Variety (Mar 1936)

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42 VARIETY R AD I Wednesday, March 23, 1936 New Business CHICAGO Webster Cigar Co.; 15-mlnute platters twice weekly. T . W. Ayir Agency, Chicago. WGN. .4.. S. Boyle Co. (Samoline): .15- mlnute platters twice weekly. Black- ett-Sample^Hummert Agency, New York. WGN. Climax Cleaner Mfg. Co.; one- minute participation announcement daily for two weeks starting April 13, -1926. WGN. Guarantee Mutual Life Insurance Co., Chicago; one-rminute announce- ments. Sundays. WENR. Bulova Watch Co.; five evening time signals dally. -Bi Agency, New York. WMAQ. Neu-art Clothing. Co., Chicago; morning weather reports, daily. Mal- colm - Howard Agency, Chicago, WiMAQ. scriptlons. . Placed by Tracy-Locke- Dawson Agency. WBAL. Consolidated Byproducts (Marko), 13 quarter-hour transcriptions. Placed by McLain Organization. WBAL. BALTIMORE , Florida Cilrup pommiss'on, 26 five- minute transcriptions. . Placed by Ruthrauff &. Ryan. WBAL. Household Finance Corp., of Chi- cago, 52 tie-in announcements. Placed by • Charles Daniel Frey Co. WBAL. '■ Max Mehh Port. Worth, Texas, numismatic,' two quarter-hour tran- scriptions. Placed by Guenther- Bradford Co. WBAL. •Cdrleton <£• Hovey, of Lowell, Mass., manufacturers:- of Father John's- Medlclne, 26 ahnouncenientsv Placed by> John W: Queen. WBAL. ?' Chevrolet,.. 65 quarfeivhour tran- scriptions., placed- by. Campbell- lijTpald. WBAL. „> merican Washing Machine, 26 five-minute, transcriptions. Placed by. Meldrum and Fewsmith. WBAL. . .Bernard. Perfumer, oV St. Louis, Bib,, 13 five-minute programs, and 13 . participation periods. Placed by. Hiimer V. Swenson.- WBAL.. ■Zerbst Pharmacol Go. of St. Joseph, Mo"., 1,2 announcements. Placed by B&rron Adv. Co. WBAL. \: Standard Oil (Esso), 312 five-min- ut© hews broadcas ts. '■ Placed by Marschalk & Pratt. WBAL.. ^:tr. F. Straub & Co. of Chicago (;Lake Shore honey), 39 participating announcements. Placed by Mitchell- Fatist Co. WBAL. ' Jtf. Breltenbach Co., of New York (Qude's .Pejito-Mangan), 54 dne-m!nute. announcements. Placed.' )iy Brooke, Smith & French. WBAL. ' Dethol Mfg. Cjo., of Wash.j B« C, 62 ; -one-miriute transcriptions. Kynet Agency: WBALi'; Continental Oil, 26 half-hour tran- GRAND RAPI ICJH. G. Dun, cigars, sports review, six times Weekly, for 13 weeks. Through Epstein Agency, Detroit. WOOD-WASH. Fidelity Corp. of Michigan, 52 five- minute programs. Placed direct, WOOD-WASH. Morissey Farm and Orchard Sup- ply, spot announcements, six times weekly, 52 times. Direct. WOOD^- WASH. T, C. Young Market, spot an- nouncements, six' times weekly, for 300 times. Direct. WOOD-WASH.. .'Radio Distributing' Co., 26 an- nouncements. Direct. WOOD-WASH. Ekftardt 4' Becker Beer, 26 flve- miriute programs. Direct. WOOD- WASH. ; Nyhuis BeautySalon,.. 100 -jflve- miriute talks and 100 announcements. Direct, WOOD-WASH. Hanger Stores, men's clothing, 52 announcements. ' Direct. WOOD- WASH. Builders* and Traders' Exhibit; ve 15-minute broadcasts, from exposi- tion, Direct. WOOD-WASH. HuTt: Clothing Co., 100 -.announce- ments. Direct. WOOD-WASH. BOSTON rewer" & Co., nine 15-minute pro- grams, twice-weekly;, starting March 28 and ending April 25. Through De- forest Bureau of Merchandising, Springfield, WNAC. Wolf My Clothier,, six. 125rword participations • in 'Spotlight Revue,' x>he weekly; starting-March - 13 and ending April 17, Through Salinger & Publicover, Boston. WNAC. . , C. E. Fay C, 52 announcements; once weekly. Through Harry M. Frost, Boston. WNAC. Flower Show (N. Y.), 100-word an- nouncements, ' daily including Sun- days. Through John W. .Queen', Bos- ton. WNAC. American Pop Corn Co., new; flve- mlnutes, Jolly Time Program, once a, week for three' weeks, starting Feb. 9. Through Cbolidge Advertising CO., Des Moines. WBZ and WBZA. .-" John Morrell & Co., new, flve>min- utes, Prldo Program, three times a week for 26 weeks. Through lienri. ■•" . It is as if WTAM's service aireas were tailored to 6t the concentration of purchasing power in northern Ohio. 1,017,600 NBC radio fami- lies are its potential circulation, WTAM is the only Cleveland station which blankets the entire Chamber of Commerce market area. WTAM 50,000 WATTS NBC Red Network CLEVELAND One of NBC'$ Managed and Operated Stations BLurst & McDonald, Inc. Chicago, WBZ and WBZA. Florida Citrus Commission, re- newal, one minute announcements. 10 times a week for two weeks. Through Ruthrauff & Ryan, Inc., New Yorlc_WBZ and WBZA. Bigclow «£- Dowse Co., new, one- minute, temperatui-e reports, daily for 13 weeks. Through Stoddard Sampson Co., Boston. WBZ ond WBZA.-, Spencer Chain Stores, Inc., ro j newal,. 15 minutes, Musical Clock, six times a. week for 39 .weeks. Through Chambers & Wiswell, Bos- ton. WBZ and WBZA. Milton Bradley C6., renewal, one- minute announcements, six times a week for one week. Direct. WBZ and WBZA.. General Electric, new, 15 mi Old Timer Discovery Drive, twjft t'mes a week for 13 weeks.. Through Maxon, ' Inc., Detroit. WBZ and WBZA. Bay State Nnrseri < Inc„ new one-minute weather report; daily for three weeks, starting March 2z. Through Broadcasting Advertising, Inc., Boston. WBZ and WBZA. ROCHESTER, N. Y. Dodge Bros.. Corp.. five spots week- ly. Placed, by Ruthrauff &. Ryan, Inc., New York. WHAM. Chrysler Corp., 15-minute tran- scribed variety show, three evening3 a week for three weeks. Placed by J. Stirling Getchell,' New York. WHAM; Beechnut Co., spots once a:-week for three weeks. Placed by McGann. Erlckson & Co. WHAM. Hichfleid Oil Corp., 15-m!nute tran- scribed dramatic program, Jimmie Allen, .three -evenings a week for 52 times. Placed by Fletcher # Ellis. WHAM. Utica Mutual Insurance Co.,' spots one evening a week fojr three weeks.. Placed by Devereau & Smith, Inc., Utjba. WHAM. j olin; Morrell «f Co., spots three mornings a week for 13 weeks.- Placed by* HenrJ, Hurse & McDonald, Inc., Chicago: ■ WHAM. EQpr. Brbs.. iiriiit), transcribed an- nouncements' 'four mornings a week.' Placed-direct; ^: WHAM. Milton . Bradley Co., Springfield, Mass.," ; spot: . announcements , five mornings a week for three weeks. WHAM.' ' Sibley, Lindsay & Curr Co.. depart- ment store,. ISrininute talks six mornings a' week for one year. Placed direct. \, WHAM. . . General' Mills^ Inc., Minneapolis, In-laws, 15-minute transcribed dra- matic ^program, ^five mornings a week .for .J3. weeks. Placed by Blackett, Sample, Hummert, Chicago. WHAlSt,-" -Procter : & Gamble, five spots a a week for four weeks advertising Drene.-- Placed by- Kastor & Sons, .Chicago. WHAM.\,.. .. -Fefs <£• Co., 15-minute studio pro- gram, Smith-SIVersbri Orchestra with Edward- Jardon. tenor, two morn'ngs a> week for- nine months; 'Placed by Young & ■ Rubicatn, New York. WHAM..; : , " ' ' >Bei'haifd Perfumers'; St;- Louis, spots:two mornings,a week indefi- nitely... Placed by Hiimer V.< Swen- son ' .WHAV: Inside Stuff-Radio Again exorcising a policy .of flexible station tte-ups to land more- biz, the Mutual web has entered into a dicker with Macfadden Publication* which calls for a link belween the four main stations 6£ Mutual and the nine stations of the Intercity hookup. This deal is b'c-ing made to allow Mkcfadden to expand his 'Goodwill Court' stanza,, now running on Intei-i city, over a, bigger area. Starting date is not set, n>ut will probably be \ Juno 2, 10 to 10:30 p. m.- In ils present Intercity form,, the 'Goodwill Court* runs for three-quarters of an: hour on Sunday eves, but under the expansion plan will be chopped to a half hour on, Tuesday. With four Mutual stations, added to his list, Macfadden plans to settle the matter of an organization point, for the stanza by hiring a theatre in New York. Coverage in the metropolitan -ave-a will thus be at a maximum, including the theatre, WMCA (Intercity station and present originators) and WOR (Mutual station). WMCA, however, will continue to produce the progr m with the Ruthrauff & Ryan, agency, since it owns rights. Mutual stations set for the deal are WOR, New York;' , Detroit; WGN, Chicago, and WLW. ClhcinnaU. Exact day and time period ot. the expanded stanza will depend, on when clearance can be arranged. With the quota system due. for the ashcan whenever Congress gets, around to abolishing the Davis amendment, the Federal Communications qommission during the past two months has been disregarding the still- existent requirement that broadcasting facilities must be allotted equi- tably between .various state-s and zones.. - While improving conditions in a few instances, Commish has intensi- fied, overquota situation in several states and has further reduced facili- ties assigned to some underquota states. Latest tabulation, dated March 14, showed 19 states short on night facilities and 30 short on day facili- ties. Although many slander arguments in France are still settled by the duelling sword instead of in the courts. France is to have a law to deal with libel and slander by raxilo. Felix Gbium, Socialist deputy, has tabied. a bill putting 1 the clamp on such offenses. This: left winger's, bill proposes that the provisions of : the law of 1881 concerning libel in-the, press should be: made applicable to broadcasting and the same penalties applied. , If the bill passes—and it stands a good' chance—all statements broad-, east by ridio. stations will have to be registered and initiated by the French post offlqe which controls' broadcasts. Vince Barnett, Hollywood ribber, was chased off air few nights' ago during National Broadcasting remote from Los Angeles Biltmore hotel. During St. Patrick's celebration, Barnett, while doing ,his routine, used word 'dam/ which was condoned, but when he. followed later with * I get paid good money and ail the extras I can pick up,! in referring to his picture work, he was cut off. Studio felt latter too rough for family trade. However, incident will be forgotten except that -Barnett' scripts- hereafter will be closely scrutinized, with ad libbing no go. B. B; Grabs Air Coiir •Philadelphi , March 24. Having cracked the Ice, Phllly ball clubs are grabbing all the radio dough-they can mitten. * This week .b6th clubs signatured deals for At- lantic Refining to bankroll daily ball-by-ball descriptions of home games over WIP, ditto with pre- vious deal with Wheaties over WCAU. For years having turned frozen-face to radio, they're now set with double dose of it. i Atlantic deal, set ,by N. Y. Ayer, ,will air', six days weekly, with chance of Sunday added if WIP can clear its board. Deal with Wheaties for WCAU broadcasts calls for six days a week, "with no chance, of Sunday. No'announcers mentioned for series, but WIP Is understood to be anghhg for a 'name!' Vjrgj ia Robinson and' Bob Ack- erley li ndling KOMO-KJR, Seattle publicity ..and news broadcast de- partment, following resignations of Al Balch and Ralph Jones, who have gone into real estate promo- tion; Negotiations are still going on for the placing of the General • Mills 'Jack Armstrong' kid show this coming fall. Though going off Colum- bia on April 24 and scheduled to return to either CBS or NBC on Aug. 31, no commitment has yet been made by General Mills or Blackett- Sample-Hummert. NBC itself has a standard ruling that no time can be guaranteed pre- vious to 60 days before, the start of the contract program.- WKRC, Cincinnati, owned by CBS. has definitely slgriified that it will not join the newly-formed Ohio regional web. In declining a bid, the station politely signified that, parent CBS interfered with the hitch- ing; but gave no sldeli hts on this situation. Ohio crowd now scratchingMts head over an affiliate for the southern, end. of the state, nd may. possibly scatter bids in northern Kentucky. Terrell in turn instructed John M. Sherman, northwest inspector for F. C. C, to call on the bed-ridden lad while on an inspection trip in Wisconsin and give him a special examination. Ordinarily, the commish requires applicants for operator licenses' to go to regular.-examination points for tests. When Cecil R. Malmgren, crippled' youth of Weyerhaeuser (Wis.), re- cently wrote to President Roosevelt for suggestions on how he could get an exam to qualify for class A amateur radio operator rating, presi- dent turned'the epistle over to W. D. Terrell, chief pf the F. C. C. held section. Here and There Dan L. Winn, previously with sta- tions in Texas and Arkansas, join- ing KELD, El Dorado (Ark.) as op- erator and relief announcer. Edward Bumpass added to the mike staff at KFRO, Longvlew, Texas. Dr. George Gallup back is Young' & Rubicam desk after y- u'p with flu. gene Howard gets her final papers as a U. S; citizen April 14; one clay before the program starts. Kent Josef now addressing 1 lie mike at WJIM. Lansing, Mien. Don Holaday coming over from WDAY, Fargo, to KVSO. Ardmore, as chief engineer. Don Aidrich new at. KGVO, Mis- soula, Mont, Winder R. HarHs, managing editor of the Norfolk Virginian-Pilot, re- newed for 13 weeks of news com- ment over WTAR by Pender rbcery stores. Bob Dillon back at WOC, Dav- enport after hospital session during which he parted with his appendix. Fifi D'Orsay hired to give 'French' atmosphere to the hew Dr. Lyons radio pro rani with Willie and Eu- Gene.ral otors am show, twice daily for six days in tie, Portland and Spokane, applicants at KOMO-KJR* Bob Murphy new mike addition at WDAY, Fargo,: Used to be with KG'FK, Bismark. Ethel Kreppel, WGR-WK r . Buffalo, secretary, wins free elec- tricity for life In General Electric: contest. Art Shcpard, conductor of the cur.bstone forum at WMT, Cedar Rapids, tried a 'Break the Jin^ stanza recently ancV hauled 100 mir- rors onto the street for inle 1 '* (Continued on 4G) TON Under retract to Warner Bros. Management: HENRY WILLSON — RICHARD K. POL1MER, Inc. 6606 SUNSET BLVD., HOLLYWOOD, CALIF. RADIO Guest Star on BING CROSBY Broadcast