Variety (Mar 1936)

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76 VARIETY TIMES SQUARE Wednesday, March 4, 1936 Broadway Roger Wolfe Kahn down with Influenza, r Frank Case debuted new bar .""at his Algonquin, Zac Freedm*n now with Lou Irwin's agency. Harry Snowden, of National b.o., lost mother last week. Tom Waller laid : up one day last week with attack of ptomaine; Joey Keith and Jack Leffler to Florida with the- ball. players. E, H, Griffiths in from the Coast for a week to look over the shows. Louise Campbell. replaced Gloria Blondell in 'Three Men on a Horse.' Jack Goldstein lias resigned from United Artists as exploitation di- rector. The'Bill Whites (Ruth Morris) on a West Indies Cruise,- sailing last Friday. Audrey Christie replaced - Dennle Moore in 'Larger Than Life.' re-, hearsing. Al Raymond (Raymond and Cav- erly) has joined the Hotel Edison exec staff, Ona.-M-un.soh is. back from Wash- ington and reading scripts of. three new plays. Douglas Whitney, of Mirror sports department, up and around after a. grippe siege, Em 11 Coleman reviving his Metropolis Opera Company, which he operates cs a hobby. Jan Peerce's sister returned from honeymoon last week, and Jan threw party for newly weds. Jerry MeManus joined the Times as third-string reviewer . and assis - tant to Frank Nugent, film cd< New Film Alliance is hosting J oris Iveris, European picture director, in Steinway Hall Saturday night; (7).. Ruth Etting came into town from a week at the RKO Boston and into bed, with a nurse, suffering a bad coldi Boris Morros blew into town sporting another of those wild- looking shirts of his, red and. blue checks.. .Francis Albertanti now p.a, for Mike Jacobs' 20th Century boxing Club. Resigned similar post at the Garden. ' Charles Ford, Universal, newsreel editor, to Florida for brief stay.' Ditto Dave Palfreyman, of Hays or- ganization. " Ara, recently divorced wife, of Bill Fields,. advance agent, married to Earl D. Whltson, Texas League ball .player.. . Lucille Watson, in 'Pride and Px-ejudice,' got eight ducats, to 'Call It a Day' from Gladys Cooper as a birthday gift. Sophie Tucker held over two more weeks at the Hollywood Coun- try Club, Hollywood, Fla>, where she opened Feb. 8. Humphrey Doulens,. ridgeport Post film crick arid- Westport, Conn., Variety correspondent, appendecto- iriized at Norwalk hosp. Leon Netter Is back from Florida arid even though the weather'"wasn't tops lor there, he figures anything was better than New,York. Joe Moss, Jr., son of the". Holly wood nitery impresario, is a DeWltt Clinton high school senior . and maestro of his own dance band. Charlotte Lamberton's contract at the Hollywood restaurant has been extended for another month. She's the deaf-mute dancer in floor show there. Bob Collier to the Coast on a television proposlsh. As advance scout for WB's 'Dream' 'dates he lost some poundage making 20-30 spots. Paul Moss, License Commissioner, Is sending new portrait phot03 of himself to the' newspapers morgues in hopes they'll replace older ones that might not be so flattering. Mort, Lewis., writer for' Molasses 'n' January, flew in from Detroit Sunday, just in time for the ele- vator strike. He lives on the 23d floor of an apartment and had to walk. Eddie' Scanlon. of 'At • Home Abroad,' and Eddie .Dowling, of 'Follies,' swapping stage-manager berths, latter going on tour with, the Beatrice Lillie show and Scanlon staying at the Winter Garden. Film studio will be the setting for Associated Motion Picture Adver- tisers' 'Naked Truth'. dinner March 14 at the Hotel Astor, N. Y. Hidden newsreel camera, covering entrance to ballroom where affair is to be held, will 'shoot' guests as they inter. € H A T T C novelty, there's a ladies' band con- ducted by Glzl Royko.. Mask Legit Co. at . Amsterdam doing local premiere of Hunter's play 'All Rights .Reserved.' Conductor Bruno Walter arrived at Amsterdam and is going to lead Concertgebouw orchesti'a for a month. Lien Deyers, Dutch film star, on the UFA staff, is here with her husband. Alfred Zeisler, UFA director. •'Pareh' folklore film of Nether- land-India, which pays special at-? tention. to-rice production, and made, by Franken and Balink, 'now get- tin lusical synchronization. Paris By Bob Stern London . The Hague By M. W. Etty-Leal Menaka Hlndue ballet a success here. • Vina Bbvy. French soprano, sing- ing for AVRO. Dutch soprano Hansr Gruys in- vited to sing in London. Cold spell playing havoc at box- offices of legit and cinema. Contert'gebouw. conducted by Georg Szell, Hungarian conductor. Dolly Mollinger, Dutch film act- ress, engaged by Gaumorit-Brltish. .... Radio -censor, banned a lecture on Holland's monetary situation slated by KRO. Chinese play by S. L Hslung, 'Em- broidered Ball,' in 50 th performance at Amsterdam.. At Heck's lunchroom here, as a John S. Tapernoux here. Con Colleand to Rlveria for a rest. Gus Schaeffer of Paramount back in Paris. Olsen and Jane, dance team, play- ing at Rex, 'Music Goes 'Round and' Around' hitting Paris. John Murray Anderson, reported in town, but unfindable. 'Three Men, On a HOrse* heai'sal'at Sarah Bernhardt.'.' Paul Reboux taking a crack it talky American pis shown here. Benny Carter going to London to insert swing into B.B.C; broadcasts. Georges . Bororisky ready for. talent-hunting' tour over continent. Television broadcasts, hitherto weekly, being.put on a daily basis. Henri Clerc' play, 'Beau Metier'. ('Nice Trade') revived at the Odeon. Arinabella signing with Basil Dean tip .make , a picture .'Ballerina' in June. ; Gaby . .Morlay. signed for femme lead of French version of 'Private Lives.' E. D. Leishman, RKO Radio Euro- pean chief, doing a swing around the Continent. Colisee* former Jacques Haik showcase, now run by GFFA, re- ported for sale. 'Ghost Goes West,' (UA) a sellout at the Lord Byron, and set to stay for several months. Alexander Korda and Charles Laugh ton passing through on .way to. the Riviera for a rest; Warners and Apollo theatre using heavy poster , and newspaper adver* tlsing for ^'Captain Blood.' Studio de TE'toile cutting prices to $1 top for fourth month of Pola Negri German film 'Mazurka.' Jossleyn Hettnessy and the Mrs. having newspaper and diplomatic gang to their house for. cocktails.-" Henri C?erc, deputy,who takes lots of Interest in film and stage affairs, refusing to run for reelection this year. Curtis Melnitz writing an article on 'Reactions of American Film Spectator' for new publication of Cldalc, Andre Salmon, following Francis Carco in a poetry-recitation act at the Noctambules, cabaret on the Left Bank. Leon Beytout, of Societe Nouvelle de Cinematographie, to New • York to dicker for U. S. distribution of 'La Bandera.' Jan Kiepura, interviewed here, quoted as . saying that Americans are Just uncultured cowboys, but they've: got coin. Pourtja Halama coming from Warsaw to dance in Parnell Ballet at the Casino de Paris, vice her sister ZIzi, who's sick. Paramount Theatre running bene- fit under patronage of President Lebrun for opening of 'Samson,' Harry Baur-Gaby Morlay film. Local photog making stills of the Ritz, Crillon and Cafe de la Paix to be used at United Artists Hollywood studio for sets of 'Dpddsworth.' Simon Gantillon's 'Our Lady of the Films' being translated into German by Dr. Lothar'for produc- tion at J.osefstadt Theatre in Vienna. Pierre O'Coiinell and Nicolas Farkas, who were production man- ager and director of 'Battle,' form- ing a producing company of their own. Juan Berrone, Italian who has been distributing in France for sev- eral years (he once had the Colum- bia product) to produce three French films on own, 'Anna Karenina' (Par), showing at Cinema des Champs Elysees. get- ting overflow crowd which is turned away from 'Ghost Goes West* (Korda) at Lord Byron next door. Marcel de Hqbsch bringing out two-reel educational showing the se- crets of target practice in the French navy, taken on board a. real battleship during action. Con Colleano.. only American to play in Medrano Circus benefit for the widow of the Clown, Aritonet, getting the biggest -hand of the eve- ning, along with Maurice Chevalier. Council of state, France's highest court, on plea of Raymond Lussiez, head of film exhibs' asociation. for- bidding town of Meaux to build a municipal film theatre in competi- tion with private interests Steve. Geray has a new car. Len Urry taking bigger. offices, Boris Karloff in for a G-B film.' Edna Best In red velvet pants. Harry Foster latest flu victim. . Jane Carr abed with jaundice. Clifford Whitley has taken to rid- ing. Geor Arliss another house. Robert Jorgenson „with his arm. in a sling. Alex Esway to New. York tor a fortnight Stanley Lupino now flirting with playwrightlng. Mrs; Jack Waller oh a cruise around Madeira, Gilbert Miller and Max Schach in a suppertime huddle. . Jack Hulbert's daughter had ; & bad tumble from a horse. Countess of Carlisle scripting and film adapting as a sideline. Arthur Dent and Eugene Frenke conferring on a picture deal. John Stafford has retltled 'Danc- ing Boy' to 'Beloved Stranger.' . Gene Sheldon at .the Alhambra, Paris, for a month- with options. Joe Gilbert, free-lance, song- smith, launching out. on his Town. Charles Cochran arid Henry She- rek frying >to Paris over the week- end, . Louis Levy, G^-G.'s musical direc- tor, 'fined $10 for exceeding speed limit - . Columbia's 'She Married Her Boss' in serial form In Daily Sketch. Brian Desmond Hurst joining British International as associate producer. Wyn Richmond replacing Flor- ence Desmond in 'Seeing- Stars' at the Gaiety, Sally Grey and Claude' Hulbert to be costarred in new Zimmerman production. Sheila Hamilton, English girl in German films, operating an eatery in Baker street. ; Leslie Hutchinson had a valuable dressing case stolen from a car out- side Hippodrome; Adrian CraWley* newspaperman, getting a public showing of a pic he made for a gag. Certain name writer, insisted his monicker be taken off the credits for a British film;. he won. Janice Adair, film actress, - mar- ried to. Alfred Wallace Roome, Gau- mont-Brltish film editor. Jack Doyle-Judith Allan vaude- ville act tried out at the Lewisham Hippodrome last week. Payne-Jennings and Killig have purchased the Victoria Palace lease ftoin Sir Seymour Hicks. Jessie Matthews to bed for a week; recovering from 10 weeks of seven-'days-a-week filming. Barry Mackay doing physical training: decided fllrii's more strenuous than he thought. Sir Seymour Hicks taking. out company to play 10 weeks In South Africa. Due to start in August. Alexander CruiCkshank, Jr., will be In charge of the Howard & Wyndhams once-nightly bookings Dennis Stoll, composer son of Sir Oswald, will give a talk over the'air on 'The Musical Theatre in Soviet Russia.' Reg. Connelly' off to the south of France on vacation, while his part- ner, Jimmy Campbell, prefers America. Henry Sherek off to Birmingham with Charles Cochran to confer with Renee- Houston on the new Coch^ ran show. Warners first to tradeshow at the Piccadilly, under new manage- ment. Showing dates down for March 3-6. Hildegarde, American, radio and cabaret name here, making her vaudeville debut at Chiswick for Sir Oswald Stoll. Rose Perfect working the Hyams Bros, circuit, and also signed with Lawrence Wright for a Blackpool summer season. John Myers, Alexander Korda's publicity head, recovering from nervous breakdown after three weeks. In Austria, Ritz hotel, showing another all- Amerlcan cabaret. Vic Oliver, Diana Ward and Walter Crisham and Florence Chumbecos. Harry. Prlngle, former stage di- rector at the defunct Piccadilly the- atre, may stage television talerit for British Broadcasting Corp. Bernstein Theatres, Ltd., associ- ated with G.-B., has announced plans for erection of a picture house in Greenwich to seat 2,760. Mark Ostrer throwing a party at the Savoy for Constance Bennett, with Jessie Matthews and Sir Cedric Hardwlcke among the guests. Freddie Carpenter staging dances for the Charlot-Riscoe"June revue, due at the Vaudeville theatre March 11, after a Manchester tryout. Ada Reeve making her ether de- but March 20 by permission of Charles Cochran. Arthur Klein, composer-pianist, accompanies her, 'Public Nuisance No. 1.' Fellner- Woolf pic starring Frances Dav and Arthur iscoe, tried out quietly at the Astoria, Streathamj a Paramount house. John C, Wilson* manager for Noel Coward, off to New- York to arrange for the presentation there in the' autumn of Coward's one-act plays with the London cast. Forsythe, Seamon arid Farrell due back here for General Theatres Corp, Open in Birmingham Feb. 24. 'Sweet Aloes' off on tour. Playing the sticks for 10 weeks. Hildegarde sent for from Paris to replace Florence Desmond in "See- ing Stars,' Firth Shepherd-Leslie Herison show. Miss Desmond Is in- disposed and out of the show. An adaptation by Ian Hay of Ed- gar Wallace's 'The Fellowship of the Frog,' starring Gordon Harker, comes to the West End later in the year after a provincial try-out. ' Classical concert habit growing among , harmonica virtuosos. Bor- rah Minevitch started It with a concert at the ritzy Queen's Hall, arid now it is Larry Adler's turn. Otto Kanteurck, although under, contract with BIP as chief cam- eraman, loaned to Capitol Films for a series of pictures. First will be 'Pagllacci,' with Karl Grune direct- ing. ' McKeigue & Elliott have split, due to former's, recent illness. George Elliott forming' company which will comprise Paul Murray and the Honorable Anthony Vivian besides himself. Major Steel, one of the original syndicate, which made a fortune out of the. old Aldwych farce successes, returning to show business with a musical cornedy scheduled to follow, the current panto at Drury Lane. Harry Slingsby, former manager of Tlvoli. Hull, arid recently in the same capacity at the Prince Edward theatre, appointed to manage the once nightly touring section of Gen- eral Theatres and Moss Empires. Completing work on the screen play of 'Two's Company,' Ned Sparks-Gordon Harker vehicle for Soskln-British & Dominions, John Paddy Carstairs swings over to screen treatment of 'A Shadow on the Wall' for Soskln Prod. After eight months' run at the St. James' theatre and two local week- ly-change houses, " 'The Two Mrs. Carrolls' with Leslie Banks and Elena Miramova returns to the West End, following *A Page.frorii' a Diary,' which closed after three weeks at the Garrlck. Berlin Panama By Bea Drew Betty. Golden, local singer, left fbr vocal studies in Boston. Eve Carrol of the Kelley. Ritz married to Reginald Fernando. Beauty queens are arriving daily for the carnival which opens Feb. 22. During carnival time beer will be sold at the temporary street cor- ner dance halls. El Rancho is. being remodeled. When finished will have the largest dance floor in Panama. Marjorle Qulnn back from Cali- fornia, where she has been taking dancing courses from Eduardo Can- sino arid Ernest Belcher. . Atlas Garden gave a one hour amateur show. It was . broadcast. Panama station.' HPS J has an amateur, hour every week. Fulton Oursler of Liberty magar zine here for a conference with Jafsie. Dr. Condon was to speak at the Union Church, but cancelled. Adrlenne Ames and Genevieve Tpbin were, visitors; also Mrs. Oli- ver Curwood, Somerset Maugham and Lloyd Douglas and wiCe and daughter. Mexico City Grahame Miriam Hopkins vacationing here. 'Extasic,' Chechoslovak pic, doing 'well in revival at Cine Regis. Ace bull, fighters going social, wearing soup 'n' fish at parties, Local lottery ticket peddlers' union had net profits of $3,000 last year. European puppet show click on its second engagement at Teatro Fa- hregas. Sonia Verbitsky, Russian pianist, gave, two concerts at Three Marys Islands. Xenia Zarinia, Russian dancer, gave a recital at Palace of Fine Arts (national Theatre). Clayton W. Kirby and Evelyn De Gage, American dance team, fea-» tured in floor show of newest swank nitery. National Railways of Mexico has banned sale of hard HkHer on trains, stations and restaurants throughout its system. Esperanza Iris, Mexican, who has a name house here, and Maria Co- nesa, Spanish, commediennes, doing well in operettas here. Eddie Duisberg to Paris. Arnold Schiller* Prague agen^ Reniamino Gigll signed by Bavarlft for a new film. . • Stetson to Hamburg for re turd date at Ufa Palace. White. Tom Cat, new nlterjt opened on Kurfuerstendamm. Munich Oktoberfest, largest Ger% man carnival, dated for Sept. 19. Emll Jannings signed for twd more Syndioat films. He's currently in legit. Al Trahan signed for long run of now Jack Hylton show at London Palladium. Beer consumption in Germany if last nine months increased by 39> 000,000 gallons. Two German pictures, rieseni*. not' and 'Der Ammerikoenlg,' nixed by Italian censor. Edward Stirling and his En Players touring the provinces; rent ln ; Hamburg. Gerald: Morlce, manager of Brit* ish Puppet and Model Theatre Guild, here from London. 'Accent on Youth' (Par) opened at Atrium, dubbed 'Eine Frau von 20 Yahren' ('A Woman of Twenty', -Comedian'Harmonists, one of th* numerous copy acts of the Revellers, changed their name to Meister Sex- tet. Albert theater, Dresden, formerly the Royal Playhouse, now playing vaudeville, the only vaude spot in Dresden. johann Strauss' operetta, *Wald- raelster,' composed in. 1838 when th* maestro was already .71, revived at the Plaza. Egon Heinemann back .from lengthy tour in England; .going to Blackpool again for a season with outdoor act. Carl Hans Grovermanr composer of 'Medea' and 'Die Heilige Not,' has finished a new opera, 'Narr in Pur- pur' ('Fool in Purple'). Circus Carl Hagenbeck, now in winter quarters, contracted for Frel- markt, Bremen, following a season at Scheveningen, Holland. ..'Der Nachbar zur Linken* ('The Neighbor to the Left') is a new Heinz Steguweit drama at the Mannheim National theatre. Bernard Shaw's 'Candida' here in two languages, in German at the Deutesehes theater and English at the Theater Saarlandstrasse. Schumann equestrian family claimed to be the oldest circus dynasty -in Europe. Schumann Brothers -have their own circus in Copenhagen and Stockholm. 'Der Tot der Antigone' ('Anti- gone's Death'), drama by Houston, Steward Chamberlain, will be pre- miered at Landes theater, Detroold; during. Richard Wagner Festival Week. Syndlcat shooting a Zeppelin film, depicting the life and work of th* late Count Zeppelin. Deal completed after arrangements with Cserepy are settled. Zepp works at Fried- rlchshafen -will co-operate with Zepp museum and old Zepp models. Budapest By E. P. Jacobi Laszlo Fodor settling down Budapest for good. Gustav Froelich bought an estate of 250 acres near Budapest. Elisabeth. Bergner intends to play Lezso Slenory's 'Louise Bodnar,' current here. 'Empress Josephine,' Imre Kal- man's new musical to be performed at Vigszinhaz. 'Orgy Co., Ltd.' Is title of Count Theodore Zichy's novel dealing frankly with Budapest night life. Police seized all copies. Fearing state-subsidized National Theatro will again grab best talent from independent stages, like it did last year, producers are contracting members for the 193G-37 season. Aiital Neirieth, National's man- ager,' buck from Berlin, where he arranged to perform Hans Johst's drama 'Thomas Paine' in Budapest if Berlin will put on the Hungarian classic 'Tragedy of Man.' Another theatre in the red is th Kiraly, which gave : two daily per- formances, at low prices,-of old op- eretta revivals, producer Spitz, an Austrian, has disappeared, and com- pany now on its own, ivith Imve Farkas, playwright, actitig as man- ager. Madrid Munoz y Maestre newest local film disti'ib. Paulina Singerman guest of liter- atis' Pen Club. Federico Fernandez new manager for Klang film. Juan Brasa p.a. for MGM's Capi- tol theatre here. Peter Lorro plx drawing bigger all the time here. Florian Rey megging 'Morena Clara' for Clfesa, starring Impevlo Argentina. Exclusivas Fehrei'e y Blay, distrib. upplng Its capital iand changing its name to Ediciones y Distribuciones Cinematdgraficas. Isldro Socias and Juan ParelladM finished shooting 'Inccrtidumbrc' Story by Francisco GIbert, with vix*' including Hilda Moreno.