Variety (Mar 1936)

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78 VARIETY TIMES S QHARE Wednesday, March 4, 1936 East Mrs. Viola F. Raphael wins her libel suit against Mrs. I^ucy. Cotton Magraw. Gets tliei technical six cents damages. ' Katharine Cornell gets degree of Doqtor of Letters from University of ; .Wisconsin;. Will receive citation aird diploid'in June; '." . ', ' Lily Pdns but of'the "Met Thurs- day. , Laryngitis. Was to have been her finale in the regular season. Pof the first time in his. <fl) years on the-stage William Gillette, did a Sunday show (1) tp let employed actors get a chance to see the play. Salmaggi moves his opera season at the Hollywood, N. Y., from March 6 to 21. Doesn't want to buck the •Met. ' Joan Warner's fine of $3.30 for :nude dancing in Paris sticks in French . supreme, court, but pro- prietor's fine reduced from 200 to 50 francs. A. T. & T. finally gets permission to. run that coaxial cable between .•N.-T, and Phila. To be partly.used : for television tests and. to be. open to all experimenters. American Arbitration Association finds for. Stephen Gross and- Mrs.- -JRoot, authors of 'Oner Good Tear,'- in their complaint against . Al Rosen,- who produced.' Agree that serted lines and employed an actor not acceptable to the authors. He is ..given, until March 10 to remedy- the offenses. Their yvsxt. choi'e is the consideration this week of the charges of. Shea ...and . Raymond,' ' vaude : teainy v.agaitisit George White.; Claim they had a; run-of-play con"-' . tract, but got bounced. White sug- gested arbitration. -Elizabeth MiehL has renewed her, 'opti'bri'oh.'Fire-Across the Skyj but ■will not.produce until next season; 'Co-respondent- Unknown-' a show next Sunday. (S)- for the Stage Relief-Fund,..,-'. - : Catholic- Bishops, c o m ml t't e e; against/Federal censorship. F,ears • too much politics. Suggests public: opinion as"a safer guide. John Krimsky; chduffeuring 'Mur- dey at -the Old- Red Barn/;, plans to? make one serious production next season. Association of Foreign Corre-{ spondents tendered- a .luncheon to , Samuel Goldwyn in N. T. last . Thursday". . Smith & Ayer, who did 'Paroiell,' to cha'nce. it again with r *Left Tur .' pue in abdut three weeks. Starting Tuesday of Easter Week; 'Boy Meets GhT will give a daily matinee. Asa Etherldge, musician, drew 16 days in the coop Thursday. (27> on a bit and. run charge. Struck a man and knocked him into the. gut- ter Oct. 23. When arrested he ex- plained the-sight :ot blood made him News From the Dailies This department contains rewritten theatrical news items as published during the Week in the daily papers of New York, Chicago, San Franasco, Hollywood ahi : London,'' -^'arttiy takes no credit,for these news items; each has been rewritten from a daily paper. 111. Wanted to pay a fine, but the judge said jail. Supreme Court Justice McGeehan Signed an order authorizing service In Los Angeles pn Mae West in the suit of Frank Wallace, who says he Is her husband. Plaint asks that she be enjoined from denying that he is her husband or saying she is not .married. Further asks that ho be declared her husband and that any divorce existing be voided on the grounds of non-service. Nine candid camera operators fined $2 each and ordered to turn in their cameras in West Side court Thursday. Judge complained, street snaps -might cause domestic troubles If a husband was-photoed with an- other ; woman. Merchants made cojmplaint because discarded cards Uttered their sidewalks. Paul Cunningham in $500. .bail for trial: Monday (9) on a charge of drunk driving. His car .collided With a truck Monday (9). World-Telegram -going to a. six- section, five-cent 'paper, weekends. First issue last Saturday 1 . Holdover of • 'Follow the Fleet' gives Music" Hall' production-heads, a chance: for vacations. Leop. Leoni David Wark Griffith got a Kentucky divorce from his wife, Linda. Local law accepts five-year separation as proper grounds and he says they parted in 1911. says they parted in. 1911.' Then he married Evelyn Marjorie Bald-' win, 26. D. A. Doran relinquishes options on 'Rats of Norway/ 'Mad Morning' and 'Lucrezia Borgia.' Still holds Wild Justice' and 'Penny Wise/ Community Music School, cam- paign fund up to. $67,774, but that's hot evert the- halfway mark. United Artists invited the report- ers to come and see 'Modern Times' along wtth\a bunch, of kids who were too young to have seen 'City Lights/ Idea was to note their, re- actions,, but. they did not react strongly. Capitol, N, T.v offering $2,100. in 133 cash prices for best-names for a dress worn by Myrna 1 Loy. 1 Howard Chenery follows 'The Devil of PelTLing' wlth 'The Fourth Generation! and. . 'Always Good Morning.' To. try: them out in his Kalamazoo straw hat this summer. Railroad fares go to two-cents a mile except on speed* trains, 'but doff and the Mrs^to Florida to join cents if they ride the pullmans. the Erno. Rappees;-: Hattie Rogee and., her husband, Willis ; Conklin, southern cruising, while. ; Gene Sny-' der, boss of: the Jjtocke.fctes, hopes to. make B^whuda* and' back;- Police invaded AJvln, theatrical, hotel, Wednesday—night: and rah it for a time, arresting 16 men arid a. woman, charged with a series of. safe-, robberies in Queens: Nine- held' •for the lineup, still protesting, their innocence. Report gives new B'way busses: 50% more patronage than the street- cars they' replaced. Judge Nolan, of Westchester County, -holds void- the regulations, barring import of liquors across the Connecticut state line. . RIalto, N. Y., to get an ad- vertising sign oh:the roof. It will be 80 feet high; or five feet higher than that on the" old New-York-Criterion site. Will also have a traveling hews bulletin 230 feet long. For a whiskey company. Frederick Muschenheini, of Astor hotel, celebrating his 65th birthday, told reporters that he .believed Times Sq. and that sector in gen eral, was,due for a big advance. Coast i immniiuiiiMHiiittiiimiiii iiiiiMiirfmniiu [.riiiiiitiintitiMtiiiiitiiMitiniiuiiiitiiiHtiiiitiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiitMii ibtiHiiimimHrtttiiimrauiiMUirTiUMiiui iniimnimiiniiirit»wiii . imirtim'iiii|iiinnBi"ni iitiiiliiiti tt'tiiiiiuiuiiiiiit«iiiiiii(iiiiiiiiiuiimiUiiaH<iiiHtiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiwiii'iitiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiHiin(iuiiiit ft 5 .iJiiiiMiiMimniiiiiimmmntiiiiiiMiithiiMiiiinimiiiUm 3 inhn ntiiiMiiiiilii(iiiimniiOiuiHriitiMi(iuiti immkuiimilnii MlimniiiinMiHiiiiinrMmHihirtiiiMmimmnHuiiiim v7? & 1$ j, PARAMOUNTSi Sylvia Sidney - Fred MacMurray and ] Jty?nry- Fonda in "THE TRAIL OF THE LONESOME PINE!' QN THE STAGE;: Eddie Dufchln and | His Orc-Iielski'a', wttii Pickens Sisters. 5th SMASHING WEEK CHARLIE CHAPLIN in "MODERN TIMES" R i VOL! C»ntlnuoU» irbm ir-.TO- MidnlU Showt ItU Av. & 5Qth 8t. ROXY ALL OKc TO Walter HuntoiL us "RHODES' Stagf^—In Person PINK* TOMM2N' Stuart fc Lea, jlguw Jaoloon, Gae Faster Girls, Many Others. Freddy Mae'x & Roxy Rhythm .Orch. cflnr° MUSIC HALL ih. 8tr««t and 0th Avenue Fred ASTAIRE, Ginger ROGERS " .■ In; . '.•EOLtOrt', *I|E/' FLEET" 'JlilSlc and iLyrlCs by Irving Berlin , JO) .BKO Ileditt PJrUife ■ Ihi- Staaa: *'2B3fc"- Ruwell, Mark- arl's dUertlnt "nifavle* W th» Tutiu-a, in -fou< mnit. with fi ueid- Hall tait. 8yfl*jhaT)y Oreh, CAPITOL ' OliABK' JEAN . MXRXA GABLE HARLOW LOY VWIFE \.H. SECREXARU'" —COMING SOON-r- Rob't. Myrna MONTGOMERY tOl' -PETTICOAT FEVER*'- 4iM %tmtn « sMaMrAr . —O.N STAGE—. Jimmy SAVO —Frances ARMS —ON SCREEN— Jeunette MacDonald Nelson EDDY "ROSE MARIE" Coming Frldriy, March 6 -JACK BENNY—In Person TRANO B'WAY f. 4 7TH 23e' to 1 P.M. — Midnight Shew BORIS KARL0FF in "The. Walking Dead" with Rlcnrtlo. Cortez—Edmund Gwenn— ~ Mftrjr.uerHe' ChurtfJilll Warner IJroa. Parade of Chills find Thrills Hollywood Scouts Hollywood, Maich ft Fashion scouts have been lnstaUed in HollyAvood by several'New i'ork garnient manufacturers to spot new creations -that might lead to prac- ticaltogjs for the femme trade. Scouts get their advance flash of nevr "creations at ' pi'e-vj'ew.'j and duplicate conies of parmcnts -arn on market long before relea«>. Alia Nazlmova being sued in White Plains for $.30,000. • Suit dates back . to.-Sent.,. -.34," -when her . car struck and 'killed, two . little . .boys, jler." chauffeur .^as' driving. Mrs. A. (J,. Buchsbaum, one of the audience at 'First - Lady' at" the Music Box, Friday night. In. the lobbyy after the. first apt, her'dress became ignited - from • a match'' or cigarette .and she was. enveloped in flames, which were put out by. her- husband, and Buddy McCarthy, an usher. In Polyclinic . hospital with second degree tourns of body and legs. Benny Fields and his wife, Blos- som Seele'y, in the debtors' dunk in N. T. Assets of $260. each. He owes $13,361 and she is back $8,000. Fields explains it's a legal technicality to keep, a few minor creditors • from coming in on him too hard now that he's a hit. Adds all debts will be paid. Men stopped working on 'Danger, Men Working.' .Closed a second try ih Phila. and : brought into N. T. for. possible script and cast changes. - Wilhelm Firtwaehgler: to crack the. whip over the N k T» Phil- harmonic Symphony next year, vice TbscahJnl.. Will conduct the first i2 weeks of the new season. Bronislaw Huberman lost his $30,000 strad. Taken from his dress- ing, room at Carnegie Hall, Friday, While he was on the stage. Players In ,'Boy' Meets Girl' got salary boosts last -week.' Police- failed to convince police justice that alleged nudity,in French Qasinpr'8hbta.Is-ot>jec'tipnable.: - '.'j Atlantic. City,'designates a diittip-. ing .ground for' autos - .and other heavy ,junk 11 miles'off shore. Idea Is that It' t Will form;a' flshihg bank in two -or three • years. N Flre commissioner after- N.. l Y theatres for fire' haz?:ards. After- math of recent holocaust. New York. motion. picture critics pin the laurels on Grarbo.and tiauigh- tpn' for the best" performances, of 1935. Consuls General of their respective .countries received the awards on performers' behalf. Park Commissioner Moses ad- vocates small fees for use of, city bathinp: beaches, swimming pools and srblf links to help pay upkeep. Billy Rose due back from Holly- wood today after • a- conference with RICO, but npt 'about 'Jumbo.' Wilfrid Pelletier. of Met. op., N. Y. prlven honorary degree of Doctor of Music bv University of Montreal. Earl Carroll reported to he figur- ing takinpr over the Warner Holly- wood. N. Y., and giving it his name. Strike of apartment house service men stopped elevators S'-iday (1). Some hotels and restaurants also lost waiters and cooks. Gus Edwards plans to open the Broadway with- a 'revusical* in April. Will try out new faces and material on a sort of amateur night idea. Mary Ellis mav be prima donna of 'White Horse -Tavern' if Rowland Stebbins produces next season. George Abbott, working on ht« Markless version of 'Uncle Tom's Cabin' will also use - bloodhounds when Eliza crosses the Ohio.- Usually great danes are carried. Aimee Weber, prez of National Housewives, Inc.. urging recording of all radio broadcasts as a guard against libelous attacks. A. Jj. Jones and Morris Green giv- ing heavy thought to a spring edition of 'Greenwich Village Fol- lies.' v - Sam Grigman says he expects to put 'Tobacco Road' out for a 40- week tour next season; Met. op. stage manager, refused to put electric fans in Fafner. the. dragon used in the Ring, but re- moved' 75 pounds of padding. The 11 stage hands who work inside the monster complained tho ptoani pip? made his- Innards too ivaim, , Retrial of Busby Berkeley on three charges of second degree murder postponed In L. A. Superior Court until April 6 at request of dance director's attorney. Year of litigation ended when Betty Boyd settled her $80,000 prop- erty settlement suit against Charles Henry Over, Jr.,. her former hus- band, out of court for $25,000. Suit for divorce filed in Jj, A. by Maude Wiiyne Walker, former screen actress, against Johnny Walker, film actor. • Daughter of Virginia Bruce and late John Gilbert threatened by kid- napers. L. A. police believe It to be work of a crank. Divorce filed "in Reno by Mrs. Ruth Thomas Fltzpatrlck. against James A. Fitzpatrick>' travelogue producer. ,. , Five-year probation given Ray Keowh,' accomplice ' In Bank Night fraud, by I#. A. »court. Ringleader of gang drew 20-year, sentence. Will of Alexander Pantages, leav- ing complete estate-, to widow, filed for- probate: in L. A. court. Value placed on estate is only $10,000.. Mairgaret Sulla van announced her Intention to divorce William Wyfer following separation; . En route to. Hollywood from Brooklyn, Gloria Shea, screen actress, injured ih auto crash near Abilene, Texas. " Siht Millard, Frisco burlesque manager, preferred charges against Ada Brackett, San Diego Expo nudist queen, for stealing costumes, which she. denied. Vivian Duncan Asther ordered by L.A..court to pay $1,245 back salary to Mischa Guterson, who arranged 27. numbers for. her and .instructed her in leading a band. Charging fall from horse caused by faulty paraphernalia, left her permanently injured, Helen Hender shot, trick rider, filed $50,000 damage suit in L.A. against Tom Mix Clr cus and Wild West Show. George Raft and Virginia Pine an pounced intention to wed as soon as Miss Pine's, divorce is final. Herman Hubler, last of gang of four convicted of defrauding thea tres in Bank Night conspiracy, given one to ten years in San Quentin by L. A. court. Out of court settlement of $8;500 closed $86,400 damage suit filed in lj. A' against Hal Le Sueur, brother of Joan -Crawford, .- by Wonian who claimed permanent injuries from auto crash. Amelita Galll Curci and husband injured in Hollywood auto accident Doreen Hamby, . carnival per- former, finished knlfe r throwing act in L. A, after being hit in thigh with piece, of cutlery. . .. .Spirit for $3,500; assert^dly due on commissions, filed in L. A. by A & A Lyons,- Inc.,' against Barbara Stan wycki Camden F. Knight,, actor, and Jean Armand, press agent,"filed suit for $139 alleged back salaries from L. A. production of 'The'Widow ; in Green,' staged by Warren Millais. Adolphe. MehJou Won $445 judg- ment against L. A. cleaning estab- lishment for theft of apparel from delivery truck. Warren Millais, i. A. theatrical producer, freed of petty theft charge brought by Jean Armand, publicity man, and Camden Knight, actor, for asserted unpaid salaries in con- nection with production of 'The Widow in Green.' Jack Gallagher, screen stunt man,' accused by Faith Hampton, film actress, of beating her'when she at- tempted to break up fight between GaUagher, and her escort. Sheila Mannors reported to L. A. police theft of $3,000 in clothes and jewelry from her Beverly Hills home. Vera Reynolds, screen actress, faced contest of her divorce suit by Robert Ellis, actor. 'Antife (Continued from page 4) in both papers, leading off their afla with..a. jsphjsh. on the. .Bowes, unit and referring to the pic as a 'big feature attraction.' In a red hot editorial today the American probed into Miss West's theatrical career, ./highlighting the arrests in. 1927 and.'1930. resulting from her appearances in 'Sex* and Man.' Potent line in •The play (Klondike produced by Para- 'The Pleasure the editorial: Annie') was mount.' The editorial was.headed 'Filth on Stage and Screen.' Opening business at the Met was best In weeks. Day before, the American lam- basted^ the Soviet clip in the most recent ' issue of 'March, of Time/ Which played the Keith Memorial two weeks ago; and Is now playing in subsequent • runs in the Boston area. An editorial branded the clip as 'pure propaganda for Stalin's second five-year plan.' incoln, Alio Lincoln, March '3. Declaring -^it 'unfit' for youhg people, County Attorney Max Towlo notified the Stuart- theatre here to- day that an immediate injunction would be lodged against them If attempt is made to show 'Klondike Annie.' It has been under fire of local women's clubs and various charity organlzations,- Helps to a Record Syracuse, N. Y., March 3. Hearst's 'Journal-American.' hay- ing refused to accept RKO-Schine Keith's copy for 'Klondike , Annie* went after the picture editorially hammer and tongs bran it 'im- moral indecent film.' 'Journal' handled the picture wholly in its editorial columns with- out calling upon its critic, Franklin H. Chase, to go oh . record under his signature.- The other dailies, benefiting by in- creased advertising, gave the picture routine attention but the critical reaction differed markedly. Con-, troyersy had the natural result the picture opening to a few. dollars under the record gross rolled up during the early winter by Major Bowes' Amateurs. ENJOY HOTEL PARIS TRIPLE VALUE RQONU-u B&tH RADIO FREE USE Of FROM POOL WEEKlt Here is New York's best bet for people in show business. Only 12 min- utes from Times Square. HOTEL PARIS 97th St. ft West End Ave. New York City A Knott Hotel BBBBS Preferred by FOLKS Many artiste of the stage and screen make The Belvedere their headquar- ters in New York • 400 large outside rooms (12x20)...each with bath and shower...serving pantry with plete hotel service • Daily rafes...from $2.50 single, $3.50 double. Special weekly and monthly rates to theatricals. • HOTEL BELVEDERE IOSEPH C. REYNOLDS • MANAGING DIRECTOR 319 West 48th Street; New York • Phone PEnn. 6-5900