Variety (Dec 1935)

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94 VARIETY ADIO Wednesdaft December 25» 1935 Broadcast Directory Executives of NBC, CBS, Mutual and Regional Networks Are Listed, Together lOith Station Personnel in New York, Chicago, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Philadelphia and Boston. New York City (Stations WJ2-WEAF) no RockefelleY' Plaza Circle "T-'SaoO iS. H, Aylesworth, President." Hlrhard C Pattersnn. Jr., ExBcutlvo V.-P. Mark "Woods, "Assl. IL'xeeUtK'a V>P, A. L. Asbbyi V.-P. and General Attomer. Edgor Kol)ak, V.-P. In CliarKe of Sales; John B Roval, V.-P. In Charge of Pro- grams. ■Oeorge Engles. V.-P. In Charge of Artists' Service. _.. , Roy C. Wltmer, V.-P. In Charge of Salei Cperatlons. David Rusenbliim V.-F. Sf Treasurer. Lewis MacConnach, Secretary. C. W. Horn,. Dir. Research and Develop^ ment. Frank E. Alnson, V.-P. Adnn<nlatratlve. O, W. Payho.. .Commet'clal Engineer; ■ 3. de Jara Almonte. Elvenlng Qen. Mgr. Donald S. Shaw. Eastern Sales Mgr. Alfred H. Morton, Mgr. Program Dept. .Phillips:Carlln, Sustaining Prog. Mgr. . Bertha ■ Braloard,- ' Commercial Program Mgr. . . B. F. McClancy, Mgr. Traffic Dept. Thomas Belvlso, Charge Music Library. Quinton Adams, OfDce Mnnager, John R. Carey-, Service Manager. Dl B. van Hputen. Office Supervisor. W. D.. Bloxbahi, PurohaMhg Agent H; J.-Telchner, Aesisiant Treasurer. H. P. McKeotu Auditor. H. M. Kelly. Assistant Auditor. Hugh M. Devllle,' Chief StatUtlcIan. . R. M. 'Bropby, Mgr. Station Relatione Dspt, Wm. 8. Hedges, 'Mgr. N6C-operated Sta- tions. .' .. .• O. B, Hanson, Chief Engineer. E. P. H. James, Adv. & Sales Promotion •Wgr. . ■ , .D. :S. TutlitU, .Asst. Mglng. Dir. Artlats' Bervlc^; • . ■'Harold' Kemti. Artlrits Service Qandi. Lloyd .b, Egner. Transcriptions.^ Ruby Cowan, Mgr.' Personal Bookings. Wayne U. Randall. Mgr. Press Dept. CBS (Stktldn WABC) . 485 Madison' Ave.' "Wlckeratiam 2-2000 William S; Paler. Presldint , Edward Klauher. EiecutUe Y.-P. . Sam Plckard, V.-P,.- Station Relations. Hugbi Kenilalt Bolce, ^V.-P. In Uharg* df Sales. I^wrence W. Lowman." V.>P. on Opera- ;■• lions 'and Secreto^ry.. . • • • Paul W. KestcD... V;-P. M. Rl Runyop, Treasurer. .W. C. Glttlnger, Sales Mgr. . William H. Ensign. A^st. Salea M(r; . W B. Lewis, Comm. Program .Dir. Victor Ratner, Sales Promotion Dir. > , ' P. P, Wllll», Aest. to .Pres. •. John 3, Karol, Marked Research. Dir. Ollsoh B, Gray, Comm. Continuity Editor, J. a. Oudis. Publicity. Edwin K. Cohan, Technical Dir. Paul ;milte, Speiclol Features: Arthur .Hayes, Looal Sdles. Julius Uattfeld, Music Library. ■Hugh Cowham, Commercial Enictnaer. .Courtenar Savage. Dramatic Dir.- -Ralph J, Wonders, Mgr./ Artists' Suroan. Paul Ross. Mflti'. Personal Rnnklngs. ^amei Feppe, Mgr. Band Dept. MUTUAL 1440 Broadway. N.7.C. Pennsylvania e-M83 WOR| Newark WGN, Chicaao WLW, CinoifinaU CKLW, betrctt ' W. Macfarlane, Pres. A. J. McCoskcr, Chairman Bd.. T, C. Strelbert. Treas.' °B. M. Atatrlm,'Sec'y. WOR Alfred J. McCosker. President. Theodore C. Strelbert, Oen. Mgr. Walter J. Neff. Sales-Manager. ~G. W. Johnatone, Dir. 'Public Relations. Alfred Wallenateln, Musical Director. Ju1luf> SeelMcli, I'mgriiirt Dir. Joiseph Bier. Studio Mgr. Philip Thorn. Continuity Editor. J: R. EoppelQ, Chief' Engineer. WMCA Knickerbocker Broadcasting Co. WMCA Building 16IIT Broadway Circle 7-2200 Donald Flamm. Pres. . William Welamen, v.p; and Counsel, Sydney J Flamm, Asst, to Pres. ' Bertram Lebhar. Sales Director. ■ Fred Dyson, Business Mgr. ■ Alfred Hnlt, Program- Director. .Charles Capps, Production Director. Larry Nixon; Publicity Dir. Harry Pascne. Continuity Director. Richard E Fiahel Special Events. . Garl Fen'on, Musical Director. .'Philip. Barrlson. Dramatic Director, Harry Hershfleld. Theatrical Dept. A. L. Alexander, Chief Announcer. Znc Friedman, Artists' Mgr. Frank Marx, Chief Engineer, WHN IMO Broadway Bryant U-7S00 Louis K." Sidney, Oen. Mgr. Fred Ritphnel, Afisf. Mgr. 'iW* Mort Harris, Production Mgr. Mitchell llenson. ProRcnm Dir. Jease Martin, Mgr. ArtlnlB Uureau. Don Albert and Alex Hude, Musical Dl' rectors, Phillip Witten, .Sales Mgr. Arthur Q;' Brynn, Continuity DIolc Bind. Special EvcntH. • W; .1. Wlnilhnm, Ch'el Engineer. Viola Mnyer, >lBr. Anilltlons. Jean narper. Copj'rlBht Ir. J. 'Van Strutom. romplroller. Perry CliarleH. Publicity Dir. Monroe Ilelllngpr, Asst. WNCW not Mndlnon Ave. Plaza !I-;I00U Richard O Day. V. P. ClinrlPs Stark, Mgr. Leo Knhn, MuBlcal Dir. Bernlce Sales Mgr. Mux Welner. Chief C:ng.. Bill Farren, Chief Announcer. Hack Millar,-Publlcltv. WINS 114 East 6Sth St.. Eldorado 6-0100 -Burt Souire, £itntlbn Mgr. Alfred Antonlnl, Musical Dir. " Dorothy Kempe. Program Dir. Edward Clelana. ' Continuity. Charles, Chief. Engineer, F. W. Henkle, Publicity. Edrl ■ Harper, Special Events; WBNX 20U East lOlst St, Melrose 5-0.338 W. C. Alcorn, 'V.-P. and. Gen. Mgr. Sydney W, Caulfleld, Treasurer and Com- mercial Mgr. William I. Moore, Secretary and Ass't Commercial Mgr. Edward Ervln, Production Manager.. Frank Johnson, Studio Director. Leon Goldstein, Publlplty Director. .WLVVL Universal.'Broadcaa'tlng Co 415 W. 50th St. Columbus C-7030 H. F. Rlley^, Dir. J. P. Kiernan^ Business Mgr. R, W. Bjork, Sales Managfer.' George O'Brien. Program Dir. Rudolph Forst. Musical Dir. Joseph .'Deppe; Chief Engineer. ■W. Maurice Ste?pacli?r,"'EecretarF mn4 Treasurer. . „■ , Stanley H. Chambers, Sales Mgn Patrick Stanton, Gen, Mgr. / Harold Davis, Program Dl Jerry atone, ?"^<jjt|^*'' \ William Penn Broadcasting C4t 22d and Walnut Sta, Rlttenhouse 4140 Clarence H. Taubel, President* Paul Harron, V.-P. Charles Statu, Gen. Mgr. Henry Potter, Business Mgr. Charlea Burtls, Chief Boglneer, Jack Pumley.' Comerclal Mgr, . Paul Alger, Publicity Mgr, Ir. Boston YANKEE NETWORK (Stations WNAC-WAAB 21 Brookline Ave. Commonwealth OSOO Jobn.Sh^pard, Srd, President. R. L. Harlow, Asst. to President; Linus Travers, Dir. of Production, Gerald Harrison. Stations Relations, Charles W. Pheland, Dir. of Sales. William Wartief, WAAB Sales Mgr. Frank L. Rand, Publicity. WE El Bdlson Electrlo' Illuminating Co. 80 Boylston St. Hub -saaa Joseph B. Groce, Director. C. W. Burton, Supt. X.ewls Whitcomb, Exec. Asst, Harold Felloe, Exec; 'Asst. R. A. Burlen, Production,' Arthur K. Edes, Programs. P. K. Baldwin. Operations. . , H. E. Fellnwi). Acting Sales Head. WBZ and WBZA Hotel Bradford, Boston Hotel Kimball, Sprlngfleld Hanqock 4261 .'John A. Holman, General Manager, Joseph E. Baudlnoi Plant 'Manager. George A, Harder, Press and Sales Pro- motion Manager. John F. McNamara, Program JtTanager. Harold E. Randol, Plant Manager, WBZA. GrlfBth B. Thompson, Sales Manager. Cleon B. 'White, Artists Service Manager. Robert E; White, Studio Manager, WBZA. Charles S. Toung, Office Manager. WMEX Northern Corporation Hotel Manger Capital 7.'K10 Alfred J. Pote, managing dir tor and technical director. John E,, Rcilly, program dlr tor and «hief announcer. - Alfred Wa^ser, eales manager. Marie. Mason, continuity director and an- nouncer. 'Vivlenne Mae Cameron, director publicity and ophouncer. WCOP Massachusetts Broadcasting Company * Copley Plaza Hotel, Boston Commonwealth 1717 Joseph fS. Kirby, President.—^ Gerard H. Slattery. 'General Manager, Arthur Leary, Production Manager. WHDH atheson Radio Corporation Hotel Touralne. Hancock 01)00 Capt. John Matheson. Pres. Ralph J. Matheson, Station. Mgr. Lloyd Denis, Program >Dlr. Jack Knell, Prod. Mgr., Cent. A. Cameron Steele. Mgr. Artists Bureau, Watson Kownaskli Chief Engineer, Philadelphia WCAU WCAO .Broadcasting Co. 1620 Chestnut ,St. Locust 7700 ' Dr. Leon Levy; Prestdenl. Rribert Street, Commercial Mgr. Stan Lee Broza. Program Dir. John Leltr>h. Chief Engineer. Kenneth Stowman, Publicity Dir. . Universal Artist' Bureau,- Emanuel Sacks, Dir. KYW Westlnghouse Elertrlc and Manufacturing Company 10;fO Chestnut St. Locust 370Os Dr. Leon Lcvj% President, Lester Joy, Genl' Mgr. ' Ralph SayroR. Sales Mgr. Arnold Hnrtlfy, Program Dir. Jameu Aull, Publicity .Dir. James .Begley, Chief Announcer. E. H; Ooger, Chief Engineer. WFIL Ightli and Mnrliet Sts. ' Walnut rii!()U. Samuel R. Rosenbauni, President. Donald'Wlthycomb. Gen. Mgr. Rogpr Cllpp. Business .Mgr. ' Jack Stewart. Sales Mgr. Keith McLeod, Progi-um Dir. . Mnrtln A. Go.scli. Publicity Dir. Frank V. Becktr, Chief Engineer, Alston S'.cvcns, Chief Announcer, WIP Olnibel Rrothers Department St ' *Clnth nntl Chestnut' Sla. Walnut 'flROO Benc.llct Olmbcl, J\:, VreslJent. Albert A. Cormier, V.-P. and Oen, Mgr. John Iltiyes, Program Dir. jHme.s Allen, Publicity■ Dir. ICdwnrd Johnston. Chief Murray Arnold, Chief Aiinou.ijer' ohd Production Mgr; WDAS 1211 Chestnut PI. Locust 7400 Alexander W, Dannehbauni, San Francisco NBC (Stations KPO-KQO). Western DIvIsIoq' 111 Sutter St. Sutter I9i0. Don E, GUman, V.-P.-end Wesle Mgr.' H. J. Maxwell, A99t DIv, MKr.^ Low Frost, Prog. Dir. Harry Anderson, Sales Mgr. . A. H. Saxton, Mgr. of Plant Operation* and Engineering. ■_' Lloyd E: Yoder, Press Dir. F. V, Dellett. Office Mgr. William Andrews, Chief Announcer. Don Cope,-Prod. Mgr. Boy Frothlngharai Sales Promotion Mgr. Meredith Wlllsbn, Musical Dir. CBS^Dbn Le« (Station KFRC) tOOO. .Van Ness. Ave. , Prospect 0100 Fred Pabst; Don Lee, Gen. Mgft. ' Harrison Holllway,. Statlon-Mgr. Owens Dresden, Sales Mgr. Al Cormack, Technical Dir. Claude Sweeten, Musical Dir.' Ed Murphy, Publicity. Arnold Maguire, Cont: KYA CHearst Owned-Operated). ExamlneiT- BIdg. Douglas' 253C Edward .McCaltum, Mgr. Harry Rogers,' Prog. Dir. Harry. Bechtel,' Chief Announcer. Cy Trobbe. Musical Dir. Walter Pattersop, Dram. Dir. Jas.' Cosgrave,'' Comm. Mgr.. KJBS-KQW 'iinton & Sons, 1380 Bueb St ORdwar 4148 Ralph Brnnton, KJB9 Mgr. C. Xu McCarthy. KQW Mgr., KGGG {Golden State Broadcastlns Co.) Olympic Hotel ORdw^ay 8003 Robert 3. Craig, Pres.. W. N. MnOIll, Gen, Mgr. KSFO (Associated Broadcasters) Rus3' 'Building OA 4700 Wesley I. Dunn, Pres. ,Pb|lllp O.. Lasky.' V.-P. and, Gen Mgr.' J. C. Morgan, Prog. Dir. Bd Murphy, Press. R. V. Howard, Tech. Dir. Los Angeles CSS. (Station KHJ) ^Columbia Don Lea Broadcasting System) 1076 West 7th Street Vandyke 7111 Thomas Lee, President. C. Ellsworth Wylle, Gen. Mgr. Bill Goodwin, Production Mgr. Glenhall Taylor, Asst's Prod. Mgr. Clarence Hamilton, Studio Supervisor. Ruth Barnard, Traffio Mgr. Bert. .A. Phillips, Sales Mgr. Wayne Miller. Publicity. Thomas Lee Artist Bureau, Robert raun. Mgr. Ted Bliss. Chief Annoiimcer. 'Underwood. Chief Technician, , Carroll OlMeara, Continuity Editor. NBC (Hollywood Office) C,157 Marathon St. Hollywood 3081 John iBwallow. Mgr. Cecil Underwood, Production Mgr. Sydney Dlxoni''.Sales Manager, (Los -Angeled Office) 621 Richfield BIdg. Michigan 6S07 Hnrnlrt Bnrk. Proas. Delia Harshberger, Manager, Artiste Bu- reau, (Stations KFI-KECA) Earle C. Anthony. Ino. 1000 So. Hope Street Richmond 0111 Knrle O. Anthony, President. H. L. Stillllnglaw, General Manager. Glen Dnlberg. Program Dir. Don Haverlln, Commerrlal Mgr. Clay Osborne, Production Mgr. Jose Rodriguez, Publicity. ;-t.- KFWB Warner Bros. Pictures Corp. Warner Theatre B|dg.. Hollywood 0810' Gerald King, Gen. Mgr. Cheater MIttendorf. Commercial Jack Joy, Production Manager, Harry Myers, Chief Engineer. Frank Murphy, Supervising Engineer. George Flsclier, Publicity, Don Alien, Asfit. Production Mgr.- KNX Western Broadcasting Co. C980 Sunset, HollJ-wood Hollywood 3101 Guy C. Earli Jr., President. Naylor Rogers, V.-P. and Gen. Mgr. Carl B. Nlssen, Commercial Mgr. Kenneth C. Ormlston. Technical Super- visor.. Conrad E. L. Cox, Production Dlr Wilbur Hatch, Musical Dir. .. Arthur Kemp. Promotion Mgr. Les Maiv-lilnney, Manager News Bureau. KMPC (Bev<srly Hills) S. A. Scherer Co., Inc. 0U31 Wllslllre RU-J. OX 0211 Richard Connor, Gen. Mgr. Knnneth Von Egldy, Publicity. Rnron Von Ejtldy, Pi-ogrnrn Manager. Kilward Kuggles Chief Teohnlcliin. Arthur SlPvonFon. Musical Director. . Lysle Sheldon, Cimiincrcltil 'Miinagir, KMTR KMtR K«dlo Corp. 015 .><o. Forhiosa, Hi>l!}'W Hillside 1101 Reed R. Canister, freshlent, 'i\-K Rlckard, General Mgr. ."'olvhtorp Snntaella^ Muslral Dlr- Elsey Horner, Program Director. John u:i)larJ, Cblet Engineer. New York Ad Agencies (Radio Prodiictron ExeoutlyM) •N. W. Ayer & Son, Intit 600 Fifth Ave. l>ougla8 Coulter. *' '" B. B. p. & O. 383 Madison Av«,- Arthur Prypr, Jr Herbert Sanford Benton & Bowles^ 44i Madison Av9, ^ Chester Bowlea Tom Bevere.' Blow Co., the. 444 Madison Ave. Milton Blow. lackett-Sample-Hiimmert, InOi 230 Park Ave. Frank Ihimmert. ropke-Sirii-th-French, V247 Park Aye. pave- £lnian. Campbell •Ewal 1790 Broa.dwa;y Liouls Dean. Cecil, Warwick & Cecil, Inc.. 230 Park Aye. Ichard. Nlchplls. Paiii Cornell Co, 680 Fifth Ave. S. Caskin. Erwin, Wasey A Co^ lno> 430 Lexington Ave. Lew Amis. Willl&rfi Esty & Co., Ine. 100 E. 42d St, Edward Byron, Fletcher & Ellia ^ 600 Fifth Ave. Edward Adler. Gardner Advertising Co. ■ SZx, W. 42d St oland Martini, J. Stirling Qetchell Chrysler BIdg. Harry Bercovlch. Gotham Co. 250 Park Ave. A. A, Kron Lawrence C. Gumblnner 9 East 41st St. Eerschel Deutsch. Hanfr*Metzger, Ine. 745 Fifth Ave. Louis A. Wltteh. E. W. Hellwig Co. 9 E. 40th -St. George Carhart. Joseph Katz Co. 247 Park Ave. Bennett Larson.. Lambert & Feasley, Inc. 400 Madison Ave. Martin Horrell. • Lennen & Mitchell, Inc. 17 E. 45th St. Robert W. Orr. Marion Parsonnet. Lord & Thomas 247 Park Ave. Montague Hackett. Gregory Williamson Thoa. A, McAvlty. Marschalk & Pratt 535 Fifth Ave. Curt Peterson. McCann-Erickaon, Inc. 285 Madison Ave. Dorothy Barstow. Newell- Emmeft. 40 E3. 34th St. William Reydei. Peck Adv. Agency 444 Madlsdn Aye. Arthur Slnshelmer ^ Frank Presbrey Co. 247 Park Ave. E. Noakes, Ruthrauff & Ryan, Inc. Chrysler BIdg. Myron P. HivV P. B- Ryan, Jr. Stack-Goble, Inc. 400 Madison Ave. Ich rd A. Porter.. Topping & Lloyd, Inc. 483 Madison Ave. F. J. Leiss. Tracy-Locke-Dawson, Inc. 2' E.. 40t,h St. 'Jye M. Dawson, J. Walter Thompson Co. 420 Lo.\ington Ave.' John U. Reber. Robert Cplwell. Young 4 Rubicam 2S5 .Madison Ave. .William Stuhi^r. Hubbcll Robinson. Don Stauffer. . .. KGFJ <«I^i J41T So. FIgueroa St PrOspeot 7788 Ben $. McQlash'on. owner. Suk'o iTaPcock, Assistant Manager. Al Warner, Program Director. I. 'B. Colbert, Chief Technlcleint Joa Parker, New3 Editor, KRKD I'': Radio Broadcasters, Ino. 041 South Spring fittest Madison 2281 Frank Coherty, President. V. O. Froltag, G^n.. Mgr. 'Harry Gels^ Music Director, Howard DeLong, Chief. TacUnlciaiu Joe MIcclche, Fubllqlty. KtW .Evenlnff Herald PUbllshlnier COi 214 Bo. VerRKint Exposition- 1341 George artlnsbn, Manager. . . Clarence. Juneau, Chief Technician. Mayfleld Kaylor, Production Manager. KFAC-KFVD Z<os Angeles Broadcasting Co^ ' 045 Mariposa Ave. Fltziroy 1231- " Son T. Smith, President.' Calvin Smith, General Mgr.. Bobert Swan, Program Director; Jerry ioyce, Musical Dlrefctor. Arthur Tlbbele, chaise dramatics. Jamea Brown, Chief Technician, Mel LeMon, Publicity, 'KIEV Glendqle .. .Glendale Hotel Orhaha 34191 Dave Cannon, President' "• 'L. 'W. Peters, General Manager. Iieslls Adams, Cblet .Announcer,: Chicago NCC Merchandise Mart- Superior 8300 , ^Stations WENR-WMAQ) ' NUes Trammel, V.-P,' In charge. Sisn ' ICaney, Asst. to V.-p. . P. a. Parker, Asst.' Gen. Mgr: John Whalley,: OfCtce Mgr. ' Sidney- Strotz, Program Dir. Boy Shield, Chief Musical Dir. C. L. Meitser, Production Dir.' Alex Robb, Asst. Program Mgr. Larry Holcomb-, Continuity Mgr. "W. E. Drlpps. Director , of AgTlcult Judith Waller. Educational Dir. 'Ketineth Carpenter, Sales Mgr'. Chick Showerman, Sales and Service. O. D- McDermott. Local Sales. Mgr. Emmett Carlson, Sales Research Dir. Howard- Luugens, Chief Engineer. M. W. Rife, Chief Field Engineer. B. R. Donges, Maintenance Mgr. Ar Williamson, Publicity Mgr. CBS Wrlgley BIdg. Whitehall nOOO (Station WBBISI) H. tiealle Atlass, V.-P. In charge, Don Thornburgh, Asst. to V.-P. Jen King, Trafflo and Office Mgr. Bob Stephensoni Radio Sales Mgr. Bin Williamson, Radio Sales, -lieonard Erjkson, Western Sales Mgr. J. Kelly Smith, WBBM Seles Mgr, Holland Engle. Program Director. Ben Paley. Asst. to Program Dir. William Mills, Musical Dir. Nell Conklln, CBS Artists Bureau. Bobby Brown, Production Mgr. Hal Hudson, Continuity Dir. ■ John M.eyers. Sales Research Merr. John Fitzgerald: Educational Dir. Frank Fplknor, Chief Engineer, Bob Kaufman, Publicity Mgr. Arthur W4Bner, Commurilly Concert Mgr. Rudolph Vavpetlch, - Columbia Con. Mgr. WCFL Furniture Mart Superior dSOO John FUzpatrlck, President. Edward N l<?ocklcs. Gen. Mgt, Franklin Lundqulst, Bus. Mgr. Msurlc)! Lynch,. Treasurer. Colby Hdrrlman. Production Dir. Eddie Hanson.' Musical 'Dir. Howard Keegon. Chief Announcer.- Maynard Maiquardt, Chief Engineer. WJJD L,alce and Wells Sts.' State 5466 Ralph L. Atlass, President. Arthur-M. Llnlck, Gen. Mgr. Herbert Sherman, Sales Mgr. Joe Allnbough. Program Mgr.. Al Hnllunderi Publicity. Mgr. Ben Kanter. -Musical Dir. , WLS 1230 W. Washington Haymarket' TCOU Burjldge Butler. President. Glenn Snyder. Gen. Mgr.. Les Fox, Sales Mgr. George BIggar, Program Mgr. Walter M. Davidson, Adv. Mgr. Tom Rowe. Chief Engineer. Clementine Legjf, Artists M . Julian Rentiey. Publlcltv Dir. Earl W. Kurtze, Booking Mgr. WGN Drake Hotel Superior 01 W. E. Macfarlane. Gen. Quln Ryeti, Stntlon Mgr. Ed Wood. Commercial-Mgr;. -Edward Barry. Production Carl Myers, Chief Engineer. Krank Schreiher. Publlritv Dir. R. D. Inn Is. MRS Production Mgr. "wGes 128 N Crawford .Vap Buren 8300- Gene- Dyer. Station Mgr. Chmrle.i LampKear.'^'Production Mgr. Joseph. Brubaker,: Chief Engineer. John Vrtn, Musical Dir. Don Crosnor. Chief Announcer. Wl 21)1 North vrplls State 04(10" .Ilftlph President. Dwight Noi-lhup, .'^latlDii Mgr. Mrs. Uwlght .N'ortliiip, rroducllon Mgn Russ Hoflgps. t.'hicf Annouilcer. Elmer Newslrorii. .Muslmi Director. K, C. Shirk, Chief linglueer. WAAF Palmer ' riouse • Randolph. 1717 Wiard E Ne.ff. f'resUlcrit, Wilt I-Iutrhln»sun lien. Mgr. Norman .Bofrgs, Sales .Mgr. Edwnrd Simmons, Piogrnm Mgr. Arthur Tr.isU, Continuity icailor.. Cori Ulrich, Chief -Eii hieer. vA»i*IiSi';''