Variety (Mar 1936)

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8 VARIETY P I C T E CROSSE* Wednesday, March 4» 1936 'Annie Overcomes Hearst Taboo leef$26,000, 'Pasteur' Los Angeles, March 3, <Be3t Exploitation: Paramount) Beginning of Lent* end pf racing season and sunshine again after two weeks of inclemency , all contribute toward a stilted box office locally this week, though houses had what they considered and expected to be heavy' coin getting attractions. Week-end trade off considerably; ■Klondike Annie,' the Mae West pic which Hearst papers refused to recognize froni either advertising, news or reviewing point but socked editorially, was the top coin getter - of the week, though a bit behind in take of the' previous West opus, 'Gpln' to Town/ Matinee business is almost on par with that of 'Town' but night trade is a bit behind^ On the. whole the Hearst publication's ignoring of pic hurt a bit but not great deal. iFollow the Fleet,' at RKO and; Pantages, opened to good.. Business but not what was figured, as trade considerably off from that of 'Top Hat.' Stays; second" week, however, at both houses. , 'Louis Pasteur,'-which JDowntown. and, Hollywood Warners had hanked on- as sure-fire, proved disappoint- ing. Mats are . light, with most of 'patronage emanating from the eld* era. Double bill combo of 'It Had to-Happen' and 'Exclusive Story' at Chinese and State not sp forte. Par tronage here just seems to .shy off the double bill bargains. Orpheum Is doing, oke with Bowes unit on stage and dual fea- ture, 'Freshman £ove' and 'Murder of Dr. Harrigan,* Chaplin's 'Mod- ern Times' at United Artists, on moveover from the State, juat doing flo-so, though house will get better than an even break. Paramount, finding Itself frozen by-the - Hearst papers, took the $1,000 ordinarily expended In them to: overcome the. freeze by taking splashes in local shopping news, which has home-to-home circula- tion, of around 400,000j went heavy • oh the-24 sheet boards, used street perambulators, and bought load of ether announcement time on major and small ether stations. Besides had music store and drug store tie- ■ ups; all. of which gave, pic smash •exploitation advantage. sttmates for This Week Chinese (Gratiman) (2,028; 30-40^ 55)—'Had to Happen' (20th) and •Exclusive' (MG), split. Dual bill not effective from coin angle, with house having hard struggle to get an even $5,500, not illuminating. Last week 'Times' (UAK (2d and final week). Just cantered out with $11,400; which was below expecta- tions-and. no profit to house on ac- count guarantee for . film rental. Downtown (WB) (1,800; 30-35-40) —'Pasteui" (FN). -Heavily bally- hooed and exploited, but the younger element shied from this film, which will have to do plenty of battling to get an even $8,200. Holds over. Last week 'Forest' (2d-flnal week). Came through a bit better than cal- culated to finish over $7,200. Filmarte (Fox) (900; 40-55)—Tnr former' (RKO) (2d week). Best pic award stuff proving great aid for film which-will hit around $1,700 for this stanza. If it nails Academy award (6), will be held over for third week, otherwise the gate. Last week, first okay at a little tinder $2,500. Four. Star (Fox) (900; 30-35)— 'Pro Soldier' (20th) (2d week). Holdover stanza considerably oft front initial week, $2,800, mild. First week plenty healthy at final count of $4,700. Hollywood (WB) (2,756; 30-36-40-.. 55)—'Pasteur* (FN). Matinees very light, with night trade of the older folks pretty heavy. Weekend brought them out in droves. Pic' will hit the finish line-with around $9,000, which house had expected to nearly double. Holds. Last week 'Forest' (WB) shied off on final days and went out shy of $6,600. Orpheum (BdWy.) (2,270; 25-30- 35-40)—'Freshman. Love' (WB) and •Dr. Harrigan' (WB), split, and vaudeville. Bowes unit helping plenty and will mean close to $9,000, profit all around. Last week 'Tim- othy' (Par) and 'Hostess' (WB). Pathetic at $5,000 after fair start. Pantages (Pan) (2,700; 30-40-. r >3) —'Fleet' (RKO). Not the b.o. dyna- mite that was figured, but will do healthy trade, for 'first stanza to around $13,000 a;nd holds. Last week ''Love Qn.Bef (RKO). and 'Muss 'Em' (RKO). Previews were only help toward making take this big, Got $5,300. Paramount (Partmar) (3,595; 30- 40-55)— 'Annie' (Par) and stage show. Matinee trade exceptionally heavy, but night not what expected. With full force ahead will get fairly syood $18,500, though expected to hit $23,000. Last week 1st Runs on Broadway (Subject to Change) Week of March 6 Capitol—'Wife vs. Secretary' (MG) (2d wk). . Centers-'Loye On. (RKO) (3). Music Hall —'Follow The Fleet' (RKO) (3d wk). Paramount—Trail Of the Lonsome Pine' (Par) (3d wk)* Rialto — 'Three Godfathers', (MG) (7). Rivoii—'Modern Times' (UA) (5th wk). Roxy—'Rhpdes' (G-.B) (2 .wk). , . Strand—•Colleen' (WB) (7). Week of March 13 Capitol—'Robin Hood of El- dorado' (MG). Music Hall—Country Doctor' (20th-Fox) (12). Paramount—Klondike Annie' (Par) (11). ftivoli—'Modern Times'- (UA)- (6th wk). Roxy—'Love . Break- fast' (U). Strand—Colleen' (W£) ! (2nd wk). Round' (Col). Did plenty oke and above calculations at $16,500. RKO'' (2*950; 36-40-55). —■'Fleet* (RKO). Shy ot fleet patronage and not coming through with night trade as other pics of this combo have here. Will be lucky to hit $13,000 but holds. Last week 'Loye on Bet' <£KO) and 'Muss 'Em' (RKO). No complaints on the $6,100 this combo ° State (Loew-Fox) (2,024; 30-40- 55)—'Happen' (20th) and 'Exclusive' (MG), split. Shoppers are going for the single bills current week, with result this house will do toil of trade if 'it hits an $8,000, which Is just little over the red mark. Last •week 'Times' (UA) (2d-final week). Came through .'at expected hold- over pace with final count $12,500. United Artists (Fox-UA) (2,100; 30-40-66). 'Times' (UA). Not a tornado by any means but good fig ure -business, while not profitable, at $4,700. Last week 'Tough .Guy' (MG) and 'Ghost* (UA). With bank night help, this combo did plenty oke by breaking bit over the $4,500 mark. Heavy Bally, but Just Fair $7,000 for 'Round/ Seattle; 'Fleet' Hits 141G Seattle, March 3. (Best Exploitati Liberty) Weather break is helping. 'Rose Marie' continues run at Music Box, while 'Modern Times' moyes to Blue Mouse. Liberty giving splurge for 'Music Goes Round,' with Mike Newman up from L.- A. to handle special campaign. Liberty rates top exploitation for 'Round,' with upper newspaper apace and radio plugs, music store tieups, blurbs in news stories and Illustrations on the 'round' theory, and 'official club emblems' being handed patrons. Printed, card at- tached to emblem boosts th# pix. Estimates for This Week Blue Mouse (Hamrick) (900 ; 27- 37-42)— 'Times' (UA) (2d run). Moved from Fifth Ave. and getting good $4,500 on . repeat. Last week, 'Rose Marie' (MG), five days, big $4,800. Coliseum (Evergreen) (1,800; 21- 32)—'Rebel' (Fox) and 'Millions in Air' (Par). Combo drawing fair §3,000. Last week, 'Monte Carlo' (20th) and 'Whipsaw' (MG), dual, $3,800.. good. Fifth Ave. (Evergreen) (2,400; 27^37-42)—'Forest' (FN). Okay at $8,000. Last week 'Times' (UA), first run got a big $13,000. Liberty (Jensen-vH) (1,900; 16- 27-37)—'Round' (Col). Plenty of publicity and advertising and price upped at b. o.. but just fair at $7,000. Last week 'Dan Matthews' (Col) and,'Silver Spurs' (U), dual, $3,400, good. Music Box (Hamrick). (900; 27- 37-42)—'Marie' (MG) (3d week). Still strong at $5,500. Last week $5,700. Orpheum (Hamrick) (2,000; 27- 37-42)—'Fleet' (RKO). MUslc store tieups and big newspaper campaign on Astaire and Rogers. Under 'Top Hat' but okay at $14,500. Last Week, 'Music Goes' 'Lady Consents' (RKO) and 'Live Ghosts' (MG), dual, $5,100, six days, n « s * n ' . Paramount (Evergreen) (3,106; 21-27-32)—'Preview Mystery' (Par) and 'Master's Voice' (Par), dual. En.. route to fair $1,200. Last week, 'Had to Happen' (20th) and .'Chatterbox' (RKO> dual, $4,600, good. ; Rex (Sterling) (1,400; ,16-21*32)— 'Manhunt' (WB) and-stage show, 'Town Scandals.' Oke $2,900. Last week, 'Dancing Feet'. (Rep) and; vaude, $3,300, good. SEC $6,500, 'DESIRE.' $6,200 IN LOUISVILLE Louisville, March 8. (Best Exploitation: Rialto) Balmy spring weather la here again.- -But- the- Lenten season has aiso begun,, so show biz here-will probably just coast along with be- low average takings until after Easter + .' i Biggest noise hereabouts Is 'Fleet' at the Brown, which continues to pile them in for some,healthy gross- es, ^ iSecOnd week lor- the Astaire - Rogers -opus should ring the bell, to the tune of $7,000, and top the town. •Annie* after a -swell week at the Rialto, has shifted to *the Strand, where It looks to pile up a nice $3,600 on the week. .'Pasteur' has been heralded Jo>y the Mary Anderson over a period of weeks, and.audiences here have their interest aroused. A bang-up opening and nice weekend biz should bring in $3,700. 'Wife vs. Secretary' at the State, and 'Desire' at the Rialto, both had nice openings and hefty ' weekend trade;, although indications are that the traffic will lighten quite per- ceptibly after the Saturday-Sunday spurt. Opposlsh from the legit field Is 'Tobacco Road' playing Memorial Auditorium for a full Week with Wednesday and Saturday matinee, This is first time in years that a legit attraction has tarried here for a six-day stay, town having become strictly a one-night, stand in recent seasons. Vaude continues at the . National, and current hill headed by FIfi D'Qrsay should pull in. some biz for four days. Double-feature pic rounds out, while house is turned over to barn dance frolic on Satur- day night, from ll to 1 a. m. Rialto is* spreading It on thick for 'Desire,' particularly in the news- papers, using novel method of dates torn from a calendar, with a line of dialog, underlining photo of Dietrich and .Cooper. ' It attracted attention, being Somewhat different from the usual newspaper layout. Estimates for This Week Loew't State (3,000; 15-25-40)-, 'Wife vs Sec' (MG). With three names like Harlow-Gable-Loy this one is sure to appeal to the femmes, and $6,500 looks like the figure. Last week 'Modern Times' (UA) not up to expectations, and opposish too tough; Took $9,500. - Rialto (Fourth Ave) (3,000; 15-25- 40)—Desire' (Par). Big exploita- tion on this one, but doubtful if re turns will, he any too .hefty. Nice weekend trade Indicates $6,200, fair. Last week 'Annie' (Par) proved that la West still packs a b.o. wallop, grossing $8,000, and shifted to the Strand. Brown (Ind) (1,500; 15-25-40)— 'Fleet' (RKO). Second week for this number, and town is flocking to see it. Will easily hit $7,000 and mebbe more, best biz done at Broad- way -house since 'Top Hat.' Last week same film took $8,500, terrif. Strand (Fourth Ave (1,500; 15-25- 40)—'Annie' (Par). Shifted from Rialto and keeping up nice pace' to total around $3,600.- Last week. 'Shark Island' (20th) counted in on the general hefty takings at $4,500. Mary Anderson (Libson) (1,000; 15.-25-40)—'Pasteur' (WB). Getting the class trade of town and mat- inees strong with school children lamping the pic for its educational slant. Will crowd fair $3,700. Last week 'Forest' (WB) pleased with $3,000^.okay. National (Ind) (2,400; 16-26-40)— 'Monte Carlo' (WB) and vaude. Fifi D'Orsay heading stage bill. Pics still the weak element here with stage attractions providing b.o, strength four days. Hllbiliies frolic Saturday nights : proving hypo to b.o. and will probably be permanent Saturday night attraction. Looks headed for $4,800, oke. Last, week 'Bad Boy' (20th) and 'Radio City Follies' unit for four days, and 'My Heart Is Calling' (GB) dualled with 'Ring Around the Moon' (Ches), three days, took $5,400, fine. Alamo (Ind) (900; 15-25)—'Java' (U) and 'Another Face' (RKO), splitting with 'Front Page' (UA) and 'Dancing Feet' (Rep), dual, average at $1,300. Last week 'Oakr ley' (RKO) and 'Cook* (Col), split- ting with Two in Dark' (RKO) and 'Mississippi' (Par), dual, also $1,300. Fleet' Stands Up for $9 ? 000 Second in National First Runs PARAMOUNT > 'Klondike Annie,' Orph., Seattle, March 6; Par, N. Y., 11; Mich, Det, 20; Minnesota, Mpls., "27; Roosevelt, Chi., Apr. 11. . "• , 'Milky Way,' Chi, Chi., March , ; Par, N. T„ 25. 'Desire/ Mich., Det.,.-March 6;. Orph, St., L., 13; Denham,^ Denv.* 26. 'Lonesome Pine,' Denham, Deny., March 5; Minnesota, MplS., 13; Rialto, St L., 20; Mich., D6t., 26. 'Give Us This Night,' Rialto, St L., March 13; Denham, Denv., Apr.2; UA; Det, 10. '13 Hours by Air,' Denham, Deny., Apr. 16. 'Moon Is Our Home,' Orph. St. L., Apr.. 10; Denham, Denv., 22 UNITED ARTISTS 'Little Lord Fauntleroy/ State, Miami, March. 6; State, Bost, 6; States Pro v., 6; Aldine, Phila, 6; State, Louisville, 6; Xoew's, Dayton, fl; Pal, Indpls., 6: State, New Orl, 6; Aladdin, Denv., 10. 'Modern imes,' Victory, Evansvllle, March 1; Pal, Milw., 6; Century, Richmond,, 6; Pal, Merlden, Conn.; .; Great'Lakes, Bull.-, 7; Pulaski, Little Rock, 8; Pal, Calgary, 21. Loew Rushing 'Times' With the Loew circuit clamoring for the Chaplin picture, 'Modern Times' its original run of 10 weeks at the Rivoll, N. T., will be reduced to six. The Loew houses will start the picture almost prbnto there- after. 'Times' ends its fourth week tonight (Wednesday). 'We Three' (Goldwyn) follows In -at the Rlv. Brooklyn Getting Out of Its Shell, 'Anything' Goes 14G Brooklyn, March 3. Harrowing winter weather has disappeared and temperatures, are rising hei ; eabouts to almost com- fortable levels. Folks are getting out and going downtown, for picture fare. Tendency lately in downtown the- atres has been to give patrons some sort of flesh acts: Albee featuring ams on Wednesday nights "while FOx Is stressing .Monday nights for amateurs and Wednesday evening for radio broadcast from stage via WOR. Paramount featuring bas- ketball games on Friday nights to good results. Estimates for This Week Paramount (4,000; 25-35-60)— 'Anything Qoes* (Par). Will bring in satisfactory $14,000. Last week 'Pasteur' (WB) received excellent $21,000 for nine-day run. Fox (4,000; 25-35-50)—'Bohemian Girl* (MG) and 'You May Be Next* (Col). Will snare tolerable $13,000. Last week 'Mister Hobo' (GB) and 'My Marriage' (20th) $14,000, good. Loew's Met (3,400; 26-36-50)— •Rose Marie' (MG) (2d week). Dropped to $12,000. Last week $17,- 000, okay. Albee (3,400; 25-35-50)—'Shark Island' (20th) and 'Had to Happen' (2Qth). Look to fine $18,000. Last week 'Lady Consents' (RKO) and •Muss 'Em Up' (RKO), $12,500, okay. Strand (2,000; 25-35-50)—'Murder at Glen Athol' and 'Timothy's Quest' (Par). Should bring in unexciting $4,500. Last week 'Dan Matthews' (Col) and 'Master's Voice' (Par), $4,000, quiet. No Lent Dent in Montreal; 'Marie'Leader at $12,000 Montreal, March 3. (Be6t Exploitation: Palace) First week of Lent made little in- roads on grosses, with fans more show-conscious than for years past. Some big grosses ahead. His Majesty's breaks into the film column this week after a two months' darkness with 'Forgotten Men,' war pic. Fans fairly fed up on heroes, although just now they are trying to sell the town to the American Legion. Palace will likely top the town with 'Rose-Marie,' Manager George Rotsky getting big houses over weekend. The Chaplin vogue is still in full swing at Princess, with the house standing 'em up and turning away biz even in third week on 'Modern Times,' which should gross another $11,000. Rotsky tied up virtually all music stores for 'Marie,' one of them on Main street playing continuous rec ords all day. Unable, to plug songs over CFCF, owing to musical war, playlet with three of characters in play broadcast Thursdays and 15,000 Jcahette MacDonald blotters dis tributed past three weeks over all Minneapolis, March 3. (Best Exploitation: Orpheum) Unimpressive line-up Is holding down takings currently. Outside of two holdovers, 'Follow the Fleet' and 'Magnificent Obsession,' tlieve's lit- tle to quicken the box-office pulse. ' 'Fleet' smashed through to nearly $17,000 In ItB first wfeek at the Or- pheum and' may lead the town on its second canto. Blizzards the last two-' days-;of the initial session pre- vented the original hopes from mai- teriallzingk but it was a plenty good gross at that Amazing robustness also is being demonstrated by 'Magnificent Ob- session' which goes into its eighth lo6p week and still holds to a highly profitable clip. It proved a .break lor the sure-seater World to grab oft this one after its hbtsy-totsy Orpheum week. Of the newcomers, 'Voice of Bugle Ann,' at the State, is copping the most praise, and ^Desire' is land- ing the major share of biz. The former lacks the title or cast names to pull according to its merits. But even 'Desire' will- not Bet any box office afire. Some improvement in the weather helps a bit. Lent is not much of an adverse factor here.. Orpheum garnered exploitation honors with-some ^iandy store win- dow displays and effective, news- paper advertising for 'Fleet.' Estimates for Thia Week Minnesota (Publix) (4,200; 25-35- 65)-^Desire''(Par). Not heavy to stand up effectively in this big house at 65c. after 5- p. m. Critics unkind and that's hurting, too. Will do well to top fair $7,000. Last week 'Milky Way* (Par) and Bowes' -amateurs, disappointing 812,600. Orpheum (Singer) (2,800; 25-36- 65)—'Fleet' (RKO) (2d week). Jim- dandy for the box office. Despite enormous first week, apparently hasn't milked town yet and seems on way to good $9,000. First week, $10,600, very big. Stat* (Publix) (2,300; 26-36-4ft)^-r •Bugle Ann'. (MG). Lots of praise from critics being spilled on this one, but title and lack of cast draw names detrimental. May build <i©j> word-of-mouth and other boosting to fairly good $6,000. Last week 'Exclusive* (MG), $3,500, light. World (Steffes) (350; 25-35-40-65) —'Obsession' (U) (8th week). The wonder of 'the loop. . Should reach fine $2,500, Last week, $2,700, big. Time (Berger) (290; 15-26)— •Hitch Hike Lady' (Rep). Pretty good $1,000 in prospect Last week. •Happened One ftight' (Col). Too many return engagements for this one and they yanked it after four poor days on $250. • Lyric (Publix) (1,300; 20-25)— •Woman Trap' (Par). May hit fair $1,500. Last week 'Freshman Love* (WB), $1,200, light. Uptown (Publix) (1,200; 25-35)— 'Collegiate' (Par) and 'Zero' (FN), split En route to pretty fair $2,500. Last week 'Two Cities' (MG) >nd 'Collegiate' (Par), split, $3,200, good. Century (Publix) (1,600; 15-25)— 'Rebe'' (Fox). Second run. Head- ing toward pretty good $2,400. Last week 'Bride' (Par), second loop run, $2;000, fair. Aster (Publix) (900; 15-25)— 'Whipsaw' (MG) and 'Millions in Air' (Par), second loop runs, and 'Whispering Smith' (Fox), first run, split $900, okeh. Last week 'Scarr let' (RKO) and 'Coronado' (Par), second loop runs, and 'Great Life' (Par), first run, split, $700, light. office buildings in town. Ads ti with Ford in press locally. Estimates for This Week His Majesty's (CT) (1,600; 60)— 'Forgotten. Men' (Emp). Tied up with local regiments, which march to theatre every. night. May get $3,000. Palace (FP) (2,700; 50)—'Marie' (MG). Looks like a two-weeker and should top town at $12,000. Last weeTc 'Ghost' (Regal), $8,000.. Capitol (FP) (2,700; 60)—'Zero* (WB) and 'Freshman Love' (Par). Pvogram that may see $8,000. Last week • 'Wilderness' (MG) and 'Pa- gans' (MG), $7,000. Loew's (M. T. Co.) (3,200; 50—'Im- personation' (U) and stage show. Should get $11,500. Last week 'In Person' (RKO> and Emil Boreo, in stage show, $12,000. Princess (CT) (2,300; 50)—: Times' (UA) and 'Guard Girl' (Col) (3d week). Going strong and should take $11,000 after $12,000 last week. Cinema de Paris (France-Film) (600; 60)—'L'Equipage'"and 'Jim La Houlette.' Good for $1,000. Last week 'Maternlte' and ^'Rothschild,' $1,200. St. Denis (France-Film) (2.30P; 34)—'Cavalerie Legere' and 'Car- touche.' Lent hits French, theatres hardest, and $3,500 looks like tops here. Last week 'Amants et Vo- leurs' and 'La Famille Pont- iguet' $4,500.