Variety (Mar 1936)

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Wednesday, March 4, 1936 PICT E CROSSES VARIETY Loops Weather and Biz Both Oke, Chi Leading with $35,000 on Desire And 'Vanities Unit; Chaplin's 21C, 2d Chicago, March 3. (Best Exploitation: Garrick), Trade continues to improve as the weather sets better. Loop is again being -; visited by. the neighbor- hooders, •Leading -the -parade -again is the Chicago, which 'has been success- fully restored as the key money grosser of the - town; Has a two- way magnet operating currently for one of the best box office statements in weeks. Combination of 'Desire' (Par) and the Carroll 'Vanities' unit is making its mark. Flicker is getv ting' the heavy femme play from comments and should build to pleasant results. 'Bedheads . . Blondes' unit at the Oriental isn't making hay for that house,'which has always been a ripe market for exploitable girl shows.; Both- the- Oriental'and State-Lake have perked considerably in the past months due to a strengthening of the stage shows. Speaking of vaude, this Is the last week for it at the Palace, With 'Follow the Fleet* (Radio) arriving Friday (6), and there'is considerable likelihood that the house will remain in straight pictures. Chaplin • came through with " a smashing $29,000 last week and on the pace looks an easy bet for f6ur. weeks at this house, figuring on the average, rate of decline. Jimmy Savage topped the town on exploitation currently- for both the Garrick and the Apollo. Garrick' has become a highly profitable spot lately. Savage went' to town on Rutiv Chatterton, plugging 'Lady of Secrets. Estimates for This Week . Apollo (B&K) (1,200; 35-65)— •Had to Happen' (Par). George Raft-Rosalind Russel flicker setting for an average take of $5,000. Last week 'Bohemian Girl' (MG) snagged a neat $6,000. Chicago (B&K) (4,000; 35-55-75) —'Desire' (Par) and 'Vanities' unit. Combination exhibiting unusual <■ power at the wickets, which are whirring to melodious $35,000. Get- ting big night play. Last week 'Wilderness' (MG) slipped off after fine start and finished to fair enough $31,500. Garrick (B&K) (900; 25-36-65)— •Lady of Secrets' (Col). Ruth Chat- terton piece singing along to better than average business for $6,500. Last week 'Zero' (WB0 took healthy bite at $6,100. Oriental (B&K) (3,200; 25-36-40) —'Millions in Air' (Par) and 'Red- heads vs. Blondes' unit. Mostly the stage half of the show this week, but not over $12,000. mild. Last week 'Charlie Chan' (20th) touched $17,600, good. Palace (RKO) (2,500;. 25-35-55-65) —'Love on Bet* (Radio) and vaude headed by Ralph Bellamy. Indi- cations for $18,000 currently, so-so. Last 'week $16,900 for 'Muss 'Em' (Radio). House goes straight flicks next week for IFleet' (Radio). Roosevelt (B&K) (1,500; 35-56-65) —'Two Cities' (MG). (3d and final week). Closes here, tonight Tues day) and will be replaced by 'Lone some Pine' (Par). Dickens picture garnered three excellent money sessions, gettiny a round play both evening and matinee. "Will hold to better than $7,000 for final seven days, great, after taking $10,800 last week. State-Lake (Jones) (2,700; 20-25 35-40)—'Dangerous Waters' (Col) and 'Radio Cltv Follies' unit. Gross has.lifted considerably at this steady spot. ' Up • more than three grand over pace established during the winter. Around $14,000 currently. Last week 'Fang and >Claw* (Radio) got a handsome $13,400. United Artists (B&K-UA) (1,700; 45-55-75)—'Times' (UA) (2d week) Chaplin picture grinding 'em in and out on rapid turnover. Turned in a walloping $29,200 last week and will stick above * $21,000 currently, plenty of zoom. ductioh had a ready-made audience. Pic is 'Yellow Dust.' . 'Petrified Forest' ran up a strong first week at the Evergreen Orphe- um and rated enough raves to hold. 'Klondike Annie' at the Evergreen Paramount is above par and will boost that house up several notches. Estimates for This. Week Broadway (Parker) (£,000; 25-40) —'Riff Raff* (MG).. Plugged equally with 'Days at Lido' and 'Old Plantation/ color shorts, as 'Metro unit show,* going nicely for $4,600. Last, week 'Wilderness' (MG) closed strong second week with $4,800, United Artists (Parker) (1,000; 25-40)—'Ghost* (UA).. Hitting a good enough average for this house around $4,000. Last week 'Rose Marie' '(MG) closed strong 24-day run, grossing total of $20,000. Last seven days worth $3,700. Paramount (Evergreen) (3,000; 25-40).—'Annie! (Par) and 'Marriage'. (Fox). Getting; nice play on the West pic and will put this house over the top for okay $6,600. Last week 'Lady Consents' (RKO) and 'Had to Happen' (Fox) registered nicely, chiefly on the first pic, and closed for good enough $4,700. Orpheum. (Hamrick - Evergreen) (2,000; . 25-40)—'Forest' (WB) and Master's Voice* (Par) (2d week). Rated enough raves to hold for sec- ond week! which is bringing $3,000, fair. First strong at. $5,800. May fair (Parker. - Evergreen) (1,400; 25-40)—'Yellow Dust' (RKO) plus local stage production 'Life "Begins at 60,' which has a Townsend pension b.o. appeal. Looks like big week at $5,000, with admish upped to 65c. Last week 'Nevada' (Par) and 'Kind Lady' (MG) hit average pace for $2,800. MGM 'UNIT' STUNT WITH 'RIFF/$4,500, PORTLAND Portland, Ore., March 3. (Best Exploitation: B'way-Mayfair) /Two unusual stunts pulled by Parker's Broadway and Mayfair this week wai ; ranted extra coin for both houses. Broadway exploited its Metro 'unit show,' consisting of 'Riff Raff pjus two color shorts, 'Starlit Days at Lido' and 'Old Plantation,' and Metro news. Sell- ing the whole show, feature and shorts together, is J. J. Parker's idea of presenting a stronger b.o. front than combo plx. From early results the gag is working out well. Mayfalr's big plug this week is for a local stage unit called 'Life Begins at 60.* Produced solely for a Town- soiulile appeal, the 45-mlnute pro- Ceogan-Grable Aid To 16G Week in St. L, Chaplin $17,000, Mild St. Louis, MaTch 3, (Best Exploitation: Amb-Loew) Biggest shopping day of year, 'Downtown Sales Day,' brejakln Saturday, day after theatre opening date, too much of a handicap for deluxe houses to overcorrie with re suit Friday's business was below par and all shows got away to bad start. This includes Chaplin's 'Mod- ern Times' at Loew's and personal appearance of Jackie Coogan and Betty Grable at Ambassador. Business perked swell Saturday, although not enough to overtake poor getaway. Houses in midtpwn suffered also as natives, waiting for big event downtown, treated all the atres' alike. Probably only house to benefit from big sale was Ambassa dor when Coogan and Grable were made stars of an extensive news paper campaign and radio hookup This being her home town, news papers opened up generously, and with all downtown department stores carrying boxes about Betty and. her fiance, it looked like one of best advertising tie-ups any house in this burg has had in years. Coogan and Grable on stage-and 'Here Comes Trouble' on screen will give Ambassador one of best b.o. takes. For first time in eons two houses are holding over, Shubert-Rialto with 'Klondike' and Orpheum with 'Fleet.' Although 'Fleet' riot con- sidered on par -with other Astalre Rogers features, is doing good bus! Fox rushed in 'It Had to Happen' and second feature to fill gap before 'Country Doctor.' scheduled for big run at that 5,200 seater next Friday Estimates for This Week Fox (F&M) (5,038; 25-35r55) 'Had to Happen' (Col) and 'Too Tough to Kill' (20th), Won't do more than $8,700, fair business. Last Week 'Music Goes Round' (Col) and 'Every Saturday Night* (Fox) caved in badly at midweek and finished with disappointing $10,600. Ambassador (F&M) (3,018; 25-35 40)—'Here Conies Trouble' (20th) and Jackie Coogari and Betty Grable In person with California Collegians on stage. Her St. Louis friends will help house to a $16,000 week, good Last week 'I Conquer the Sea' (Jud) and 'Leavenworth Case' 'Rep) and Club Plantation Revue on stage Revue aided greatly in grabbing $11,300, good. Shubert-Rialto (WB) (1,723; 2o 35-55)—'Klondike Annie' (Par) (2d week). Disappointing $9,100 the first stanza, scarcely enough to jus- tify second week when $6,000 will be large. Orpheum (WB). (1.950; 25-35-55) —'Follow the Fleet' (RKO). Swell $13,200 and will be followed by $9,- 400 during second for another good run. Loew's (Loew) (3,162; 25-33-53)— Modern Times' (UA). Slow pace will hold take to $17,000; more was expected. Last week ■ ^Whipsaw' (MG) and 'Tough Guy* (MG), dual, grabbed off $12,600 for good week. Missouri (F&M) (3,614; 25-40)— 'Burlesque* (Fox) and'Invisible Ray' (U). Too much opposition to do better than $5,400. Last week Chan's Secret' (20th) and Tour Uncle Dudley' (20th)> poor $4,300. Grand Opera House (Ind) (2,200; 15-25-35)—'Hitch Hike to Heaven' (Jud). and vaudeville. May do $3,- 400 for fair business. Last week Dance, Band' (FD) arid IdOi of Mil- lions' (Ind) and vaudeville, $3,300, fair considering other attractions few blocks away. Lyon in Person Detroit N. Y.'s Apt House Strike Bigger Bugaboo Than Lent; 'Wife Vs. Sec,' 'Rhodes 40G Each; Par, M. H. 3d W Detroit, March 3. (Best Exploitation: Fox) With the early stages of Lent passed, houses are putting out the dough for names, and grosses vir- tually everywhere in town look promising this week. Two holdovers cutting into b. o. considerably, but flock' of Hollywood players in per- son are making up for it. Aided by a $10,000 stage, show, including- Wallace Beery, Bebe Daniels-Ben Lyon, and Eddie Pea- body, the Fox is: zooming along to a walloping $32,000 this stanza, tops in the town. Pic is 'Every Saturday Night.* ... Michigan also has a flicker name, Ricardp • Cortez, on its stage, but Fox beat its chief opposlsh to the draw. Film at the Mich is 'Petrified Forest,' and gross will be about $18,000. Both 'Modern Times,' at the United Artists, and 'Follow the . Fleet,' at RKO Downtown, are holding on pretty well in their second sessions and figure to stay for at least another week each. Chaplin pic doing around • $12,000, nice, this week, with Astalre- Rogers drawing a little less, about $10,000. In an attempt to grab some of the Fox and Michigan's stuff, the State brought back Beery's 'Big House' and added Cortez' 'Man Hunt,' dual, but will get only Its regular gross, about $4,500. Cinema, formerly the foreign film and 'revivals' Europa theatre, returned to the downtown fold last week after a two months' darkness. Name changed to get away from foreign film rep, but house is still playing 'em, . opening with 'Blue Light,' an Italian flicker with English titles. Exploitation not unusual this week,' but Fox lined up a lot of free stories and art in daily press on Beery and Daniels-Lyon, Likewise engineered several radio plugs; ap- pearancff of Daniels-Lyon at Crippled Children's hospital, and human interest stories on arrival and stage debut of Beery's little adopted daughter. Mich also got a good play on Cortez, with parties and store displays. Estimates for This Week Fox (Indie) (6,000; 30-40-65)— •Saturday Night' (20th), with Wal- lace Beeryt Ben LyorirBebe Daniels and Eddie Peabody on stage. A $10,000 show, plus the pic, is send- ing b. o. skyward this weelc; $32,000, tops of the town and tops for house this year. Nice exploitation, too. Last week 'Shark Island* (20th) drew in a nice $23,000, with aid of N. T. G. unit. Michigan (United Detroit) (4,000; 30-40-65)—'Forest' (WB), plus Ri- cardo Cortez heading vaude. Faced with strong opposlsh, flicker and Cortez will still do $18,000, oke. House got good $20,500 last week on 'Goes' (Par), plus Benny Rubin unit. Downtown (RKO) (2,500; 30-40- 65)—'Fleet' (RKO) (2d week). Gross sticking okay with Lent and lots of competish, around $10,000, good, due this week. First session did a nice $15,000. Will stay third week. United Artists (United Detroit) (2,000; 30-40^66)—'TlmeB* (UA) (2d week). Chaplin film started off like house afire, but doesn't seem able to hold the pace. Given wide ex- ploitation and eight shows a day for first few days, but later cut to seven after poor early morning shows. Should do around $12,000, good, this week, after a nice opening session of $19,000. Will stay at least an- other week, due to contract. Fourth session problematical. State (United Detroit) (3,000; 25- 40)—'Man Hunt* (WB) and 'Big House* (MG), dual. Resurrected Beery's 'House' and added Cortez's ; Hunt' to grab some of two combo houses' stuff, but figures to get only its steady share of biz, about $4,500. Last week good $4,200 on 'Woman Trap' and 'Timothy' (RKO). Adams (Balaban) (1,700; 35-40)— 'Personal' (U) and 'Dangerous Waters' (U). Doing Okay, with around $6,000 in offing current stanza; "Lady of Secrets' (WB) and .'Dan Mathews' (Col), dual, got a neat $4,500 last week. (Best Exploitation: Roxy) A strike of elevator operators, doormen, janitors and other build- ing service employees is causing some lament among Broadway man- agers. While. Lent, which started Wednesday (26), hasn't hurt much so far, the strike On Monday (2) started . to .interfere with business all over town. If it continues for any length of time, the strike and Lent together may have the man- agers running for aspirin. The first day of Lent. (2B) cut in noticeably as it usually does but the "weekend was generally good, in gome houses excellent. It remains to be seen how much the elevator strike will hurt. The managers are a bit afraid of it, if lasting, because people won't leave their homes. Some buildings are posting notices that elevators that are-being-run. by non-union help will not operate af- ter 12 midnight and that front doors will be locked at that hour. In spite of everything, most pic- tures are. receiving their, share .< of the break's. Among the new ones to arrive on Broadway for Lent and the strike, the'best is : 'Rhodes': at the Roxy. It may push its hose up 'to $40,000, which Is big. At the Cap, which -had. a sad experience last week with 'Music Goeis Round.', the new one, 'Wife vs. Secretary' is attracting a lot of women and. with a break, will get over $4ft;000,-hold- ing a second weelc. •The Walking Dead,' 'The Garden Murder. Case* and 'Don't Gamble. With Love' are other new pictures. The Strand hopes to collect $20,000 with 'Dead,' -while .the Rlalto. is praying for $7,500 from 'Garden Murder Case.' The Astor tenant, Peace with Newspapers Gives 'Round - Break in l incoln; 'Goes' $2,500 Lincoln, March 3. (Best Exploitati : Varsity) -With all b..o.'s moderating- a little this Week, mostly, because the. cards at the various houses aren't sport- ing much, 'Anything Goes' has the best chance 1 to step o,ut for the Lin- coln apd will get around $2,500. Foremost news is the agreement of the Westlarid theatres, "Varsity and Klva, to come over to the news- papers exclusively in ads, which will rate the latter two houses some sup- port lh a publicity way as well as giving a break in. the reviews which have; heen completely ignored for almost a year. Film at. the Var ty, 'Music Goes Round' had two contests in Its honor, one [to write a new chorus for the song on Nebraska weather, and the second a much be-signed Dodge car "promoted from the local agency on which, the mileage was guesBed. With all the pub furore accorded, and being unusual, It may push the house up further than expected, al- though it'll take some time to build it. Eeti is Week Colonial (LTC) (550; 10-16)— 'Garden Case' (MG) and dual, •Pagans' (MG) and 'Suicide Squad' (indie). New serial 'Rex and Rlnty' (Mascot) started on last half, too. Near $1,000 in this fine weather. Last week 'Bulldog Courage' (Pur) and dual 'Two in Dark* (RKO) and 'Prairie' (WB), $950, good. Lincoln (LTC) (1,600; 10-20-26)— 'Goes' (Par). Has a good chance to see $2,500, which is nice money over here. Last week 'Riff Raff' (MG). with Harlow the same old draw. Take ran in the shadow of $2,700, which is oke. Orpheum (LTC) (1,350; 10-15-20- 25-40)—'Miss Fleet' (WB) and stage show headlining Wally Stoefler's band. Last half 'Scarlett* (RKO) and for the week a $2,300 gross Is likely, Just over average. Last week 'Another Face' (RKO) and the Kit Kat Club unit, big stage show, and later 'Red Salute' (UA) oi. a split took $4,500. doubling average pace.' Stuart (LTC) (1,900; 10-25-40)— 'Milky Way' (Par). House is look- ing for way out on this one. It's going to be tough getting much over $3,400. Last week 'Zero' (WB) had tough wading too, the- neighbors shying from anything reminiscent of ice box weather. Finish was about $3,300. Varsity (Westland) (1,100; 10t20- 25)—'Round* (Col). House having signed a trurc with newspapers and being given publicity backing,.. as well as the prompter of this week's best exploitation, should figure in this picture going to $1,100 or bet tor. Last week 'King of Damnod' (OK). Got only $800, bad. 'Don't Gamble With Love' may en*: tice a moderate $5,000. At the Cen- ter 'Voice of Bugle Ann'• crept out last night (Tuesday) after a dis-. appointing week of under $I0;00O. •Love On a Bet'. opens there thi morning (Wednesday). Two strong holdovers which don't seem to mind Lent and the strike are 'Follow, the Fleet' at the. Musio Hall and ' •Lonesome Pine' at the Paramount. Second week of former will be $85,000 or over while second for 'Pine' appears about $33,000, both very good. 'Fleet' and 'Pine' go a thh-d week. That's one answer Lent gets In this town, with Times Square theati'es seemingly suffering less from it each year. The Chap- lin picture, 'Modern Times' slid off with arrival pf Lent to $35,000 on its third week and may not-go over $27,000. this- week (Its fourth). The Roxy and. Gaumont-British, distributor of 'Rhodes,' put on a big exploitation campaign to sell this week's picture and the answer is the business It is doing. In addition to numerous • tleups and - special publicity; ., preview press showing was 'held, at the Rltz Carlton and another .showing: at the -GB • home - office for ;25. Rhodes scholars." Thea-r tre advertised picture heavily and dressed lobby as well as front ef- fectively.- Estimates for This Week Astor* (1,012; 25-35-65) — 'Don't Gamble oh Love' .(Col), Opened here Saturday morning .(29) and may reach moderate $5,000. Last week .'Lady of Secrets' (Col), much, better, under $7,000. Capitol (4,620; 25-35-55-8S-$1.26) — Wife. vs. Secretary' (MG). Get- ting the women more than the men and looks good for $4.0,000 or over. Remains a second weejc.- Last week 'Music Goes Round' (Col) had the management dizzy looking at empty seats, only $17,000. Center (8,525; 25-35-55-S5-$1.10) —'Bugle Ann' (MG). A disappoint? er, under $10,000 on week ending last night (Tues.). Second week of 'Shark Island' (20th) brought a pickup, $12,000,. okay.. 'Love oh a Bet' (RKO) debuts this morning (Wed.). Palace (1,700; 25-36-56)—'Pasteur* (WB) and 'Lady Consents' (RKiO), dual.' At $9,500 or thereabouts thi* pair, is doing pretty "Well. Last week's ' doubleton, 'Ceiling Zero" (WB) and 'Chatterbox' (RKO), took a slide with Lent to under $8,000;, Paramount (3,604; 26-36-66)— •Lonesome Pine' (Par) and Eddy Duchin orchestra (2nd week). A big business-getter and goes three weeks in spite of all the present b. .o. drawbacks. First, week wa» $61,000 and second (current) will be around $33,000: 'Klondike Annie* (Par) and Fred Waring band i« scheduled for March 11. Harold Lloyd picture, 'Milky Way' (Par) being set back again. Radio City Music Half .($,989; 40-60-86-99^$1.10-$1.65) — 'Follow Fleet' (RKO) and stage show (2nd week). Astaire-Rogers musical con- tinues very strong, $85,000 or over this week (2nd). The first was $103,600, aftef-* a slow start. After another week for the picture, Hall brings in 'Country Doctor' (20th>, March 12. Rialto (750; 25-40-65).,— 'Garden Murder Case' (MG). Mystery item may get' $7,500, with Rlalto cus- tomers not the type to bother about Lent. Last week 'Yellow Dust' (RKO) grossed $7,800. Rivoli (2,092; 40-76-99) — 'Mod- ern Times' , (Chapiln-UA) (4th week). The high prices of 73 from 1 to 6 p.m. all over the house and 99c froni there on may be cutting this one's top chances down> Thip week (3rd) ending tonight (Wed.) probably not more than $27,000. Third week backed up to $36,000, final day of that week being the first day of Lent when all houses suf- fered. Stays here two more weeks for total of six, with Ldew circuit clamoring for picture. Roxy (6,836; 25-35-65)r-'Rbodes* (GB) and stage show.. This pic- ture was sold unusually well and, with luck, will hit $40,000, big,von the week but no holdover. House isn't holding 'em these days even when it may seem Justified. It In keeping Pinky Tomlln (on stage) for a second week, however, with 'Love Before Breakfast' (U). Last week the Bowes amateur unit No. 1 and 'Don't Get Personal' (U), a sleeper, house did $38,200, very good. Strand (2,767; S5-55-65-85) -« 'Walking Dead' (WB). Not arous- ing much Interest. $20,00 or so, fair. Last weelc 'Road Gang' (WB) got 523,100. House opens 'Colleen" (WB.) Saturday morning (7). State (3.450; 35-55-75) — 'Rose. Marie' (MG) and stage show headed by Jimmy Savo and Frances Arms. A little disappointing but still good profit at SL'5.000 or close to it. Last. woHc 'Kin-raff (MG) and the Dave Apolk.n unit went to $23,000.