Variety (Oct 1936)

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Wednesday, October 7, 1936 A D I O VARIETY 3t Washington, Oct. 6, 1936. gix hew stations received .okays from the Federal Communications Commission when the Broadcast Di- vision held its regular meeting last week and numerous applications for construction permits lor high fre- quency relay broadcast stations were granted. Commish nixed one- new transmitter plea and threw out one application for power jump, but granted several transfers of control and one frequency change and power increase. Renewals of regular licenses were granted nine transmitters, but 12 were put on. one month's probation, pending action on renewal applica- tions, ■ Northern Broadcasting Company, Inc., Wausau, .Wis., received the nod on an application for. new station to., be operated on 1370 kc with-100 watts days, upsetting the • recom- mendation pf Examiner P. J. Seward. The request of C. G. Hill, George O. Walker and. Susan H. Walker—long-, time, candidates for a broadcast sta- tion for Winston-Salem, N. C—was filially-granted, reversing Examiner B. L.; Walker. Station will be op- erated on . 1250 kc with 250 watts days. A'second transmitter was au- ' thorized for ; North Carolina when Jonas Weiland, of Kinston, was told i to go ahead with a new-station to be operated on 1200 kc with 100 - watts' nights, 250 watts days, Com? pitsh sustaining Examiner Walker. Navarro Broadcasting Association, Corsicana, Texas, received an okay ' for a new station to be operated on 1310 kc with 100 watts days, in line with the recommendation of Exam- iner G. H. HilL New station for Wilton Harvey Pollard, Huntsville, Ala., to be operated on 1200 kc with 100 wattd also was sanctioned, COm- jaish upholding Examiner Seward. Day juice-jump from 100 to 250 Witts was denied WPAR, Parkers- burg, W« ya., sustaining the recom- mendation of Examiner John P. BramhalL A new station for Jef- ferson Broadcasting Company, Bir- mingham, Ala., also was tossed out . by., the Broadcast Division. Outfit had requested 1200 kc with 100 watts night, 250 watts days. . Other Denials Other denials included WHBB, Selma, Ala., , authority to operate un- limited time,.beginning Oct. 1, pend- ing, action '. on a modification, of license requesting same privilege; WLEU, Erie, Pa., special authority to operate with increased night power of 250 watts for a period of 45, days; WIBW, Topeka, Kan., au- thority to operate with power of 5 kw from 12 midnight to 1 a.m., CST, for the month, of October; WSMK, Dayton, O., and KQV, Pittsburgh, Pa., authority to operate simultane- ously from local sunset to midnight for 30-day period; WSPA, Spartan- burg, S. C., special authority to op- erate unlimited time with power of 500 watts night, 1 kw days, on 1120 kc frequency; WEST,. Easton, Pa., special temporary authority to op- erate simultaneously with WKBO, Harrfcburg,. Pa„ for 30-day period; WKBO. Harrisburg, Pa., same except with WEST. Special authority to operate with 5 kw from sunset at KPO, San Fran- cisco, to 11 p.m., EST, was given WPTF. Raleigh, N. C, until Febru- ary 1, 1937. Station, now using 1 kw experimentally, . for the same period, is on the (500 kc frequency, with KPO. Continuation of special authority to operate on 1100 kc was given KWKH, Shreveport, La., 10- kilowatter, until Feb. 1. - The following, transmitters re- ceived breathing spells until Nov. 1, pending action on their applications for regular license renewals: KFBB, Great . Falls, Mont.; KTFI, Twin Falls, Idaho; WCAE, Pittsburgh,-Pa.; WFAE, Hammond, Ind.; KLPM, Minot, N. D.; WHIP, Day ton, O.; WHBL. Newark, N. J.; WIBA, Madi son, Wis.; KFQD,- Anchorage, Alaska; KGFG». Oklahoma,. Okla.; WATL, Atlanta, Ga.;. WRDO, Au- gusta, .Me.; WNYC, New York City; WWL, New Orleans, 'La. Extension of special experimental -authority w?s granted KTFI, Twin Falls, Idaho, on a temporary, basis only, from Oct. 1, 1936, to~April 1, 1937. ; Referred to Examiners. The following applications were referred, to examiner's:' ' Arthur Groghan, Minneapolis, Minn., hew station to be operated on 1310 kc with 100 watts, days only; WLB,. Minneapolis, Minn., change frequency from 1250 to 760 kc, jump power from 1 to 5 kw, change time from specified hours to sharing with WCAL, Northfield, Minn.; WTCN, Minneapolis, Minn., change hours of operation . from specified to un- limited; KWTN, Watertown, S. Dak., increase power from 100 watts to 250 watts night, 500 watts days, and change frequency from 1210 to 1340 kc; KGDY, Huron, S. Dak., change frequency from 1340 to 1210 kc, change power from 250 watts days to 100 watts nights, 250 watts days; Georgia Broadcasting Co., Rossville, Ga., new station to be operated on 1200 kc, with 100 watts; WLMU, Middlesboro, Ky., increase day power from 100 watts to 250 watts; Amarillo Broadcasting Co., Amarillo, Tex., new station to be operated oh 1500 kc with 100 watts days; W. E. Whitmo're, Hobbs, N. Mex., new sta- tion to be operated on 1500 kc with 100 watt days. Virgil V. Evans, Gastonia, N. C., new station to be operated on 1420 kte with lOO watts, requests call let- ters WJBR; Schuylkill Broadcasting Company, Pottsville, Pa, new station to be operated on 580 kc with 250 watts days; Northwestern Publishing Co., Danville, 111., new station to be operated on 1500 kc with 250 watt days; Waldo Abbot, Ann' Arbor, Mich., new special broadcast station to be operated on 1550 kc with 1 kw; Central States Broadcasting Co., Council Bluffs, la., new station to be operated on 1500 kc with 100 watts. The following applications were received: WGY, Schenectady, N. Y., juice- jump froni 50 to 500 kw; KGFI, Cor- pus Christi, Te::., change frequency from 1500 to 1330 kc, increase power from 100 watts .nights, 250 watts days; to 500 watts unlimited; WBOW, Terre Haute, Ind., Change frequency from 1310 to 930 kc, power from 100 watts nights, 250 watts days, to 500 watts nights, 1 kw. days; KABR, 'Aberdeen, S. Dak., change frequency from 1420 to 1.390 kc, increase power from 100 watts to I kw; KFIO, Spo kane, Wash., change frequency from 1120 to 1110 kc, increase power from 100 to 500 watts; KFJR, Portland, Ore., voluntary assignment of . license •from Ashley C. Dixon, KFJR, Inc, to KALE, Inc. John Stewart Bryan .& Douglas Freeman, Tennant Bryan, co-part ners, Petersburg, Va., new station to be operated on 1370 kc with 100 watts days; World Publishing > Co., Pacific Coast Radio Notes Hal Wolf is giving football analysis on new program 'Sports Review,' weekly on Tuesday over KOMO, Seattle: Harold C. Moan, formerly with KFPY, Spokane, KFBB, Great Falls, and KGBO, Missoula, is now on KOMO-KJR, Seattle staff of an- nouncers. Maitland Jordan, formerly Tulsa, Okla., new station to be op- erated on 940 kc with 5 kw; KPLC, Lake Charles, La., increase day power from 100 to 250 watts; George H. Payne, San Jose, Calif., new sta- tion to be operated oh 1010 kc with 1 kw; WMBO, transfer of control of corporation from* George I. Stevens to Roy L. Albertson, 150 shares com- mon stock; WIBG, Glehside, Pa., in- crease power from 100 watts to 5 kw and change hours of operation from daytime to limited, Chicago sunset; KTAT, Fort Worth, Tex., voluntary assignment of license from Raymond E. Buck to Tarrant Broad- casting Company; KTSM; El Paso, Tex., increase day power from 100 to 250 watts and request authority to carry WDArL El Paso, schedule on KTSM transmitter; WJIM, Lans- ing, Mich., voluntary assignment of license from Capitol City Broadcast- ing Co., to Harold F. Gross; WPHR, Petersburg, Va., change hours .of operation from days to unlimited, using 500 watts. West Virginia. Newspaper Publish- ing 'Co., Clarksburg, W. Va., new station to be operated on 630 kc With 1 kw nights, 5 kw days; WTAQ, Green Bay, Wise, Increase day power from 1 kw to 5 kw; Fayette Broadcasting Corp, Uniontown,' Pa'., new station to be operated on 1420 kc with 250 watts days; KTHS, Hot Springs National Park, Ark., change frequency. ftomi 1040 to 1060 kc, time from sharing with KRLD, Dal- las, Tex., to unlimited; Journal Com- pany (Milwaukee Journal), Wau- kesha, Wise, new. facsimile broad- Cast station to be operated on 620 kc with 500 watts, midnight to 6 a.m. (WTMJ, Milwaukee, Wise, broadcast transmitter to be used); D. L. Thornton, Centralia arid Che halis, Wash,, hew station to be op- erated on 1500 kc with' 100 watts nights,' 250- watts days. with KMO, Ta'coma, another addition to KOMO-KJR announcers. Tubby Graves, frosh football coaefc. at U and baseball coach, ditto,' in ne* program, over KQMO, Seattle, twic« weekly, 'Locker Room Stories in. Sport.' Jose Maria Reynal rounded up * dozen picture names for his 'gpoi will' broadcast from Hollywood f* South America. '• Charles Correll (Andy) piloted hid own plane from the Coast to Chi* cago. Freeman Gosdeh (Amos,, dt al), took no chances and boarded » streamline train. Hal Styles, KMTR (Hollywood) special eventer, looking for'••' a haunted house, to broadcast from. Harry MatzUsh, KFWB (Holly- wood) manager, pulled a fastie by inking Rob Wagner to a contract while an agency exec' was stalling for time. Robert TapUngrer winged back t* his N. Y. office after .looking in o* the . Nelson Eddy inaugural for Vicks. ' Dave Broekman, KHJ (Los Ange-. les) musical director, batoning an ofk for first time on Coast NBC network. • J Carl Nlsscn, former commercial manager of KNX (Hollywood), has bought into the R. H.-Albers agency. Hngo Klrchofer leading - KFWB (Hollywood) community sing "from Exposition Park. . Lloyd Yoder, NBC press chief, for the Coast, will b$ head linesman at three conference games in L.A. this year, "!' Bin* Crosby due baok - on the Kraft broadcast Oct, 15" after sev- eral weeks resting up in Hawaii, v Thomaa. Frcebalrn Smith named head announcer ' of KNX (Holly* wood). . Dan Prindle joined Hee Chevigny's continuity staff. ■A 4 i of any broad- serv ice to — - listeners ^ecog- n«e wi-w . W«» e0tal - • ets by the tes^s of *e« ^ CA mpa.g» cft£e . t0 its tremeodotts