Variety (Oct 1936)

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I Wednesday, October 7, 1936 RADIO VARIETY 41 Inside Stuff-Radio Identity of each station participating in program slated for rebroadcast- ' jng must hi submitted to the Federal Communications Commission in accordance with revised version of rule book approved last week. ■Rewriting rules 177 and 177.1 but without making any major changes, commish stipulated that henceforth the licensee of any regular or inter- national transmitter must notify the commish of the call letters of each sthtlon rebfoadcast, in addition to obtaining the express consent of each originating, transmitter. Only other significant alteration deleted paragraph which prohibited V, S. stations from airing the programs of foreign stations without ob- taining F, C C. approval. This clause is omitted from the new version of •rule 177. "^—^IBC last week straightened out the feud between the Earle Anthony stations, KFI and KECA, Los Angeles, and the Democratic National.Com- mittee, with the result that the former outlet carried President Roose- velt's speech from Pittsburgh. Network had its political contacteers busy ever since-the committee, in reprisal for what happened three weeks previ- ous, ordered the Anthony outlets eliminated from all Democratic campaign talks. Jn inquiring why KFI refused to carry the President's fireside talk of three weeks ago NBC found out that the station had acted on the advice of an attorney. 'Municipal Court Justice Nathan Sweedler of Brooklyn last week filed the complaint of his suit on'the 'Good Will Program.' Asking $250,000 in damages; the judge claims that the title is being used without authoriza- tion from him. . >Among those named as defendants are Chase & Sanborn Coffee, J. Wal- ter Thompson, WMCA, New York, Mutual, NBC, WOR, Newark, Mac- fadden Publications and A. L. Alexander. Justice Sweedler avers that prior, to September, 1930, he .conducted a 'Good Will Court' idea in Brook- lyn, and what he objects to is the commercialization of this community service. . 'Reopening of cases involving sale of five Texas and Oklahoma stations to, William Randolph Hearst and others was blocked when majority, of. broadcast division members of Federal Communications Commission stood pat on decision, to approve the transfers without public hearing. With contracts in the case still withheld from public inspection, two members declined to be swayed by . protests of third commissioner who argued that such an important transaction ought not be rubber-stamped Until the F. C. C has the benefit of all information about valuations, pur- chase prices, identity of individuals concerned, and plans for future operations.- • localities for a daily five-minute newscast and WFBR gets a quarter page in each issue of the papers. Station plugs each paper aside from crediting each as news source. WFBR idea, is to strengthen hold on listening public living in the rural communities by creating good will of the hinterlanders in offering 'em the direct attention radio has seldom given the crossroads and hamlets. News- casts contain just the sort of chatter, stuffed with personalities and their small doings, that county weeklies carry in their columns. Films, once a baby art, which has outgrown its infancy, has already seen former kid players "maturing into mature prominence. But radio is still too young to have any traditions. However, 'Little' Mary Small is.drop- ping the diminutive now that she's attending a fashionable prep school, Wharton's, in N. Y., and is in her 15th year, thus making her the first of the mike kidlets to decide and grow up for professional as well as private purposes. Another sponsor bit the dust last week as Federal Trade Commish share- shooters brought down. Mills Sales Co., New York, merchandising various toilet articles. , . Commish ordered Morris Gottsgen and David Jacoby, operators of the firm, to quit broadcasting misrepresentations about the price and value of their products. Grant-in-aid fellowship has been awarded Arthur S. Garbett, educa- tional director of the NBC w.estern division, by the Humanities Division of the Rockefeller Foundation to enable him .to protect his new simplified system of teaching musical composition to children and adults. His method is already being tried experimentally in both the Oakland and San Fran- cisco public schools. Reported in Chicago that John Clark is negotiating with Robert Barrett, radio buyer for Blackett-Sample-Hummert, to join .the Trans-American firm. Understood that Barrett is wanted to handle station relations for Trans-American system. Barrett refused to affirm this report and denied he was even considering leaving the B-S-H firm. Robert Orr, Lennan & Mitchell v»p., says that Burt McMurtrie remains as head of the agency's radio department and that Carlos DeAngelo has come in as a member of the production staff.' McMurtrie has been with Paul Whiteman in Fort Worth, producing the Sunday night show for Woodbury. & ■ State Senator James A. Noe of Monroe, La., says he Is ready to put up $18,000 for. construction of a new radio station in his city. Dr. ~S. P. Cer« nlglia,.Monroe dentist, has appealed for a construction permit to build a J00-wat£ 1,500-kUocycle station, daytime operation only." Noe, former lieutenant-governor, who served as Governor of Louisiana for several months following the death of O. K. Allen, said he would take a mortgage on the station as security for backing Dr. Cerniglla, but that he would have 'absolutely no control whatever' over the operation. . WFBR, Baltimore, has made a reciprocal tie-up with county weekly newspapers of four outlying towns, Westminster, Cambridge, Havre de Grace and CenterviUe, all in Md., by which sheets furnish news items from . Chief reason for recent powwow in Philadelphia of Atlantic Refihing's football spielers was to inspect sponsor's refineries rather than get broad- casting pointers according to N. W. Ayer. Figured if the boys did a look- see of gas production, they'd put more 'sincerity' into commercials. Trans- portation both ways and all expenses for two days. WW J, Detroit, has been scoring some nifty on-the-scene broadcasts with its mobile unit. With Bill Mishler handling, airings have been made in the past week from a train wreck in Ann Arbor, a big explosion in Flint and special broadcast from home of kidnaped Buddy Browe. Squawks from KYA when it was discovered that the station had not been signed for any of the Associated Oil Company's play-by-play reports of Saturday grid tussles in the San Francisco bay area are believed to be responsible for the shift of half the games previously assigned to KSFO to the Hearst transmitter. Exclusive broadcast of annual Philadelphia food fair at Commercial Museum has been grabbed again by WFDj. Station will build-studio at fair, also repeating short wave etherings from various booths and p.a.'s of headliners from air shows sponsored by food firms. NBC NEW PROGRAMS Modern Magazines: 'Modern Ro- mances' dramas, Wednesdays, 2 to 2:30 p.m., starting Oct 7; for 13 weeks. Via WJZ, WBZ-A, KDKA, WTAM, WMAQ. Household Finance: 'Sherlock Holmes, Thursdays, 11:15 to .11:45 p.m., starting. Oct 1; for 52 weeks. Via WEAF, KYW, WLW, WMAQ. NBC RENEWALS American Can: 'Ben Bernie and All the Lads,' starting Oct. 27; for 13 weeks. Basic Blue, WEBR, WLW, SE, SC, SW, NW, KTAR, KFSD (ML Red and Basic Pacific Red through Dec. 29 only).' (ML Blue and Basic Pacific Blue starts Jan. 1; 1937.) CBS NEW PROGRAMS National Ice Advertising: 'Home- maker's Exchange,' Tuesdays and Thursdays, 11:45 to noon, starting Oct 27; for 26 weeks. Via 38 stations in Boston, Chicago, Detroit, Louis- ville, New York, Omaha-Lincoln, Philadelphia,. Pittsburgh, St Louis, Syracuse, Washington, Atlanta, Bir- mingham, Charlotte', Dallas, Denver, Ft Wayne, Knoxville, Minneapolis, New Orleans, Oklahoma City, Salt Lake City, San Antonio, Savannah, Shreveport Topeka, and Pacific Coast. ■ Pcnliac: 'News Through a Woman's Eyes' with Kathryn Cra- vens, Mondays, Wednesdays, Fri- days, 2 to 2:15 p. m., starting Oct 12. Via 57 stations with rebroadcast to the west. Note: New programs for more than 13 weeks are generally cancellable in cycles of 1$ ■weeks on 30 days? notice. KVOD's Newspaper . Tie-Up Denver, Oct. 6. KVOD has signed for United Press service, and is broadcasting news six times daily and three times' Sundays. Station has also made a tieup with the Denver News whereby, the News prints KVOD programs; and the News takes a 15-minute period six nights a week direct from the paper's editorial rooms. How's This For a Batting Average? TWO OUT OF THE THREE SELECTED TO BROADCAST THE WORLD SERIES OVER THE COLUMBIA BROADCASTING SYSTEM ARE FROM WCAU 5 0,000 WATTS PHILADELPHIA