Variety (Mar 1936)

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We&*s<fe; March Iff, 193« n a it t o VARIETY' 49 Here and There Tom Revere, Benton & Bowles radio, chief, back from Bermuda ^vhere he went swimming once In ft n indoor pool . D. 'Plug' Kendrick and family, WIRE. Indianapolis, oft on a vacash in> the South. Jack Coitello, formerly of KSTF, St. Paul, and. John Fraser, 'formerly w ith New England stations, Join- ing: the NBG mike staff in New York and. bringing the total* up •'to-'26. incent Grogan is a new mem- ber of the 'Health: Hunters' sketch- ing, weekly over WGY, Schenec- tady. Unit also waxes, for 10-min- ute discs- broadcast oyer a string; of; upstate stations; John. ShtnardV 3rf» President of the Yankee Network, celebrates his 60th birthday on, March 19. ..Linus Tra«er«» Director of Com- mercial Productions of The? Yankee Network, is In. Chicago oh business. Carl Ravazza and Frank Barton have; been added to> the Tom Coak- ley St.. Francis aggregation, for their Coast-to-Coast broadcasts. Jerry Latter,, guesting with. Care- free Carnival over NBC ■ get" over ea well that; they're, inviting him back- again. KSFO, San Francisco;. ..reports Reginald Sharland: recuperating In 'Death Valley sunshine,, and; that Jack Winston's troupers are still ini Texas, playing the Blackstone In Fort Worth. Bill Cooper dishing up a. script show for the Chicago, Burlington &. Quincy rattler system* Marlon and dim Jordan, hitting the Chicago territory with personal ap mqbile crash near Rensselaer, ., Sunday morning (15). Irha .Phillips scribbling 'Black Earth.' show for Kellogg which is figuring on WMAQ, Chicago, spot. Ann Courtney readying to add the other ring to that engagement linger. Hilda Woehmeyer on continuity at WOWO-, Fort Wayne. Garry Carter, of CKCL, Toronto, is looking for a bluesrsihger. Cameron Gaddes leaves Toronto area to warble over CKNX, Wing- ham. Sopnano Dot Shepherd has been signed; by Al Savage for his revue series over CKCL, Toronto. Don RomansJIi tunssters return to CKCL, Toronto, after long ' ab- sence^ Martha Burke gives up idea of' a femme band but has her male mu- sicians on CKCL, .Toronto. Baritona VYiahart Campbell has assembled, his own orchestra and will conduct as well as sing on- :a new. series over G2FRB, Toronto. NBC cqntinuing Its Chicago economy drive and now- using- one secretary instead of. two in the exec halL series by Alma Dettinger,- at WICC, Bridgeport. Charley Stark, of WIP. Philly, announcing staff, goes to WMCA, New York, stepping in footprints already .set by Bob Carter, Jack Vincent and. Glen Parker. Mauris Jacobs back In Chicago-- after a southern, tour. John chess. Ashen hurst is learning Harold Ogdan, of Hartford Times sports staff, doing, weekly school and college sport round-up at WTIC under sponsorship of Na- tional Typewriter. Warren Chamberlin authored new Monica Leonard*, of the Piano Pals, broadcasting oh a WG-Y, -Sohenectary •commercial; suffered bruises about both legs in an auto- Dolarea Hanford and Oscar Sea- holm opened Monday (16)- in: 'Balnv bow's End/ new script and music WFBL, Syracuse, New York, has added Dorothy Lane to take over scheduling of programs with KardeX system. Takes work off shoulders of Assistant Program Director Thelma Jean MacNeil* M". R. Williams, WFBM. Indian- apoliS) chief engineer, hopes to have the 6,000-watt plant working by May 1st. Dixie' Wilson- turning out the scripts far Palmolive-Feet's 'Goose Greek Parson' on coast. Joa Gottlieb replaces Allen Scott as assistant program .director of WCAU, Philly. Rav. Robert; Fraser, blind evan- gelist, celebrated 11th anniversary on: air with . broadcast over *WIPi Philadelphia. John. Groller, Jr., and John. Van S&nt, latter, previously with WRAK, Williamsport, added to thee an- nouncing staff at WCBA-WSAN, Allen-town (-Pa.). . Roy Carter, band leader and former organist of the Cine Ollmpia, slated- for a series of organ recitals over XBB, Mexico City, Mexico. Edgar Welch,, heretofore, with - Co- lumbia Concerts and. previously with the Bangor Daily Commercial, now* on, the Maine 1 Radio News Service- at WLBZ, Bangor. Leo. Lp rente added- to- the sales taff at KTTJL, Tulsa. William Rambeau, radio station rep, scheduled to speak on 'Spot Radio, and Its Uses' before the Ad- vertising Club of Indianapolis on Thursday (12). i WJ A^r Gleyejand,_. is ^g yjfi fr^te * Ta?B^r v ^frteW*wlfWn fc iEwo months. Frank A.. Arnold, once director of development for NBC and later a radio, consultant, has been elected Nobody's Satisfied in France; Job-Holders, Job-Seekers Squawk And the PuUic Is Displeased vice-president and associate di.- rector of the Institute of Public Relations, newly formed public re-jj lations outfit. Chat Zohrr of WTAM, Cleveland, doubling on Irene Taylor's hour under monicker of Doug Mizoh. Edith Wheeler promoted to as- sistant program director of WTAM, Cleveland. Norman Banks from Australia studying American radio methods during visit to. Cleveland. is Farr, William Esty agency; has resigned to join Time magazine. Station WSB, Atlanta Journal's 50«-000-watt NBC outlet, was 14 years- old Sunday (16). Lee Reese, formerly of: WIBW, Topeka, joined sales, staff KARK, Little Rock, last week. To mi Jaeohs, KGHI, Little Rock, departed for Houston, Texas. Jack Lewis, imported from New York, to head; continuity department at KARK, Little Rock. Kfarjorie Wright, assistant to pro- gram director at WGST, Atlanta, has. been ordered to hospital for three weeks to rest from nervous condition, John* Fulton* announcer, is substituting. Alan Jones will sub for Dick Pow ell on Hollywood Hotel until emcee warbler recovers fro m—*. - .. •—- iMXMfwia*'^"""'"" Utica Jubilee: Singers, Negro spiritual, quartet, failed to- reach Regina in time for much advertised (Continued oa page 5l> 'Paris, March 8. Broadcasting by Government net- work of shows at the big four French State theatres» Opera, Opera Comique, Comedie Francaise and Odeou, has meant nothing but head- aches since it started in. mid- Feburary. Stunt was first devised as a means of providing enough revenue to the Comedie Francaise. to keep the ace national troupe together. The other three of the Big Four soon proved they needed help as badly as the Comedie, and got in on the proposition. Now all the performers in France who don't belong to the big -four are kicking that they're being dis- criminated against. And they're the old timers that: took the- knocks to build up French radio v they con- tend, . % so they ought to get some of the gravy.. Arid the Big Four performers are kicking, At the Comedie, in particular, special, rules were is- sued' to keep the players on the job, and away from film and road dates, so- as to- make it possible to broad- cast a show every night The actors, '. art first, overjoyed at the move to savfr their , troupe, now find they Used to- make more with outside en- gagements than they can, get Out of the radio. Listeners of the IB stations in the web are kicking too. They like Opera and Moliere fine, they- say, hut they'd, also- lika to havd a little . time and money devoted to their stations to- put on something of local interest.-.Since the listeners are officially grouped in councils which are supposed' to have some run the- stations; this means some- thing. Union des Artistes, (French ' Equity) has put in a powerful kick, 'and. means to follow it 'through. is a special situation." We came forth with that brilliant phrase in talking with an Advertiser just the other day. He laughed as we went on to say that WLW cannot he compared to any other broadcasting station. And we couldn't blame him for laughing, when he explained that he was completing a swing around the country to buy time; and that he had been confronted with the same remark in every station he visited. We mean jus£ one thing when we use that worn phrase in describing WLW. The "special situation" with regard to WLW is the fact that a majority of the listeners throughout many important markets habitually tune first to WLW, and our programs give them no reason toleave "70." We can word the thought better by saying that over the widest area covered by any single broadcasting station, the odds are att in favor of the advertiser whose program is on WLW —where they tune first. This particular advertiser got that idea right away, and we got the order. We don't know whether to say that WLW is a "super-special situation" or whether to call it "the sum of many important situations," but we do know that radio advertising without WLW is nowhere near what it is with WLW. THE C R O S L E y RADIO CORPORATION, CINCINNATI