Variety (Oct 1936)

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68 VARIETY Broadway Alice P. Glazer in from Coast to- day for visit. Eddie Conrad, radio comic, tested by 20th-Fox. Nick Shafer added to staff of NBC artists .bureau. ' Tim Mara presented the Elks with $2,500 organ, .... Ray Le Strange has opened. is own publicity office. . ■r Lou Guimonds are jblanni to go to the Coast by car. : ; Gladys • Calthrop, Noel = Coward's scenic v designer, m town. . Chic- Kane is managing Johnny Hauser's newly formed band. SaVington Crampton (Thompson agency) is a burleycue hound. Len Morgan joined the United Press radio service news staff. ' : MorrieRyskind in from Gdast, re- newing bid Broadway friendships, Johnny Weismuller skedded to !come in from- the Coast this week. . Alfred B. Cerf, former Hollywood stylist, operating -a, dress sbbp here: '-. J. H..- (Jock) Whitney: is., in Keri- tuicky with the horses for a couple "'' Buriey houses on 42d street again have tilted,,their afternoon scales slightly;V'^' ; ' Peggy Fears' likeness out on sheet music, covers, but- where is she : singing? Facade of Lyceum theatre wired to shock pigeons, but they aire tough to . get rid of. ■. . ." .,■ • Diftiitri and Virgil,,, dancers at •Dimitri'sf Club Gaucho, to « make ^Warner shorts. . . Universal Club is giving a dinner- dance at the . Waldorf-Astoria ^lecv ,tibn*ve (Nov. 2).'. > Beaux Arts, ball shifts to riries 'Square this;year Dec. 4, for the first ■time in four years. Eddie Alperson back at his desk at Grand National after -an inspection 3aurit to the Coast. •'<■ • Tim and Irene- make their second ^Educational Qhn this week, then into .six weeks of vaude. :' ; ' ... r Number One Elks gave testimonial 'dinner 16. John Baker, 79-yeafrold pioneer -vaudevilliari. . ■■ When he boarded ship for London Friday (16); Gilbert Miller limped with a touch otthe gout, j, , ' Phillips Holmes off to Londori last ^week -ior~Bj;P/s ^Dominant Sex.' J>ue hack in six weeks. > rFreddie Kohlmar, Goldvfyn's talr - **h t scout, hack to the Coast yester- day; as did Margaret EttirigerV: Cliff Fischer taking the «ure in the Pyrenees, due to sail Nov. 4 to o.o. "hiS 1 French Casino interests he'rey Warner Club will present- three ^apt plays in club rooms end of. ; iSBxt" nionth. • Glenn Sherman direct :ing, '. ".V-- ■ : Rains : Galleries auction, of Eddie Cantor's furnishings from his' Great •Neck. U I., home takes place Oct '■281-31'' : r Charles Peltijohn, ot legislative division of the Hay$ office, returns this ; week, from four weeks .Europe. ri • ■Gastbtt . Lv" Stern, of National 'Scteetiii is i^dy- io sue anybody •wha calls, him 'Gappy,' a nickname from way back. . w . - - i i Bill Pineft beenwaiting for favor ISSSt'SSSm. weather shice.the. V/ojfldl >erje^:ah* fihally^got off oyer t{ie w6ekericK%>itto Myron Selznick.; --. Aniiericah Gilbert and Sullivan As- sociaiibn will Honor the 100th anni- vve?sary v : of Siif ; : William S. Gilbert 'NOV. 15 at.the Park Central hotel. V Henry Scott, mitten piainist, stag- ing a contest in' Steihway hall start 'ing, today <Wednesday). He's x:om peting for. accuracy against, all ^comers^fe;. . ';: . • . V Harrys-Rapf^ nephew, Ray Katz 4WHN). and.. Martin Racki , of . • George B. I^ttman> publicity outfit 1 , sponsoring a socialite Broadway or- ganization for young professionals. . First time .in years Eddie Davis (Leon &: Eddie) has been up. in the -daytimehe mugged Caressing a jar r pl ptunes for a Macy's store ad tieiip, : - v-Georgp Brown- (Biow- agencjy^aFr ranged/Corking commercial tieup ,on behalf .of. Kriieger's beer with a dis- play '^n.the/tiOngacre stage in .'the «ew Nbrmati Biel-Geddes show, -Iron Men:' * ; . . . v x , ' : Ed Ryan, back recently- from the , London 'Three Men on. a Horse' com- pany, went td Louisville for a family reunion' last week, A day after "Ryan's arrival at his home there his father was killed, in an auto-train wreck. / " ^, Mark. Bellinger and Gladys Glad tossed a farewell session for Monroe Hellinger at: the Taverner Monday , night (20).; Mark's kid brother left for the Coast on his first lap of a Wbild trek which will last nine Mbnths.* .. * Aresi, maitre r . -at the . Rainbow Room, hosted Nuvolarl. the Roose- velt Raceway prize-winnerj at the Rockefeller nitery. . The Italian speed king observed that the. only ^hing. comparable with dining and ■'. dahfiing. on the 65th floor of an office building was looking down . from • some Alpine retreat in the Tyrol : -Henry Kolker returns to the Coast Nov. 1 and a Grand National (Cag- j^fy> r assiemrient. Vet' le?it-ftlm player, firsjt time east in eight years, was struck (l\ with the sameness of . BroadwaVv the> towii's »rrsit cban»?e east of 6fh a venue, and (3) with the M- frestfo infbWhaHty of le^it. first- ^(Khting. • cbhtrast- 'to yesteryear's splendot of dressing qu«; ;.for i^be theatre. Berlin Ice skating again at Sport Palace. Pbla Negri back from the Riviera. Hammer Tonfilm in liquida- tion.. ' ^ Montparnasse new itery in Kant strausse,, " . Barnabas von Gezy concerting at the Esplanade. Russell A. Muah in from London with Truman & Talley. Legit stage Tribuene reopens with Goldohi's. 'Servant of Two Masters.' Michael Hohnen- signed for a num- ber of appearances at the Deutsche Opera House. La. Yana in ;her first pic, Truxa' (Tobis-Rot'a), after two years in London musicals. Robert, A. Kreier succeeded Peter N, Br inch as general manager of the local 20th-Fox offce. , / Dr, Fritz OHmsky appointed for- eign press chief of Reich Film Chamber, succeeding late Albert A. Sander. . UFA preparing a new Anny Onr dra film, 'Sog'ar in Diesen Zelten' ('Even in These Times'), directed by Carl Lamac; UFA'S local ace house, Palace am Zoo, claims best business in the past five years with 'Verraetef (Trai- tors*) (UFAXcU ,/ ■: Beniamino GigM attending ^he premiere of his new film, *Du Bist Meih Glueck* ('You Are My Joy') (Itala-Syndikat). .■ . • Austrian State Opera Director, Dr. Kerber, in from Vienna for confab with General Intendant Heinz Tiet- jjeh about exchange of singers. Jenny Jugo to play the leading role in the new Erich Engel film, 'Die Nacht Mit Dem Kaiser' ('Night With the Emperor') (Tobis*Rota), now in the making; , Eva HadTabova in from Vienna to sing the female lead in Suope's 'Abenteuer in Africa* ('Adventures in Africa') at the Theatre of the Peoples • (Grosse Schausoielhaus). Ludwig jWuellner, ASeji mongl- ngist. who toured America jr\any tiroes, in vaiide and concert, goes legit, opening in Ludwie's.'Erbfoer- «ter' ('Hereditary Forestkeeper.') at; the Rose. Berlin - Prague film discussions held here between Hans Weidemann; vice-president of Reich Film. Cham- ber, and W. T. BinoVecV president of Prague Film Union, will be con- tinued and brought to a conclusion in Vienna in -Noviember., ; weeks. Al Frith, local comedian, will have the lead. Charles Munro, Hoyts!, is prepar- ing for another tour of the chain covering all States. -Walter Hutch- inson will go along. Jennie. Benson (Mrq. Ernest Rolls) has left for a vacation ' England. Has . been in Australia many years in Vaude and revue. Next month, English cricketers will be here to oppose the Australians. Arrival of the Englishmen wiil: hurt matinee biz in all theatres... -. X By I>. Ii. Grahame •Pairis Follies' stage :shoVv: playing at Cine Maximo. , . . ■. ." Hal Roach vacationing in Guay- mas, northwest port resort. *Diaha Hay and her dancing horse feature ; of . JCine^Teatrd Alameda; stage show. , Two Mexican cabaret per- formers wounded in a jealousy nifiht street fight v . ■ . . William R. Jennings, only . Amer- ican exhib here, married. He runs the Cine Olimpia. .* . m , x i Roberto $bto, Mexico's fattest actor, back at his bid stand, Teatro Lirico, where Lupe Velez got her National Revolutionary . Party, y/hich dominates' the Federal Gov- ernment, has organized a dramatic Company to spread culture. ^ ■ Screen of Cine-Teatro Alameda and some curtains and props de- stroyed by a fire during a stage show. No panic. Performances re- sumed next day. ; 7 Jack Connelly in town. Irene Hilda in from Belgium. Gloria Mausier. to New York. . Jerry MengO back from New York.. Reine Paulet singing in Japanese; Restaurant, prices.' in Paris going; up. ;'• ; '' v ' Geraldine and Joe at the reopened Lido. Gipsy Nina packing for the Berlin. Scala. Bernard Hilda and band playing at the Ritz. .,', - Lorney taking : ing lessons. Indus Hollingsworth readying for a Riviera visit. " Helena Greasley. moving .into a new apartment.' Joan Warner back from Marseilles. Mayol at the Empire. '.' 'Swing Time' - (RKO) opening at the Theatre des Amb^sadeurs. . . Short and Long in and have every- body doing 'Knocks-Knocks' here. Mistinguette' says she will make her next film in Fr ench, English and German. Jim Witteried putting on a show at the Crillon for the American Auto- motive: Club. • Nita Raya.sighed as female star for the new Casino de Paris .revue with Maurice Chevalier. Gladys Gould given a leading role in Rbg6r Vltrac's" 'Canielot," opening at the Atelier theatre. Frank of the Ritz throwing a-cock tail party to celebrate the issue of his book on how to shake ; 'em. Baltimore By Albert..Scharper, London Chesterton left around ric Gorrick Stuart F. Doyle in Melbourne on behalf of Greater Union. . Ken G. Hall, Cjnesound, is all set to shoot 'Something in Cbmmbn' next local. •••• .. ' . 'Swing Tinie' (RKO) will have its "premiere/, in New Zealand next month. . ' . Le Meri, dancer; begins a Sydney season in two weeks on own man- agement. . , . ''„ FoUbwing completion of • Rangle River* at National no other pic worK has been annbuhced. Joe Joel; ^publicity expert for Col, looking forward to his first American visit next December; Frank Marden has taken control of Station 2 U. W. in Sydney for Com nionwealth Broadcasters. ; Richard Crooks has left for a tour of New Zealand under the manage ment Of Williamsori-Tait. SydneyGriesman, A.T.P., has com- pleted a tour of the country districts of N. S. Wales for his unit. Williamson-Tait will, revive 'Maid of'the Mountains' in Melbourne, with Gladys Moncrieff in the leading role. Dan Carroll is progressing favor- ably after a major, operation. Will soon resume charge of . the FUm Board of Trade. • : .Great, 5^rrier Productions ready- ing' another for work in two Lillian Dietz.;.in two. motor acci- dents' in one day. 'Blossom Time,' at Ford's next week, will be .paying Balto its 11th visit. . -.'■ , ■ •■• ■ •..;•'•'• , David Wallace advancing. for 'Plumes in the Dust,' due into Ford's week of Nov. 2, Al Zalis how selling Hollywood Films,- ihdie product, , through Mary- land and Virginia territory* Howard Burman to N. Y; to see Alex Yokel anent his play; 'First Night,' which Yokel has under op- tion. :.. . . ,,:■ Roy' ; Bergere, .onertime songwriter now in nitery agency biz, has defied first piece in seven years; tag is 'My Story.' •. ■ Chum'" McLaughlin, operator of the indie legits Auditorium and Maryland, zipping ~ up to. N; Y.* ; to rake up some bookings. Minneapolis 'By : ''Le's Rees Ann Brown, Warners,, passed away. . - '■:' " . Lou Greenley recovering from op- eration. Mort Hv Singer">laying first visit in several months- W. L. McFall/escaped injury when his car ran into tree and was de- molished-.---: Morrie Abrahams^ MG exploiter, Off to Milwaukee to work oh 'Romeo and Juliet.' ' . '■ " S. D. Kane, Northwest' Allied States' executive secretary, - to join benedicts ? ranks* / N George Hinton has gone in for gardening on large/ scale, since mbv ing into new home. Pathe ;News sent Tony Caputo here from New York to shoot Nebraska- Minnesota football game, and he will cover two niore. Gopher gridiron clashes/ ' G K. $140,000, Jacques Charles back from South America.;, :■ .'"'!'■ St. John ErVine has undergone an operation bri. : his ,eyes... .'..;'' ■ Stanelli's .wife, in-hospital getting over serious* internal operation. ' Kurt Robit&hek postponed his sailing for New-York due to a touch of 'flu, ■■■■^■•y •• • ; Ludovici Tbeplitz- head of Toep- litz Films, may visit America next, month. '.'• 'No Ordinary Lady' closed at Duke of Yorks'.. theatre Opt. 10 after a. fortriight'i9 run.- ; • Emlyn Williams' infant son travr eling with his nurse to join his par- ents in New York. Lily Morris getting over a nervous breakdown, which has kept her 1 off the stage for six months. Walter Strauss, son of Oscar Strauss, here arid being escorted around by T. H. Bostbck. Wcrk on filming of 'Silver Blaze' held up for a week; owing to illness of Director Thomas Bentley. Cissi Williams' hobby now is horse-ri ing,- which she does every morning on Wimbledon Common, i George Black and his assistant, Charles Henry, back from the conti- nent; after a hunt for some novelties Lawrence Wright down with bron* chial flu, with doctor forbidding him to leave house for at least 10 days. * ;'•" • Revival of 'Marigold' , at the Roy alty, Oct. 13; will be the first- West End production to be publicly, tele vised. . .Twickenham Films starting ; pro duction based on French story by Franz Schulz. Albert de Courvllle Will direct. Flanagan and Allen are leaving George Blacks Charles Cochran has signed them at $1,750 per week plus ' 'Spring . Tide* passed 100th per formance at the Duchess. CollabO' rator 'Peter Goldsmith' now. revealed as J. B. Priestley. « 'Maurice Winriick- and band to be oh the Empire broadcast Nov. YJ, and will broadcast froni the St. Marco restaurant. - : •'.''*: Florence Desmond .to play the leai in the Tom Arnold-George . Black pantomime at. the London Hippo drome this Christmas'. Vivian Ellis, responsible • for the music of 'Going Places;' confined to bed ;with jaundice; on night- .of premiere at the Savoy. Charles Cochran has renewed deal till Christmas'" With ■ the ' ticket" li braries for his 'Laughter in Court,' current at- the Shaftesbury. Emile' .Littler, opens his third Christmas -pantomime in Birming ham Dec. .24. Cast to be headed by Gene Gerrard, . Helen Gilliland and June. ' : ' " " ■.■ . ""' Big Bill Campbell going back on the air for 1he British Broadcasting Corp. with his feature,'Rocky Moun- taineers/ for eight months. Opening Oct. 26. Tom D. Clarke, controller, of. the Argyle theatre, Sirkiehhead; married in Liverpool to" Ursula 'Low", '.hpn- prbfessibbal. Honeymooning on the continent. Noni -watching his. 12-year-old daughter's debut, at the Hackney Empire; she'plays three instruments, sings in different languages and dqes acrobatic dancing.' ; :. George McMahbn issued 263 . writs against newsreei houses controlled by Gaumont-British for billing the revolver -incident, in- which he: was concerned; as 'attempted assassina tibn of .'the King.' : Joan Maude to play the title role in Clifford Bax's- historical nlay, •Jane Shore,' to be staged by Nancy Price: at-the- Little -theatre-shortly male leads are Esmond • Knight Gyles Isham and Glen Byam-Shaw, the By Glenn C. PuIlen Milt Harris, of Loew's, never misses a premiere in town. Expose of police graft in bootleg days giving cops and nitery owners plenty of nightmares. Ben Bernie burned when. Mayr fair Casino added four local femme acts to ..his all-male . show. Sid Andorn. WGAR commentator, turning column 1st again , to knock out booklet of epigrams for sponsor. Eleanor Whitney (Wittenberg to localites) given top nlace on mar- , quee here since boost by Paramount. Peeved because cricks unani- mously cracked down on his 'Mu- latto' on poor week at H.anna, James Kirkwor.d roasted them ' after- Curtain speeches. . Gardner \^ilspn' Dave Apollon'tmlt; Larry Blake" back to' Coast and Universal .contract. ■■: Dave Idzal around looki some units and. a.cts. ,. Peggy, Wall heading community production 'of, 'My Song.' ■ , . Doc. George Halley. .to' New.. Yor bh some. KMB0 show bi.z..' /: Morrie Levi , ex-local box-officer in town, for a lobk-arOuhd.' Official- moniker for Jack Kearns second son: is Joseph Jerome. Charlie Althoff raising set pointer hounds on his farm. •* Gus Van . working overtime ;pblitical benefit performances. . Lou Epstein hunting up some show girls to add to the Frencli ^asino unit. Playwrights Theatre group tossing first' shindig and social get-together of the season. . ;. Howard Davis, of the State-Lake oit band, and Dorothy Jane; of the house lipe, are' Mr: and Mrs. Charles Greene paused bh his way across country to talk Consolidated Artists biz with Chi manager Leo Salkin. rom of on Dorothy. Lamour plahed Chi. '■' Lionel Stahder floored by flu last week. ". Frances Langford has lorida. John Barrymore fishi ;tish Columbia. ; Earl Baldwi auto accident, .. Bud : . Schulberg recovered from appenop; ' Sara Mildred Strauss, N, Y. dance directress, here. . Irene Saitern has joi U s icity deparlruent.: Howard J. Green watchi losses at Tanforah. Armand Schaefer laid with >adly sprained ankle. " Wesley Ruggles bought . . farm near Cambridge, Mass. Richard. Landau joined is dad's agency to handle writers. * Cliff Edwards east to cut some discs with Harry Richman. : Hal Nelson, dram ed of the Tacoma Times, giving studios the ogle. Wallace ' Word will remain England for another six months. Dick Green, ; assistant director at Radio, heads' studio's dramatic club, Ben Hcfshfield joined Republic in charge of radio contacts for that out-, fit, - .. ' .: Dudley Nichols plans Radio studio return- Nov, 1 after 'three-month Vacash. ^ : Lou M. Goldberg resigned as' as- sociate of . the .. Robert Knowlden agency. Pat West now secretary of the Sierra Madre. chamber of commerce —with pay. .'.-... . Robert KallOck has taken over Ernest Dry den's fashion designing spot at Col. Bing Crosby Picked up; enuff weight in Honolulu to cause him to go on a diet; : '; • ' Lance Heath, recently in the agency biz, has returned to the . Par publicity department. • M ' , " Nelson Eddy's concert tour will take him into 47 cities' upon comple- tion of MG's 'Maytime.V Al Green is circulating a petition among industry people for his pro- posed Hollywood racetrack. Watren Doane re-joined Hal Roach as studio story head, with Anthony Mack" ancTJohn W. RusselTas aidfeST" Management : firm of Robert Gold? stein, Charles Goetz and Ray Blum- ehthal opened Hollywood quarters: M. E. Greenwood, Metro biz man- ager, recuperating at home after long siege in . the Californi Lutheran hospital.' >■■',■ -y ■".:' Fred . C. Quimby and family in from east. He plans to install MG short subject sales department at studio here..' Jerry Olenicky former writer con-... tact at Metro, has joined the Ted Loeff agency to handle material and scriveners. Jack Andrews, ex-newspaperman frbm the east, has joined Myrt Blum's agency. to : : handle material and writers. Erik Rhodes will haVe his mug printed on song sheet of 'Tonight, Lover, Tonight/ being published by Irving Berlin. < Margaret Ettihger due jjack this; week from Gotham, with Ross Shat- tuck> the' hubby, due in from Aus- tralian hegira Nov. 1. . Eddie Kaye. former director of the Spotlight ; Little Theatre, . joined Maurice Conn at Ambassador Pic- tures. He'll write and direct. , Wister Clark, ex-ad model, arrived here to report for work at U: He's a Dartmouth grad and was signed after some, film work in New York. Met opera advised. George Anthell; composer, here scoring 'The Plains- man' at Par, that it will present his •John Brown's Bbdy' during coming season. ■ Joe Cunningham and Frank Scully did a personal at' the Mesa Grand House, Victorville, Calif., during the Rodeo.- Upped grosses 18c, a new high for both. _^AL.Green 1 . who Jplans to. build racetrack" ■ at Inglewood. . hard by Hollywood,: has bought himself a lot and' will , erect an. apartment build- ing in the Village. Paul C: McCollum, comptroller of RCA Manufacturing Co., pulled in from New Jersey for visit. Frederick Leuschner, resident attorney, has gone east for month. L.-A. downtown press agents have organized 'a Friday Eve Press Club. Charter members ai*e Red Smith, Par; George Thomas, Jr., WB; Bjll Blowitz, Charlie Livesey and Waltpr Seltzer. Rex. Ingram, here with is wife.. Alice Terry, for past three months, contemplating a South Seas voyage, to enable, him to write his autobiography. Miss Terry plans to sticlc! ncr&* Robert Fender goes into Par's exploitation department, taking spot., vacated by Herman Hoffman when he switched to Metro. Vp.rnon Parton. recently returned from E_ngland, v goes into Fender's sbot. Columbia Studio Clilb mak'ng 16mm film with Al Keller rtir^ctmg from screen adaptation of 'L"cky Piece,' by Burl Reichart. Emit Oster, Sri, head of the studio Camera department, is tech adviser. Paul Savoy and Philli Brown have opened agency here. Savoy formerly was with Pantatres ,bore and with the William Morris- office, in Boston. Brown :was a member; of Brown and LaHart, vaude team.