Variety (Mar 1936)

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52 VARIETY New Business (Continued from page 4C) Saturdays only, starting May 23 and ending August 15, through Mitchell Faust, Chicago. WNAC. General Mills (Wheatles), 65 quar- ter-hour E. T., five times weekly. Ending June 5, through Blackett, Sample & Hummert, Chicago. WNAC. /. J. Fox Co., 26 15-minute .pro- grams, twice weekly. Direct. WNAC. ' Daggett Chocolate Co., 33 15-minr ute programs, Mondays only, ending. October 19, through Harry M. Frost, Boston. WNAC. ' J?. G. Sullivan Co. (7-20-4 Cigar), 120 thirty - word announcements, daily except Saturday, ending July . 19, through Broadcast Advertising, Boston. WNAC. Massachusetts Wharf Coal Co.. 208 30-word announcements, five times weekly, starting September 1 and ending April 30, 1937, through Ellis, Boston. WNAC. Fels <£• Co., 156 15-minute programs three times weekly, starting Feb. 17 ALE XANDER GR A V 'Terformance by Chrysler" A CBS Super Air Show EVERY THURSDAY At 8 p.m., EST COAST-TO-COAST Per. Mgt. CBSl ARTISTS BUREAU BARRIE "GEORGE WHITE'S SCANDALS" Bole Direction, HERMAN BERNIE, 1619 Broadway, New York BEN AY YENVTA Back in New York 6 P.M.TUESDAY 10 P.M. SUNDAY W ABC—and Entire Columbia Network Exclusive Management CBS ARTISTS BUREAU Personal Management JULES ALBERTI. 515 Madison Ave. New York City and ending Feb. 12, 1937. Through Young & Rubicam, \ Y. WNAC. Block Drug Co. (LaBlanche Face Powder), 30 participations in The Yankee Network News Service, daily except Saturdays and Sundays, endu- ing April 10. Through Redfleld & Johnstone, N. Y. WNAC. Penn Tobacco Co, (Kentucky Win- ners),. 144 10-minute pi-ograms, dally except Sundays, starting April 13 and ending Sept.: 20. Through Huth- rauf & Ryan. WNAC. Waitid- Bond, Inc. (Quincy Cigars), 128 participations in the Yankee Net- works News Service, three times weekly. Through Batten, Barton, Durstine & Osboi'n, N. Y. WNAC. General Mills (Wheaties), 130 15- minute E.T., Ave times weekly, start- ing March 23 and ending Sept. 18. Through Blackett, Sample & Hum- mert, Chicago. WNAC. Simpson Springs Beverage Co., 18 15-minute programs, twice weekly, ending April 28. Through Ellis Ad- vertising Agency, Boston.. WNAC. Lever Brds. (Spry's Shortening), 300 30-word announcements, daily except Saturday, ending Aug. 16. Through Ruthrauf & Ryan, N. Y. WNAC. N. E. Telephone &• Telegraph Co., 100-word announcements,. Sundays only. Through Broadcast Advertis- ing, Boston. WNAC. PHILADELPHIA Wasey Products (Musterole & Ze'mo), three . 15-minute. electrical transcription periods weekly for nine weeks. . Erwin-Wasey Agency. WIP. P. . White & Co., tailors, 10-min- ute electrical transcription program, five nights weekly for 13 weeks. Di- rect, wip: PMlco Radio <£• Television Co., half- hour for amateur show Saturday nights for'one month. WIP. Spatola Importing Co., spot an- nouncements, Transradio news pro- gram . daily for five days. Adrian Bauer Agency. WIP. " Leroux Cordials, participation .In 'Classified Section of the News' 18 times a week for two weeks. Adrian Bauer Agency. WFIL. Chocolate Products Co., 'Stillicious* Adventure of Buddy and Ginger E.T. 10 minutes three times weekly for 21 weeks. J. L. Sugden Agency. WFIL. Tan Molon, Inc., Carbonate Mints, participation in 'Melody .Man' three times a week for two weeks. May Agency. WFIL. Mrs, Schlorer's, Inc., mayonnaise, 15-minute "live talent show three times a week for 13 weeks. May Agency. WFIL. Crew Levick,. motor oils, Joe Tumulty sports program, renewal, six times a week for four weeks. Cox &.Tanz Agency. WFIL. Cftpon .Water, participation in Anice Ives- program six times a week, for 10 -weeks. ' Carter-Thompson Agency. WFIL. Fritz d'LaRue, rugs,. participation In Anice Ives program twice weekly for eight weeks. Charles BlUni Agency. WFIL." Ioxoa '<Soap Co., participation In Classified Section of the News, 18 times a week for two weeks. Direct. WFIL, Shuman Bros., three 15-m?nute dramatic shows weekly for three weeks. Direct. WIP. Shuman Bros., one spot announce-, ment weekly for thi'ee Weeks. Di- rect. WIP. John Ford Seventh Day Adventlst, pickup from WOL, Washington, re- ligious program 15 minutes. Direct. WIP. ilichell's Seed House, 15-minute garden talk weekly for 10 weeks. Di- rect' WIP. Iowa Soap Co., participation in Homemakers* Club daily except Sun- days for two weeks. Direct. WIP. DENVER K & B Packing and Provision Co., lG-minute street corner broadcasts weekly; for an' indefinite time. KLZ. Fred Davis Furniture Co., two news broadcasts daily for six months. KLZ. Tivoll- nion rewing Co., 15-rain.- YOUR OLD FRIENDS THE O NE/US' MIME. %y Wm&mm*g>: NOW RADIO'S MOST POPULAR FAMILY BRINGS YOU MORE [AUGHTER "[EARS and f-| EART-THROBS Presented by Ivory Soap ■ 99 "/ioo °/o pure LISTEN 3:45-4:00 P. M.—E. S. T M WEAF . NBC Network—Coaet-to-Coa»t IN • • Every Mon., Tues., Wed., Thurs., Frl Mot. Ed Wolf, 1270.Sixth Ave., N.Y.C;—Dir. Blackman. Advertising, lnc* RADIO utes of sport news dally for six months, KLZ. Hotel Sandford, Chicago, 100-word announcement dally for 70 days. Placed through the Great Lakes ad- vertising agency. KFELrKVOD. Hotel Terminal, San Francisco, one announcement daily for 70 days. Placed through the Great Lakes ad- vertising agency. KFEL-KVOD. Denver Jewelry Co.* 100 15-minute programs over a period of eight months. Placed through the Ray- mond Keane agency. KFEL-KVOD. : Martin's & Samuel's Dress Shops, sponsorship of the 4 p.m. newscast for one month. Placed through the Ted Levy agency. KFEL-KVOD. . Ford Motor Co., sponsorship of the 11 a.m., 1. p.m., 3 p.m., and 5 p.m. newscast daily. Placed through the McCahn-Erickson agency. KFEL- KVOD. Stevens Clothes Shop, three an- nouncements daily except; Sunday for six months. Placed through th.o Ted Levy agency. KFEL-KVOD. Ideal Laboratories (Denver Mud), one announcement daily except Sun- day for one year. Placed through the Raymond Keane agency. KFEL- KVOD. Pittsburgh Plate Glass, 30-mlnute program each Sunday for 13 weeks. KOA. McCloskey Varnish Co. of Califor- nia, 28 announcements.' KOA. SYRACUSE, N. Y. General Electric (dealer), 13-week contract for transcribed 'Old Tinier' programs. Booked twice week, 9:45 p.m. WFBL. Oxydol renewal of "Ma Perkins' programs beginning April first. Agency, Blackett, Sample and Hum- mert, Chicago. WFBL. Radio Reports (Continued from page 43) was delivered by the Tulsans, 60 voices, comprised .of Tulsa business- men, and the Redmen's Glee club, a campus group. There was little or no variety in the singing, as it all sounded pretty much the same. Best of the re-enactments was the bit on Will Rogers' guest-stay with Buffalo Bill's wild west outfit when it played. Madison Square Garden years ago. Pawnee Bill now 76 years old, handled his chore ably, being assisted periodically when the stay ran over time by an announcer who also ushered in the flash-backs. Production was heavily studded with yelps, and hard-riding noises, which held authenticity because of the remote airing point. 'Home on the Range', and 'Wagon Wheels' the only recognizable tunes in the native laments. Show held interest up to a certain point and then be- came repetitious. Bral. ALLEN SCOTT News Commentator 15 Mins. SHARPLESS ICE CREAM Sunday to Friday, 11 p. m. WCAU, Philadelphia (Al Paul Lefton} Although he's been on the air four years, Allen Scott has only recently cracked real listener attention," that being on the strength of his run-in and threatened arrest some weeks asvo .by Philly's" militant Mayor Wil- son. Since that incident, he notice- ably skates clear of explosive loca'l personalities and provocative topics. A. fairly rapid spieler, Scott, verges slightly" on lowbrow appeal, using plenty of 'those guys' and similar slanguage. He's best on local inci- dents when he remains reasonably reportorial, but wades out of his depth when he gets into Interna- tional affairs and involved subjects. Then he sounds lacking in sufficient background and occasionally verges on. smugness.. Commercials, which Scott handles himself, are worked in as part of regular spiel, He goes from discuss- ing a news event, to the merits of Sharpless Ice Cream. The copy has fr/r punch but should be much more succinctly written. And, since al- most' all advertising copy has its proportion of ballyhoo, It. Weakens the conviction in his strictly news commentating. Hobe. Wednesday, March 18,1936 CARSON ROBISON'S BUCKA- ROOS Commerci iaca . 15 Mins. ZEMO and MUSTEROLE WGY, Schenectady (.Erwin-Wasey) Robison's standard entertainment of the range untracks thrice weekly on this series of discs. Continuity pictures him as a veteran ranch owner who is visited nightly by 'the kids' from an adjoining, establish- ment. This is a device to set the stage for a quarter-hour of music and talk, but it is manipulated with sufficient skill to pass muster. Robispn, with his twangy voice and homey personality, makes the West- ern atmosphere seem authentic. ' Bulk of program is devoted to barber sharp harmony of old favor- ites. Voices of ensemble blend smoothly. Roblson, afemme (Pearl), and one or two others do some solo- ing. Leader also takes a spot to yarn or recite prairie poetry. He handles this, as well as the emcee- ing and singing, in capable fashion. Warbling to guitar of piano ac- cordion accompaniment. Also a^n occasional solo well done, For en- tertainment of its kind, that pre- sented hete is above average—cer- tainly on wax. ,. , Announcer plugs Zemo, a salve for skin irritations, and Musterole, an application for chest colds, at sign on and sign off. Robison, who has worked on other niedicine- selllng salvos, plugs effectively at midway point. Joco. STRICTLY MASCULINE With Harry Morgan, Joe Bregmarjn, Irvih Kult, John Kleive, Vincent Grimaldi, Jack Delahunt, Maurice Cannelin and Norman Jackson Songs and Chatter 15 Mins. Sustaining Tuesday, 3.45 p. m. WEBC, Duluth-Superior Sub-titled kiddingly 'A program for housewives everywhere,' this stint' has. surprisingly caught the fancy of the fraus. It's probably because—in true paradoxical fem- inine manrier—the ladies'li make it a point to listen to something which has been designed especially for.the opposite sex. WEBC has long had a daily 'Strictly Feminine' program, and execs felt the rugged, sex rated at least a once-weekly break, so they introduced this idea. It's: IB minf utes of good, clean, rapid-fire fun, with a portion of: good-natured rib- bing tossed in with a lot of goofy jokes, all summing up to a jolly, carefree quarter-hour. Henry Mor- gan is emcee, and keeps things mov- ing. Music as provided by Kult, reg- mann, Kleive and Grimaldi is lively, while Delahunt and Jackson, tenor and baritone, respectively, coax nifty melodies from a pair of well - trained larynges. Rach. LAMPLIGHTIN'TIME With Hugh Aspinwall, Ramo'na Ger- ; hard Folksy songs, philosophy 30 Mins. ALADDIN MANTLE LAMP CO. Sunday, 4.30 p. m. WCCO, St. Paul-Minneapolis With the mercury In these parts htfvering hear the 35-below-zero mark for' so long all midwest weather records have gone smash, this Sunday afternoon program is as comfy as a featherbed. So nicely does the homely poetry, sjngihg of hymns and drawly style of Aspin- wall's spieling fit into the theme, of the product it tries to sell (kero- sene lamps) that one practically feels the warmth, of home and fire- side when listening to thljs stint. Reminiscent-of turkey-feather dust- ers, juicy apples in the basement barrel, stereoscopes, and over- the river- and through the woods to grandpap's house. Besides Aspinwall, Ramona Gerr hard, WCCO's staff organist, is an experienced ' performer. Likewise the Lamplighters, who sing on other days of the "week as the station's Bob O'Links. Rach. mutt started whining. What to do' Leave it to the ladles. j us i tuck him undo* the sheets with the rest of us, says she, and no sooner said than done. That brought ,on the jcommerclai on the care of dogs and how the sponsor's product is just the thing for Hector. Tabby will bo brought' in later or how else, to cue into the feline's., chow. Clever, those script, ers. Frank this nlch JERRY JOY and JUBILEERS Vocal, Instrumental Sustaining 15 Mins. WGY, Schenectady tinder this billing,, a femme singer and a small dance-orchestra group broadcast a program Of pops on a Friday supper-hour swing. Miss Joy is of the even-pitch school, with a style that is pleasing.if not origi- nal. Her interpretations of currents are okay. The instrumentalists turn in a good 'performance, considering their small membership. Would move with more zip if se- lectlqn-tabblngs were limited to ti- tles; introductions are draggy, a fault common on pop music pro- grams at WGT. Jaco. MR. AND MRS. SMITH With Georgia Fifield, Richard Le- Grand, Charlie Lung Comedy Serial 15 Min«. Tues., 7:45 p.m. MARCO DOG AND CAT FOOD KHJ, Los Angeles (J. F. Wallin) What . goes on in the average .home when the old man comes home from work just about pegs this opus. It's been done so many times there can't, be much room left in the filing cabinet to classify it. First spurt brought out the title characters and Charlie Lung mak- ing a few cartine noises. So versa- tile is this chap that in later epi- sodes he will do, among a multi- plicity of others, the part of Oscar the houseboy. He's a cinch to also do the meowing for the skit. What made the pooch sound ef- fects necessary was that the lady of the house insisted on buying a pup. Along about retiring' time the And His ORCHESTRA "ZIEGFELD FOLLIES OF THE AIR" EVERY S ATCBDAY—- W AHO 8-9 P.M., EST ■■' Columbia Network Coast-to-Coast • 4 STAR RATING FOR SOLID YEAR WA ITER Broadcantlng ivlth HELEN HAVES "THE SHOW HOAX" FRED AIJ.EN "BOOK ROGERS" "BOUHV BENSON" l'ALM OLIVE GUV LOMBAROO AMERICAN SCHOOL OF THE AIR CH&-NHC. DON NORMAN -Chicago's Leading. NEWSCASTER Williams Oil-'O-Matic (32d Wk.) Tel. WHITEHALL 4450, CHICAGO ALEX HYDE musical director WHN new york KEN ENGLUND i s now writing THE RINSO REVUE s t a r r i ri g KEN MURRAY premiere march 24 8.30-9.00 cb.s.