Variety (Jan 1936)

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Wednesday, January 8, 1936^ r iCT« RES VARIETY CALENDAR OF CURRENT RELEASES Chetteriielcl organ, Ruaaell Glea Shirley Cirey, 'Sidney r New York; N. Y. Circumstantial Evidenca. A mystery aslctng does circumstantial evldenca convict the Innocent? Chick Chandler, Slilrlby Grey. Dlx. Charles Lamont 67 n;ilns. Ret. March 30. Rev. July 17. Condemned to Live (Invinoiblia). Horror story, eon, Mazihe Doyle. Dir. Frank Strayer. Oct. 9.. False Pretenses. Modern love story. Ware, Russell HripJon.. P!.r, Cliarles Lamont ^ Rev. Oct. 30. Irl Who Came Baclc-^bout a public heroine No. 1, Biackmer. Dir. Charles Lampnt...Rel. Aug. 16, Happiness C. O. D. Domestic comedy. Irene Ware, Dottald M6p.k. aude Eburne. Dir. Charles Lampnt. 6? mins. Rel. Aug. 1. Rev. Dec. 25, itch Hike to Heaven. Movie-struck girl takes a Hitch ike. to Heaven. Henrietta Crdsmaxi, Anita Page, Herbert Rawllnson. Dir. IvranU Strayer, 64 iwins. Rel. Nov, 1. Lady in Scarlet. A mysterious . woman In a mysterious settiog. Reginald Denny. Patricia Farr, Claudia Dell. Dir. Charles Lamont. ReL Oct IS, Murder at Glen Athol. Crime Club story of a G-man on vacation. John Miljan,. Irene Ware, Noel Madison. Dir. Frank Strayer. ReL Oct. 1. Ing Around the Moon: Story Of Ibv^ on the rebound. Three peoplia who dared lov^. Donald Cook, Erin O'Brien Moore. Dir. Charles Lament 68. mlhs. Rel. Dec. 1. Society Fever (InVlnclbie). Proud but Impoveri-shed family strugglies, to keep up appearances. . Lois Wilson, Lloyd Hughes. Dir. Frank Strayer. 66 mlns. ■ Rel. Oct. 1. Rev. Nov. 27. Tango. Tiie modern 'Tan^;o; girl. A istory of a professional model. Marian Nixon, Chick Chandler, : Warren Hymer. Dir. Phil Rosen. 66 mine, Rel. Jan. 1. : Gower at Sunaet* Hollywood, Cal. C*Ali«»MKta OfTicea, 729 Seventh Ave., VOlUmblll New York, M.y. Atlantic Adventure. High crimes on the high seas. Nancy Carroll. Lloyd Nolan, Harry Langdon. Dir. AX :RogeIL 70 mlns. Rel. Aug. 26. Rev. Sept 4. lack Room. The. Mystery thriller In wlilch Karloff's kiss is the. seal of doom. Boris KarlofT Marian Marsh. Dir. Roy Wm. NeiU. 70 mlns. Rel. July 26. Rev. Aug. 21. Case of the Missing Man; The. Candid camera turns detective. Roger Pryor, Joan Perry. Dir. D. Ross Liderman. 68 miiis, Rel. Oct. 16. Rev. Nov.. 27. Calling ofDan Matthews, The. Harold Bell Wright's novel. Richard Arlen, Charlotte Winters. Dir. Phil Rosen. 65 mlns.. Rel. Dec 10. Crime and Punishment. From the novel by Dostoivsky. Edw. Arnold, Peter ..Lorre, Marian Marsh, Tala Blrei. Dir. Jos. von Sternberg. 92 mlns. Rel. Nov, 20, Rev. Nov. 27. Escape from Devil's Island. Just that. Victor Jory, ir. Al Rogell. 64 mlns. Rel.. Nov. 10. Rev. Nov. 27. Feather In Her Hat, A. Vivid story of a mpther's saeriflce. Pauline Lord, Billle Biirke, Louis Hayward. Dir. Alfred . Siantell. 72 mlns. Rel. Oct 24. Rev. Oct, 30. Gallant Defender, The. Western. Chas. Starrett, Ir. David Selman. ' 67 mine. Rel.. Nov. 30. Irl Friend, Tne. Comedy situations in a barn theatre. Ann Sothern, Jack Haley Roger Pryor. Dir. Edw. Buzzell,, 69 mlns. Rel. Aug. 9. Rev. Oft 2. Grand Exit. Novel slory of a flte investigator. Ann Sothern, Edmund Lowe. Dir. Eric Kenton. 68 mlns. Rel. Oct. 25. Rev. Nov. 13. Guard That Girl. Mystery death threat story with an odd twist. Robert Allen, Florence l^ice. Dir. Lambert HiUyer. 67 mins. Rel. Sept. 20> Rev. Nov; 13. ' Heir to Trouble. Ken Maynard inherits a baby. Ken Maynard, Joan Perry. Dir. Spencer Gordon Bennett. 59 mlns. Rel. Sept. 26. If Yoii Could Only Cook. Kitchen masquierade that ends in a wedding. er bert Marshall, ..lean Arthur, Leo Carrillo. Dir. Wm. A. Seller. 7 Ins. Rel. Dec. 30. Rey. Jan. 1. Lawless Riders.. Westerfi. Ken Maynard, Genev Ir. S. G. Benr nett, 67 mlns. Rel: Dec. 28. Lone. Wolf Returns, The. Favorite screen and Action character reappears. Melvyn Douglas, Gall Patrickj Tala Bliei. Dir. Roy W, Nell. Rel. Dec; 20. . No Mere Yesterdays. Ruth Chatterton, Marian Marsh, Otto I^ruger, Robt. Allen. Dir. Marion Gerrng. Rel. Dec; 30. One .Way Ticket. Love in and.^out of prison, and a girl who weds a convict, Lloyd Nolani Peggy Conklin.. Dir. Herman Biberman. 71 mins. Rel. Nov; 25. .Panic on the Air. Ann Sothern, Lloyd Nolan. Dir. Al. Rogell. Rel. Dec. 31. Public .Menace. Crime reporter on board ship. Jean Arthur, Geo. Murphy. Dir. Erie Kenton. 72 mlns. Rel. Sept 30, Rev. Sept 25. She Couldn't Take It. Gangster seeks to tame wild socialite. , Joan Bennett, Waiter Connolly, BilUe Burke. Dir. Ty Garnett. . Rel. Oct. 20. Rev. Nov. 13. Sha Married Her Boss. Title tells the story. Claudette Colbert, Melvyn Douglas, Michael Bartlett. Dir. Gregory LaCava. 90 mins. Rel. Sept. 19. Rev. Oct. 2. . Suoj^rspeed. Speedboat environment. Norman Foster, Mary Carlisle and Florence Kice. Dir. Lambert Heilyer. 57 mins, Rel. Spt. 1. Rev. Dec. 4. Together We Live. Domestic tragedy induced by red propaganda. Wlllard Macit, Ben Lyon, Esther Ralston. Dir. Wlllard Mack,^ 70 mins. Rel; Aug. 16. Rev. Oct, 23, Too Tough to Kill. Newspaper girl . .saves a hardbolled hardrdck man, Victor Jory, Sally O'Neill. Dir. D. Ross Lederman. 58 mins. Rcl. Nov. 23. Rev, Dec. 25. Western Courage. Western. Ken Mayn Dir. S. G. Bennett 6S mlns. Rcl. Nov, 15. Western Frontier. Ken Maynard meets a blonde Queen of the Range, Ken Maynard, Lucille Brown, Nora Lane, Dir, Al Herman. 69 mins. Rel. Au 25. Rev. Dec. 25. : 729 Seventh Ave., New York, N. Y. Dame aux Camellas, La (Fr,), Literal adaptation of the Dumas classic, Yvonne Printemps, Pierre Fresnay, Dir. Ferdinand Rivers. 85 mlns. Rel. March 15, Hev. March 27. Legong.T Technicolor version of Ball with plenty nudity. Dir. la Falaise 60 mlns. Rel, Oct. 1. Rev. Oct 9. Pecheur d'Islande (Fr). Pierre Lett's saga of fishermen, Yvette Guilbert, DH". Pierre Gueriais. 75 mins, Rel, Sept, 15, Rev, Sept, 26. ,Sans Famine (Fr.). Story or a boy's tight without family. Robert Lyncn. Dir. Andre.Mouzy. 8f' mins. Rel. June 1. The Last Wilderness. Expedition, animal tllro I Howard Hill, 35 mins. Bel. May 1, Hev. July 24, PiWaft ri»riaMn Offices: R.k.O. BIdg., first UlVlSlOn New VorkTN. Y, Releases Also Aliled. (;uestertield and l..iberty Circumstantial Evidence. Reporter fakes murder in campaign against death penalty, and almost goes to chair. Chick Chandler, Shirley Grey, Arthur Vinton, Uir; Charles Lamont 70 mlns, Itel. Aiig. l,_ Curtain Falls. One-time famous actress uses hei talents in an entirely novel role; and stages one tinul glorious c6m<-back. Henrietta Crosihan, Dorothy Lee. Wm. BaUewell. Dir. Charles Lamont, 68 mlns. Dance Band (Alliance), A girl and boy band leader find a peppy, tuncfiil. exciting way to overcome rlv.ilry. Charles 'Buddy' ttogers.. June Clyde. Dir, Marcel Varnel. Kel:. Nov. 8. Drake the Pirate (Alliance). England's virgin queen in a human tale of devotion. Mathcson Lane, Jane Baxter. ••. Dir. Arthur Woods. 73 mins. Itel. March 1, Death from a Distance. (Invlni-ible). A girl reporter and a police detective n'latch their wits. 'Russell Hopton, Lola Lane, George Marlon, Sr. Dir. Frank Silrayer. .H2. mlns llel. -Sept i. ' False Pretences. Sympathetic lomapce ot a shady lady, powerfully developed. ' Sidney BlacUmer, Irene Ware, llusxell. HDfrtoji. Betty .Compson, Edward Gargan,'Lucy Beaumont. Dir. Charles Loinotit, 60 mins, Kel, Oct. 'I'l. • Frontier Justice (.Futter). A" rip-roarlng-out-door drama of mislil and right. Hoot Gihsor. Dir.,Tobert McUbwan, 08 mins. CJ.ct, I, ' in Who Came Back, The (CiicstorfU-ld i. The rcgPtier.Tlion of a girl hopelp.«iKl.v Invnlvpd In a va.«!t oOunterfpH ing plot, rtldnrv BI,TCHnier. Shirley Grey, N-oei .Mndli^oh. Dir. (iharlcs Lamttlil. Sfi mlns. fiel. Sept 8., Kev. Sept.. 18. • Gun Play CBeacon). I.? Boy WiMiams, M: Al bert Herman. .)an. 1. . Happiness CCD. ilarloiis sohiil.on to. the money problem DuWorld Thai* tabulatloni ar* compiled from information tupplied by tho varibut production companies and chacked up aa aoon at poasi after releasa. iating la giyan when rf lease datea are definitflily set. Titles are retained for six months. Manssera who. receive -service subsequent to that period ahould preserve of the calendar for reference. -The running titne as given here iS; presumably that of the projection room, showings arid can only approx,imata the actual release ientjth in those states or communities where local or state censorship may result :in delet! ime in the reviews as given in 'Variety' carry the actual ti , clocked Jn the theatre after passage by the New VorK state censorsbipp ictures are reviewed only in Actual theatre showings. While every effort is niadei to hold this list accuriate, information supplied may not always be correct, even though official. To obtain the fullest degree of accur*.! 'Variety' will appreci ion of a|l iscrepanci Studio Placements Hoilywopd, Jan. 7. Patricia HavensMbnteagle, Esther Dieane, 'Wife vs. Secretary,' Metro. Fred Kohiler, Jr., Ruth Findley, Roger Williams, Bfl Cassidy; William Berke, directing, 'The Pecos Kid,' Radio. John M. Stahl directing Metro. Ansel Friedberger, > uri ous,' Ui,. John' Twist, Cyril Hume; screen plan, 'The Witness Chair,' Radio. Spencer Charters, Margaret Ar strong, 'The Farmer in the Dell;'Radlo. Robert Montgomery, Ttosalind Russell, Frank Morgan, 'Suicide Club,' Metro. George Bancroft, Margaret Matzenauer, 'Opera Hat,' Col. Henry Armetta, 'The Show Goes On,' Lesser. John King, Joyce Comptori, Biert Roachi Xove Before Breakfast,' U. Roljert , 'The Country Doc tor,' 20th. J. B. Priestley, screen play, untitled original. Par. Gilbiert Wright, Rex Taylor, screen play, 'Boots a-.d Saddle,' Lesser. Jo Swerling, screen play, untitled yarn for Bing Crosby, Col. Joan Woodbury, 'Anthony Adverse,' WB. Bill Janney, Nan Grey, Harry Carey, Katherlne Alexander, 'Sutter's Gold,' U. Merrlt Gerstead, camera, 'One Rainy Afternoon,' Plckford-LasUy. -Richard Flournoy, adapting 'Navy Born,' Republic, Phil Regan; Ben Ryan, Stanley Rauh, screen play, 'Laughing Irish Eyes,' Republic. Joseph Poland, Horatio winsiow. screen play, 'Legion of the Lost,' Itepubllc. Olive Cooper, Jack Natteford, 'Ticket to Paradise," Republic. Earl Snell, Clarence Marks scripting 'Hoine,' U. SUm Su'mmervllle, 'The Country Doctor,' 20th-Fox. Reginald Denny, 'Romeo and Juliet,' MG. Maude Allen, Eddie Kane, 'Money Mad.' Col. Pat West,' 'Devil's .«;c(uadron.' Col, Arthur -Lake, 'Jjrhall Town Girl;' M(t. Barbara Donny, Arthur , lake, 'Little Lord Fauntleroy,' Selzhifl<Int. Fralhklyn Pahgborn, Marjoilo Gateson, 'Opera Hat,' Col, Phyllis Fraser, 'Every Haluidav Night,' 20th -Fox. Francis Ford, 'Charlie Clian in the Circus,' 20th-Fox, _Ida Lupino, Jad; lesque,' Par, IStlerine Giradot, WB. Claude King, Cltrlsllan .lih, Schuyl<^r Shaw. 'Tlie. Ijcallici luickj^ Have Landed,' Knpuhilc, Al,an I.)ineliart, 'Eveiybod;' Id Man,' 20th -Fox. j Goorg<? Regas, aid, I Harry 'Worth, •. Tor i Johnson, 'Under ;;'miFox, that besets every family, Maude .Eburne, Donald Meek, Irene Ware, William Bakewell, Pbliy Ann Xouug and Lona Andre. Dir. Charles La* liiont 69 mlns. Rel. Oct 16. Hitch Hike to Heaven (Invincible), how they crash > Hollywood: Russell Gleason; Polly Ann 63 mlns. Rel. Dec. 1. Hong.^Cong Nights (W. Futter). An exotic story of American courage and. Oriental, cunning. Tom Keehe, Wera Engels, Warren Hymer, Tetsu Komal. Dir. £. Mason Hopper. 69 mins; Rel. Sept. 15, Java Head (Associated). An adaptation or the Joseph Hergeshelmer pirlze* winring novel also serialized -In ths Satevapost. a gripping drama of the barriers of race and prejudice, Anna May Wong, Elizabeth Allen, Sdmund Gwehuv John .lioder. Dir. J. Walter Rubem 70 mlns. Rel. Sept I. Rev. Aug; 7., Living Dead, The (Alliance). Coffins and clillls— terror and tlirllls, that live again! Georga Cur7,c«, Sir Gerald du -Mauvler. Dir^ Bentley. 65 mlns* Kel.. Feb;,; Ml I (Alliance). Murger's Immortal love story freely adapted from 'La Via de Boheme.' Douglas Fairbanks, Jr. and Gertrude Lawrence. Dli". Paul L. Stein. 76 mlns. Rel. Oct. 8. Old Curiosity Shop ( rltlsh made), Dickens slory, Ben Webster Dir. Thos. Bentley. ;90 mlns.. Rel. Dec. 25; Rev. Dec. 25.' Red Wagon (Alliance). Life under the big top with cioiss currents of loVe, hate, and revenge, Charles Bickford, Raquel Torres, Greta Nlssen. Don Alvarado, Anthony Bushell. Dir. Paul L. Stein. Rel. Dec. 8. Socletv Fever (Invincible). A mad.„merry saga of the zany Prontys. Lois mB^I" ii^M^I* "H?''^^' Grant Withers. Hedda Hopper; Gulnn Wiillams. Marlon Shilling George Irving, Sheila Terry. Dir. Frank Strayer. 66 mlns. Rel. Sept. 18. . . -. Southern Maid (Alliance). Romantic story undoi' Southern skies. Bebe Dan 'lels. Dir. Harry Hughes. 60 mlns. Rel, Feb. 1. Spy 77 (Alliance); Italian war espionage highlighted by spectacular airplane warfare. Grela Nlssen,. Don Alvarado; Carl Diehl. Dir. Arthur Woods. 77 mlns. . Rel. Jan. 15. . • ? First National ' I J21 W. 4«Th St., New York N. V: G-B Itudlos: BurbahK, Calif. Broadway Hostess. Glamorous drama of Broadway's bright lights: Wlnl Shaw, Phil Regan, ^^Genevleve . Tobln. Lyie Talbot, Alien Jenkins. Dir. Frank McDonald. .69 mlns. Rel. Dec. 7. Rey. Dec. 18. Captain Blood (Cosmppolltin). Based on Rafael SabVtlnrs smashing taie of^^Lfw/°m'■i century. Krrol Flynh, Olivia de Havllland, LIoneLAtwIll, Basil Rathbone, Ros.«< Alexander, Guy Klbbee. Dir. Michael Curtiz. 119 mlns. ReL Dec. 28. Rev. Jan. 1; • inv-imn Case of the Xucky Legs. Detective story In a beauty contest Warren Wll il^i"'^''^"?^'®.^® ^S**'"' Patricia Ellis. Dir. Archie L, Mayo. 77 mlns. Kel; Oct. .6. Rev,. Nov. 13. Celling Zero (Cosmopolitan). Story of three war buddies Who,' In developing commercial aviation, are thrown together In the most exciting events of their careers. James Cagney, Pat O'Brien, .June Travis, Stuart Erwln. Barton Dir. Howard Hawks. Rel. Jan. 25. I Found Stella^ Parish. . International trials and tribulations of a famous actress. Kay Francis, laii Hunter, Sibyl Jason. Paul Lukas, Dir Mervyn LeRoy. 84 mlns. Rel. Nov, 23. liev. Nov. 6. Irish Uj^ The. Three brothers of Irish extraction with Cagney leading In. M^Hnih'""rw Jas. Cagney, Pat ()'BrIcn, OUvla De Havllland. Frank McHugh. Din Lloyd Bacon. 84 mlns, Bel. Aug, 3, Uev. Aug. 7. Man of Iron. Comedy^drama. which treats of the adventures in high society of an unpolished workman. Barton MacLane, Mary Astor, ,Iohn Eldredge. Dir. Wm. McGann. 61 mlns. Rel. Dec. 21, Rev. Dec; 11. Payoff, The. Sports columnist is put on the rocks his cheating wife but ninBt»r^®'"°™.*'°o ^^^^f. Dunn, Claire Dodd. Patricia ICIIla Alan Dlnehart. Dir. Robt. Florey. 64 mlns. Rel. Nov. 9. Rev. Nov. 13. v»5r."' Powei^ul drama with the glamorous romance of a girl whof,.Vlf5 *° establish the innocence of the man she loves who has been T^nJ^M **'r^ terrible penal Institute by crooked politicians. eui Woods, Kay Linaker. Dir. Louis King. Rel, Feb. 15. Shipmates Forever. Made at Annapolis, Dick Powell. Ruby Keeler, Lewis Stone. Dir. Frank Borzage. 109 mlns. Rel. Oct 12. R'ev. Oct 23. Song of the Saddle. Stirring Western drama with music. Dick Foran, Lloyd. Dlr.^ Lou King. Rel. Feb. 29, Story of Louis Pasteur (Cosmopolitan), Dramatization of the stirring events «nti'Tff**K^"'.^^''^"S'' against ignorance and his efforte DnS wL^7 "^^f 'I*'.*' xf*""' ^^l!.'?'' Josephine Hutchinson, Anita I^uise, Donald Woods, Dickie Moore: Dir. Wm. Dleterle. . Rel. Feb. 22. '^J^.l*'*';, R""" Harrigan. Kay Linaker, Ricardo Cortez, Mary Astor John Eldredge, Joseph Crehan. Dir. Jrank McDoiiald. 67 mlns. Rel Jan. 18^^ : 1600 Broadway, New York. Alias Bulldog Drummond. Comedy chiller takeoff. Jack Hulbert. Fay Wray. Dir. Walter Forde. 62 mlns. Rel, Sept I, Rev. Sept 11 ^ • ' °'""Tin"s*' Ret' jffi"'lT ^'^v^'Sunt'Tz. """^ '''^^^^ Lftves^of a Dictator, The. Strong historical costume drama. Madeleine Carroll, Dir. Victor SavIIle. 83: mirts, K^i June o. Man Who Knew Too Much. Realistic underworld drama in the Alps and Krn"s. Rei'Va1cri5'*"^'e%^SHi 3"^'"" "5?r':*c'a*rm?nrG\llol?r%"^^'R%^[ A 'r^.^A ?rfl'i^J« ^^'^"^ My Song for You. Romance In the opecp^house. Jan Klepura. Dir. Elvey. 75 mlns. Rel. May 16, Mi.j*29. ''•"'""J.* ^•""■•"'"O' Musical Evelyn Laye, Henry Wllcoxon. Dir, Elvey. 70 mlns, ReL June 15. Rev. June 26 39 Steps. Romantic melodrama. Robert Donat, Madelelr;e Carroll, fred Hitchcock. 65 mlns; Rel Sept 1. Rev, Sept 18, Transatlantic Tunnel. Fantastic story of undersea pathway between Europe and America, Richard Dlx. Helen Vln,son7 Madge Evans. Basil Sydney. Dir. Maurice Elvey. 90 miiia. Rel. Oct. 15, Rev, Oct. 30. Libertv Office; 1776 Broadway, Old Homestead, The. Ilillrbllly singer becomes radio star. She musical num r^r^' w^!V"i^LSSr''.^'*'-PV*"''%,*^''^v' '■''"•otliy Lee, 'Wlllard Robinson. Dir. Wlllalm Nigh, n mins Rel. Aug. 10. Hev. Oct 9, Mascot Broadway, iviaabui New York. N. v. Confidential, An expose of. the numbers racket. Donald Cook. Evalyn Knapp. Warren Hymer. Dir. Edward Cahn. 68 mlns. Rel, Oct, 26. Rev. Nov, 20. Brown. 80 mlns, Rel. Nov; 29, ».v. «uY..4y. Harmony Lane. Life and songs of Stephen f oster, Douglass Montgomery, Adrlenne Ames. Evelyn Vcnable, AVilllam Frawity, 85 mlns. Rel, . Aug! streamline Express. Story of a girl Who eloped to bantUe a train and inarry FiSds, llel Aug 27"^-' Evelyn Venabie, Dir. Leonard Waterfront Lady. Fast moving romance of two who loved-and Joked with the shadow of the law acrcss their lives, Ann Rutherford, Trank AIbertso.n, Dir, JoS, Santley. r 67 mlhs. Rel: Oct, 6, Rev, ' v. C, itud!o.; Culver Ctty. MctrO Broadway, Calif, iTiciro New vork n v; Ahl Wriderness. Film version of Rugene O'.NVIll'.i comcdv succes.i. Lionel Anna Karenina.^ .'JoJ.'itoy^s' famous novel 01 a worn Greta Gtirho, fredrlc March. UaslI I'.adibone. 85 Ins. Ilel. Sept. 6. Rev, Sept 4. 81 Isbehaves. A cU-rlc lmpttX.«r-f] Into'^dulv a.s a d'-tectlve wenn,_ Maureen () Sullivan. Norman I'o.^ter. Dir. E. A. Iri.s; Ilel. Sept, 13, [lev, Oct. 2. Bonnie Scotland. A farcical .rohin tliroiigU th*' lli^lilands Laurol an Dir. James W. Hornc. 82 mlns, I!el. Auk 23, liftv. Aiig 2S Brcadway Melody of 1936. Big iB^nj; and (liincf: show, JjicU Hcnny. June Knight. Elr-anor Powr-ll, .fJuddy and Vllrna El/scii. ii. Hoy lUitli. 102 min-j. Rel, Sept, 20. II ' Sept 25 ' Chlna Seas. InU-n.xive (ir.ritna with a k/rale of a Clilnrse iratrip steamer. Clark Gable. Jean Ilarlow, Wail.'ice Ucfry. S!i ruins I«el. Aug. 16. Great Zlegfeld, The. H.'iJtod on the llfif ol tlif l/itc. Krent Iffiprenario I'owell. LoulMe Uainer, l-'annle Urlt'e.. A un fcnniiit'loM. Dir.. It ard. No rck-a.'.'e da to. Here Coniea' the Band. An amhitloiis 8011:7 ivrlir-r ati (Coniiiiu<-(l on. I'l'.;'.'