Variety (Oct 1936)

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82 VARIETY o j a * on * -tftfrt ' - T*** 5Sr J-t >'*: DIRECT If tO YOUR | THEATER 1 .From fhf ''Mftas ml. iMvMt|MM«nto' ; ' ■ ■- r - : ■«• mm runntac'ln tIJME: ■ tHEAfER-tfst.-To THE MARCH ^OF ;TIME" canYj^h^ftJes about pas,t episodes ■<■ »nd wher«;-t,he cufrt;nt'i«ue can be seen. An . 'accurate Jis't gf 'alt the theaters showing ' . THE ItfARCft €>F TIME has been prepared, V; by,stateYahlTciliey~yo(irs included.'jilso a' ,- 4 complete, sjimtfaryiotalkepisodes f ronl ff 0 .\ ./jo'.th'e current issue.' Bpih of these are yours '■for theaskine. Simply Write THE MARCH : OFTJM3464 Wist Mth Street, N.Y. City. theaters % -..Rowing the { classified by sta ! e ^ e0ts have ap- peared, more are uten f . r ready thousands have • ^ Waists ^th * e : a hd ^ et ^ d vSeMo theittown of Time pompon ^ riheatM , 'custom, ' K.O«»n for sam 'i 'pies of *« e >t" S i c h con.""' "The First 5) jesting ady thousands bav ; • ■ i ..I'. i 1 . • . LABOR VS. LABOR—A startling camera story of the meet- ings behind closed doors that split the A. F. of L. in two. Exclusive pictures of John L. Lewis and William Green as they battle over the organizing of 30,000,000 U.S. workers^ ENGLAND'S TITHE WAR—In the quaintest war in history, Britain'* farmers^long the bulwark oif th*e'Church of Eng- JUST OUT! land, quietly revolt against the ancient tax that has supported the Church for 1200 years; force Parliament to change it. THE FOOTBALL BUSINESS—The Nation's most colorful and exciting sports spectacle this year adds commercial sponsorship of broadcasting: and open subsidizing' of playersin its bid for the $56,0'DQ,QO.O %S, fans wjll spend.