Variety (Mar 1936)

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10 VARIETY PICT E CROSSE* Wednesday, March 25,1936 Tine' Plus Lukas Nice $27, i. Tolies Comipes Revue Ups to Boston, March 24. (Best Exploitation: Keith's) Top honors' in the film district will be diyided this . week between •Lonesome Pine,' with Paul Lukas, In : person, at the Met; and 'Folios Comiques' on the stage of the Keith-Boston, screening 1 'Love Oh a Bet.' Technicolor special is draw- ing commendable biz : at. the big house, and a lavish Frenchy show, i produced bv Charles Koerner and William Howard, is socko at the Keith stand. ' . . - Chax^lin's 'Times' on a dual , bill at the Par and Fenway is okay, but not alarming. 'Wife vs. Sec' at 'Orph and State won a holdover at both Loew houses, but withered after opening day of second .week, making the-decision look, dubious; Flood, which came within 25. miles of Boston, had some effect on weekend trade Keith exploiters concentrated on. the 'Folies' stage show and. worked un some creditable gags. Planted a, gang of lobhy sleepers 'waiting in: line, all night for-the b.o., to open; distributed some extra special teaser flyers;, sent around a flashy Sound truck; snared a. banner across Washington street*, used radio plugs; ran a guest ticket pro- motion on a classified, ad page; blossomed, gut with' extra outdoor paper; and socked with a special valance, with legs running from marquee to sidewalk. Extra, news- paper ad space did the • iciest.; .Estimates fop This Week Keith-Boston (RKO) (3,000; 35- 60-65)—'Love On a Bet' (RKO) and 'Folies: Comiqiies'. on stage. Pow- erful combination; if it. hits the $32,000 indicated over weekend, this will be a house record for any week without a holiday. Although the film, is incphsequerital alongside the undraped Frehoh show, it is prov- ing a satisfactory, companion. Stage Bhow set for two .weeks. Last week, okay $18,000 for .'Farmer in Dell' (RKO), and Ralph Bellamy* p.a. Met (M&P) (4,2.00; 35-50-.65)— ■Lonesome Pine' (Par), and Paul Lukas on stase. Looks' like good combo at $27.0001 Last week, $28, t 000 for 'Desire'^ (Par) and Louis Armstrong with Mills Bros.! 'on str""e. > Orpheum (Loew) (3 fc 00Q; 25-35- •40-50)—'Wife vs. Sec" (MG) (2nd Wk). Skidding to $9,000 after dandy opening week of , $23,000: 'These Three/ (UA). film version of 'Chil^ di*en's Hour,' banned" here in legit season, comes in nex-t Friday (27), ■but 'Hour' title; not being men- tioned in any way. State (Loew) (3,200; 25-35-40- 60)— 'Wife vs. Sec' (MG) (2d wk). Although very good opening frame, did not warrant h.o; here, as $7,500 p«i oft indicates, Initial stanza about $15,500. Keith Memorial (RKO) (2,900; 25-35-50) — 'Love Before Break-, fast' (U). Frigid, aiming for only' $9,000. 'Fleet' (RKO), fourth week drew $8,500, satisfactory in view of total gross for entire run. Paramount (MfcP) (l'.SOO; 25-35- '60)—'Modern Times' (UA), second run and 'Give Us This Night' (Par), first run, dual. Riding at average pace, about $7,500. Chaplin flick drawing about as well at pop prices as at roadahow tilt. Last week, okay $7,500 for 'Klondike' (Par). 2nd run, and 'Irish Eyes' (Rep), 1st run, dual. Fenway (M&P) (1.600: 25-30-40- 50)—'Times' (UA) and 'This Night* (Par), double. All right $4,500. Last week, $4,000 for 'Klondike* (Par) and 'Irish Eyes' (Rep), dual. . Scollay (M&P) (2.700; 25-35-40- 50)—'I-Iad to Happen' (20th). 2nd run and 'Klondike' (Par), 3rd run. dual. J.ust' fair at $5,500 gait. Last .week, about $6,000 for 'Pasteur* (WB). 3rd run and 'Tango' (Chest), 1st run, dual. to an oke $4,200 on second week. Poli (Loew) (3,040; 35-50)—. 'Fauntleroy' (UA) and 'Bugle Ann* (MG). Should word-'of-mouth its way to nice $9,500. Last week •wife-Sec' (MG) drew close to $10,- 000, which was light against weak opposish; „_ Roger Sherman (WB) (2,200; 3o-. 50)—Colleen" (WB) and 'Boulder' (WB)v Building after moderate start for pleasing $8,200. Last week 'Fleet* (Radio), holdover, fell off to tepid $4,000. . . . College (Loew) (1,565; 3o-o0)— 'Wife vs.-Sec! (MG) (2d run). Looks like box office girls can catch up on their knitting;- weak $3,300. Last week 'Lady Consents' (Radio) and 'Trouble* (20th) {reaped a, nice $3,800 at 25c-3uc scale. 'See' Dives to $3,300 in N. H. 2d; Tauiitie' $9,500 New Haven, March 24. (Best Exploitati : Poli) Business is fair enough all around, except 'Wife vs. See,' hold- over, which is doing a nose dive. Yale studes' spring exodus will be felt somewhat. Poll put on a heavy campaign for 'Fauntie.' Plugged the- Dolores Cos- tello Barrymore coiffure via beauty parlorsj made special play for kid attendance; essay, contest in public schools with copies of. the book for prizes; bookmarks in public library; special bally on Freddie Bartholo r mew; contests via local air sta- tions; giveaway fan mass with cor- ner adv.:.. tieu -With..JPostal Telly distributing oil'uulars: banners 11 on newsdealers' trucks tleing in with a fan mag; special.editorials, trail- ers, one-to-24 sheets, etc. .Estimates for This Week Paramount (M&P) (2,348: 33-50) --•Desire' (Par) and 'Eagle's, Brood' (Par). In for-nine days and get- tiny good $9,000. Last week 'Pine' (Par) and 'Timothy' (rar) held up 'Leathernecks' with Ams Lands $12,500 in Indpls.; 'Annie'-Trap' Dual, $3,800 IndianafiolisV'March 24. (Best Exploitation: Lyric) Major Bowes' current unit is; sur- passing the business done by the two previous troupes of tyros to play the town, with $12,500 at the Lyric vaudfilmer. Linked .Avith 'Leathernecks Have' Landed' and exploited neatly, the amateurs are. pulling the natives in and making necessary five shbws daily instead of the usual four. Nothing much else in town. Display ad tieUps with the femi- nine members of the Bowes ams posing for department store silk ho- siery ads, spring wearing- apparel, and with the customary reception for the unit's arrival ,coupled. With classified, ad tieups, a special front and extra radio coverage, stood out in the Lyric's campaign on the NBC neophytes. Estimates for This Week Apollo (Fourth Ave) (1,100; 25-40) —■Colleen' (WB). Okay, but riot big at $5,000. Last week 'Doctor* (20th), $3,000, fair, for second.week. ' Circle (Monarch) (2,600; 25-40)— 'Annie* (Par). Repeat. Dualled with 'Woman Trap' (Par), not extra at-$3,800. Last week 'Fleet* (RKO),. repeat, hiild at $3,500. . Indiana (Monarch) (3,100; 25-40) -^■'Pine' (Par),-dualled.with 'F Man' (Par). Former plugged heavily, but extra space failing to pay for itself, with prospects for only fair $5,S0O. Last week 'Desire' (Par), dualled with 'Bet' (RKO), light at $5,000. Loew's (Loew's) (2,800; '25-40)— 'These Three' (UA). /Moderate at ,$5,300. ...National assist ads did not bolster pic. Last week, 'Wife vs, Sec' (MG). swell at $10,000. Lyric (Olson) (2,000; 25-30-40)..— •Leathernecks' (R e p u b 1 i c) and Bowes' unit. Latter plugged heavy with Lew Ayres given the play in> the' picture. About as much as the house can do at this price scale with take headed for dandy $12,500. Last week, Tersonal' (U) and Bebe Dan- iels and Ben Lyon unit, excellent at $10,S50. 'Desire'Moderate $6,500 In Moderately OK B'ham Birmingham, March 24. (Best Exploitation: itz) Arrival of spring finds business moderately good in most of the houses. Toughest winter in inany years has hurt show business, caus- ing folks to stay indoors. Nights during the next few weeks will find theatres enjoying much better busi- ness with satisfactory pictures, and the line up is almost certain to do pretty good. * Bits tried hard to pep up 'Whip- saw* with a flood of cards scattered throughout the town. Not what' one would call an,exceptional campaign but better, than the other houses. Estimates for This Week Alabama (Wilby-Kincey) (2,800; 30-35-40). —'Desire' (Par). Nice start but draw will be principally Gary Cooper and not Marlene Diet- rich who doesn't click here; $6,j500, moderate. Last week, 'Captain Blood' (FN) around $7,000, good; Ritz (Wilby-KJncey) (1,600; 25- 30) 'Whipsaw* (MG. About $3,300, good. Last week, 'Burlesque' (20th), $3,500. Empire (Acme) (1,100; 2o).~ 'Prof. Soldier' (20th).; Tri for "nine days, two days longer than usual run but renlaced 'Metropolitan* (20th). which flopped after five davs. 'Soldier' will get around $2,800 for run. while 'Metropolitan' got around $1,300. Strand (Wilby-Kincey) (800; 23). —'Call of Prairie' (Par) —About I $1,500, fair. T^«tt week, 'Bohemian • h'l'-'(MG), $1,700. 1st Runs on Broadway (Subject to Change) Week of Marcfi-27 Astor—'Boulder Dam' (WB). Capitol—'Petticoat Fever' (MG) (2d wk). Center.— 'Everybody's O 1 d Man' (20th-Fox) (25). Music Hall^-'Sutter* (U> (26). Paramount— 'a (Par) (25>; Rivoli—'These Three' (UA) (2d wk). Rialto—' (RKO) (28). Roxy—'Dancing Feet' (Re- public). Strand — (WB) (28). Week of April 3 Capitol — 'The : Unguarded Hour' (MG), Center—'House of Thousand Candles' (Republic) (1). Music Hall—'Little Lor iTauntleroy' (UA) (2). Paramount—M i 1 k y Way' (Par) (2d wk). Rivoli—'These- Three* (UA) (3d wk). Roxy—'Smiling (Republic). Strand—"Singirig Kid* (WB) . (4), Snow Paralyzes Buffalo;'Fleet' Buffalo, March 24. (Best. Exploitation: Great Lakes) Two record-breaking snowstorms in rapid succession and with only one day between administered, a knockout to Buffalo box offices. With nearly two feet of snow fall- ing in 36 hours, beginning Tuesday (17) and with another eight inches laid on- top of that before the town had a chance to dig out from under, everything came to a complete standstill. Not,a street car moved for two days, and automobile traffic was at a practical standstill. Not even a flood could have paralyzed traffic any worse than .the snow, while overhead conditions, due to wind, hazards from falling ice and driv- ing snow added to the difficulty. Downtown, theatres were practical- ly deserted.and hardly a mouse was stirring any where throughout the lobby or the auditorium. All man- agers agreed it would have been cheaper to go dark entirely. Currently things are looking up, although Saturday openings were knocked galley west by a resump- tion of the blizzard activities, which continued all day! 'Fleet' had a bad opening day, but looks to come ho;ne with the week's high gross. 'Pine' won't be so close, but 'Shark Island' building. Music and fashion hookups were used to good advantage in exploit- ing "Fleet." One department store had a complete, blouse, hat, gown and ensemble tieup with newspaper advertising all pivoting on Ginger Rogers. Beauty shop, cleaning company, milliners and 'fleet blue' wearing apparel helped build up tbA campaign. Navy recruiting office sent out one-sheets and Lib- erty took 25,000 circulars, after having run the story. Estimates for This Week Buffalo (Shea) (3,600; 30-40-50)— 'Pine' (20th). Press and public fr'ifd to get very much excited over this, the technicolor angle be- ing rather severely handled by the reviewers. May get up to $10 f 000, but disappointing. Last week, j 'Fauntleroy' (UA). Weather cut into what looked like nice business and. takings got down to $9,000. Hipp (Shea) (2,400; 25-40)^- .'Shark Island' (20th) and 'Satur- day Night' (20th). They seem to be liking this bill, with credit going to former. Flying start for probably $9,000. Last week 'Happen' (20th), fine' at nearly $8,000. Great Lakes (Shea) (3,400; 25-40) —'Fleet' (Radio). Best business in town and ought to better $13,000.. Last week 'Times' (UA) (2d week).' Failed to show expected strength at $5,800. -Century (Shea) (3,400,- 25)—'An- other Face' (Radio) and 'Whisper- .ing Smith' (20th). Normal activity for around $6,000. Last week 'Host- ess' (WB) and 'Human' (Radio) came in with under $6,000" ' "Lafayette" Xlnd) (3,400; 55)— "Waters' (U) and 'Breakfast* (U). Nice opening, but fell away during second spasm of storm, then picked up over the week-end and should go to $7,000. Last week 'Grand Exit' (Col) and 'Clairvoyant* (GB).' Storm and no particular strength in : the program drove .-figure down to the lowest in a couple of months. Under $6,000. LYON AND DANIELS WITH 'HAPPEN' $21,400, CLEVE. Cleveland, March 24. (Best Exploitation: State) 'It Had to Happen' is the leader for grosses, chiefly duo to the Eebe Daniels-Ben Lyon unit on Palace's stage. In comparison with expected $21*400 at Palace, the State, is roll- ing merrily along with 'Desire' to about. $1S,500. Hipp sees $17,500 with 'Colleen,- so there are no tears on film row. For best ballyhoo, Milton Har- ris made a smart tie-up with Pon-r tiacs for 'Desire,' ranging from free rides to theatres by 15 auto agenr dies, parade with banners and a de- partment store modeling show to plug 'Desire' pearls. stimates for This Week Palace (RKO) (3,200; 30-40-60)— 'Happen' (Par) with Bebe Daniels and Ben Lyon unit. Latter is doing good work, indicating a sweet $21,- 400. Last week 'Wolf (Col) and Cab Calloway came up to a satisfactory $16,550. Hipp (WB) (3,000; 25-40)— 'Col- leen' . (WB), Light but building steadily through astute exploitation, and looks like $17*500,- Last week 'Pasteur' (WB), despite fine han- dling, came a shade below what was hoped for at $16,500. State (Loew's) (3,750; 30-35-40)— 'Desire' (Par). Given a neat send- oft by hovel campaign, this one will do a ; pmart- $18,500, 'Shark Island' (20th) last week hit only $16,800. Allen (RKO) (3,000; 2.5-40)—'An- other Face' (Radio). Shoved in at last moment for a split, week, with hardly any ballyhoo. Will have trouble going over $2,200. Three, days of 'Round* (Col) collected about $1,500, not enough. "Doctor' (20th) on last holdover lap was more cheerful at $4,500. Stillnian (Loew's) (1,872; 25-35)— 'Timothy' (Par).. Picture nothing to brag about, but matinee and juve biz helping it along for $4,000. Sec- ond week of 'Wife vs. Sec' (MG) landed a swell $7,500. Blackstone's Hocus Good for $5,500 in Louisville; T $6,400 Louisville, March 24. (Best Exploitation: National) Week he-re is marked by only two items which are worthy of empha- sis. 'These Three' at Loew's State will probably pull the class trade, and should wind up with around $6,400. National, with 'Man of Iron' on the screen and Blackstone pulling them in with his magic show, should be a good second; and indications are for .$5,500. The prestidigitator is in for four days only, .the remaining three days turned over to double feature re- vival, 'Count Of Monte Crlsto' and 'Six Day Bike Rider.' Exploitation to National, for Blackstone's magic unit, and Dale ' Houston putting forth plenty of ef- fort to give the show a good, shove. For first time- in weeks house has gone in for billboards in a big way, and newspaper space exceeds by a considerable amount the usual cov- ; erage. Estimates for This Week Loew's State (3,000; 15-25-40)— 'Three' (UA). Class product at- tracting considerable attention from those familiar with 'Children's Hour', critics being particularly lavish In praise. Srfaring $6,400 or thereabouts, okay. Last week 'Round' (Col), dualled with "Pagans' (MG). okay, $6,400. Rialto (Fourth Ave.)- (3,000; 15- 25-40)—"Pine' (Par) (2d- week). Coming through for nice $3,800. matlncs draw continuing heavy. Color pic received benefit of word- of-mouth advertising, justifying two weeks' stay. Last week fine $7,200. Brown (Ind) (1,500; 15-25-40)— 'Obsession' (U). Return engage- ment, Returns never great shakes in this town, and this is, no excep- tion, even taking into consideration the light opposition. Will be lucky to get away with $2,500. Last week •Secrets' (Col) and 'Ghosts' (MG), dual, took good $3,200. Strand (Fourth Ave.) (1,500; 15- 25-40)—'Breakfast* (U) and 'Per- sonal' (U). dual. Pair of program- mers doh't augur well, but steadv trade at this house should hold gross well up to average, $3,500. Last week 'Doctor' (20th) did well oh its second week, with heaviest biz at matinees. Took $4,300, good, but move wars" hoped" for: ' Mary Anderson (Libson) (3,000; 15-25-40)—'Colleen' (WB). Town more .or less fed up on the stock company names and faces, and not getting excited about 'Colleen.' Neighborhood' of $2,800, light. Last week 'Boulder Dam* (WB) and 'Walking Dead* (WB), dual, fair $3,300. National (Ind) (2,350; 16-25-40)— •Man of Iron' (Ftf) and Blackstone, foiir days, and balance of week re- issues, of'"Monte Cristo' and "Bike. Rider' (WB). Currently Blackstone is the big n6ise t and with special kids matinee Saturday morning and HOUSTON IN m, SHOW IN ST. L; RHODES' lip March. 24. (Best Exploitation: Loew's) Big noise of the tpwn theatrically is the double appearance ot -Walter Huston on the legit stage and in 'Rhodes.' A general perking up of business Is noticeable with the first touch- of spring. Sad note is tlie folding of F&M's Ambassador Thursday (26) for an indefinite period. Particularly noticeable last ..week was the failure , of 'Magnificent .Ob- . session' to do above average biz in about 10-nabe houses which counted on revive the Lenten dip, At the Ambassador the continuation of • bad biz, despite stage , help, brought decision' of operators to close down and await outcome of its federal suit for films. At the Municipal Auditorium opening Saturday (21) was the 'St Louis On Parade' exposition, .fea- turing Wayne- King's band. Opening Was o.k., though 1 not sensational, 'Colleen' is going it alone and big at Orpheum, downtown WB house, and will give Loew's with a dualer. 'Shark Island' and 'Bugle Ann' a nip and tuck battle for 'best b.o; take in downtown section. Fox, with 'Rhodes,' got a lot of publicity of Walter Huston's per- sonal in "Dodsworth' at the Amev- ican, where biz was very big. The Huston pix opened only fair, 'With noticeable absence of femme apnea!. "Bugle Ann" story, laid in Mis- souri, enabled •Chic.k , Evehs, mgr., and Loew's to utilize the late ^Sen- ator .Vest's eulogy to the dog for an above average exploitation .-cam- paign. Estimates for This Week- Fox ,F&M) (5,038; 25-35-55)—. •Rhodes' (GB) and 'Gamble' (Col). Lack of femme appeal will hold take to $11,500, Fair. Last week 'Doc- tor' (20th) and 'Tango* (Maj) (2d week), $10,700. Ambassador (F&M) (3,018; 25-35- 40)—'Chan at Circus' (20th) and 'Valentine' (Rep). With house .shuttering, customers are staying' away and $7,600 will be a lot at end of week. Last week 'Breakfast' (U) and Ed Lowry on stase with amateurs, dandy $13,300 through Lowry and the ams. Shubert-Rialto (WB) (1,725; 2S- 35-55)—'Pine' (Par) and shorts (2d week). Second at $7,600 will he a good return on this after an $11,200 first week. Orpheum (WB) (1,950; 25-33-55) —'Colleen' (WB). Heading to an o.k. $11,800. Last Wc?k 'This Night' (Par) and 'Boulder. Dam' (WB). Not so hot at $7,100. Loew's (Loew) (.3,1^2; 25-3r)-!).V>—.... 'Shark Island' (20th) and 'Bugle ' Ann' (MG). Shouldn't miss $14,000. and may even beat this for good week. Last week 'Wife vs. Sec' (MG) (2d week). Collected $10,400, good. Missouri (F&M) r3.5l4: 25-40)—v 'Ghost' (UA) and 'Saturday Night' (20th). At $5,100, below average. Last week 'Pro Soldier' (20th) and 'Marriage: (20th). Poor $*-,700.- Grand Opera House (Ind) (2,200; 15-25-35)—'Confidential' (Mas) and vaudeville. New vaudeville contact should enable house to do $3*400. good. Last week 'Lady in Scarlet (Chos) and vaudeville. $3,100, fair. $7,000 START LOOKS OK RUN FOR TIMES', PORT. Portland, Ore., March 24. (Best Exploitation: United Artists). Exploitation contest was heavy with week between 'Modern Times' (UA), and "Country Doctor' at the Ever- green Orpheum, with the Chapli pic getting the edge on the bally. 'Times' started In to sock 'em in & big way at the U.A. and is obviously set for a run. The other big b.o. drag of the week. 'Country Doctor, is in line to put the Orph over foy seven gold standard days, but hold- ing is doubtful. Most other pix are light with ex- ception of 'Shark Island' at th<3 Paramount. That house did a good exploitation job by running the serial story in a local daily, thus - (Continued on page 31) 'spook show' as added hypo, th rtiagician should bring in $5,500, which includes the seven-day stanza..- Last.week 'Harrlgan* (FN) and Britton band for the full weeK took nice $4,800. Alamo (Ind) (900 L . iS'HlZ' 'W£ters r (U)"ahd 'Consents' (RKO). dual, splitting with 'G Man's Re- venge' (state rights) and "Dreany Too Much' (RKO), dual. Hitting average pace at $1,700. Last v/fW 'Fang' (RKO) and 'Leathernecks (Rep) couldn't steam thLrigs up much, taking $1,200, fair.