Variety (Oct 1935)

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Wednesday, October 2, 1935 1IMES SQUARE VARIETY .61 Hollywood with Week "In laned In Sally ParJing In the hosp. Bob Burkhart off 20th-Fox pay- roll. Ichard Warlne a train east. Margot Grabame hack from Eng- lanfl. Relapse put enry Henlgadn back in bed. Mark Kelly took thiat writing Job at 20th-Fox. W. C. Fields h's jEnclno ranch. . „ Jim Ryari. caster" at 20th-Fox, abed with flu. Burtdn Holmes -Etbloplan.-plc-..-j- Chic Sale back from Springfleld, 111. f!. H. (Jack) Ironi New York. Jerry Bergen and Billy Gray In for nltery work. ^ „ ^' Jan Klepura to Arrowhead to, get some snappy, air. Lou Goldberg Major Bowes' amateurs. Relatives from Mass. using Tommy Atkins as a grulde. Claire Trevor confined .to her home with the flu. Lois B. Mayer back at his desk after slight illness. Ardel Wray personal story ed for Carl Laemmle, Jr. H. B. Franklin and Alex Kemp- her back from N..Y. Franklyn Ardell, from vaude, set In Metro's 'Ziegfeld.' William Duncan back in iJilx after 11 years oft the lots. Troy Orr boosted to adv. chief for Warners L. A, houses. Isabel Jewell back from two weeks' vacash In N. Y. Hobart Cavanaugh scanning plans for' Bnclne home. Tonsil trouble bedded Danny Fapp, Par cameraman. Gary Cooper ducking to Ensenada when , the cameras cool. Sam Marx flew east on story scouting trip for Metro. Georgia Coleman will, dp a diving bit for Par's 'Ciolleglate.' Doris Zinkelsen designing cos- tumes for 'Show Boat.' Vernon Downing gave his fraij a new car on her birthday. Nat Fihston tendered farewell dinner by Par music gang. Jean Negulesco Joined Warners to work on special effects. Margaret Sullavan awalits her next picture in New York. Jimmy de Puy joined Marie Levinhagen publicity staff. Hal Wallls and Louise Fazenda bought 40-acre citrus trftct. .. Henl-y King back from. Honolulu and ready to start 'Bampna.' Virginia Faulkeher en route to Coast for Metro writing staff. Amelia Earhart teaching June Travis to fly for 'Celling Zero,' Hal Neides down from Frisco to line up MaJ. Bowes' amateurs. Josephine Hutchinson turned toward Broadway and stage offers. Delma Byron, N. Y. stage actress, here under contract to 20th-Fdx. Bill Welman of Ed B. Marks Mu- sic Co. eastbound with the missus. Metro testing Mae Marsh for the 'Blllle Burke' role in 'Great Zieg- feld.' Joe E. Brown fanned Harry Rpby in a Los Angeles-Seattle game. Al O'Keefe and Bill Helneman even go into conference over malted milks. Jack. SobeJl, erstwhile Sam Katz assistant, now at Republic as a writer. .. Busted gam will keep Gertrude Michael In drydpck for at least six weeks. Morgan Wallace showing th<> missus around the San Diego fair grounds. Olivia de Havllland brldes-mald ing it for home town friend in San Francisco.. Gregory Ratoff both acting and Xyrltlng in 20th Cent.-Fox's 'King of Burlesque.' , Darryl Zanuck negotiating to take over contract of Cesar Romero, held by. Universal. Clai'k Gable on two month vacash tour to ATexico City, South America and New York. Tom Sorlero has disposed of west <ern rl.qhts to Movie Sweepstakes to Sam Berkowltz.. John Connolly, new Examiner • sports ed, feted by Frank Kerwin at Club New Yorker. Prof. William trunk back to Cornell after advising at Metro on 'Romeo and Juliet.' Walter D. Hickman, drama ed of Indianapolis Tlme.s, ogling Holly- wood for first time.. Carl , Hoblitielle house-guesting partner, E. V. Richards, Jr., hla vacashlnpr on the Coast. Llo.vd Bacon, recovered from slese of flu, planes to New York this wjp.ek for look at play.=. That New Yoi-k trip for Lloyd Nol,m is off until he finishes a pic ture for'B. P. Schnlbe-g. Claience, colored bootblack at Roosevelt hotel b.-jrhershop, bet hts last dollar on Max Baer. EnVl P'lv'ii. hcis.thro" oilts on hi face ;t-> .show for that di'ollng ■so-'-P -. In •C'vptaln Blon-V' AVilsoii Leahy, of /gfa-Anwo Coi\yt technical 8ta^^ east for two month study at Blnghamton fnc tor-.-. G., P, Harris, prez of Philippine FU s, in town to line up western C H A T T E pictures and buy technical equip- ment. Eleanor Stewart, Northwestern V- co-ed, and Chicago winner of Met- ro's traveling studio contest, in for £L test. Nick Lukats, Notre Dame half- baick, and 'Red' .Christie, California tr. center, in Goldwyn's 'Shoot the Chutes.' Florence Lawrence, drama ed of L. A. Examiner, In New York for week's vacash with husband, Fred Eldfedgis;'"""" ' ■■ - Andy Revinc haid to be rescued from the briny deep when he' fell off a boat on location with Par's 'Coronado,' That South American cruise over, Lucien Hubbard hied to Palm Springs to pffi.clate at opening of hiis dude ranch. Charlie Skduras, Charlie Buckley and Cebrge ,Topper back from Frisco after several days there on ¥-WC operation. Don Briggs, Chicago radio player, being tested at Universal as prob- able title-roler in 'Adventures of Frank Merriwell,' Felix Feist, Jr., off to the Vir- ginia Military Institute at Rich- mond to get footage for a .Pete Smith two-reeler. Milton Krimls script on Mascot's 'Harmony Lane' shown as part of Stephen Foster historic exhibit at University, of Southern California. Harry (Zoop) Welsh, vet burles- quer, and Herbert Ashiley, formerly In vaude and agency biz, set for comedy roles in 'King of Burlesque' at 20th-Foy. Gaumont-Britlsh squawking by cable over Columbia's holding Peter Lorre for retakes oh 'Crime and Punishment' when they're holding people on salary In England for 'Secret Agents,' awaiting Lorre. Des Moines By R. W. Moorhead Tri-States new mahiagers' drive iBtarts the first week in October. Free luncheons at the Variety Club on Saturdays very popular, Drake U's drama season gets un- der way Oct, 23 with 'The Tavern,' 'Top Hat' broke a three-year rec- ord in its 16-day run at the Or- pheum. 'Anna.Karenlna' criticized through the Catholic pulpit by the Legion of Decency. Helbise . Martin back from the Hollywood in New York to resume studies at Drake U, More legitimate attractions booked intp the! Shrine auditorium for the season than ever befpre, Harry M. Weinberg, general man- ager for Central States, building a new borne in the modern manner! Local school kids gathered at the Orpheum for safety week talks and two short subjects dealing with traflSc safety. - Mrs, Richard McClure, president Better Films council of, Chicago, told local women's club pictures are making 'young adults' but of chil- dren. The English department of Iowa State. Teachers' college using voice recordings and pictures for a col- lection of 'don't do Its' for their debate .team, Tlie State has been given a per manent injunction against Des Moines Theatres Co', in the bank night test case by District Judge Russell Jordan, his decision con- curring with a previous federal court opinion and a decision in another district court. Saranac Lake By. Chris Hagedorn Mrs. Mary Louden, housekeeper, has resigned to take up. her new job in town, Mrs, Betty Gordon, wifejiof Harry Goi'doh, visits him daily before she goes to work at the Floradelle-nite spot. Mrs. Marlon Bellamy Earnshaw, daughter of the late Edward Bel lamy, authpr of 'Looking Backward is the guest of 'Mother' ,Morris at Cami> Intermission. Dr. .".nd Mrs, Huntoon, formerly head of laboratory here, visiting the patients for week. Constance R'eaves, eix-N.V.A patient, opened new piano .studio on Wain street. Jackson Smith, formerly stock actoi", now in charge cs athletic coach at CCC camp S-56 at Fish Creek Pond. Manny Lowy, who has .seen .sey eral years of curing, left Saranac Ijake to take up his violin Job with th« Rudy Vallee band. Leo Masseno k?ft this week for is home in Washington. Birthdays were celebrated th*- oast week by Joe Parker, ny Kptcham and the writer. Write to those you .l<now iat Sara- nac. Warsaw rtist, Edward Reden, died. Tickets are very cheap in War- saw now, Polish radio by the Governments Ewa Brandrdwska-Turska sing- ing in Russi . OhTy 'fdreign" playisT' rsaw theatres now, Fanny Gordon In •y.acht of Love,' • Pan- Twairdowski, a national fairy tale, being filmed. More; operettas in -the: Opera, This time ?Rpse-Marie/ Dr,- Klthy of Ufa, photographing Polish ,Tatra Mountains. •Ahtek, the tbllce. Master,' Polish film, sold for. Russian showing. Some performances of Polish opera in the open. In Zakopane. New opera company being formed under direction of Wanda Wer- minska, Ireha Pppielska engaged to play in Brussels in cpmedy, 'Cousin from Warsaw.' Mr, Sowllski engaged to produce Polish opera 'Halka' in some Ger^ man cities. » Society of Theatrical Culture Propaganda, which conducts Hve theatres, is opening some more in the suburbs. More'subsidy is com- ing. Chicago Brooklyn By. Jo Ransoh Night football at Ebbets Field. Cops report live snakes loose la Flatbush, Bossert grill opens with Dick Wilson's ork. John Green, manager of Manor theatre, died, Harry Price, Eagle ship hews editor, ailing. City of .Churches gets Automat, first in Brooklyn. , 'March of Time' clips in local high school auditoriums. Rear Admiral Richard E. Byrd to lecturS°al Academy of Music. Sadie Corcoran, only woman wine steward in America, is at Towers^ Brpoklyn Labor Group extending its engagement at Little theatre three weeks. Old Brooklyn Elks Club will be reopened as Brooklyn City Club. Ralph Hitz reported interested. Irving Berlin named executor and beneficiary of estate of sister, Sarah Henkin, who died here recently. Allied Motion Picture Operators Union lost injunction fight against Independent Theatre , Owners ' As- sociation. hotel manager, leaving for New If ork and a like post at the Astbr. •Bill Beck has to corral' an en- tirely new wardrobe because of those 50 pou'rids.he's. added recently. Etzl Covato and Johl. Maginottl may switch from Plaza 16 Music Box if they can transfer their booze license.- Lou GIttleson back looking over night cliib situation after running Atlantic City's Silver Slipper a.U suni'mei*, Anna' Jane pfiiitj ps; "Po'St - Gaze tie" scribe, taking a four-month, leave ot absence to sail to India with Mar^ garet Sanger, After vo'cfalizing Vvlth Joe. Reich- man's band at William Penn hotefi for last four months, Ruth Rpblh Yi&B pulled but for.- short visit -with folks iii New York before heading Cbastward for a flicker fling. She's a sister of Leo Robin, Par Pittsburgh By Hal Cohen It's a boy at the Jules (MGM) Lapiduscs, ' Mrs, Johnny Harris to Hollywood for a month's visit with her folks. Bertha Peyton heading for a Green Bay, Wis., nltery engagement. Martha Patti mistress-of-cere- monylng the reopened Club Mirador. Sam Calderpne'S band into fash7 ionable St. Morltz cafe for indefinite stay. Fred Rpdgers has just finished a 2,000-mile auto tour of England and Wales. Stitches out of Wally Feidman's forehead but kid has a mean-look- ing scar.- Cap'n Menke steam-heating hiis Golden Rod Show Boat ifor a win- ter's run, M.P.'T.O. of Western Pennsvlvanla cohventlbning at Hotel Schenley Oct. 28-29; Norman Krasna's 'Louder, Please' •St production of season for 'Y' Playhouse, Irene Cowan back with George Sharp this season in. 'Why Girls Leave Home.' Maury Wolfsoh has taken over management of Paramount Cafe in Little Harlem, Couple managers ran $50 into $.1,000 at one of the .?ambling den.s. Art .VicCleary fashioning, race horses in oil f-r panels of Jakle Klein's Tgrf Club. U. of Pittsburgh authorities have thumbs-downed any grid broadcasts ■from the Stadium, Leo Levy back froni Coast after 'Tlimp.sing Pasadena premiere of his play, 'Doc Lincoln.' Tony Confortl and Jack Pomeroy have finally gotten together on ;ermfl for Nixon cafe, Virginia Gibson and Barnfs and Steger heading new .show at Towne Club with Ray Abrams' ork. Km Iloel looking after Alvin'.s puhllfity while George Ty.snn Is "art hn idllng 'Minn Am.erica.' Kreda Pope's Show Boat and .Motor Square Garden facing of llfMior licenses, for Infraction.s, nob Christenberry, Roo.sevelt Call Mount and Cal Hermer working on the new CAPA frolics show. Jack Sheehan crashed the dailies with an, 'I Lost on Baer! gag-bet photo. Jack Major, the ether and Vaude performer, is the iatest horse handi- cappor for the Hearst- evenin? American. Art. Frasik organizing his own orchestra to be known as the 'Dia- mond Dozen.' Noriiiari Markwell has a substan- tial bet up on the length of the 'To- bacco Road' riin. Longest vaude run in Chicago In year's for Eddie Peabody, Helen Charleston, -Medley, .and i Dupre.y,:. Gautier's Toy Shop, Sylvia Manon and Company at the Palace, where they've stuck for four weeks with 'Top Hat.' song- writer. Long Island By Joe Wagner Archery is biecoming popular, Rlis Park beach being enlarged. County police system being planned for, Suffolk. Jamaica Play Shop will open sea son October 3. Beach-combers off for annual gold rush at the Rockaways. Brooklyn reisident fined $3 for speeding in Forest Park on a horse, William Gonzales will conduct the North Shore Symphony this season. The Community, theatre in Flush- ing will beg-h its second reason October 9. Haynes Trebor reviewing the new plays at the Boulevard for Flush- ing Journal. HiUiside theatre turned into a kitchen for Long Island Press cooking school. Henry Margolies, former editor of Rockawiy Argus, off to South Africa with family. Baltimore Ibert Seharper, Jr. Cab Calloway one-nited; ditto Duke Ellington. Herman. Weinberg from Caribbean cruise. Molly Picon inked in at Loew's Century for week Oct. 25. Roger Hurlock reopened southside nabe Majeiatic after summer slumber. Ray Henderson, avant courier- for Katharine Cornell's 'Romeo and Juliet,' first legit p. a, to touch town this season, Minsky's Palace flooding the town with paper cut-rates; slip and two- bits good for eyehing admish. Ad- vertised toll is 75c. As publicity stunt for reopening of its nltery. Lord Balto hotel tied In with News-Poet and promoted contest for married couples with talent. After thumping tub for a week, but one couple showed for audition. Reward is week',s booking at the nltery. New Haven By Harold M. Bone Max Flowers a Sept. benedict, Walter Prichard Eaton back at Yale, Lew Sehiaefer's a flop as an Ike Walton, Hy Gels has taken over console at Poll's, Unity Players 'Till the Day I Die.' A falling lamp gave Jim Brennan a nasty arm. burn. Prof. Allardyce NicoU back from summer In Europe. The Ted Smalleys have la.belled the new addition I^rCOi College personnel gave lihpr Dixon a: wedding-gift table, Hal Welles will assist Alexander Dean at Yale Drama School, Signs of the tlme.s—an ex-bank now houses a dime freak show. Chas. and Lucius Montaho, prope of raided Paradise Club, drew fines and jdil terms- Indianapolis By Bill Kiley Barney Rapp and ork one nlght- ing at Indiana Roof. 'Bishop MIsbehave.s' scheduled as first production at Civic theatre. Lyric reconditioning stage after week of Frank and Milt Brltton unit, Louie Loew and. broth.*'r. WhItcy, bandstcrs, occupying adjoining bedK in hOHpital for .'ippendix op.s. Gold Room opening in Antlt-rs hotel, with Lee Hpttel, former 'Trees' Impresario, in chai-gc. Vincent Burke back from the north wood.s /njpervlslng readying of English theatre for opening of new Heaspn. Philadelphia Eddlie Kellar and Jack Harris in the b.b, of the Garrick, . Mort Schwartz, tlieatre and vertlsing man, a proud papa, Mai'k Wilson trekking to New York on business Once a week, Sam Nirdlinger declaring he will reopen the Erlanger by the end of the month, Frleiids cpngratuiating Tom Ldve, legit veteran, now sole .manager of the Garrick. Larry Shubert Lawrence, local Shubcrt head," now fully recovered and on the job, Mrs, Harriet Favorite, AMS sub- scription head here, heading new dramatic school. Harry Goldberg and. Stanley- Warner press and explpltatlbn de- partments up to their ears in spe- cial work for ' idsummer Night's ■Dream'.' Frank Crulkshank ('Student Prince'), Fred Jordan ('Blossom Time'), Bill Fields ('Old Maid') and Nat Dorfman ('Agatha Calling')- legit agents in town. Montreal General elections Oct. 14, Allan Ray m. c'lng at Chez Ed- die's. Al. Plunkett with Lorraine cabaret. C. P. C, DoWnman much mugged by press. L, Ernest Ouimct rebuilding Im- perial grosses. Ernest Loiselle m. .'iiig amateur shows at the Arena. Leslie HPward, wife here en route to N. Y. Dominion Drama Fehtival com- mittee meets Thursday (3). . Tom Cleary first with showing pf Baer-Louls pic at the. Princess. D, W. Griflftth passing through from two-niorith stay in London. Harry Dahn capitalizing on foot- ball by special Rugby pix at Cap- itol. Beverley Baxter In from London for talk with Famous Players (Canadian), Boston By Maxwell Fox Mayfair resplendent In new deco- rations. Henry Kalis now a handball en- thusiast. Muriel Babcock, of the Los An- geles Examiner, In town. State and Orpheum both duked out with new marquees and upright signs. Frank Jenkins carrying slelght- of-hahd tricks'around with him on backstage visits. Howell Culllnan's 'Of Air Places' about ready to appear in the book- shops. Pictorial jacket was done by Alton Hall Blackington, former newspaper cameraman. St Louis Sani Hurit Ted Shawn and troupe will be presented in a hew program at the Municipal Auditorium night of Oct; 19. ■ Harris P, Wolfb€rg, district ihgr, for Metro, is Hupervlsing local af- fairs while Manager Clayton T. Lynch is honeymooning, Ex-Mayor Henry W, Kiel was elected president of Municipal The- atre Association at annual meeting of the prganl'/otlon iHst W.-ek. The Grand-riorlssaiil. Movie News has made its appearance, witli Nor- vIDe Packwood as cilUf i- arid pub- lisher. Sheet will ;ipjH'iir .>.nonthly. Nell Agnew, gen. Male*- nj.innger for Paramount, Is rej/i-rted ro have re.sei'ved best suite of Coiomvdo hotel during entire niontli of Ctclo- ber, anticipating loiv.? lrl;iluf De- partment of Justice ,ig(»lnr-t AVarner Bros., RICO. P.Trann.nint, .1. Local. police l)av<; ro;i'-|)1;tined to Commisicionef'Ipi-.-'oi) that they are denied adniilLince in Rlue Lantern Bolu'miiin I'ri'ii, oji the levcei and w;int Ills .'Klvii-e. l.'liicc was flo.sed foi- in day.'; )>y ,Ander- son's order for oneratlm: .'th'Hit 0 ..state llennxe. Club w;i'' ...uened under clnb plnn .ind v! irme,'- were told none l)\it holder-.- ni' mom bei'slilp caids would be admitted.