Variety (Feb 1936)

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T6 VARIETY T I M E S $ <t M A B E . . , il^ediieaday, February 19, 1936 Broadway Cafe Rene becomes Club CHqubt. Nick T. Agneta' joined I'homas liCe offlce. . . - Lou Smith back on job at Par aftei* a cold. Leon Netter due back from Flor- ida this week. Teas Klausner back from jaunt to New Orleans. Harry Bryant around again after being laid up. Bill Brady, nitery singer, screen- tested by Metro., J. Robert Rubin due in from Coast this week, C.eorge Degrton advancing for Cab CaJloway in the midwest. Jed Harris left for Miami to work on a play with John Howard. Mildred Webei*, Warners' eastern scout, Installed in neyf offices. C. N. d'DelT, of Par's publicity crswy- off to Kentucky on .biz: trip. Jimmy Vincjfeht but of tlie Van- derbit b.o. and now at the National. . t)an Parker,. Mirror sports col- umnist and editor, fell and broke arm. 'Paul and Margaret Whlteman skiing daily in the Westchester hills. :■: Pai's Alice: Boyle and husband. Edward Malohe^ on a lioneymbon to Bermuda- Margaret Perry JVlereditb, in New Tork hospital for operation,., exr pected out this week. Joe Roberts general manager of 'Three Men on a Horse' during Alex Yokel's stay .In London. - "- Just 25 years .ago Jimmy Peppard won the popularity Award for trbasr urers in Percy Williaiha theatres. Edward Bonns,. U's short^feature' i chief, back at his desk after sly- week swing throuigh iniddle west. John Monk Sauhdefs partnered In a $2,000 ship's pool' which he won on the Berengaria comihg into N. 'Poison' Gardner, WHN pianolo- gist, and 'StuflE'/Smith, .Onyx Club fiwihgolo&lst, are; two: dusky jazzbbs with odd'first, hartdleff.'. . ■ . Cbn Conrad sent Dr. Leo Michel the 1934 :certlflcate of his honor award from the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. Ben Yost'a Callforttla- Varsity 8 from '^iegfeld Follies' and doubling at ^ Hotel Pennsylvania, signed for ./^. shoijfs -series at Mentbne (IJnlver- •aal); • ■ ' Dr. Saul C . Colin, who came over ttrlth Lulgl Pirandello as . personal rep; lb now agenting with Louis Shurr m charge of. Writers arid sfcripls. Ileirflrtari Manklewicizs was greeted with an adaptation script upon, his' arrival, from London. Had to .fly pronto to Hollywood and a Metro assignment: , Ballet duties at the Met. Opera and • in Hartford,^ Conn., ., has Georges Balanchine ' making over- night trips with only a toothbrush as his traveling accessory. Ivenneth. O'JBrleh .'and Gregory PIcksoh's Hello fibys Drinking & A^thrtar Club -will - henceforth - l>e known as the Her-e Today, Gone To- morrow bundling Sbcieiy. The" boys are now. worrying hotir to clean up that classic faux pas by Emile Boreo at Ben Bemie's fare- well shindig Sunday night at the Paradise. Bernle to Florida for vacash. Yerml Stern back -with a near- Miami tan. Leon of Leon and Ed- die's did better in Nassau. Eddie Davis south for his holiday. Broad- wayitea in Miami are mooning over no sun; many threaten theirs via a Qun larhp. Jim Furman, with Loew's in New Jersey, leaving by auto, for Holly- wood on Indef vacash, Recently comitig into >an Inheritance, Furmian quit . Loew's, < but after visiting Hollywood and a world cruise, he ma;- return to LoeW organization. A T T E Tretty or Ugly, I Like Them All' and 'Fifty Million!' Luigl Pirandello, has written, a preface to 'History of the Italian Theatre,' to which 10 different au thors have contributed a chapter each. Rome theatres are letting soldiers of the troops mobilized for East Africa in to all performances on certain days of the month free of charge; New ballet put on at the Scala, Milaii, called 'The Love of the Three Oriahges', dances" created by Renato Simdrii and music by Glulib Cesare Sonzogrio. New Neapolitan revlewr 'Love on Vacation' (L'amore In vacanza'), has after a 70-nIght run In Naples. Tecla Sqarano and Carlotta Rermann. featured. 'Vagabond Marriage' ('Nozze Va- gabonde'), starring Ernes Zacconl and Maurizlo d'Ancora, and directed by. Guldo Brignoile, Is being made in-two versions^ one normal and the other a stereoscopic made on a new process worked out -by Eriglneer .Gualtierottl. Roman Carnival will be revived this year at small. hlU town Frasr- catl, noted for Its wines. Distribu- tion of 16,000 bottles of Tuscan wine, prbcesslons of floats),. masquerades, confetti battles,:. and ilreworks. will be among features of the carhlviaJ; which 'Will last 10 days. . No films coming, from sahctlbnlst cbuntries have been acquired by the E.NJ^C. (National Union of the Cinematographic industry) slhee the' going Into effect of sahctiohs against Italy. All .films' from these 'black, list' countries still In clrcu- latioii in Italy Tfirere acquired: before. Nov. 18, 1935.- JerUsalem By Arthur Settol Rome Gilberto Govl at Quirino in 'Pippo, on Your Guard.' Pick Mangagali's. 'The Tree of Gold' showing in Naples. .New Gherardo Gher play, •Partire,' playing in Milan. Giuseppe Mule's 'Liola' put on for first time at Reglb theatre In Turin; Two Leda Gloria Films 'White Arms' and 'The Ambasador' soon to be released. Modern tragedy 'SImma' by Fran- cesco Pastonchi produced for first time at ^Lyric Theatre in Milan. Ermete Zacconl starring in 'A Gust of Wind' ('Un colpo di 'vento'), ^ film directed by C. F. Tavano. . Bel Ami's new review, ''The Rose of Orlanda,' being given by Macario- Sprlngher Co. at the Gallerla. Maearlo-Sprlngher Co. making its debut at Gallerla with Bel A^nl re- view 'Mondo Allegro' ('Gay World'). 'Marionette, These Sanctions!' satiric review on, the present situa- tion In its 60th performance at the Manzoni theatre, Tatiana Pavlbva coming to Rome; scheduled to . appear at the Valle In •Mlrra Efres,' 'The Queen of Rome' and 'The Stairs;' 'Beniamino Glgll gave benefit con- cert at Grand hotel. Roine, at which his daughter Rlna made her first public appearance. Toto Co. at Quattro Fontarte In two Tramonti and Itigiese reviews. , . Russian nielodrama, ,'Pepo,* over Vireli in Tel-Avlr/ ' . 'Ruggles of Red Gap' (Par) weak at the Edison here. Public likes'Lives of a Bengal i^ncer'. (Par) '^herei. Arab kids love Shirley Temple. 'Shirley 'Temple' candles going big. Floyd Gibbons irt town. Inters viewers were served tea at the Itiiig David. ' The Palestine Post, English dally. Is giving .a nightly news broadcast at the Edison. Edith "Wolff,, exiled Reich , singer of oratories, calling herself by her married name, Edith Bbroschek. Board of (Censors banned <Ecstase,' Czech film, but theire was.'a secret showing in Tel-Aviv for journalists. •'Ohel,' workers' theatre, cleaning up with 'The Good Soldier. Schwelk,' which will he taken to Europe and Ariierica On tbur»:_ ... .'Hablmah' leaving on a . tour of Europe shortly. ' Company's drive for funds for Its .pwn house In Tel- Avlv mo"vlng slowly. Mohamed Abd El Wahab, playing In the Egyptian 'Libve Tears* at the Ophir in Tel-Avlv, didn't so much as hold his audience for the finale. Edward Stirling played to a poor house In Tel-Aviy^ Haifa, and Jerusalem, in spite of govern- ment support and the High Com- missioner's 'distinguished . patron- age/ High Commissioner for Palestine, Sir Arthur Grenfell Wauchopb, gave his backing to concerts being staged by the Palestine Philharmorilc, di- rected by Michael Taube; going over big. Dorothy Ruth Kahn, conductor of the film coluihh In the Palestine Post, has written a book to be pub- lished by Jonathan Cape, 'Spring Up, O Well.' Authoress comes from Atlantic City. Dr.: Leo Herman, producer of the Keren Hayesod (Jewish Fourida-r tion Fiind) film 'Land of Proriiise,' trlbuted Samuel L. Rothafel ('Roxy') In the~English daily, 'Pklestine Post' here. Story went.unpublished, how- ever, because no one could find' out how old Roxy was. Budapest By E. P. <|acobi Lily Darvas has bought herself an apartment house. Lajos Biro back to London, after a cure in a. Budapest sanatorium. Lajos Poldes, local Piar manager, transferred In same capacity to Batavia. Irene Agay cancelled her contract with Vlgszitthaz theatre; intends to restrict herself to pictures in the; future. Laszlo Balogh, producer of new picture 'Friendly Face, Please,' shot himself two days before trade,pres- entatlbn. One local fan mag having the Baroness Hatvany for a theatrical critic. Rival miag has named the. Countess Ilona P-estetlch. Building of large open-air theatre, on naturally amphltheatrlcal site on St. Gellert Hill, in immediate vicin- ity of the city, has been decided upon. Paris By Bob sum Albert Adams back from London. Raymond, Baird leaving for Ber- lin. Joe Roth of Rbth and Shay In town. Osvald kosek returning to Prague. Bernice Stone from BUdapestr — Alec Shanks, over from London for a weekend. Aylla and Nile sending postcards from Spain. Dick de Rochemont and the -Mrs. going to London. Iris Klrkwhlte dai^oing at Bal de la Couture benefit. . -. Harry. Leasim Bpendln|r very little of his/flme: In. Paxia.\ - George Kamen (Mickey ' Mouse) off to Scandinavia. ' Nona Read^ out of ■ the Tabarih show, bound for Hollytirbod. Argentina to Madrid, to return at end. of Feb, f dr. French .'road: tour. Ray lies.and i^oulou Hegoburu playing at . the .'Grand Jeu, niteryi Comedlb Francalse leaving end of February for a. central European toUr. i Helen Werneir . helping Maurice Livingstone, to flip pancakes for, his guests, Mlarka. Laperceriej to «tar In fllih of Simon Gantlllon'8> 'Maya,' her first film. ~— ' Henri Gdrat returning to legit In Yves MIrande operetta, 'Slmone's That Way.' Abel Gance to make ''Kreutzec Sonata' as film, with Marie. Bell and Jean Re^nolr. ..: J. J. Shubert catching the Folies Bergere, Casino de.Paris-and local vaude shows. - Cenda Glenn headlined at the Bobino, RottemhoUrg-Goldln subway circuit house.- ' Alhambra using, a special new backdrop for each number, of the current shovr. Curie family reported objecting to proposed Hollywood film on life of rMadaine Curie. ' Paul Schiller spending much time with Czech film iriagnates here for opening, for .^Gblem.' Metro locally reported interested in filiri rights to 'End of the World,' Sacha Gultry play. Xtocal RKO-Radlo outfit still wait- ing for Phil Rblsman, who was sup- posed to he here Feb. 6. J. C. Stein, reported showlr'- in- terest In possible Impbrtation of Bal Tabarln show to Amerioa. Serge Lifar lent by the Opera to the Coinedie Francalse to stage dance numbers in 'Bolivar» Jamesworth -Marimba Band un- derstood booked by cable- for re- -i)pening of Panache,-nitery. Joant. Warner tnaklnt^ front pages again with hearing of 4ier appeal against fine for dancing nude. 'Song of Happiness,' Lehar operetta, f biding' at the Gaiete Lyrique after some tough weeks. ' Marie Therese Martin sailing for America to join her husband, Georges-Henry Martin, finger dancer. Iris Klrkwhlte breaking, into local television in a Sunday afterpOon program broadcast from Eiffel Tower. Lobby of Theatre Michel de- stroyed by fire, but show, 'Three, Six, Nine' going on the same night, anyway. Charlie Gordon screening 'Trial of the Century' and 'Yiddish King Lear' at customs house for local customers. Andre Berley to play lead in .'Fistori,' show which, will replace Verneuil-BeiT 'Lighted Fountains' at Varietes. Anabella arid Pierre Richard Willm to star In a film based on Goethe's, 'Werther,* megged by Pierre Billen. Ernest Koenlg so busy since Bob Harley got that, London assignment for 20th-Fox that he scarcely has time for lunch. Fox riewsreel sending French com- meritator to London to save, time In preparing French clips on King George's death. , Paulette Pax, co-director of. OeuVre, herself to take one of the principal parts In the next show, •Dame Nature.' , John Tapernoux to release Yvan Noe's 'Madehioiselle Mozart' film in the .U. S., distributed here by United Artists. Next legit appearance of Yvonne Printemps and Pierre Fresnay to be in a four-acter with only two parts, by G. Geller. Georges Hlrch, manager of the Apollb, reported opening a new film house on the Champs Elysees to be called the George V., . 'Last of Mohicans' (Mascot) dls- tribbed by E. M. Fadman, doing $7,600-in one day at the Rex, house record for dubbed films. RKO-Radlo press release on 'Last Days of Pompeii' reaching Paris from London two weeks after clos^ ing.of the film at the Olympia. Georges Claude, scientist, show- ing at Navy Ministry his film deal- ing with his Investigafloris irito the use of the sea's thermal energy^ First auditioiL of the new Rachntanlnoff composition, with t,he coriiposer at. the piano and Alfred Cortot conducting' the Paris Sym- phony Orchestra. - Sam Waagenaar taking with him to America a Dutch film, 'Dead Water,' all about the Zuyder Zee, with ntusio .played~by Mengelberg's Concertgebouw oi^ch* A, J. Richard, ''Paramount news reel chief, Stopping a party at the Par JbinvUle studios to announce his marriage to ."Odette" Lerof, 22, who'a been with, par; here sinbe No vember, X932. London Mary Carlisle blrthdaylng. . Ambrose fined $30Q for riaotoring offences.. ' Lancashire igbing in for nite life in blig wayw ^ ' ,John Murray Anderson expected here shortly. Max^ Schach to Paris , on Anglo- French'tle-Up. Sam Goldwyn bringing print of •We Three' here. Dita Parlo over for a British film starting next month. . Herbert Muridin Hollywood bound !wlth'' his' daughtier: Nona, George Robey exhibiting some of his -ylOlins >at: Self ridge's. Charles Wbolf hiaklng raid bn United Artists' sales force. Mat. McKelgue ' off to Bourne" riiouth by doctor's orders. _'Davy Burnaby con-^ralescing fol- lowing bout of heart trouble.- Victoria Hopper, to do West End play after her panto finishes. Sally Grey offered a contract by Associated Talking Pictures. Two new. picture houses In course of construction in Bromley, kent. Thieves Visited Richard Tauber's Elstree home. Singer Is in Vienna. Nelson Keys show, 'figured for production shortly, agalri postponed. Reginald Purdell replacing Steve Geray in 'Tulip .Time' at the Alham- bra. Will Fyffe has a special written part in Helen Vlnson'is 'Love in Ex- ile.' ' Beverley Baxter on the board of Max Schach's new' Trafalgar Filriis Prod. Paul Cavanagh back in his native haUnts, dbing, two plx for Julius Hagen. . Jack Kennedy now taking arii ac- tive Interest In Radio Pic's British production. Chuck Reisner devising a script' for Cicely Courtneldge's nexl G.-B. production. Oscar Denes back from his Australian tour. Been away for nearly 18 months, Foi: the Chapllri engagement at the ;Tivoli, all passes have been tem- porarily cancelled. Cedric Belfrage buying an Island from the French government at the South Sea Islands. ' Technicolor is about to start work on its laboratories here, which will be located near Uxbridge. United Artists again friendly with Paramount. Bookings re- sumed after six months. Len Harvey underwent operation for removal of tonsils, following his defeat-by Jack Petersen. Mary Casson, aCtress daughter of Sybil Thorndike, tb marry William Devlin, Shakespearean actor. Constance Bennett arrived Feb. 12 to make one picture for G.-B. with options for two others. 'The Wind and the Rain' closed at the Savoy, Feb. 15, just falling short of its 1,000th performance. Max Miller taking a look at him- self in 'Get Off My Foot,' a Warner (London) picture at Metro's Em- pire. Harvey Watklnges bemoaning the loss of their Boston bull, which had to be killed after a complicated ill- ness. Michael Harvey, son of Sir John Martin Harvey, playing comedy lead'in 'The Robber Symphony' for Concordia Films. Sir Oswald StoU flirting with idea of bringing over 'Chauve Sourls' for the Coliseum. Show no-w tour- ing south of France. Anthony Bushell replacing Paul Cavanagh in filming of 'Dusty Er- mine,' latter sustained a broken ankle while shooting early scenes. After a profitable stay here, Claude Lapham leaves for New York at the end of the month, find- ing things a bit quiet; plans to re- turn within a year. Henry Kendall has beaten Charles Laughton to it. Will play Cyrano in a Warner British film before Laughton starts his Kbrda pic on the same subject. Despite capacity weekend busi- ness, which warrants holdover, 'Rendezvous' (MG) only staying one week at the Empire, with 'I Live My Life' replacing.. Adelphi Prod., Ltd., reviving 'Ar- lette' under different title. Show opens In Southsea March 9, and staying six weeks In sticks. 'Talk of Reginald Denny starring. Berfia Henry Sherek over from London. Adele Sandrock still filming at 71, Dr. Eckardt lecturing about silent film days. Oscar Barnagh, inventor of Lelca camer.a, died., * UFA'^fiilm Study Jixpo opened at Neubabelsberg etudio, Lilian Harvey booked for another Ufa talker in the fall. 9cala admissions raised again, second time this season. Atlfthtlc, Kurfuerstendamm nit- ery, taken over bv D. Tichauer. Mainz Carnival engaged for first time abroad, German cblony in Lon- don. ■ ' Former Nelson theater, on Kur- fuerstendamm, now the Astoria, a ciriema. '. ' Jushnyls Russian. .cabaret 'Blua Bird' signed for Scala for month of March. Stern's Conservatory of . Muslo acquired by Berlin municipality for $24,000. Droi Linden, Leipzig vaude house, taken over by Kristall Palast* Leipzig. Leo . Singer In froin N. Y.; sayi he's looking for acts for Fanchon & Marco. H. Tenno, Cologtie cabaret Vaude agent, going to London lobk for acts.' ; Munich State Opera, on bccaslon of Winter Olympic games, featuring guest conductors. Walter Nagels. Copenhagen agent, in town; also circus manager Ki^a from Switzerland. Two marionette . theatres hero, Herhardt's at Theater Unter dea Linden, and Harro Siegel' s at SchU-» bert Saal. ■ ■ ...' ^-r- . Kate a'nd Wiley, American vaude- villians,, Settled down here; bought' a kino at WIttenau, suburb of Ber- lin, for $24,000. ; Don' Del Monte, American wira" act formerly •with Four Ortoris^ booked at last minute for the cur-, rent, Wlnterigarten bill. Several Scala and Wintergarten acts ,' appearing at Variety Ball Benefit; among them the l?hree Babes and Three Diamonds. Francolse, Rosay signed for Ma- jestic film, 'Frau Ohne Bedeutung* ('Women Without Importance'), for both German and French versions. Pola Negri signed by Ufa for new Hans Albers film, 'Savoy 217.' Scala meantime heralds Pola's appearance next month in a sketch, 'Hollywood.* Polo and Rene, Rivel^ brothers of Charlie Rivel, clbwn, had to change their billing "The New Rlvela^ by court order while appearing at Schumann theater, Frankfurt. Carl Hagehbeck ClrcUs arrived back froni England In four boats after a season at London and Edin- boro; going into winter quarters at Stelllngen and Essen and opening again in Muenster the middle of March, Egypt By Edward Asswad Buthayna back from Syria, Jeannette Habib back from Pales- tine. All Loz Co. now working at Bey- routh. Souad Mehasen back from Mount Lebanon. Hassan Baroudy married to Rafia El Chal. T Zouzou Labib, dancer, back from Beyrouth. Fathia Ahmed, singer, at Dariias- cUs,-Syria. Lya, dancer, severed from Fawzl Munib Co. and joined Aly Kassar Co. 'The Beautiful Woman' featuring Mounira El Mabdia, scored In Cairo and Alexandria. Kahlra Films has agreed with Togo Mlsrahi for the exploitation of his new film 'The Sailor.' Fathia Mahmoud engaged with Zelnab El Soudanla, Lola Salem and Souad Fahmi at Beyrouth. ,. Badia Masabny, actress and dancer,' has produced revue ' film 'The Queen of the Theatres' at Studio Misr. 'Antar. Effendi' new pictute feat- uring Mokhtar Osman, Stefan Ros- etl,, Samira Kheloussi and Menassa Fahmy, a coniedy. 'Marouf the Bedouin,' film pro- duced by Lama Brothers, featuring Nabawiyia Mostafa, Badr Lama, Ab- dalla Lama, completed. Manager RalssI of the Rbyal Cin- ema of Cairo entered Into agreement with Mohamed Abdel Wahab for presenting his film there. Behria Brothers completed their film 'The Radio Song,' featuring Na- dlra, singer; Marl Munib, Saliha Kasseen, Blchara Wakim and Abdel Latif Gamgooum. Negotiations being undertaken be- tween Mario Apoloni and Boba and Sabo and Alex Farkash for Institut- ing a new film company for the pro- duction of local plx. Comedy film entitled 'He Wants to Get Married' beliig produced by Negulb El Rlhanl, featuring Azlza Emir, Fathia Sherif, Hassan Fay^k and Blchara Wakim. Loutfallah el Hakeem, proprietor of the Parisiana Cabaret of Bey- routh, concluded agreement with Raga Abdou, fiinger, and Hekmat Kamel, dancer, Fathia Rouchsl and Kuther Fouad.