Variety (Mar 1936)

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TIMES SQU ABE VARIETY 69 News From Dailies TkU department contains rewritten theatrical news items as pw6- ' a^ed during the. week in the daily papers oj Nev, York, Chicago, San xZjusttca Bollywood and- London. V Ambit takes no credit for these ^gitent'a.; each haA been rewritten from a daily paper. f i East «flflltively Anal decree in the Seynolds will suit gives the ~5Result for LibbyvHolman and. SftJT tatter gets $7,00.0,000. and JSber draws $.75.0,000.. ■WFarld-Telly out Thursday with a «*»ort that Garbb and Fred Astalre Sheen offered. ?8,000.,QOO for eight JS Later editions cut to $1,000,000 See for four films from each. A^tadre is said to have refused, feel toKff need of a rest. He admits • ^statement on the. contract re- °°2utfi aet a variant to, a run of up- iid*'d«wn kids. Oakland/ Calif.; has host with his stomach in his left ^fw &. Bart in. town and remlnisc- tur aBout old times. Has a 200-acre rt^ch near Los Angeles with 32 Howes and seven cowboys. Now it's 6th ave., to- get the /•V,.|480far.. Gars withdrawn Thursday; ^fySsit Hayes renorted to be can- jeering a trip, to Australia with ^Victoria. Regjna,' -.'Ktofe Jersey theatrea faced a 10%, .^uiria the new tax. program, which. itself to almost everything, Boit by-one vote. Idifltt'* Delight" premier* moved: ftcta Monday C23): to. Tuesday. Guild needs more time to mcwte the show iafitam Pittsburgh. I .' Ittip- edition- q£ 'St* Joan' issued .^ Is illustrated with. plx. q£ Vtbfr Cornell production; . 'Biiuity diemlsaed charges of in- efficiency preferred< against 53. ■'• gU mkall , Equity's representative on. ti» WBA theatre project.. Charges .ystiKned by one inembev of- Equity and two others not affiliated;, ; Mm Toltely back- from Limnon, imnounces. he. will open: an office ... there; to operate thft-severeJ, produc- 'tfonene plans to'make there.. '. £h$ce Moore announced in De- troit abe is/gpihg. on. an artistic . strike- against Hollywood. In her test picture e*:e had to> sing 'all- day' , aitff millc a cow. Sne dldttt mind th&cow„ shfr saysj.but sinking is not % bjMhe-day. Jobi ... LUIiifui Surastein; an' art student, bought the ; millionth, ticket to 'To- bacco Jfoad' at the Wednesday mat. Given a bouquet, too., Jjernard: Thornto^ former acter and.niore recently .on PWA reereatiohal ; work,,, found' guilty of ffiisfr degnee arson at Hastmgs^on.- «pdftain and will be -. sentenced MaJ?elt.2*. Faces, term of from: one- te> ,#;yeaa?s.. Set flee to o> Christmas trea. to-.the hallway of. a house. 31Uy .Ilose. plcka Albert Johnson tp design the set for-the Ft. Worth Fron&e*j&(ay.s.., ..- .; . , If, 3*. sector of PWA theatre pro- add a radio division. To ooB^-froutfWNyc, city-owned-sta- ttabr'- ; , ' Jtoe-Gooner back in 'Scandals' «W several- day* illness' • Smith & Ayer. ha-ve 'Left Turn.' By Jean. Burton and William DuBois; Colin Gllve out of 'Libel' cast for ajjeek to, keep, a- date With some ««WtSi Minor operation necessary. CeteOJuniar. wilt pinch hit. hiW 1 " 8 Wayne replaced Muriel' Shjwt -in 'Errante' ballet .at. the ^■■Thursday, when. Miss Stuart Pecfwnelli. ^ ^/^yrlves Ruth Greenburg $1,000 or the $1*0,000. she. demanded of Ed ! WSnit fbr the, alleged care otf hie- £2*=' /Nothing: to heir husband, * ho aaked: $-16,000: . J*!*? ^ bac h. andt Frank. Mandel Iftlntw 0 J?£ S ' To produce solo, or *ml y - -"they both like a-play, it Will be a, duo;. •'Tri^ 1 ^? 1 ^ 1,3 " o£ Metropolitan ■taKS^ C W °P era «n» the Jamaica K 8 ^ se « ,tlin S' to eompeV Mira Kate —^S^L maj0Bity stockholder, to . she is building, too, big a surplus. ' SS 83 ,/ ^' Katharine SSS ~ ^ is tossing oif a little ' P^^ably for the Eunts.: !n?L h rJ 11188 McLean sell. S?? ?n m thfr * 146 - 00( ' i Hlop.e diamond »b a come-on. * Roanoke, Va., last week. Unit manager refused to let the ams play non-union house, and an at tachment was issued. Detective Edgar iNeal, Detroit ; police censor, pulled a girl out. of 'Hotcha Girls Review' last week. Married her. : Henry Forbes says he Is going to stage 'Do, Re, Mi,' by -Alladine Bell Lucrezia Bori's illness caused the 'Postponement for the gala perform .ance of 'Pelleas' at the. Met Mon day. Now carded for a special mat- inee tomorrow (Thursday). Marilyn Miller Cancels a European trip fbr a bed in the Doctors' Hos •pital. Badly run down and needs a complete rest. Uniform eight o'clock curtain for opening nights in N. Y. is on the ice. Did not work out well. Maybe next season, Randolph Echols now male un derstudy for 'Dead End,' with Julia MeMahoni the. femme pinch-hitter, except for Martha Sleeper. Latter ih&fl Helen-. Craig ready to replace her if needed. • N. T. chapter of the Dante All ghiere society made Edward John- ! son,-.oft the. Met;, hone*? guest at the reception, which; marked the- opening: of Its, new auditorium la Rockefeller Center. He brought along his chirpers and gave 'em a concert, i Jewish Theatrical Guild held memorial; services at Mt, Neboh temple Sunday (lfi^ Gilbert Miller will sponsor *Boy Meets. GtrU in London, George Abbott wilt stage B'way report has the Lunts join- ing th& 'Music Box Revue.' ; Have played with the idea before. McSorley's ale house- in East 7th street sold after being, la the family since 1875. Snake show at the Grand Central Palace starting May 8. Ph*st of its- kihd. •Libel* will be given as a benefit performance for the Stage Belief fund next Sunday (22) Bertha Kalisch will make her first B'way appearance since 1926 at her own benefit at the Majestic. tomor- row (Thursday). William. Furtwaengler declines post of leader of the N. X Philhar- monic-Symphony. Due to. the anti- Nazi crusade against his engage- ment. . ..Earl -Carroll made a personal ap- pearance at the evening "show of a department store fashion pageant Monday (16) George Abbott back from. Fla„ soon with the script of 'Sweet River,' nee 'Uncle Torii's 'Cahin.* Fair pro- duction. Police turned-up another fake< lot- tery Saturday, Known as the Monte Carlo sweep; Police charge/ no ef- forts were being made to : prepare for a' payoff. Eight men taken at two offldes. 'Mario J. Montrezza and his son, Ren6, charged - with heading the concern. Four held. First circus pite hit the N. Y.> pa- pers last Sunday. Longchamps restaurant, takes, over the former quarters of the Bank of U. Sv^at B!way and. 41st. Lease is for 21 years, with $46,000 a year for the first decade, and $5ET,000 after, plus a percentage of the gross sales. Committee reoorts- that the Will Roiwra Memoria.1 Fund now exceeds UJBOvDOO; That includes the NVA Sanitarium at Saranao and tlie $500,000. pledged by the picture in- terests for its support. Remainder is $'66,489.16 from 541,490 individual contributors. Elsie Janls had a birthdiav Mon- dav. Born in 1889, she--admits. Entire contents of Central Park. Casino, at auction- Monday (16), In- cludes even the . walls, painted by Urban. Prices were low. Jack Doyle, Irish heavyweight, booed off the stage of a Dublin, music hall Monday. Audience ob- jected to his. marriage to. a divorced woman? *i?nnn nn C ft d that N - Y - ^ buying «5£00 000 worth of Pitney hair herT^.' * Grah ^ -decliw^-. to take 0^ m ^ nC J tKOU P e to. the Berlin unco ne ?S3 atmo ^ he ^ ™«ld be »Dn-su£H?" lld t0 add * St' fe Klbe 1 S, mab Q£ 'M**** ^Ulrri; /; „ Play °P ens March 24. «n lelf? }°J lv * *■ Tuesday mat ^S^L°l St ^ »«Uef instead J " an^of£«nfi y u P ^ ed C °P brought t^nod Z. £ 81 wno his car set °«' the evlk a . se8sl< >n over WpG tossed, h' °f v ?? eedlnff - So Gn " CS Uhlt „ 4" in a jam at Harriet Hayman, Sebastian, for- mer dancer, suing Lieut. Sebastian for divorce in Miami. : Left his last year, charging he beat her. Reve- lation he was married while still a cadet cost him his seniorage. Al Woods decides, to keen 'Ni.cht of Jan. 16* on Bw.ay. indefinitely. Biz perked when strike' ended. At insistence of Theatre Guild entire house was open to Ne^i'oes for 'Porgy and Bess' in Washington. eral Court to give Carewe's attorney chance to. straighten out tangle which, it is claimed, came about thrdugh misunderstanding- oh for- eign earnings. . William T. Lackey, associate pro- ducer at. Paramount, and Bonnie Blackwood, former chorine, filed notice of intention to wed in Los Angeles. Suit filed in L. A. against Walter Wanger for $152,141 by relatives of Mrs. Lilliam Aller, killed in crash with car driven by Wafiger. Lorraine Eddy MacLean, actress- wife of Douglas MacLean, writer, filed suit for divorce in L. A. Suffering nervous Collapse, Alice Lake, former film actress, confined in Hollywood hospital. In speech to co-eds of Pomona and Scripps Colleges, May Robson said education was prime factor in stage success. Divorce granted in L. A. to Mrs. Phyllis D. Flanagan, wife of Ed- ward J. Flanagan, screen actor. Mrs. "Virginia Myer Hymer, wife Of Warren Hymer, had former hus- band, Frederick Meyer,' haled Into court; in fight oyer custody of four- year-old son. Margaret Sullavan announced In Hollywood she was divorced from William Wyler in Mexico. Albert F. Colley, astrologer, known on radio as Daddy Rango, jailed in L. A. on drunk driving charge. Irene Hervey and Alan Jones announced intention to wed as soon as actor's divorce became final. Divorce- granted in L. A. to Mar- jorie De Havens Lockwood, daugh- ter" of Carter De Haven, from Paul Lock-wood, cameraman. Superior- Judge Charles S. Bur- netii of Los Angeles, before whom Busby Berkeley was tried on (Continued on page 70) STEW IN LOVE BalUrin* Thinks That's What Was Wrong With He Who Got Slapped- ./Judge, I Imagine, he was In love- with me as he embraced me and sought to kis&.me,' aaid Sana Dante, prima ballerina at the "Russian Troyka to Magistrate Helen Cap- shaw in West Side Court, New York, when Charles W. Seaman, 28, married and jobless,, of Jackson Heights, was arraigned on a charge of disorderly conduct. 7 Hyman Kaplan, law student and accountant at the Troyka, was ar- raigned for simple assault. He was. alleged to have severely punched Seaman when the latter refused to desist his- unwelcomed attentions. Both charges Tvere 1 withdrawn and the cases were dismissed; Seaman showed that he had been thumped plenty, but he declined, to prosecute. Seaman, quite filled, with 'joy water,' centered' his unwanted at- tentions on the ballerina, He was- ejected. He returned soon after. Again he was ushered to the street and there received his 'lumps' from Kaplan* he asserted. Kaplan proudly told the court how he 'dropped' Seaman after the latter had made a 'pass'' at him. The' court scored Kaplan about his prowess. in> striking a patron, whe was under the influence of liquor. JOCK SEES DARK CLOUD MINUS SILVER LINING By JACK PULASKI Hopes of an.Englishman copping world's light-heavyweight boxing honors went glimmering Friday (13) at the Garden when John Henry Lewis, western colored fight- er, clearly outpointed Jock McAvoy in a limit contest. Latter was the best prospect sent here from Eng- land in a long time, but the wise guys had the betting odds too close at 7 to 5 on lanky colored party. Both men were vertical for the whole distance, with neither in danger of kissing the canvas at any point. Looked at first like there would be big doings, but as the rounds went on, alternating from John to Jock and' vice versa,; the scrap got monotonous. When the decision was announced there was some booing from Jock's com- patriots. The fact is that Mack started fading after the 10th round, indicat- ing that the guy is not used to the title distance (15 rounds). He was effective with left pokes, jabs and jhooks, but forgot, to use those sockoa frequently. He was hardly a whirlwind fighter against the fine- ly set up Lewis. Lewis- Improves ; Lewis is a heap much better ; scrapper, than in the Braddock bout —he forgot to duck, and few rings- men cam take- Braddock'a straight right smash. But he was plenty- wild against McAvoy. JOck crouched and weaved while John Henry lashed out swings that never even touched "him. There was some chance of Lewis dropping his crown, by the number of misses alone. At times he seemed to be shadow box- ing. It was figured that on his show- ing in two previous appearances at the Garden, Jock had climbed into the moneyi'Friday's attendance was the best of the winter and at, $10. top—double the usual, ante—the: Britisher cut himself a good: chunk of coin. He plana going back home' and boxing Jack Peterson, for the European light heavy title,, but over here he should stick to the middle- weight division. There will be no pro fights in the Garden until May 8j when Tony Canzonerl will step out of his dt" vision, to, mix it up. with Jimmy McLarnin. In between the Ringllng clrcusr will occupy the place,.' but first the' Golden inter-city (New York-Chicago) amateur, flghta-. will be staged by the Daily News. That card is. sure of capacity. Lift Strike Settlement Expected to Reflect Favorably on B way Settlement of the building service strike is expected to reflect favor- ably for Broadway show business. The nlteries, especially, suffered with the edicts In many apartment houses that the emergency elevator service was operating only 11.30 p.m. or midnight. The Times Sq, office buildings that were hit by the strike towards flie tag end of the general walkout are now normal. Only the hotels are now affected, through being part of a special group that has refused to submit to arbitration. RK'O and RCA buildings in Radi City, maintained uninterrupted ser- vice during the elevator strike. The operators have their own union, not connected with the AFL operators' union, and were not forced to walk out.. Building superintendents saw that they had plenty of protection just in case the union men out on strike attempted to interfere. Wide Open Seattle Seattle, March 17V John Dbre,. re-elected mayor after being defeated two years ago, says he will give Seattle Sunday beer and' wine. His victory is looked upon as in- dicative of an open 1 town, with the sporting element supporting him. Ex-Actor Convicted Of Firing Apt. House Bernard Thornton, 67, ex-actor and former WPA recreational in- structor, was- convicted Wednesday (11) by a jury before Judge. Wil- liam Allen, in General Sessions N.Y. of the charge of arson. He will' be sentenced March Zi,. when lie can be given a, maximum term of '40- yeans. Thornton ^et. fire to- a discarded Christmas tree^ in the halliWay ' of ■ an apartment house at 153 w: 16th st.,. N.Y., early Jan. 14* Taxi di-iver put out the blaze. Thornton did not take- the stand in his own- behalf. He had pre- viously- told the' police his mind had been a blank since before the first of the year. MARRIAGES Dorothy. Lee, film actress, to . A. G. Cox Atwater, vice president of William Wrigley Jr. Co., ift Crojyn Point,'. Irid;, March 7; Harriett Goodman, receptionist for Iowa Broadcasting System, to Geo; Engelter h traffic manager, KSO and KRNT, in Leon,, towa, March 7. Roberta Beatty, actress,, to Julian Cohen, Montreal mining engineer, Jan. 9", In Rochester; Cecil Eiseman to Myron Dattle- baum, of Columbia trailer depart- ment, March 14, in Los. Angeles! Grace Hardlngham to William Weldori, Jr., in Plainfield, N. J., Mar. L4". Groom is with J'oltir31a1r- & Co., radio station reps. Adelaide Thompson to Guy Kings- ford, film writer, March 14, in Los Angeles. ■ T'-iiirTi i , n , "nli"i'ii-iin--vrn , i-iii" i iiiTiri m iMi r ^ii , ii wMii4'w ff New York Theatres ■ iu^Hm utt««fftimniiHitwm«uuwW ' fi " .4hniHiunittuwuumittMi iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiwiiiiiiiiiiMiiiwiiiii'iuiiiuBuiiiniiiiiiiiiiiU'i iii<iipiiiiiHHnHHriii^niHniMmmmn<LH^miiuiiitHiiimiitMiwiii^ f mil uiiniiuiuMmuilmmiijHimiHiHHiHl^iiUHiuhiiuiiHM iiiftnUniitfiiiutimiMiuuiiiiii Coast Residence established in Reno by Mrs. Barbara Loew, reported with intention to divorce Arthur M. Loew. L- A. court decision cleared Claudette Colbert of blame in $1,600 auto damage suit. J.uanita Hansen,, former film slnr, called a,s witness in ci'ab. murder trial in- L. A. Jimmy Nelson, screen actor, at- tempted suicide by poison in L. A> downtown theatre. He will recover. Charges brought against Edwin Oarewe in 1932 for nllopred Jnfoine tux evasion dismissed In L. A. Fed- BIRTHS Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hasein.: n, daughter,. March 8, in Akron. Father on staff of WADC, Alcron. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne King, son, in Chicago, March 8. Father is orchestra leader. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Miller, daughter, Feb. 19, in Topeka, Kans. Father is manager of Fox-Midwest theatre, Marshall, Mo. Mr- and Mrs. Harrison Carlisle, daughter, March .10, in San .Fran- cisco.. Father is with Claude Sweet- eit's orchestra. Mr. and Mrs. Larry Fine, son, March 15, In Los" Ahg^iss. "Father is One of the Three'Stooges. (How- ard, Fine and Howard). Mr. and Mrs. Lee Cxarmea, daugh- ter, Feb. 27, in London. Father is cameraman -director, now w i t h Alexander Korda, CAPITOL WARNEB BAXTB» in 44 ROBIM HOOD Or Eli DORADO" Ei-tra t Pete Suoith & Metro Colortoon Stiirts Ftl.t Robert Montsromery nnd My ma, ILoy Id "PETTICOAT EEVER." iNtimi HOWT DONAT "The Ghoat Goes West" JEAN PARKEB VAUDEVILLE AKTHCB TKAGT 'The Strwt Singer* Ilormnn TIMBICRO 2«c to 1 )?, M. TRAND B'WAY 4 4 7 TH PARAWOlMfT.*""* rsmiABE MAE WEST In "KLONDme ANNIC" with. VICXO& M«iLAGXEN Qa the Stage . . .. FRED WARlNOi and Hie Pennsylvanianr 7th At. & 60th St. Y ALL OCo TO SEATS 6 '*' 1 P.M. CAROLE LOMBARD "Love Before Bftak- fust" PRESTON FOSTER CESAR ROMERO PISKY TOMXIN In Ptrtoir with Btti STAGE RBV4iE DfCK POWELL RUBY KEELER "COLLEEN"—2nd SMASH WEEK Rpftinitlng Sa(i»r<lH.v. Mnrcli 21 "livUlvb Are Like Tltut" SSS° MUSIC HALL 50th Street arid 6th Avenue Starting Thuraday! "The Country Pqctor" wilh JEAN HERSHOLT and The DIONNE QUINTUPLETS A 20th Century-Pox Production .Snectncular Stng^ Productions