyn.; 7, Albambra, N. Y. Stelnert. Thomas, Trio, 469 Lenox, N. Y. Stephenson, Cbas., 2 Sumach, Toronto, Can. Stewarts. Musical, Sam T. Jack's Burlesquers. Stoddards, The, Majestic, Houston, Tex.; 7, Majes- tic, Galveston. Strickland, E. C. Crystal, Milwaukee. Stuart, J. Francis, Bijou. Sallabury, N. D. Stuart A Eeeley. 822 College. Indianapolis. St. Elmo, Leo, Bijou, Valley City, N. D., lndef. Sullivan, W. J., Lyric, Bosemsn. Mont., lndef. Sullivan Bros., Four, Family, Lebanon, Pa.; 7, Family, Milton, Pa. Sully A Pbelpa, O. H., Elwood, Ind. Summervllle, Amelia, Majestic, Mempbla. Sunny South, Cook'a, Rochester. Susan. Princess, O. H., Biddeford, Me.; 7, Temple, Chelsea, Mass. SulcUffe Troupe, Colonial, Lawrence, Mass.; 7, Auditorium. Lynn. Sweeney A Rooney, Orphenm, Butte. Talcot, Carson A Co., Grand Forks, N. D. Tanesn, Felix A Claxton. 881 E. 98, N. Y. Taylor, Cbas. E., Tiger Lilies, B. R. Taylor, Eva A Co., Portland, Ore. Taylor A Crawford. Bijou, Anderson, Ind. Teed A Lasell. 2009 W. 48, Cleveland. Templeton, Robert L., Moss A Stoll Tour, London, Eng. Templeton, Psul Francis, 1426 16th. Oakland. Ten Dark Knlghta, 7, Dublin. Ireland. Terrors. Four English. City Sports, B. R. Terry A Elmer, National Hotel, Chicago. Terry A Lambert, 7, Walsall, Eng. Taylor, Viola, Champagne Girls. B. B. Terrors, English, City Sporta, B. R. Texaa Steer Quartette, Colonial Belles. B. R. Trolley Csr Trio* 1142 Tunnell, Mllwsukee. The Quartet. 1358 Broadway. N. Y. O. Thomson. Harry, 112 Covert, Brooklyn. Thompson Sisters, Majestic, Dallas; 7, Majestic, Houston. Thome, Mr. A Mrs.. 444 St. Nicholas, N. Y. Thornton, Geo., 1188 Broadway, N. Y. Tleches, The. 114 E. 2d, Liverpool, O. Till. John A Louise, 989 Salem. Maiden, Mass. Toledo. Princess, Marlon, Marlon, O.; 7, Bijou, Lorain, O. Tomklns, William, Orphenm, Fort laud, Ore. Tomklns,- Charlotte J., Bijou, I* Crosse, Wis. "* Toms, Tumbling. 2789 Fulton. Brooklyn. Tops, Topsy A Tops, 617 W. School, Chicago. Towneend. Chsrlotte A Co,, 620 W. 136, N. Y. Travers, Belle, Hotel Navarre, N. Y. Truehesrt, Dillon A Bnrke, Gem. Tampa, lndef. Tschernoff's Dogs A Horses, 7, Orpbeum, Kansas City. Tuches. The, 114 E. 2d, E. Liverpool, O. Turner. Bert, Hamilton Sq., Saginaw, Mlcb. » Thurston, Leslie, 85 Lexington Ave., N. Y. Tyson Sisters. New York Stars. B. B, Usher, Claude A Fannie, Orpbeum, Des Moines, Valadons, The, Avenue, Wilmington, Del. Valdare A Varno, 226 Walnut, Aurora, 111. Van, Billy, MohaWk, Seheneetady; 7, Armory,' Bingbamton. Van, Cbaa. A Fannie, A Co., 22 Hopklnson, Bklyn. Van Eppes, Jack. 15 .W. 64, N. Y. Van Gofre A Cotrely, Lyric, Galveston;' 7, Thea- torlum, Galveston. Van's Imperial Minstrels, Bijou, Qulncy, I1L Van Serly Sisters, Austins A Stone, Boston. Vardon, Perry A Wilbur, Heogb'S Chfe, Chicago. Variety Quartette, Colonial Belles, B. R. Vaaco, 41a Acre Lane, London, Eng. , Vasco A Co., 1418 Beaver, Allegheny, Pa. Vedmara, The, 749 Amaterdam. N. Y. Vermette-Carpottl Trio, 451 Breboeuf, MontraaL Vlctorlne, Myrtle, Empire, San Francisco. , Vision of Saldme, TaC\>ma. Wash. Von Dell. Harry, 1558 Broadway. N. Y. Von Jerome. Miner's Bowery, N. Y. Vynos, The, Empire, Psterson. W Wade A Reynolds. Majestic, Montgomery; 7, Masonic Birmingham. Ward A Harrington, 418 Strand, London, Eng. Ward A Hart, 1909 80. 11. PhHa. Ward A Sheppell, Al. Reeves, B. B. Wartenberg Bros.. 104 E. 14. N. Y„ Tsustg. Walden, White Cottage, ().; 7, New Albany, O. Walker. Nella, Empire, Hoboken, N. J.; 7, Em- pire, Paterson. Waller A Magill. 102 Seventh Ave., N. Y. Walton. Irvln B., Fada A Follies, B. R. Walton, Fred A Co., Dec. 1-30, Wlntergarten, Berlin, Ger. Walton, Bert A Lottie, 290 E. 14. N. Y. Walab, Lynch A Co., Irwin's Big 8bow, B. B. Wslsb, May, Fads & Follies. B. R. Ward, Tom. 162 Lexington. Brooklyn. Watklns. William A., Olympic. Chicago. Wathon, Stanley W Empire, Hoboken, N. J. Watson, Sammy, Bennett'a, Ottawa. Watson Sisters, Irwin's Big Show, B. R. Watson A Little. 7, Family, Butte. Werden, W. L. A Co., 1179 Rokeby, Chicago. Wheelers. The, Dec. 1-30, Etabllssement, Ronacher, Vienna, Ans. White, Ed. B., A Roll a, Alml. Cadillac, Mich.; 7, Dreamland, Travers City,Mich. White A Slmmonds, Orpbeum, Salt Lake. Wbltebead, Joe, A Grieraon, Flo., Red Mill Co., No. 2. Whltely A Bell, 20 Bulflncb. Boston. Whitman, Frank. Hudson. Union Hill, N. J. Wilbur, Carl. 147 W. 45th, N. Y. Wilder. Marshall P., Atlantic City, lndef. Wlllard A Bond, Grand, Nashville, Tenn.; 7, Or- pheum, Evanavllle, Ind. Williams, Frank A Delia. Eureka. Cleveland. Williams A Gordon, 2282 Indiana. Chicago. Wllllama A Segal, 87 E. Boblnaon, Allegheny, Pa. Wllllama A 8tevens, Pekln Stock Co.. Chicago. Wllllama A Melbourne, Flight of Princess Co. Monday, Nov. 30th, WILLIAM JEROME AMD JEAN SCHWARTZ n SINGING: Meet Me in Rose lime, Rome," AND : "lie lie isft Mi." PUBLISHED BY COHAN & HARRIS 115 W. 42d St., New York. Wills A Hassan, Keith's, Cleveland. Wilsons. Musical, Pat White' Gaiety Girls, B. B. Wilson Bros., Orpbeum, Omaha. Wilson, Jack A Co., Eelth'a, Columbus, O.; 7, Keltb'a, Cleveland. Wilson, Lizzie, Family, Wllllamsport, Ps. Wilson, Thoa. H., Haymarket, Chicago. Wilson, Tony, Helolae A Amoros Sisters, 80, Orpbeum, Kansas City. Wilson A Frazler, 145 E. 48, N. Y. Winane A Cassler, Devil's Auction Co. Wlnklers' Madcapa, 20 Ruatball, London, Eng. Winkler A Kress, 252 W. 88. N. Y. Winston's Sea Lions, Auditorium, Lynn; 7, Keith's, Providence. Winter, Winona, 41 W. 64 N Y. Wlxton A Eaton, Casino Girls, B. R. Wolcott, Alda, Masonic, Ft. Wayne. Wood. Ralph, Lyric, Ft. Smith. Ark., lndef. Wood Bros., Keith's, Columbus, O.; 7, G. O. H., Syracuse. Woodford A Marlboro. 1558 Broadway, N. Y. Woodward, Ed A May, Majestic, St. Psul. Wordette, Eatelle A Co., Proctor's, Troy. World A Kingston, Maryland, Baltimore; 7, Or- pbeum, Norfolk, Vs. Wormwood's Dogs A Monkeys, Orpbeum, Altoona, Pa.; 7, Orpbeum, Johnatown, Pa. Wortbley, Abbott, 125 Lexington Ave., N. Y. Wortbley, Mlntborne, 125 Lexington Ave.. N. Y. Wright. Lillian. A Boys. 844 W. 48th. N. Y. Yackley A Bunnell, Cambria, Johnatown, Pa. Yaraamoto Broa., Emerald, Winchester, O.; 7, Orpbeum, Beading, Pa. VAUDEVILLE PERFORMERS! The following Chicago Houses are booked by ths Chicago Vaudeville Managers Exchange North Avenue, Columbia, Lyoeum, Crystal, Pekln, Virginia, Palais Royal; Ashland Thestrea and Zola Theatre and Zoo. ALL PLAYING BIG HEADLINE AND FEATURE ACTS As also are the following housss that play ths Batter Ciena of Standard Arte. Prsmlsr, Osm, Grand. Grown, Palaos, Sheldon and Chloago Theatres. riANK Q. DOYLE. Mgr. 161 WASHINGTON ST., Merchants' Building, CHICAGO. 'Phone, 1180 Male, When amtoering advertisement* kindly mention Variety.