Variety (Mar 1936)

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10 VARIETY P I CT E GROSSES Wednesday, March 4, 1936 lack Benny's Wow 31G in Pitt with Txcl Story* Tleet' Also Nice, $21,500 Pittsburgh, March 3. (Best Exploitation: Stanley.) Downtown's two top spots, Stan- ley arid Penn, collecting every cent of loose change around this week while four remaining first-run sites wait in vain fOr some marina from the heavens. It's all Jack Benny at Stanley where radio comic,: opening latest p. a. tour, continues to dem- onstrate he's. the hottest b.p. thing around again this 'year.. Benny, with 'Exclusive Story' on screen; heading for sensational $31',-. 000, or perhaps better, equal to rec 7 brd-rbreaking trade he did ,a year ago when scale was considerably higher.. . First two days of engage- merit, the Jello star pulled 7,000 more customers through the doors than he did over same period in 1935, doing six shows on Saturday (29), and do. five yesterday (Monday) despite all-day hailstorm that management figured would cut ;ih .seriously. Didn't, however* and week should be biggest Stanley has ever had under present admission setup,-, topping even previous high of Major 1 Bowes' unit. Affected little or none at all by sizzling Stanley biz .is 'Follow the Fleet' at' Penn, where in first three days ^Sogers-Asjte Ire -musical cor- ralled better than $10,000 and looks headed 'for ah easy $21,500. Stack of-.bookings .prevehts.h.o. hut 'Fleet' will-'move to Warner Friday (6) to , continue, run at like scale. This one, incidentally, gave Penn its best-Sun - day. trade since seven-day week was lerflized.' " , :' Elsewhere, however,;- it's, the -dol- drums,': with .possible exception of Warner* where 'Rose of Rancho' and 'Jtfurder- of Dr; Harrigari' are hold- ing up. fairly well and > may elirnb fairly close to. .$5,000, 'Melody Lin- .gers On' and 'Lone wolf Returns' plunging;, the Fulton down, to brutal $2,000, while Alvin will be lucky to get even $3,000 with -Don't <5et Per- ( sonar and 'Hell Ship Morgan,' Jaffe's 1 Casino," top, slipping after brisk getaway and doubtful if 'Confiden- tial* and••' 'Oddities' uriit wjll breast %h<3 tape at more than $4,600.' ' in addition to' Swell, radio,, plugging fdr. Jack Benny at Stanley on his own network broadcasts, in addition' to shots on local station, Stanley got first-page publicity for 'Exclusive Story,' City ,riow engaged- In war on numbers racket and; flicker Was screened.for ;MaV:6r. McNalr and his aides and they'announced after see- ing l&:to accOfripahlriient of plenty of newspap&r; plasts; that their bat- tle against . policy racketeers would take on. renewed vigor. Efitlmatea for.Thit Week Alvin. (Harris) (2;000; 25-35-40)— •Don't Get Personal' (U) and 'Hell Ship Morgan' (Col). House taking it on chin again, merely marking time until Friday (6), when 'Coun- try Doctor' (20th) comes in for What management hopes will be at -least three-week- run. Current. session doesn't look like more 4han miser- able $3,000, if that. Last week .'Mu- sic Goes Round' (Col) a dud, un.d at $3,500 cost everybody plenty. Casino (Jaffe) (1,800; 25-35-40)— •Confidential' (Mon) and 'Oddities' unit. ' New house,' formerly JHarrls, finding it-a little tough to keep 'em coming in without any important flicker product to speak of. In addlr *tlon, ;^his week's.; unit. • n.s.h. and chances pretty slim. -Maybe $41500, maybe' not. 'Last week Ada'Leon- ard's 'Cocktails M -1936' and 'Mimi* (FD) somewhat better at around $5,000. ' Fulton (Shea-Hyde) (1,750; 15-25- 40)—'Lone .Wolf (Col) and 'Melody Lingers' (UA>; , Nothing in" this combo 'to bring 'em in* "and house sinking'way b'elbvv- sea levei at $2,^ 000. Even that much. Isn't certain.' Last; week 'Here - Trouble' (20th).. and 'Dangerous' Intrigue' (Cq1>: also in the dumps at $2,450... Penn (Loew's-.UA) (3,300; 25-35r. 40)—'Follow the Fleet' (RKO). . An- other siriash for Rogers-Astaire team, -Fleet's', sailing along to duo's best- rst-run gross in .downtown sector.. On strength of big weekend and with any kind of break' in weather Will easily hit $21,5.00. with a chance of even sailing beyond that. Doesn't stick here because of accu- mulated bookings, but moves to Warner Friday (6) to continue first- run engagement at. same scaled Last week'Klondike Annie' (Par) very good, adverse criticism proving a boomerang and lifting West to first- rate $14,600. Stanley (-WB) (3,600; 25-40-55)— •Exclush'e. Story' (MG) and Jack Benny . unit. . RadlO Qomic stUl hot- test :stage shot arotuid 'these parts and smashing through to sehsa* tional $31,000, with possibility of even going beyond that with any weather break at all. That's just about even. with Benny's business here last yjear, when prtce. scale- was considerably', higher. He'll play, to at leai3t ,20;000^riioi'e people on-. ijhe week, /how^^fe -At. present -prices thi&U'^£'jW''E(teh for :the Stanley,- breakih^*y^ri^: ; mark .jtet couple of; "months ago "by Major Bowes ama- teurs. Last week swell combo of 'Milky Way' (Par) and Buddy Rogers unit good for nice $22,500. Warner (WB) (2,000; 25-40)— 'Rose of Rahcho' (Par) and 'Dr. Hai'rigan' (WB). Swai-thout getting some attention and house holding up fairly well despite stiff competish;: prospects are for fairly decent '$4,- 750. .Last week 'Scarlett' .(RKO) and' .'Master's Voice' (Par) excellent at $5,500. Buffalo So Good Bringing Back ' 'Annie Buffalo, March 3. (Best Exploitation: Lafayette) Improvement in weather condi- tions Is. largely responsible for Im- proved husiness at local box. offices, the field being led by 'Secretary' which -came under the wire for one of the best openings, in weeks. . ..Both .the .Hipp - and Lakes are playing repeat engagements, 'Rose Marie'- being'brought' back for a sec-: ond week at the Lakes and the ad- vertising calling attention to . the fact that the. frigid spell during its last engagement; was probably re* sponsible for- keeping away a lot of fans. 'Klondike Annie/ goes into its- second Week at the Hipp being switched to here, from the. Lakes where it saw a fine gross for its first stanza. '" V ; .': 'Music Goes Round' at the Lafa- yette Is. clicking nicely' and may be held for a second week. The Lafayette did a complete cov- erage injts exploitation for 'Music/ Thousands of Inserts in -popular magazines- .^ere. .used, and .distri- bution trucks bannered. The picture got top comment from the dailies in- cluding special stories, art and con- tests, and- even, th^e radio commenta- tors extending themselves. Estimates for This Week Buffalo (Shea) (3,600; 30-40-50)— 'Wife vs. Secretary' (MG). Failed to hop up .the reviewers but the. fans are eatihg it alive and if the weather holds out gross may get up to $18,000, Last week, 'Milky Way* (Par), a surprise, dropped off sharp- ly after good opening and was very pianissimo at $9,300^. Hipp (Shea) (2,400; 25-40)— ■Klondike Annie' (Par). Moved over from a first week at the-Lakes and . looks to be hitting a good stride At over' $7,000. Last week, 'Ghost Goes West' (UA) public no go for this and limped in under average $6,400. Great Lakes (Shea) (3,400; 25-40) —'Rose. Marie' (MG); Return en- gagement for this picture which did a fairish week before last at the Buffalo. Getting along okay for probably over $8,000. Last week 'Klondike Annie' (Par) the best draw irt town and worked up over expectations for fine $12,700. Century (Shea) (3,400; 25)—'Big House' (Col) and 'Hitch Hike Lady' (Rep). Same old stride here with indications of another average $6,000. Last week, 'Tough Guy' (MG) and -'Freshman Love' (WB), $5,600. Lafayette (Ind.) (3,400; 25).^- 'Muskr Goes Round' (Col) and 'Dangerous Intrigue' (Col). Strong business indicated and may-be held over for another stanza;' good for around $10,000. Last week, 'Crime •and Punishment'"'(Col) and 'You May Be Next' (Col) slackened some- what from the early going and came in to'about $8,000. 'ANNIE' BALLY OFFSETS RAPS FOR 16K IN CLEVE. Cleveland, March 3. (Best Exploitation: Pal, State) Record crowds at Grotto annual indoor circus and beginning of Lent not hurting grosses much, even afnong the Class B spots. Break in cold spell is turning the tide, and top-notch product is doing the rest. Mae West is at top of parade, but her 'Klondike Annie' isn't burning up State's figures as expected. Stinging raps by cricks over 'dirt* and influence of women's clubs are cutting down attendance, but with high-powered ballyhoo It will man age to reach $16,500. 'Love on a Bet' is coming along nicely at Palace, boosted by flash girl show .to $1-5,000. Hflpp hitting about $12,000 on second stanza of 'Fleet,' .while. .'ModeMT.Times!, .is yanking-$G ; O0O Into Stillmian after doing: $10,000. at Stat# previously. ' Exploitation prize snared by Pal- ace, where Gardner Wilson un- corked some hptcha tie-ups for' Ada Leonard's unit, and by State's Milt Harris. Best by latter were free theatre parties for those having Leap Tear birthdays, backed by newspaper, and Mae West heralds at circus and with department store purchases, Estimates for This Week Pafaca (RKQ) (3,200; 35*40-60)^ 'Love on Bet' (Radio) and Ada Leonard unit. Nicely balanced, well sold bill and good for $15,000. Last week,: Fred Waring band, and 'My Marriage' (Radio) scored sweet $21,500, Hipp (WB) (3,500; 26-40)— 'Fleet' (Radio) (2d week). Holding up for: smart $11,500. Last week, $14,500. State (Loew's) (3,750; 30-35-40)— 'Annie" (Par).. Blast .of criticism froth newspapers , against: "Mae West's purple gags, and purity leaguers, may make it tough for houses in long run, but State can't kick about $16,600, Last week 'Times' (UA) had ho trouble in banging out $19,000. Allen (RKO) (1.872}' 26-40)— 'Muss 'Em' (Par). Fairly good at $3,000. Last week *Fang and Claw' (Radio) fell to $2,600 In six days. Stillman (Loew's) (1,872;- 25-36)-r Second run of 'Modern Times* (UA). Around $6,000, excellent. Last week. 'Whlpsaw' (Par), above average, $3,500. 'Fleet,' Sold, $7,500, Hose Marie' Dual 10G, Both Big in Omaha Omaha. March 3, (Best Exploitation: Brandei Omaha) .. Back to straight- pictures once again for theatre row with out- standing Alms in two houses and a probable weakie . in.' the other. Omaha with 'Rose' Marie' will prob- ably conae put first, as it has nearly half again the ' capacity Of the Brandels where *Follow the .Fleet' holds. Brandels is single featuring the Astaire-Rogers flick and can turn them over , six times daily, while the Omaha double-featuring, can squeeze in only four programs, per day. This may tend to even the' score but ca- pacity still, favored. Orpheum. with 'It. Had to Happen' and 'Freshman Love' is just' running a couple of pictures. Weather man giving, the area a breathing spell with mild weather the diet practically all of last week with indications of continuance. Travel in town rapidly getting back to normal and theatres will not have to undergo any severe buffetings of any duration rest of the season. Be- ginning of Lent will trouble some. Last'week the Orpheum with Ted Lewis on stage and ''Exclusive Story' on screen stood out over op- position- like a lighthouse. The fig- ure piled up here is a modern house record though some behind the fig- ure set few years back by the same orchestra leader.. The. figure be- tween 17-18 grand tops any take here. In past three years, and is gloated over by the house force In the face of sloppy weather and' a week's free show at the City Audi-, torium. Free Show sponsored by the G. M. auto show featured Joe Venuti and band and Paul Cholet's revue, and cut in noticeably on all theatres. Brandels and Omaha both in the exploitation puddle with. some standout work. A neck and neck race with- Brandels .having perhaps the most unique connection In -a tie-up with the navy itself. Estimates for This Week Omaha (Blank-Trl-States) (2,100; 25-40) — 'Rose Marie' (MG)- and 'Master's -Voice' (Par). - Bullish de- spite strong, opposition and free show at the Auditorium, arid set to near or top the recerit records of 'Mutiny' and 'Marietta.': Cinch for two week run arid will be a top- notcher. 'Voice* hindering by cut- ting down .the turnovers per day. $10,000 very likely. Last week 'No Mercy' (20th) coupled with 'Metro- politan* (20th) just average at $5,- 800. Braiideia (Singer-RKO) (1,260; 25-35-40)—'Follow the Fleet' (RKO). Biz bids fair to equal 'Top Hat.' Has the program all to itself for six times dally giving this small house an upping in capacity in compari- son to the larger opposition houses which are double-featuring. Also fairly certain to stay two weeks, and should have little trouble going over $7,500. Last week' 'Music Goes Round' (Col) doubled with 'You May Be Next' (Col) satisfactory at $4,800. Orpheum (Blank-Tri-States) (2,« 976;26-40)-^'Had to Happen' (20th) and 'Freshman Love' (Par). Just a picture bill and should come in around $6,000, lightest week here in many. Last week 'Exclusive Story' (MG) screen was in support of Ted Lewis and his 'Happiness Follies' on the stage. The hi-hatter always a good seller and more than gratify- ing this time, $13,000 in the face of sloppy weather and. a quality free show all week at the. Auditorium makes It virtually a modern houwe record. Other M's Help 'Soldier/ Hobo' to $18,000, Newark Newark, March 3. (Best Exploitation: Branford) HoWDyex' week here at three houses. Although two did not draw all they anticipated the first week they're holding over regai'dless, Proctor's, with the only new pic, will take a tremendous week with $18,000 for 'Mr. Hobo* and 'Profes- sional Soldier.'. 'Of the repeats 'Rpse Marie* should be best with expected $12,000. . Branford, for. 'Music Goes Round' and 'Road Gang,' is displaying plenty of paper, .using 24-'sheets,- one-sheets, . window - cards, six- sheets, three-sheets and .20,000 herr aids. Goes in the local Dodge X'adlo program 1 and is tied up with the 60 James drug stores. > Estimates for This Week Branford (WB) (2,966; 26-76)— 'Pasteur* (FN) arid 'Personal' XV) (2d week). Will take about- $8,500, nice for a second. On the first all right, but not what hoped for. Fell off after a smashing Weekend to $15,600. Capitol (WB) (1,200; 15-30-40)— •Pagans* (MG) and 'Riff RafT (MG). Ought to beat the usual $3,500. Last week 'Collegiate' (Par) and 'Wilder- ness' (MG). Couldn't tilt the $3,500 groove. Little (Franklin) (299; 80-40)-r 'Corka Generale' (Leo) (2d week), 'Five days for a disappointing $460. The Poles take Lent too seriously. First week mostly grand at $1,460. Loew's State (2,780; 25-30-66-65- 76)—'Marie* (MG) (2d week). Bids fair to take surprising $12,000, which would make money for a new showr First week got a fine $18,000. Proctor's (RKO) (2,300; 20-66) and Lyceum (Roof) (770, same scale)—'Mr. Hobo* (GB) and *Prof. Soldier* (20th). Holdovers else- where helped this house. Will be excellent at $18,000. Last week bet- ter than anticipated at. $12,000 for 'Lady Consents' (RKO) and 'King of Damned' (GB). Terminal (Skouras) (1,600; 16-20- 26-30-35-40)—'Spy 77' (FD) and 'Bridge of Sighs' (FD). Looks like beating house record for. the year at $8,000, Last week 'Dr. Crespi* (Rep) and ^Suicide Squad' (Rep) okay at $6,700. TLEEf SEWS UP %t Kat' Revue s In Denver to 10G JDenver, March 3.. , "Woman Trap*' at the Denham gets top money but reason is the Kit . Kat Revue on stage, which gets full, credit. 'Ghost Goes .West' cops secorid riioney but without stage show. > • 'Modern Times' well above aver- age at Par on .second week and goes to Broadway for third and last week in first runs. 'Professional Soldier' did best in regard to average of house by doubling average at Aladdin and getting promoted, downtown to the Paramount for a second week. Broadway and Paramount are sort of heaven for good film$ that play other Huffman houses, particularly .the Aladdin and Denver. For th> first time Denver has seven first. run houses. The old Empress, reopened by Geo. A. Allan an the Center, joins the select group, giving an independent pro- ducer fpr the first time a first run here. Estimates for This Week Aladdin (Huffman) (1,500; 25-40- 50)—'Prof. Soldier' (20th). Big biz, $5,000, Goes to Par for second week; Last week 'Pasteur* (FN) turned In the corking gross and won an ex- tended run at the Broadway; $4,000. Broadway (Huffman) (1,500; 25- 40)^-'Pasteur' (FN). Following a week at the Aladdin, nice $2,000. Last week 'Petrified Forest' (WB), following a week at Denver, and 'Widow Monte; Carlo' (WB). split, turned in $2,000. Former-film did very riice but latter only fair. Center (Allan) (1,600; 20-25-35)— '$1,000 .a MlnutC (Rep) and stage show; Opening week and folks here go for anything new, $4,500. Last week house dark after three years* Denham (Cooper) (1,500; 25-^35- 40)—'Woman Trap' (Par) and Kit- Kat Club stage show. Flesh re- sponsible for wow $10,000 pace. Last wcek-- < Kiondike Annie' (Par) stood them up every day, and with some of the best dally-turnovers the. thea- tre has ever Had, turned in $13,000 at the botfoffice. Picture could have stood some extra time, but for the stage show, booked in currently. 'Annie' did the second best week of the house. Denver (Huffman) (2,500; 25-35- 50)—'Ghost Goes West' (UA) and stage band. Up to $7,500. Last -tyeek 'Modern Times' (UA) did -$t2'i000, not as good as expected, but' good (Continued on page 23) Baltimore, March 3. (Best Exploitation: Hipp) 'Follow the Fleet' has the town sewed up this week, Hipp booked in. a short, speedy; stage show of 33 mins., chucked out trailers arid boned the hewsreel down to three minutes. Business fbrced house to pare stage' show down to skeleton- ised 26; minutes, and expunge the neWsreel over the weekend. Run- ning added show daily arid opening house an hour. arid, a half earlier than usual, Hipp looks certain to rooket tQ $27,500, which will estab- lish all-time high at house. Old record was pegged by 'Top Hat' at $26,700. Keith's is h.o/ing 'Klondike Annie' after an opening week that equaled anything -house has had since Mae West's last, 'Goin' to Town.' . It's on a dayrto-day basis how, with 11 the minimum and likelihood that it will go longer. Easy $13,600. for, the 11 days. .Town is scratching scalp, just as-to why 'Klondike' isn't being held over. . Management has been deeply concerned over Hearst and local Catholic press attacks on pic, but on the other hand these knifings haven't harmed biz percep- tively. H. T. Rouston, ballyhoo man of the Hipp, strewed a sterling cam- paign for 'Fleet,' getting but to long lead with advance; tom-tomming up every. nook and cranny that pre- sented angle through, which film .could., be plugged. Lou Brown's wallops for Wayne'mrig at - Century~ trailed by eyelash. Estimates for Last Week , Century (Lpew-UA) (3,000; 16-25- 35-40-65-66)—'Garden Murder' (MG) and Wayne King band.. It's $19,000 is sizable,, but means crimson with King crew at $8,500 net ballooning the budget. Last week 'Modern Times' (UA) and 'Bring on-Dames', unit, $18,700, n.s.g. Hippodrome (Rappaport) (2,300; 16-25-35-40-66-66)—'Fleet) (RKO) and stage show. All-time high gross, $27,600, and h.p. Last week 'Round' (Col) arid Farley-Rilfey stage slumped in closing days ati;d ambled in at $15,500. - - Keith's (Schanberger) (2,500; 15* 25-30-35-40)—'Annie' (Par). Wesjt a wallop, With sock $13,500 ass/ira '" for 11 days ending tomorrow' (WejC may roll on, depending ori biz todayV New (Mechanic) -(1,800; 16-25-30- 35-40-56)— 'Shark* (20th) (2d week). Jogging, in for good $3,000 after first lap lugged home happy $5,200. Stanley (WB) (3,450: 15-25-35-40- 55)—'Forest' (WB) (2d week). Has planed down sharply, .no more than mlldish $4,000 after bully $9,600 on opening trot. TIMES' OPENS WELL IN PR0V.; $15,000 INSIGHT Providence, March 3. (Best Exploitation: Loew's) This week is. a flukey one and it's anyone guess just where it will .end. With one or two exceptions, notably Loew's where 'Modern Times', is on view> bills are pretty weak, and busi- ness is in .same category, Loew's figuring on at least $15,000. Loew's had no opposlsh in ex-, ploitation, which has been rather unusual in these parts of late. Lack of opposlsh Served Its purpose .'of placing more emphasis on the Loew's campaign, which was marked by a mass, of routine stuff, thoroughly worked out, however. Stunts outside of the routine batch included several co-op ads, tie-up with telephone people on correct time, and-, 200 special window loca- tions throughout- the city. Estimates for- This.-Week Loew's State (3,200| 15-26-40)— 'Times' (UA). Opening day busi- ness Was only so-so, but terrific crush came hi over the weekend. Weekend business assures house'of at least $15,000, strong enough. Last week 'Happen' (20th) and 'Tough Guy' (MG). showed a wallop, com- ing through for nice $12,000. . ;. RKO AJbee (2,500; 15-25-40)— 'Fleet; (RKO) (2d week).' Indica- tions are that house can garner $8,0.00 without any difficulty. First week went over big at slightly more than $14,000. Majestic (Fay) (2,200; 15-25-40) —'Saturday Night' (20th) and 'Con- queor the Sea' (Col). Ordinary film fare and Won't wind up with more than $4,000. Last week 'Pasteur' (WB) and 'Hostess' (WB) oke at $7,500. Strand (Indie) (2.200; 15-25-40)— 'Timothy' (Par) and 'Eagle's Brood' (Par). One Of slowest weeks house has had in months, off at $3,500 for five days; bill yanked today (Tues- day) for new dualer. 'Klondike. Annie' (Par) and 'Master's Voice' (Par). Last week 'Round' (Col) and 'Leavenworth' (Rep) took it on the chin despite some fancy exploita- tion; so-so at $8,000. Fay's (2,000; 15-25-40)—'Ring Around .Moon' (Chest) and 'Beef Trust Revue' on stage. Variety bill only thing saving house from tak- ing slide this week; no more than $5,500 -in. prospect, off. Last week Trouble' (20th) lukewarm at $0,000.