Variety (Jul 1936)

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52 VARIETY TIMES *QU4 Wednesday, July 8, 1936 Broadway Dario has a new penthouse. r David Hughes left for the Coast. Percey Elkeles motoring to the Coast. Artie Hinchman's ticket agency went blooey. 1 Jack Mills has purchased a place i in Lawrence; L. I. '. Harry Shumer getting guys up at 6 a.m. to go fishing. Helen Ward, Benny Goodman's vocalist, tested by Par. Irving Mills hosted Hannen Swaf- fer's farewell luncheon. Collier Young of Brandt & Brandt to Holly wood, for six weeks. I Frances Hawkins handling press, on Brattleboro summer group, Ada May (Weeks) plans to return to London stage and filmusicals. Charlie Grey on board- that freighter with the keblang fellows. Nick Holde's cat, Whitey r is dead, Nick went to Staten Island to bury the pet. » Jack Curtis has "that London yen again. ' Says he'll become a British subject one day. Roy Roberts of. Tre-HoneymOon' uses mittens : to hold "glass when drinking mint julips. Maurice McKeiizie, Hays office ex- ecutive, back to his. desk after busi- ness trip to California. Al Cohen upped from • Columbia's shorts publicity and' house organ staff to story department. • July 4th exodus started Friday- noon, several film' companies shut- . tering then for the holiday. ., 'Music men getting up a fund for . widow and child Of Mike Bernard, pioneer jazz pianist and jazz inter- preter. G. M. (Jazz) Rogers of Jeter and Rogers, vaudeville, "now operates Cape Cod Oyster House adjoining Town' Hall. •Bert Adler, secretary of .the Cinema. Club, N. Y., appointed,a dep- uty commissioner in the Dept. of Sanitation, N. Y. - Ruby Keeler, vacationing east with Al Jolson, complains that the new streamlined. super-Chief is too. fast for .comfort. Sways." " Russel Cronk, for past four years with..'ColumbiaPixaccounting de- partment, was drowned- Sunday (5) at Rockaway Beach, N» Y. . Ans^elmo's, on 49ti street near. Sev enth- avenue, ,in receivership, court having appointed Judge Frederick E Goldsmith to handle the place.. : , Philip Huston (not. . the son of Waltejr. Huston): signed by jpandro Berman <RKO) is permitted one legit a year, but so far/none set. Nolan Leary cbllaboratiQg with his wife on final draft of a play. He was a- member of the. Hollywood com- pany of 'Three Men on a Horse/ Frederic Beaumont,'formerly stew ard at the Central Park Casino and Plaza, now ■'. chef-steward for the Rainbow Room and Rainbow Grill. Harry C. Arthur, Sr., in town on his first visit in seven years. Han dling^.a small F-WC operation in Cr^lfofrifa^be'cause he can 7 riearn to . loaf. Hannen Swaffer deferred his sail ing to Thursday (2). Visited Boston l Washington (where . J. E. Hoover showed him the G-man routine) and other cities. . I.: C. A. Tuthill, formerly recording chief at.the Eastern Service Stu- dios, Astoria, added to staff of Uni- versal newsreel,' in charge of al sound recording. ; Charles O'Reilly, head of the The .atre Owners Chamber of Commerce, starts for Ft. Worth this week in connection with'his concession biz at the exposition there. Jack' Moss, Gary Cooper's per sorial rep, in for his brother David's funeral ,and back to the Coast. Da- vid, 41, book retailer, -drowned ac- cidentally whiles swimming. - Max Winslow didn't even stop off in N» Y., heading lor his Thousand Islands retreat direct from Chicago, and plans heading-back to Holly-, wood at the end of summer the-same way. • . . ' ^v.■, . One of the boys in' Paramount asked Mogul, the mitid reader, cur- rently in the-lounge of -the Par, N. Y., who'd -win the last race at Aque- duct 'I can't read the horses' minds, was the reply.' . Since Irving Berlin, Inc., pub- lishes the official Atlantic City song, which Harry Link picked, latter is on-the-cuff at the shore resort and its No. 1 exploiteer, and will spend his vacation there. . That 50 to 0 wager that Joe Louis would defeat Max Schmeling was paid off gladly by Jack Leffler. Payer-offer explained he wanted to bet the other, guy 80 to 10 and there- fore figures he saved 30 bucks. Contrary to the anti-Nazi feeling' as regards the German liners. non- Aryans feel differently, for some reason, about the Zep -Hindenburg, and several are planning bookings this summer. The experience in- trigues 'em. Annual reunion and convention of .. the. Third Division, A.E.F., in At- lantic City July 9, will restage 'Chop JSuey/,- originally nut on in France during the war, Frank Miller, com- mitteeman, trying ■• to recast show With originals. George Simon, of Irving Berlin,. Inc., was reported last week as-hav- ing wed Blanche -Cohen, Corky O'Kftefe's secretary/ • Every tiling okay, except that it was a different Blanche Cohen. O'Keefe's sec says the item chased away too many boy friends. Albert G. Hollander and Melville Hecht, of Evansville, Ind., made an- nual pilgrimage to Sleepless Hollow, conducted by former fellow towns- man Joe Cook. First named biz manager of-the Evansville Curler & Journal. . ■ _ ■ On a couple of hours notice, Jerry Morris (Mrs. William Morris. Jr.)' de- cided to- sail with the Nunnally Johnsons on the Normandie. Which meant she went practically as a stowaway, - Bill cabling passports ahead. Bill did the same trick on the lie in '28, only going sans even a ;ooth brush. Sir William Wiseman, Otto Kahni Jack Connolly and Wal- ter Wanger outfitted his makeshift wardrobe en route.- 1 The cops 'playing ball' too lenient- ly around Radio City Music Hall cre- ate one of the worst traffic snarls around any public building In Greater New York. The 'in' taxi cowboys slambang any foolhardy cruising cabs with the greatest of ease and slightest of worry over what the traffic cops have to' say. This constant. wrangling, coupted with the jockeying for fares (and it's murder on rainy days), has. the summer tourists ga-ga about those peculiar N.Y. ways.. C II A T T E Berlin Joe Joel will handle exploitation for Col. . Pat White and Peggy Dawes at TrOcadero, Sydney, replacing Cha- ncy and FOx. Zane Grey takes the leading role in 'White' Death,' thus making his debut as a film actor. Mastercr'aft getting set to begin work as soon as Frank Thring %ets his' land legs after Hollywood visit. Big. kid trade in Sydney for- Par's 'Popeye,'. show. Idea will now be tried out in Melbourne with morning mats.- ■ ' Three Men On A Horse' opened very well in Sydney. Has been in Melbourne and on the road. and looks okay here. City of Sydney preparing for big doings in 1938, when city will be 150 years old. Stan Crick of 20th-Fox will be on the committee, Roy Barmby, G. U. T., has almost kfully recovered from his recent ? auto accident. Booker- gets around the chain with aid of a stick. Exhibs in certain spot may go ahead and reduce admissions to 12c to offset the Par-Metro' houses.. New Zealand has some theatres playing triple bills for 6c. Looks as though the government will be forced to take action now against the importation of pulp crime mags. Newspapers still appealing for stop order. Charles Chauvel will trip to Holly- wood after releasing "Uncivilized.' Frank Neil expected to go abroad shortly for acts for his vaude chain, 'Anything Goes' (legit),, finishing in Melbourne, may go on the road for Williamson-Tait. Up at Par's office the boys are mourning because Mae West's 'Klondyke Annie' was killed by the censor. They loved to watch a West preview. 'Annie' got censor's okay in New Zealand and the boys are figuring on how to get four days' leave of absence to- see it. ' Visitors here include Alexander Santos, Maxine Lewis, Harry Lang don, Lilian Perka. Maxie Rosen bloom, Zane Grey, Edward Bowen Edward Seward, George Parker William O'Neill,. Buster Shaver Olive and George Brasno, Irving Tishman, Tommy Jones, Leonard Bennett,- Jonathan Hole, Gay Sea brook, Louis Tanno, Betty Hanna and Fred Sherman; Incomers Will be Richard Crooks, Victor Jory and Clarence Badger* The Hague By M. W. Etty-Leal Tandems-more and more popular in Holland. Nat GOnella and band at Kursaal, Scheveningen. First heat-wave this season affect- ing all indoor entertainments ad verseiy. Dutch cabaret-leader Paul Ostra engaged by Holland-America line to act as m.c.-< At Municipal Theatre in Amster dam 250th performance of 'Rubber, play based on novel by Mrs. Szekely Lulofs. Dutcji association of composers offering prizes for best Dutch com positions in honor of silver jubilee of that association. Grace Moore created a panic at Amsterdam and at the Hague. Con- certgebouw and Kursaal Schevenin- gen sold out in advance. At Bois-le-Duc a man celebrated a rare jubilee, which did him little honor* golden jubilee for being re- ported by police On account of being drunk and .disorderly. London Kingsway theatre for sale by auc- tion July 22. ' Charles Coborn celebrating his 84th birthday. John Southern still in the vaude- ville business. Leslie Banks into-rPommer's 'Fire Over England.' . .. ■■ , . Percy Athos and his revue off to South America. - Ronald Colman expected here on a holiday shortly. ■ ' . 'Kind Lady* folded at the Lyric after only nine days. Freddie Baker (Butcher's) cabling Primo Camera to do a picture. Paul Nathanson, son of N. L:, now connected here with British Lion. Rene Ray, G-B star, engaged to George Posford, British composer. Sir Harry Preston undergoing an- other internal operation in London. Anthony Holies, actor, married Mary Harris, of the Harris dancing Hugh Williams signed a five year film and stage ticket for Gilbert Miller. • TiOve From a Stranger' passed its 100th performance at the .Queen's Tay Garnett partying aboard his yacht Athene in Southampton waters. Fred Young doing the camera work for the new Jack Buchanan picture. Caligary Bros, back in town, play- ing .three weeks at the Savoy s hotel; Marcella Salzer tested by Medway Films and signed for a picture the same day. Jack - Cox camera contract with Gainsborough blown up from one to three years. Emlyn Williams covering script assignment for Korda's-next Merle Oberon vehicle. Pride and Prejudice' passed its 150th performance at the St. James theatre June 30. Jane Cain to play Celia in 'As You Like It' at Regent's Park open-air theatre, July 17. Dave Bliss has bought the Grand Theatre, Croydon, to operate as vaudeville house. Greta Nissenlplaying a continental spy in 'Cafe Colette,' current at Wembley studios; Gretel. Ries (Mrs. Heinnch Fraenkel) giving a recital at Baker St. studios June 24. • Tom Arnold financing a picture starring .Sandy Powell, to be->prO- duced by Ralph Ince. Paul Cavanagh heads cast of Cafe Colette,' directed by Paul Stein lot "Garrick Film Co. Sid Roy, brother of Harry, taken ill two days before his wedding, with ceremony postponed. Mercury Films, newly formed in- die; dickering with Bfflie Houston for a starring vehicle. Clapham, of Clapham and Dwyer, radio- comedians, slightly injured in a bumpy plane landing. German stage success 'Dr. Pretor- ius' likely for West End, with Kurt Goetz in the name, part; • Herbert Wilcox Prod, sending out a considerable'amount of publicity on behalf of Richard Hearne. Wanda Tuchock, after a trip to Russia, scribbling-on 'Shadow on the Wall' script for Paul Soskin. Anthony Vivian, of Paul Murray & George Elliot, off to Jamaica with his wife on six weeks' vacation. - New Palladium 'Crazy' show, be- sides having the usual gang will also have six American importations. Lea Seidl owns the English and American rights of 'Gaby, musical based on the life of Gaby Deslys. John Mills signed to five-year deal with Korda through Victor Katona and cast for Pommer's 'Troopship.' Flanagan and Allen's .second pic- ture will be titled 'Underneath the Arches,' directed by Albert de Cour- ville. Clive Brook best man at John Loder's wedding in London, Jun.e 26. Bride was Michele Cheirel, French actress. British Artistic has taken script Of 'Romance of Lord Byron,' authored- by George F. Rbny, French author-r producer. Warner's bought Bus-Fekete play, 'Cape of Good Hope,' with West End and Broadway stage presentations Scheduled. . British & Dominions quit Regent ■Street for Film House, Wardour Street. Into suite formerly occupied by Universal. Ronald Jean's newest, 'Composite Man,' which" stars Richard Bird and Diana Churchill, due to open in Glas- gow-Aug. 17. ... 'The Eunuch of Stamboul,' being made by Richard Wainwright for General Film Distribs, now titled 'Secret of Stamboul.' -C. M. Origo and K. L. Alexander forming Standard. International Picts. with Hans Possendorf's circus novel *Bux* as first film. Edna Best to star in 'Follow Your Saint,' by . novelist Lesley Storm, which comes to the West End in Sept following a brief provincial tour. Carl Brlsson off to Denmark, and set for a Broadway musical in the fall. Otto Harbach and Romberg are collaborating, with tentative title Dance, Little Girl.' Jack Payne, home from South Africa, came to terms with British Broadcasting Corp. for a series of band dates, although having sworn he would not broadcast again. Eric Maschwitz, variety director for British Broadcasting Corp., hon- ored with Order of British Empir The Bohemian Girl' (M-G) nixed by the censor. . Indian ballet Menaka to .Hani- burg, People's Opera. Marianne Hoppe became Mrs. Gustaf Gruendgens. . Further showing of 'Lourdea' stopped by the censor. ' Brigitte Helm has settled down at Fiesole, Florence, Italy, 'The Wayward Canary' premiered at Kurfuerstendamm theatre. Lilian Harvey again on the sick list and out of.'Glueckskinder.' International' Magicians Confer- ence to be held at Munich from Sept. 15-25. Magic Circle, amateur magicians' only member of amusement world _ _ mentioned in the King's Birthday union, incorporated by Reichsfach- List. ' schaft Artistik. Besides Hal Sherman, the new 'Message to' Garcia'• (20th) has Chariot revue will star Nellie Wal- now been passed by the censor, after lace, Billy Bennett and Phyllis Stan- some alterations, ley. Show is to r open hv*Manches- 'Bin Glueckllcher Tag' . OA Happy ter Aug. 17, coming to the . West Day'), new Rolf Lauckner . film, End afterwards, New British opera company formed, called British Music Drama Co: , with Albert Coates as ' conduc- tor and Vladimir Rosing as pro ducer. Will have an all-British cast and season to open in the fall. ', Canadian stage, player, Fred Brad- shaw, doing the male lead opposite Frances Day in - London & Con- tinental British version of 'Liebes melodie' ('Love Melody'), now shoot ing at A. T. P. studios, Ealing. - Jack Waller's new show, due at (Deka), now in making, Jutta Lacchesi's .dance play,The ternal Year,' .performed' by the Wigman group in Dresden. Capt. Schneider, 60, going on tour with his unique floating lion circus of hundred simbas; starting at Ham- burg, , First open-air Puppet Stage opened, at Gelsenkirchen. with a performance of 'Jederman ('Every- man'). Anski's 'Dybbuk' produced by the Berlin Zlonistic Union under the-dl- the London Hippodrome in Sept., f rection of M. Salzmann & J. Hau- Stars George Robey and Renee Hous-1 benstock. ton, with Donald Burr, American Olin* Downes lecturing, on 'After who originally came over here with the Republican Convention' at an a Grosvenor house floor show, as | American Chamber of Commerce juv lead. Quebec Nick Kerry on vacation. Tom Cleary on vacation* Fred Poland in from Toronto. . • Cec Perdue here from Peterboro, Harold Bishop to Halifax for a couple weeks. Buddy Granary to coast and return month of July. Lois Ravel opened with the Chez Maurice June 29.. Jack Fogarty speeding up the Riv- oli nitery as m.Ci Calvin Leonard and Dale Tarlton, luncheon here. 'Schwarzbrot und .Kipfel' ('Black Bread and Rolls'), successful comedy by- Werner v. Schulenburg, acquired for the screen. . Else Dublon, who recently toured the States with the Trudi Schoop Ballet, organizing' a Jewish ballot group in Berlin. Louis Graveure signed for new Euphono film, 'Ein Lied JClagt An' OA Song Accuses'.); going into pro> duction in August. Giistav Goes' drama, 'Hunnen- schlacht* ('Battle of the Huns') at the open-air stage Thale, Hartz mountains, current.. .'.'•' Two-ola-time operettas by Franz vori Suppe, 'Fatinitza' and "Flotte Bursche/ current at 'the Bemhard Rose theatre garden. Marga Waldron . and Eleanor dancing team, booked up for whole season at resorts. ' ■ .,^-^^ , „ Jerry Littte orch at the Boulevard Mangum to Munich, staging, their Hotel, La prairie. • American interpretive "dances at the Lou Gravel swing band at the Ca- - sino Club, Lachine, Jack Hirschberg to Germany to cover the Olympics. ' Clare Stone from Hollywood Club, Montreal,. to Interprovincial Hotel, Hull, • Margo Wayne singing with the Fred ' Keating orch at the Aylmer Aquatic Club. Buddy Payne, Palace theatre or ganist, to London for nine weeks on personal appearances and B.B.C. pro- gram. Annual meeting of Quebec Allied Theatrical Industries, Inc:, held here Tuesday. (30). B. E.-Norrish, Asso dated Screen News, elected presi- dent; D. A, Burns, secretary. Budapest By E. P. Jacob! is Latest craze among actresses cycling, a la Hollywood. Istvan Somlo recovering from major stomach operation. Lily Hatvany to Paris in triple role of critic, writer and society lady. • Big boom in short film production with 20 being made in Filmrode studio. Book-day big success. Authors sold their own books in street booths with actresses helping out. Ray Gqetz and Edward Suther land staying at Sandor Incze's flat, their host being in London. Hungarian film,'Half-Price Honey moon,' will be produced in Italy. A travel bureau is organizing an auto trip through Italy, tourists to take part as amateur extras in the film. Hone Guth, editorial secretary at ^ . Szlnhazl.Elet, was congratulated by . , m , and Laune Devme gone to actresses, actors, writers, journalists Australia, upon her 20th anniversary on the ~ Bayerische Hof hotel. Maria Cebotari goes from the Ber- lin State Opera to film studio for her first flikker, 'Girl in White,' di- rected by Victor Jansori. Tobis-Helo shooting a super navy film in remembrance of Skagerrak, biggest sea battle of all times, di- rected by Heinrich Roellenbleg; Hans Bernstein, musical maestro, prior to sailing for New York in September, going to Italy to ' con- duct the Florence Philharmonic Or- chestra. Outdoor .shots for^new Reinhold- Schuenzel film, 'Das Maedchen Irene' (That Girl Irene') are now being taken in Paris, London and Monte Carlo. 'Broadway Melody 1936' (M-G). in its 18th week of first run at Mar- in o rh a u s Kurfuerstendamm arid simultaneously at Kammerlichtspiele and Titania Steglitz. Shakespeare's 'King. Lear* to be among the open-air performances at Wunsiedel, in the . Fichtel Moun- tains; season now on until .the end of the Olympic Games season. Gustaf Gruendgens signed by Tobis-Europa for a Hew film written by himself from story 1 of Theodor Fontane's 'Effie Priest'; leading role his wife, Marianne HOppe.- 'Israelitic. Family Paper' (Berlin) squawking against Jewish Culture League's Un-Jewish theatrical offer- ings, especially that group devoted to. cabaret and revue, and demand- ing a more outspoken Jewish type of show. . ' Shanghai By Cal S. Htrsh job. Her specialty is knowing 5,000 addresses and phone numbers by heart. Hirsch and Tsuk received a pre mium of $2,600 from the govern ment for high artistic'standard of their production, 'New Squire,' all Hungarian talker. On the same day their horse 'Honved' won $2,000 on the turf. Jimmie Angel band to. Runny* meade Hotel, Penahg, Dave Harvey and Kathleen, ex- Shanghai, touring Japan. Whitey Smith took his band to Tsin.gtaO for a summer season. Terry and Ferry Guzzas clicking at the new Jessfield night club. Virginia and Lilian Worth playing Hongkong, Singapore and India. Henry Nathan, Cathay band leader, en route to U. S. to recruit a new . .. . v .. ivm^ LU . u . „ t „ a Budapest's three.foremost theatres, band and artists for Sir Victor Sas- National, Vig and Magyar, will take SO on's new Ciro. part in the International Theatrical Al- Uhles, maestro at the LUtle Congress and Exhibition in Vienna, club until it folded, heading a nine* Vig showing Molner's 'Miracle in the man band in China's Riveria, Tsing- Mountains' and "Magyar 'Mute tao, for summer season. Knight,'National has not yet selected Shanghai variety show on a two- its play, month tour, of Japan, including Ro- Mrs. Muklos Vitez. only Hungarian gotta. Les Rosilianos, Anita Rptn, — j -r_ — 'Lillian. Green, Pete and Fifl, Mike woman film producer, is making a picture written by her husband. Phoebus company has scheduled "Marriage Possible,* written by the owner's son, Alexander Fodor, and his sister-in-law, Elizabeth Kuhn, Kohan and Vera Love. . Best b.o. pix, 'Country Doctor (20th), 'Small Town Girl' (MG), 'Moon's Our Home' (Par), Sutters Gold' (U), 'Prisoner of SnarK Hungarian producers patronize their Island' and 'Little Lord Fauntleroj families, too. ..... ~ J (UA). ., .