Variety (Mar 1936)

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Wednesday, March 4, 1936 PIC T UIf €BOSSI$ VARIETY ston Til Hearst Tdd 'Em; Boston, March 3. (Bett Exploitation: Fine Arts) Fireworks' opened up' when- the Boston American and Record, both Hearst sheets, put the blast' on 'Klondike Annie' on the day (28) it vnveiled'at the "Met. Booting around everything and anything connected ■with the film, a series, of editorials named names unstlntingly. But •accompanying the buzz of what- izzlt amongst the startled trade came the din of clicking turnstiles "as™ gawplslv-'--flint-fans~ churned* through the gates to get a glimpse at what the editorials had so tempt- ingly titled lewd and libidinous.' It's not often that Boston gets a hot tip like that. Result is that 'Annie' will gross above expecta- tions, with.. . Bowes' amateurs on stage, to tune of about $32,000. 'Fleet' more than earned a hold* over, this week after almost maneuv- ering into a new house record. Sec- ond stanza looks like $25,000. Keith- Boston is healthy with Lupe Velez and Roger Pryor on stage and 'In- visible Ray' on the screen, around $22,000, •Modern Times' took a sharp swerve after the holiday last week and will have to shuffle some to hit $8,000 for third frame. ' Orpheum and State are skittish this week with' a .so-so dual .bill, 'Music Goes' Round' and 'Shark Is- land.' Rest of the town placid. George .Kraska ait the Fine Arts can go to town on exploitation, on a limited budget, when he scouts out an unusual attraction for .his .screen. This is one of those weeks, ■with 'Slalom' the center of attrac- tion of a campaign aimed intelli- gently at theatre-ggers and sport fans alike. Week-end. snow trains were a. principal medium. At each end of each car on each train leav- ing North Station, /Kraska had planted a window* card that couldn't be overlooked.: Distributed a big batch of heralds at sport events at the Garden through the' week. Duked up a ski display In the lobby of the theatre. Planted some pushover publicity on various sport pages. AiTanged for a special sketch in the Transcript to highlight the mm; Kraska, incidentally, edited the-fllm himself for American show- ings, so he knew, what he was sell- ing. Estimates for. This Week Met (M&P) (4,200: 35-50-65)— 'Annie' (Par) and Bowes' unit. Very encouraging at $32,000 pace. 'First a Girl' (G-B), with Wallace Beery in person, disappointed last week ■with $25,300. Keith Memorial (RKO) (2,900; 25- 35-50)—'Fleet' held over for second week with promise of hefty $25,000. Opening week smashd $36,800. May- be two more. Keith-Boston (RKO) (3,000; 35- 60-65)—'Invisible Ray' (U) and stage, show topped by Lupe. Velez and Roger Pryor. Winning combo at $22,000 gait. 'Next Time' (U) and Ruth Ettlrig and Toby Wing on stage last week hit $21,000 with aid of "holiday. Orpheum (Loew) (3,000; 25-35- 40-60)— 'Round' (Col) and 'Shark Island* (20th), dual, not going far at $13,000. Last week Umpy $12,5.00 for 'Intrigue* (Col) and 'Happen' (20th). double. State (Loew) (3,200; 25-35-40-50) —'Shark Island" (20th) and 'Round' (Col), dual. N. s. h. $10,000. Last week off, $9,000. for 'Intrigue* (Col) and 'Happen' (20th), dual. Majestic (UA) (1,626; 25-35-40-55- 65-85)—'Times' (UA). Dove after the holiday weekend, gathering in disappointing $12,000 for second week. Third week points to $8,000 at best. Paramount (M&P) (1,800; 25-35- 50)-^-'Satufday Night'. (20th) and 'Preview. Murder' (Par), dual. Be-: low' par at $6,000 clip. Last week satisfactory $7,000 for 'Timothy' (Par) and 'Woman Trap' (Par), dual. ' Fenway (M&P) (1,600; 25-30-40- 50)—'Saturday Night' (20th) and' 'Preview' (Par), double. Will dally with about $3,600, fair. Last week oke $4,000' oh 'Timothy' (Par) and 'Woman Trap' (Par). Scollay (M&P) (2,700; 25-35-40- 50)— 'Pink' (UA) arid 'Forest' (WB), dual. Look promising at $7,000 romp. Below standard last week, $6,400, for 'Milky Way' (Par) and 'Bur- lesque' (20th), di .1. CHAPLIN TOPS N. H. $1-1,000 For 'Times' at Poli—'Anni ' ' $4,033 Holdover Now Haven, March 3. (Best Exploitation: Poli) Chaplin is having clear sailing: this week, other spots taking what's left. Ma* 1 West, holdover,, is coast- ins to-fair second week, after heavy first. College put on a hefty campaign for 'Professional Soldier,' but was outweighed by avalanche of bally let loose by Poli for the Chaplin picture. Highlights of Poli cam- paign included heavy air plugs; Sunday feature,story on Chaplin's vaude. days here; tie-up with pub- lic schools and art supply store on Chaplin drawing contest; window display of original Chaplin suit; bannered trucks and band at special kids' matinee; parade of 11 Chaplin- dressed. ushers carrying single let- ters spelling out 'Modern Times,' heavy art work all ai-ound town; extra news space including national ads; all kinds of. paper, from menus to 24-sheets. - Estimates-for This' Week Paramount (M&P) (2,348; 35-50) —'Annie' (Par) and.'Tango' (Invin- cible) (2d week). Picking up fair $4,000.' Last week topped the town with nifty $9,200. Poli (Loew) (3,040; 35-50)— •Times' (UA). Fast turnover on short bill means fine shows daily for big $11,000. Last week 'Shark' (20th) and 'Saturday Night' (20th), not . too good at $7,200. Roger Sherman (WB) (230; 50)—'Love on Bef (Radio) and 'Muss 'Em' (Radio). Weak marquee strength."putting it up to word-of- mouth. Fair $5,500. Last week 'Pas- teur' (WB) and 'Personal' (U) okay at $6,000. College (Loew) (1,565; 25-35)— •Prof, Soldier' <2pth) and 'Only Hu- man' (Radio)* Excellent campaign selling this one for big $4,000 at this scale. Last week 'Obsession' (U> and 'Next' (Col), holdover, magnif at $4,600 on 35-5Qc. scale. Buddy Rogers, With 'Personal' $15,000 in Cincy Cincinnati, March 3.. First run biz as a whole is fairly good, considering Lent and advance of Spring warmth. 'Wife vs Secre- tary' is the b. o. cake-taker this -week, piling up $18,000 at the Palace. Shubert, with 'Don't Get Personal,' bolstered by Buddy Rogers band, is next best at $15,000; A dlsappolnter is 'Music Goes Round,' which was amplified by ex- tra advertising. Its $7,500 is a crawl for the big Albee. Estimates for This Week. Palace (RKO) (2,600; 35-42)— 'Wife vs Sec' (MG>. Lively at $18,- 000. Last week 'Lady Consents' (RKO), $8,000 passable. Shubert (RKO) (2,150; 35-55)— 'Personal' (U) and Buddy Rogers band. Hotcha notices for the Rogers troupe. Fast getaway points to a nifty $15,000. Last week 'Widow' (WB) and 'Spices of 1936' unit an all -right $11,500. Albea (RKO) (3,300;. 35-42)— 'Round' (Col).' Luke warm notices. Opened slow ahd no build; $7,500. Last week 'Fleet' (RKO), nine days, $26,000, socko. . Capitol (RKO) (2,000; 35-42)— 'Fleet' (RKO). Second run, $6,000^, swell. - Last week 'Goes' (Par), moved over from Palace, $3,500, tame. Lyric (RKO) (1,400; 35-42)—'No Mercy' (Fox). Okay crime trade at $4,500. Last week 'Invisible Ray* (U), $4,000. Keith's (Libson) (1,500; 30-40) — 'Pasteur' (WB) (2d week). At $3,500, good. Pulled $6,000 on first seven days. Grand (RKO) (1,200; 25-40)— 'Dancing Lady* (MG). Revival. Be- low standard take at $1,900. Last; week 'Marie* (MG), fourth down- town week, $2,800, nice. . Family. (RKO) (1.000; 15-25)— 'SWifty' (FD) and 'Coronado' (Par), separate. Trusty $2,000, Last week 'Silver Spurs' (U) and 'Hell Ship' (Col), split, $2,300.. . Strand (Jnd) (1.300; 15-25)—'Cir- cumstantial Evidence' and 'Happi- ness C.O.D.,' double. Looks like $1,800. Ditto last week on: 'Valen- tine' (Rep) and reissue of Chaplin's 'Immigrant.' 'Soldier' with a Real Pro For Bally, $3,500, Tacoma Tacoma, March 3. (Best Exploitation: M. B„ Roxy) Burg is aiming to go to town this week with stellar stuff at. ace houses.. Lieut. Bert Hall, profesh soldier, is doing personal talk on Music. Hnx stage In conjunction with "Professional Soldier' on serpen. Best exploitation honors are di- vided with Itoxy and Music Box getting them. Roxy has most elab- orate animated front in history o( town for 'Modern Times.' with mod- ern machinery in mrtlon and Chap- lin climbing ludicrously about; Music Box has Hall visiting schools and clubs, giving tall tales <>{ his adventures and bullying the pix. Estimates for This Week Blue Mouse (TTamrifk) (750: 16- 27)—'Whispering Smith' (Fox) and 'Fang and Claw' (RKO), dual. Okay at $1,100, Last week 'Tough Guy' (MG) and 'Beat Band' (RKO), dual. Slowed down to weak $1,060; Music Box (Hamrick) (1,400; 16- 27-37)—'Pro, Soldier' (20th) and •Pagans' (WB), dual, with personal by Lieut Bert Hall, soldier-mart. Good, $3,600.. Last week 'Without Names' (Par) and Bowes unit, $1,- 900 in two days, big' grab; 'Zero' (FN) and 'Two in Dark* (RKO), dual, seven days, $3,900, big. Roxy (Hamrick) (1,300; 16-27-37) —'Times' (UA), Moving theatre front for ballyhoo.; Tops town at $4,00Q. Last week, 'Marie' (MG) held over, nine days, garnered grand $6,800 for the run: Dr. Mudd Controversy Id Wash. Gets 'Shark' $23,800; 'Annie' 17G Washington, March 3. (Best Exploitation: Fox) Mild weather after weeks of snow is offsetting whatever harm Lent may be doing here this Week. Varied product is splitting biz pretty evenlv. with no riots and ho flops. 'Shark Island,' aided by local angle and un- expected controversy over authen- ticity, is the leader: 'Klondike Annie,' . tossed in on three days' notice, is holding np to fair grosses despite raps all atound. Hearst , sheets carrying neithet- ads nor reviews. They lambasted it on moral grounds with editorials on drama pages, but chief (effect was to stir up interest in: film, cancelling attempts of non-Hearst critics to label it merely mediocre. Earle Is going round and round in all departments this week, but it's just a bit too late. 'Music Goes Round* plus Mike Riley and Ed Far- ley on stage, gave house natural for bally and it went limit. Result, while up to average gross, is nothing like it would have been a month ago. Fox rates best exploitation for campaign on 'Shark Island.' Smart- est stunt was answering widelv- publicized charges of Dr. Mudd's daughter that film was not authen- tic by digging up another daughter who said, in effect, that it was o. k. Estimates for This Week Palace (Loew) (2,363; 25-35.-60)— 'Annie' (Par). Roundly panned all around, but Hearst's spectacular, editorials . are stirring up interest and Mae West has enough draw to assure satisfactory $17,000.. Last week, second of 'Marie' (MG), held up .to sock $16 t fi00. Earle (WB) (2,424; 25-35-40-60- 70)—'RoUjid' (Col) and Mike Riley arid Ed Farley oh stage. Theme song, which Is chief pull, has passed its peak. . May get average $17,000. Fox (Loew) ($.434; 25-35-60)— 'Shark Island' (20th) and vaude. No-name vaude putting all on pic r : which is doing nice biz, thanks to local angle and controversy with Dr. Mudd's daughters. Should see good $23,000, Last week 'Milky Way'. (Par) .took fair $19,600. Keith's (RKO) (1,830; 26-35-60)— 'Ghost' (UA) (2d week). Rave no- tices carrying second week toward big $8,200. Last swell $14,000. Columbia (Loew) (1,853; 25-40)— 'Pagans' (MG). Average $4,000 if it holds up. Last, week 'Pink' (UA) got oke $4,500 for third week on mainstem. Belasco (Radih) (1,100; 25-35-50- 60)—'Soak Rich' (Par). Covered by second string critics, who were kind to film that ace spots wouldn't touch. Looking toward good $4,000 for arty spot. Last week 'Loyalties' (FD) took floppo $1,200 for six days. Met (WB) (1,853; 25-40)—'Forest' (WB). Second week after big stay at-Earle headed for good $5,000. Last week 'King of Damned* (GB) sur- prised with same figure. 'Bohemian Giri'-Marcus Show, $10,000, Indpls. Indianapolis, March 3. (Beat Exploitation: Lyric, Loew'*) Turnstiles are clicking a sweet tune downtown this Week, with im- proved weather and strong attrac- tions bringing out the natives. 'Modern Timos' at Loew's and the smaller Lyric with a combination bill -of the Marcus Revue on the stage with 'Bohemian Girl' as the film are hitting a swift pace, which Will mean very good grosses of $10,000 in each house. 'Klondike Annie' is next in orde-r at the do luxe Indiana with an okay $7,500. Circle is faring well enough on a repent of 'Rose-Marie' at $5,000, while 'Ceiling Zero' is being re- peated at the Apollo with mild success at $3,000. JSxploitation honors arc- divided by the Lyric and Loew's this week. The for er splashed the country- side with piper on .the Marcus show, oficc-ted an excellent classi- fied ad tieup with one- of the dailies, cashed in on the revue's Asiatic tour by getting special stories tying in with the names of the Japanese statesman why figured iii the re- bellion there, and promoted extr.i radio coverage. Loew's concen- trated on prominent downtown win- dow displays featuring Chaplin cut- Pasteurized but Strong Bally Getting 'Pasteur' $14,000 in PHly;'Efeef outs and tied up with the town's leading shoe store in display ads on Charlie's shoes, etc. Estimates for This Week Apollo (Fourth Ave.) (1,100; 25- 40)—'Zero' (WB). Repeat run do- ing, only moderately at $3,000. Last week, 'Pasteur' (WB), off at $3,200. Circle (Katz-Fe)d) (2,600; 25-40) —'Marie' (MG). Repeat run good for $5,000. Last week, dual of 'Chatterbox' (RKO) and 'Informer' (RKO), ..with the latter emphasized on its .repeat, only fair at $3,800. Indiana (Katz-Feld) (3.100; 25- 40)—'Annie' (Par). Mae West showing more .strength this time than in her two previous .pictures. Gross good at $7,500. Last Week, 'Milky Way' (Par), mediocre at $5,250. Loew's (Loew's) (2,800; 25-40)— 'Times' (UA). Opening day light, but came back strong over the' weekend and appears to be headed for swell $10,000. Last week, 'Round* (Col), dualled with 'Tough Guy' (MG), weak at $4,000. Lyric .(Olson) (2,000; 25-30-40)-^ 'Bohemian Girl' (MG) and A. B. MarcUs' 'Revue Continental' on stage . Latter featured in campaign. Very good at $10,000. Last week, 'Man HUnt* (WB) and Olsen and Johnson on. stage; socko due to lat- ter, at $12,000. -4r r Cold in K. C; 'Fleet' , 'Times' 11G Kansas City, March 3. (Best Exploitation: Midland) With a sweet weather break, bringing real spring temperatures, the,, opening week, of the Lenten season promises to be the best for amusements for some time. Chaplin's 'Modern Times' is at the Midland, and going fair. Main- stree.t is showing 'Follow, the Fleet* and cleaning up, while the Newman, after 10 days of "Klondike Annie'- has 'Desire' and is getting a strong play from the women. Harriet Hilliard, featured in 'Fleet,' is a former Kansas City girl, who graduated from high school here as Peggy Snydc-r. Many of her friends, and schoolmates, arfe catching the picture. Manager McManus of the Mid- land gave . 'Modern Times' a long advance build-up. Prior to the opening, he sold the 'Modern Times' idea to one of the large; department stores, which gave its Malnstreet windows to displays calling atten- tion to the modern merchandise in the store and the. picture at the Midland. Windows contained large blowups of scenes from the picture, a motion picture projector, numer- ous stills of both star and scenes, together with suitable titles. A pror fessional Chaplin impersonator and a couple of 'sandwich me-n' In Chaplin cutouts paraded the streets In front of the house, which had a special front for the occasion, with built-up electric signs on the canopy. One sheet cards on a num- ber of trucks attracted attention and four daily radio plugs on sev% oral stations kept the subject hot. In addition to these specials, thou- sands of lines of extra space were used in the papers. Estimates for This Week Mainstreet (RKO) (3,200; 25-40) —'Fleet' (Radio). Management did not lay down on publicity. One of the stunts was, a gob from" the Naval Reserves sleeping in a hammock In the lobby the night before the open- ing so he could buy the first ticket. Another was a swell navy blue dis- play in a prominent Mairistreet win- dow, with plenty of notice to the picture. Going strong oyer the weekend and looks like $18,000. big. Last week 'Lady Consents* (RKO) and 'Hollywood Secrets' unit, $14,- 500* good. Midland (Loew) (4,000; 25-40)— 'Times' (UA). Business just fair over weekend and indications are for $11,000. Last week 'Exclusive' (MG) wound up with $7,300, not so good. Newman (Par") (1,900; 25-40) — 'Desire' (Par). Opened fair in spito of strong opposition and will prob- ably register around $8,000, good. Last week ' nhle' (Kir) (to days). 515.000, big. Tower (Rewot) (2.200; 25-35') — 'Next' (Col) and stage show. Hold- ing close to average and turning in close to $7,000, nice. Last week. 'Round' (Col) and stage show $7,900; pretty good. Uptown (Fox) (2.040; 25)—'In- visible Ray' (U). Thriller opened fair. Two-bit price hot increasing grosses, Likely to hit around SI',700. Ucrht. Last week 'Personal' (V) $3,1fair. Philadelphia, March 3. (Best Exploitation: Boyd) Whatever benefits might . h been expected to be derived from better weather and clearer streets have been offset by beginning of Lent. A couple of hold-overs will have as good a chance as any of leading the field, which isn't likely looking. 'Shark Island' has proved to be a. sound hit at the Fox and its second week is getting the ' benefit of. the national ad campaign which is jus t breaking. For that reason, despite Lent, around $16,000 or $17,000 is looked for, unusually good. Other important hold-over is 'Follow the Fleet,' which'" will get a sturdy $20,000 or close to it In its second week at the Stanley. But this Astaire-Rogers pic hasn't shown, hold-up strength of its predecessors. Stanley-Warner put on a whale of a campaign for 'Pasteur,' spread- ing themselves in a' dignified way on this Paul Muni pic. Tie-ups with doctors, laboratories, hospitals and libraries, an endorsement by the Medical Society, distribution Of 50,000 heralds. by milk companies and extensive radio talks, together with one of the biggest mailing lists attempted in months, all gave 'Pas- teur' every exploitational break* Aldine has a second weak sister in a . row in 'Sylvia-Scarlett' which Won't-get over $5,600. Earle, after three, excellent weeks* is. due for a sharp slump: with 'The Bohemian Girl' on the screen and a stage show headed by Xavler Cugat's or- chestra. Not over $14,000 figured, after slow start. Chaplin's Modern Times'-Is a lit- tle off at the Erlanger, but ought to breeze along to a satisfactory $18,000 or better. Estimates for This Week Aldine (1,200; 40-55-65)—'Scar- lett' (RKO). '*" Another dismal one. Maybe $5,600. Last week 'Lady Con- sents' (RKO), Very sad, $5,000. Arcadia (600; 25r40-50)--'Exclu- sive' (MG). Second run; $2,200. Last week, 'Goes' (Par), second run, fine $3,100 in eight days. Boyd (2,400; 40-65)—'Pasteur* (WB). Plenty of fine exploitation work. Will ride past week but won't get two; $14,000. Last week 'For- rest' (WB) (2d week),-five days only and $8,600—off. Earle (2,000; 25-40-50)—'Bohe- mian' (MG) and vaude. Good bill, but not as strong on names as last three here. Not over $14,000. Last week, 'Love on Bet* (RKO) and Vaude. Gene . Raymond's name counted for neat $19,000. Erlanger (2,000; 40-65-87)— 'Times' (UA) (3d week). Good $18,000 despite Lent's start. Last week a rousing $22,000. Fox (3,000; 40-55-65)—'Shark Island' (20) and stage show {2d week). Fine $16,500. Last week's $22,000 was hot. Karlton (1,000; 25-35-40)—'Two in Dark' (WB), First, run and won't get over $2;300. Last week, 'Next Time' (U), second run, just $2,400. Keith's (2,000; SO^O-SO^'Forrest* (WB), second run. Probably $3,200; Last week, 'Ghost' (UA), second run, disappointing at $2,100. Stanley (3,700; 40-55) — 'Fleet* (RKO) (2d # week).. Strong at $20,000 or nearby. Last week's $27,000 topped the town. Stanton (1,700; 30-40-50) — 'Girl* Trap' (Par). Plardlv $5,000. Last week 'Tough Guy' (MG), $6,200. 'Klondike Annie' $6,800, No Excitement in B'ham Birmingham, March 3. (Best Exploitation: Alabama) 'Klondike Annie' so far has gotten by without a squawk: Seems strange that a picture can get by in the 'Ham when people In other cities are after its scalp. Walter Huston In person at Tem* pie for one night (Thi(rsday) at $2.75 top will probably have little effect on picture grosses. . Alabama takes exploitation cake this week, through all-around cam- paign on 'Klondike.' Houses are do- ing nothing extraordinary but good campaign consist of Increased 24- shects, nowspapers, etc. Estimates for This Week Alabama (WIlby- incey) (2.800, 30-35-40)— 'Klondike Annie' (Par). Will get around $6,800, moderately good. Ritz (Wilby-Kincicy) (1,600; 25- .10)—'Xcxt Time. We Love' (U). Not up to last *ve?k's Tins.' 1 , of Rancho' (Par) but will get around $L',700; last week $.V.00. Strand (Wilby-Ktncev) (800: 25) -'Drift Fence' a.nd TTot TiT>s.' split. About $1,700 nnd luckv lo pet it. Last week 'irivisil.Je Hay" (U) ?2,1>00, •?ond. Empire (Acme) (1.106.; 251 — 'Pasteur' (FX). Will not gr»... what it really should bpeaii«e_the town iloesn't swallow this type iM:t should take $:>.<!on easily at (wn bits. Last week 'I.-idy Tubbs' $1,500.