Variety (Mar 1936)

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46 VARIETY RADI Wednesday, March. 25, 19^.6 Radio's Flood Activities (Continued from page 3!>) Olin, news editor, /with Harold Mabes, engineer, drove into the flood area around Marathon, New York, planning on a remote broad- cast for the station. Before they .could get to Marathon, they ran into a- blizzard, the c&r lights went out and the car skidded and turned over. Wood-worth suffered two broken ribs and Bruff Olin was badly shaken. Trailer to the car contain- ing fhe short wave equipment wasn't harmed. Cincy Stations Busy Cincinnati, March 2&. Stations here were among those that ..turned in ten-strike jobs on re- lief service arid news flashes of Ohio River flood. Super WLW went on a 24-hour operating basis when disaster hit Pittsburgh. After 2 a.m. sign-off of regular trick, the 500,000-watter con- tinued right through, interrupting, e. t. programs when necessary with warnings and prdei'.s received direct from Governor Earle of Pennsyl- "New King of Syncopati (HARLEM EXPRESS) AND HIS ORCHESTRA Tills Week (March 20) IJNCOLJf, PHILADELPHIA Next Week (Mnrrli 22) APOLLO, NEW YORK • Direction: HAROLD F. OXLET II E. 40th St. New York City JER R Y P0MPE1AN : CREAM I2:|5 .P.M. Tues. & Thlirs. KRUEGER BEER 7:13 P.M. Tuet. 4. Thur J. , vanla, to whom Powel Crosley, \, extended the station's facilities. Crosley's act recognized with com- mendation of Pennsylvania Publish- er^' .Association, plants of some of whose members were idle due to high water. When stream bulged out of bounds in Ciricy area, Crosley's WliW and WSAI localized efforts. Had David Booth arid Louis' Barnett, staff en- gineers, and announcers aboard Naval Reserve launch doing patrol duty in this area., Craft linked with receiver atop Union Central sky- scraper by short wave and frequent messages' were relayed through both stations. ■LB. Wilson, prez of WCKY, and William A. Clark, manager. - of WCPO, had their' stations chiming in when' necessary with urgent local notices and news reports of the flood. Timothy S. Goodman, mariar ger of WKRC, had hi j station ren- dering similar service, co-operating with authorities. Plate Glass Show Moves produced on tho air here Friday night, going out over all three At- lanta radio stations, WGST, WSB and WATL, simultaneously, in be- half of appeal for relief .funds. So many sound effects used that five, persons were busy in studio on sounds—while only four in cast of play. Big listeners' response was reported, both in telephone calls and contributions.", WSM.WLAC Raise Funds Pittsburgh, Plate Glass aired its regular weekly symphony hour from New York last Thursday night (W) because of flood conditions. Frank Black and NBC 'symphony, substi- tuted for Pittsburgh orchestra under Antonia Modarelll. Joseph Bentonelli, guest singer, was about to fly from Newark air- port for date When he'Tyas stopped. Ken Fickett and Arthur Pryor, Jr., of B. B. D. & O. agency left earlier for Pittsburgh, Columbus and' stayed 'overnight-before turning back. River-Bank Reporting Schenectady, N. Y„ March 24. Warren Miinsbn was at the mike and. Gene Darlington handled the engineering for flood' broadcasts over WGY via the General Electric's police car portable with two-way communication. . Boys did plenty of river-bank and road cruising. Pittsburgh, March 24^ Two local radio stations, KDKA and WCA|>,. both NBC outlets, kept going last week all through the flood terror although both of therii were forced' to bperate constantly on batteries since power had been shut down all oyer town. While WCAE was feeding only the network, KDKA kept up its local news flashes although only recep- tion was by automobile radios. WJAS, it's understood, operated also, for a time by battery. Waterbury Up late COOPER Mgt. CBS Artist ureau DON NORMAN Chicago's Leading NEWSCASTER Williams Oi|-0~Matic (32d Wk.) Tel. WHITEHALL 4450, CHICAGO DODGE PROGRAM—APR. 4th "PEXTHOl'SK" - SUNDAY NITE AT TEN Waterbury, Conn., March 24. • WlXBS, owned by Waterbury Republican and American stayed on the air uritil 2 a. m. reporting flood conditions, both in neighboring New England sector and nationally last week. ; Mike set up in Republican's As sbclated Press room to speed cov erage, with telephone corps at work •to answer fan inquiries. David H. Halperh, station manager, and Jim Dudley did broadcasting stint. Nashville, Mai-ch 24. Local radid stations are assisting In the campaign of the Red Cross to raise $3,000,000 for flood sufferers, With' a two-hour benefit Friday night beginning at 10:30 o'clock, WSM raised nearly $1,000 of the $.7,500 asked of the local Red Cross chapter. Francis Craig's orchestra, Jack and His Buddies, Marjorie Cooney and Bobby Tucker, pianists, and Fanriye Rose Sliore were among the artists who donated their serv- ices. David Stone and Ottls De- vine were the announcers and George" Hay was master of cere- monies. Names of persons contrib^ utlrig to the local drive were read out. WLAC IS giving time for special speakers and announcements. KDKA, WCAE Survive DISAGREEMENT EXTENDS Ralph Atlass' Second Station Off Free. & Slei inger RADIO SHOWMANSHIP Stunts, Novelties, Tie-Ups ledge Card Buffalo. Radio still getting plenty of fan mail response here New Roger and Jlmmie series, for kids drew 8,949 letters in its first week. OIRourke Blue Seal Bread is spon- sor. Kids get card, from bread pack- age instructing 'em to. obey par- ents, cross streets carefully, etc. They sigri and send in. In return get Roger and Jlmmie club button. Wako Up, Qhi Columbus, Ohio. Saluting nearby cities on early morning hours has been instituted by WBNS from 6:30 to 7:30 every weekday in a spot once occupied by a 'musical clock.' Programs .are labeled 'Hello Otiio,' and consist of recordings .interspersed^ with his- torical facts about the' towns honored, plus names of townfolk, etc. Topics are also offered for letter-writing, with the winner at the end of every half-month getting a radio set. ... Russ Canter, staff announcer, in charge of the stanzas. rogram Boomerangs Detroit. . The 'Try and Stick Us' program of WASH, Grand Rapids, has proved a boomerang, so stunt had - to ' be abandoned. The morning organ request pro-, gram, conducted direct from. Our Theatre in Grand Rapids for 1 the past seven months, entered a new phase a few weeks ago with promise of a free ticket to the theatr for. those listeners who could 'stick' Or- ganist Russell Thrall on a number. Despite the fact more than 30 pieces \yere played during the half-hour/ program.could not keep up with re- quests, which rose to several hun- dred daily. Rather than disappoint listeners, Station was forced to abandon gag. Organist Thrall wasn't 'struck,' though. -on the annual. awai'tUs, tained 'em as well; Each year throughout the nation, the Camp Fire Girls celebrate the organization's anniversary with a regular birthday, project. If the gals fulfill all requirements, they recent* awards. So Tom. Worked, up the birtluky celebration into a party at the Ri<6 Orph'eum, with the station taking over the house for two hours anil Inviting the girls; each girl; in tu.;i, was permitted to invite one guest; thus fulfilling her year's project on hospitality. Besides films and speeches by the mayor and the Camp Fire Girl pvc::, there Were greetings, folk songs and folk dances, Why DON'T You Listen Indlanapoli . Station WIRE is making a heart- to-heart .talk survey with Its llsten- ersi. Each week is asking its listen- ers a different question pertaining •to their likes'- and dislikes not only In radio generally but about WIIU3 itself. Asking such questions as WYliy Don't You Listen to WIRK regu- larly?' and 'What Programs Do Ymi listen to and Why?' Chicago, March 24. Other Ralph' Atlass station, WJJD, has followed WIND away from the Free & Sleinlnger rep outfit. When Atlass withdrew WIND from the F. & S. fold r due to his •unwillingness to have one firm rep- resent two stations in one market, F. & S. burned, and in the course of- bickering both, parties- decided to call everything off. Here and There WLEV, Erie, Active Erie, Pa., March 24. Red Cross relief funds solicited by WLEU without newsnaner. <^r any other aid,' total $2,500 so far, 98% of the money being in denom- inations below ?10. Station has consistently been broadcasting info on the floods, aided by short wave equipment, and the staff is now so overworked that an emergency crew has been drafted. Dramatize Floods Atlanta, March 24. 'On 12 hours' notice, a drama of the flood was written, rehearsed and YOUR OLD FRIENDS THE O'NEILLS' NOW RADIO S MOST POPULAR FAMILY BRINGS YOU MORE [AUGHTER "[EARS and j-| EART-THROBS Presenfod by Ivory Soap • 99 J1/ !ou", o puro M$TEN 3:45-4:00 P. M.—E. S. T., WEAF NBC Network—G<Ja3t-to-Coast r>IN . . £ very Mon t TucS t Wed f Thurs., Fri. w Mflt. Ed Wolf, 1270 Sixth Ave., N.Y.C.—Dir. Blaekmari Advertising, Inc. (Continued from page 42) viewees to smash. Only three were busted. Chick Mauthe selected by Ruth Lyons, musical director of WKRC, to follow Carl Kennedy, who joins Rudy Bundy's ork. George Case, announcer, WCPO, Cincinnati, recuped from three-week siege of scarlet fever. ricket in Florida St< Petersburg. Via. Neighboring burgs getting sore at WSUN, St. Petersburg, because its Junior Chamber ' of Commerce Dances are allegedly luring visitors from outside. That's a big offense; in Florida, and the peeved ones want- be mollified are new request- ing free bally over the station. WSUN is owned by the St. Petersburg chamber of commerce. 3-Way Amateur Program Buffalo. WEBR has set a three -way tieup involving the station. Basil Thea- tre chain, and the Buffalo Jewish Review. In 13-week series of ama- teur contest, winners each week will get a seven-day appearance at one of the Basil film houses. Jewish Review is bankrolling pro- gram in behalf of a different Re- view advertiser each week. Frank Zwygart, mlk'oster of WCPO, Cincinnati, ired Reds train- ing camp chatter w ile Harry Hart- man, station's sportcaster, trailed club on Florida citrus circuit. Bill Roweti In from KRMD, re- placing Hal Lansing as WTCN, Minneapolis, mikeman. Ivan Flanery out at WTCN, in at KSTP, St., Paul. > Stan Hubbard all mended after an operation on his jaw. Paul LeMay resigned as assistant conductor of the Minneapolis Sym- phony to devote full time as con- ductor of Duluth Syrnph. Gunnar Back out o[ the WTCN, Minneapolis, continuity dept. Herschell Hart, p. a. at WWJ, Detroit, gathering chatter in Chi- cago. George W. Trendle, pres. 'XYZ, Detroit, back from Florida. Rollyn Thomas on production de- tails at WJR, Detroit. H. Allan Canrpbe'l, g. m. WXYZ, Detroit, to Florida i.ext week. Ted Robertson, chief sound tech- nician at WXYZ, Detroit, father of a girl. Iways Spring in Auto Biz Washington, D. C. Tiff between Arthur Godfrey, WJSV announcer-entertainer, and local auto dealer, resulted in upping of revenue for both station and an- nouncer, but places Godfrey on spot. Godfrey had been plugging Fords for Cherner Motor Company both on morning Sun Dial show and special night turns for year. Other auto dealers wouldn't touch him with ten-foot pole. Cherner objected to Godfrey making crack about spring being still in offing, however, claiming that to auto dealer, it's al- ways spring. When word got around that Godfrey-Cherner were through, three other dealers hopped into hitherto taboo Sun Dial. Two weeks later, split was patched up and Godfrey now plug- ging Ford, Chevrolet, Pierce Arrow and Studebaker all in same two hours. All want him to sell used cars and ballying each without treading on the other's toes has lad about nuts. BARRIE ITE'S Sole Direction, HERMAN BRKNIE, 1010 Bruadway, New York Camp Fire Girl Program St. Paul. Discovering that 193C is 'Hospi- tality Year' for Camp Fire Girls. Thomas Dunning Rishworth, KSTP educational director, Tuesday (17) worked out a stunt that not only gave the lassies a chance to cash in WALTER TETIEY BrondcaatlnR with HELEN HAVES "THE SHOW MOAT? FRED ALLEN "Bli'CK ROGERS" "BUBBV BENSON" PA I.MO LIVE OUT I.OMItAKDO AMERICAN SCHOOL OF THE All; CBS—NBC * EMERSON GILL A M N i§ ORCHESTRA EN ROUTE Irectlon FREDDY MACK Conductor nnd M.C. ROXY THEATRE "YOUNG IDEAS" "PERFORMANCE BY CHRYSLER" A CBS Super Air Show EVERY THURSDAY AT 8 P. M., EST—COAST-TO,COAST Per. Mgt.,. CBS ARTISTS BUREAU