Variety (Oct 1936)

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60 VARIETY ¥ IMEI StHARE Wednesday; October 28,1935 Broadway Claire Trevor here. Mrs. Charlie Wilshiri pft to Califor- ia.',- / , .v' Frtfnk up and . around on crutches. . . .„. Irvine Trhtian back in town from | New AuKtrnh-wi tilp. . Afiie KcYick secretary to Marc Conn illy. C H A T T £ Hollywood Year's holidays rather than spend them in Hollywood this year. Jack Bobbins will alternate his ^ „ M N. Y. headquarters at either Feist or Arthur .liu'tl'cv recuperating from l Robbins on each eastern trip. CurV pi) eumbv. H '. vVz ck; .- rently esconced at Feist's, of which Eddie Arl^nstort in operating he's also the head. • Next time he'll .the'Maryland hotel. headquarter at the firm bearing his " Martin' . Jjohoek has joined the name. . ...v, 1, Gaorge V/oIte" Office. : , Paul Schwegler picked up Tay Elks riub rLCqorated Tom CahilTs Garnett's ■ yacht, the Athene, in place, wiHi elks.head. Mi a m j. and thence to the Coast with #immy- . D wycr ; celebrated his it, after its Tound-therworld trip, birthday all of last' week; The Garnetts docked in London and Major Joseph: \Poriovan in from came over quick for his. 20th Cen theCoast -for ahometown visit;, tury deal. - * • ,' : Six-day bike,grind dated N.ovem- George (Sully) Sullivan says he ber 29 at Madron Square Garden. | can't remember, hoW; long he. has Albert Johnson, back from Texas, been put of a job arid estimates it is has -taken ah; apartment .on Hhe east either eight, seven, or nine, years. side. 1 • ' Thinks that's funny. He used to be Goor Kuttin opening his cwn bf ' E. Ray- Gbetz' agency; with Joseph Nadei as asso-1 shows. ... :■"■■■■»;..'■ „ ciat . . ; : . , * [ After five years as the Hollywood Joseph Ryle: handling p>; chores restaurant p,a\, Mack Millar, arid the on Eiysee. Also fdr Beaux \ Arts; fcaU I n^agement tiffed on expenses in in pec. 1 connection with ^tbe Ziegfeld Girls It's open,house ior feltow^ irorn the Coast. As'rer in Ted Healy's four-roorh layout at suit, Dorothy Gulman,-Harry Bich- the-Astor. " '.'V.-manprotegee, is nowp;a;'ing in Mjl- Ben Stein again suffering with|lar's spot, foot jn which shrapnel particles are embedded. . Elliott Nugent. . actor-director, came: in . from Europe- yesterday . (Tuesday)~ .- ; v" : ''•'- " y/JLew Lipton back to the Coast, after arranging for .a new Broadway play, . ... . . , • . . . production. . oxing biz /just about on the bust Hassard §hort .may des^ show exhibit: Detroit, something . Police are. forcing , photog- new fpr.hirii. . . • raphers N off the streets. Daniel R. Matte lias^ joined the ,CharJes \ Munrd is still planning Public , relations staff of the' N. Y. Uew theatre spots in the nahes. Worlds *;air.:. : j . .1 John Kerinebeck getting:ready to open the Paramount Converitidri next month"" """ '•' '• '' ' By Eric Jack tArnold,^;Afnerican singer ;°ai . Scheherazade,. Paris, held over - Pt D?ve 9 ^ameVft : dkusnter Debbie I"' ^ m # hag taketfup yacht of- the,sea for a while,, however. Phfl Seletsky, who, buys film - for I -'Anthbnjr ^^.^m^m *t>*< Tr.n«^ntrP9, in Wrt I screened for the delegates attending the .Warner Convention during the week.;--; Great^Barfier Prods, rushing, pro" 'Blossom Time.' ; Phil Seletsky, .. ,. .... Par's New England theatres, in town on product deals; . ,' " * '' Jlodritey; Bush,; eas'terri rep rfor XtTAlttt W^eViuis' taken offices atf ' weaiuarner **roas. rusmng. pro- UA wSSSerF^ ^ ^ ^ "t cessing; on^ 'White Death' to have pic - V ^^^m^^^y^ of te&J^tf ih * earliest pos ^||j|^n^^ ohjhe Pat iWeBti wWn not playing bene : 'flts. ls' secfeta'ry^ ^ of epm merce, -Sierra Madre, Cal. Irving. Nathanson of Warners' h.o BerEn 'Rangle , RiVer' troupe for C61 Rational, in Sydney, Pic. should be finished in tWa.weeks..." - ' A. R. Harwod has completed his legal staff quite his *ost thisin^^ «m° y^s tPt. Private practice in■LSSf&*5&- Ha?w^o?fo?%e^ ^Fihri company hidding with louie L^^^S^ ^^^^c^ Shurr for the-Ken Murray'-Oswald ..Hffiggii 1 &J&J%&J&JJ^> *Cfh Yea-a-a-h!' title, whichthey?¥«S^1S& popularized on. the air. ' •'4^^T rl T^5'€2*i?2?^^ 4 Walter Woolf King, and the Mrs.j;? 1 ^^^^?^fSiii » n to the N^oast vesterdav on several Southern Cross;Prod..will soon go •SiB* • >2??l: ^f^Si!Sy y*^. I- on,. location- for Typhoon Treasure' itr N,. S.- ; Wales, under; direction- of Lew Ayers here. . Arthur Loew expected. J. Leslie Kincaid over from N. Y. Erika Thimey here from Chicago. !br terp dates. ; Nineteen circuses still travelling in , the Fatherland. Critics to be. admitted to re- hearsals in legit houses. Albert Spalding (from N. Y.) concerting at the Bachsaal. Hamburger. Dom, Northern Ger- many's largest carnival, opens; NOV. 14. ■; '• "Captain -January" (20th Fox) prenuereU at the Ufa, KurfuerstenT damm. 'Maedchenpensionat" (Girls' Dor- mitory') (Bavaria) current in 25 local houses. . ' • ' . . n Alcazar Hamburg," internationally known ihitpry, changed its? name; to 'Allotria' following . those Spanish events. ' . - . '"" : - Charlie Rivel back from South America': with his. unit show, stating business was bad in Buenos Aires, but good in Rip,. ';■ •' . " Lois & Jean Sterner in from Ham* burg for their first Berlin date; six weeks at the Scala after, two weeks at the Ufa Palace. State actor : Giistaf Gruendgens to give, a number; of guest plays at the Deutsche Volks- theatre, in Vienna next Jijriuary and February,. Olviedo Perez .fell from his wire at the Hansa. Hamburg and had to be removed to a" hospital, repprted_suf' fering from internal injuries. Emil JannirigS'dickering with local film ,<:orapanies.;for a- screen version 6f" Bratt's • drama. 'Dei -, Herrscher'! X'Th"& JRuier'); PFA feporteii highest bidder.'. Itoyal Hungarian ' Opera, Company, Budapest, giving performances at Bayreuth during the, Franz Lisz Memorial Week, Oct. 19 to 25, its first •Visit r there* ', ,-. . Another Vaudeville film following 'Truxa; (TPb^is) now iri the making is 'Regenbpgen' (IRainbows') (To- bis-Rota) from, play.' of the ; same name directed by Joseph vbn Bokys 'Broadway Melpdy (1936)' (MG) can boast another'record here after having had the longest first run (Marmorhaus, 17 weeks). It's'.now in its third month of- second-run at the Fata Morgana. tot^.«at^ ianjarcheological „ .Jm^'ws^mw a.;biihd -inB^~l*!ai^er'?'two^ 1t :was;'rer: turhedStdtluht^ ' ! dea&^-'Oj!v'< J^^^OlIegelJprihJttackensa^efe rai-i^i^^eft^iioimer, vVp, of J ^Rod- Wagner "around' for" - .'cpjiple of the Wichita i^ress,. stojpped off Joria' visits;.'....:v_0-".. . .. Al Kayelitt:: lookinjg,. .up momker ^ivisH^ ; h»» formed, his o.wnj for the '■•:e1ic^ctk^^iry/■• ■■• < 'ag*snWtin^; : New -Yp^ to handle ?ad>i*;; ; .Ed: Levin - becoming'* ah authority ' vertisuvk'ahd distribution for: indies, on classified recordings. ; Carl JLaenunle, Jr if .likes the ;east Lee-Belmont: opening va swank *6 muph he's prqlohging his soiourh lingerie* shop oh Mich. boul. v :%hOthe^ Allied exhibitors tossed a smoker <irtg west On his United Artists pic-1 at the Sherman hotel last week, ture deal. Charlie Riley in town to set new %:The Monte ProserS (Julie Jenner. deal for Carl Schreiber orchestra; ■of the Paradise, revue) haven't; - I Yal Pamell and Harry Foster in ^conciled—yet-^but their. rhatri-. for some act-scouting for England, ihphial actibh is standstilled, ior .the Mrs. Herb EUsburg on the recoup time being anyway. . / „ / after a couple of serious operations. '" ; ^4u& v IiapJia!te;: $ohg.. sj^lisU- WX . National Association of- Amuse- Special choral^ . arid music . on ment Parks meeting i town first •Iphigeniat in;.Tauris,' iGreeklegend, week of"Nov. ; wTxich is btjhg given at Earl HaU at CAPA orgariizatiqn has set grand. Columbia JJ; this week. •. ball for the Shermari - hotel on Noel Freedman; 14-year-old son of I Thanksgiving Eve Daye^Freedman, making his theatri- Harry and Elmer Balaban ink- 'HJmi^ft'-SS- ffi^t -^«S^5U^- :ttP.,--ConttneiitaJ- tag for new Group in The Doctor s . Wife;, at. house on Oak street. ^t^^fe&'t^^n^^ tKA Roy ' Bruder and Bill Holden ^ ! i^^^\^A^ n &i^\ headirt « rival tickets in; the. Balaban i^l^^S^^S^^ ^EdwifBaird :has sold, the picture; t0 hifi; story, ;. Grand Casino is the label,of. nL^^ i m t,it.v, r an rwdrpA iW t ihppfv ih& hew nitery atop; ;the Criterion, f °^°^ 0 Sf 0 lch ^ .^hfch .Toe Mos^Lou Brecker-George a ?^ n we T kS Tonf; «ir ^ ^ ^ >pisen*Pav6Loe^ ■fefor «>New YearV eve preetn t but My 11 , 1 .." 88 ? U P Mpttda th s. / wmter.fpr. dpubtful< - • - California, where they will spend Leonard Gay^ors aremoving into a P,? u tfoujr months, town shortly from their ; New Jersey In ^f^^i^^VJ^i flr S anmver : farm, btit not before Gavnor. has \ s *?y> Vista Court j and hurited out-some of the Dheasahts, Gardensi of thes House of David has woodchucks arid rabbits that's feed- been enlarged to hold 500 guests. . in'* on his blace J Four key music men were in town .- Patricia WhUrie^.chorinewUhiNik < or general'o;^ their % Grar.lund (N.T.G.). has filed an-1 respective prganizations. They were ttulment proceedings in N. Y. a^inst Rocco Vocco. Joe Santly, Les Santly huhbv Lee Mrtttimer, on staff bf SuhrLarry Spier. ^ ; day Mirf 6i, ThPy married- and sep- In the Warner.. Bros, benutr cho- ; arated the ehwe AveninW.-. • iS^ 8 ;^? 3 -* 00 ^* 1 ^ "S? gh ^ ^"V* Bud Le^er\tiost^vadi , ,f»t Har- 'Gold n«j/»ers» mc. S?nt Clark ^will- «arj Business Colleg , 6 >rid. tHeir rid*! witH the Plane. Ls» Whtmherfi daughter ?»t. WellesleV. Sol p.r>rt Fay v/ill be 4fl hours ahead and Hal Olver j ' Lesser; will come east for ths Xmas- will be two weeks in advance, 1 ' New Bergri'er show active re hearsal. . :. : ;-.;. 7^' Flotsam and Jetsam will do a filrii for British Lion. .... ' v Fred. Berrihard . Very active, spite getting Over a bout of f lu.' , * ^Herschel Herilere cited for divorce arid case in undefended list. • Decree granted; C : . , " .. . Theatre Guild has ■ cabled BasjL Rathbone ;an - offer co-star him with Katharine'• Hepburn in. .'Jane Eyre.':' ' . ^' / j 'Night of Jan. 16' folding at the Phpenix, which goes back, into com mission as a motion picture trade show-house. Beatrix Thomson seeing 'Jane Eyre' at the. Queen's, theatre from the gallery,, so.', as.-to., get- aver age .audi erice reaction. : . FloreAce Desmond . make her pantomime debut when she . plays principal boy in 'Mother Goose' lor Tom Arnold at the. Hippodrome. 0» P "Club ■' giving a dinner honor of GeorgeV Robey at the Cri terion restaurant, Oct 25, to cele brate his 50 years on the stage. Rodney Acklarid has rje-writteri his former unsuccessful play, 'Birth- .day,' and is'presenting it at the Em- bassy retitled 'Pfot Twenty-One.' Prerniere fixed at'Lcicester Square theatre for Oct; 27 for The Three Maxims,' Herbert. Wilcox film fea- turing Anna 'Neagle, TuhV Carmi- nati and Leslie- Banks.' . Owing to demand for seats, for The- Country: Wife'., at the Old Vic, Monday night performances are be- ing restpred. For some time past this house has remained dark, for this nieht in the week. 'All-in Marriage,' comedy Aii- rariia Rouverol and Emile ittlcr; replaces 'Spread It Abroad! at the Comedy; theatre, Oct. 28. Show was tried PUt provihcially under title 'When Love Skids.' Mackay as . Pat O'Brien entertained ^ents from Milwaukee, a Ralph McClellan, V legalite, in charge of all contracts. Ritz Bros, will cut their di I the Avenue* at 20th-Fox. . LOu Anger off to N. Y. on United |.Artists theatre Operation details. Hal Roach planed out for Manhat- [ tan to spend several weeks on biz. Clarence Browa sauntered into a t ieatre, with chief of service," A. Bey from Thetford Mines.pass- ing through. . . - O. Thuot fron^ St.. John's in on a week-end trip. \ . ...... . .• •• Ossie Williams brch to Chateau, camera, at Metrp. and smpped an ear. Laurier, Ottawa;/ , Dorothy Poynton Hill, Olympic Joe de COurcy smashed his car in swimmer> goes on a 10-weelc tour of a; spill, but;nptliurt..'v , ; ; ke ? s t „ / : : .. . feW-Bteveifeaux ; at' •'ftuntfnjgddn ;J»hn B^ach,;spcialrte-brpnc, buster, Chateau m Nov, 2*. given part in Harry Sherman's 'Trail Carl MaynO lorch; at • Edgewater. Dust. :. ; ■■ ^ Beach hotel M erid Of year.- - U Al Mehuck, New York agent in Benny Berger jrom ^Winnipeg ^om. N* Y; to visit his wife, Helen joining the Regal Exchange here. . Lyn ?: M 1. u - ia v „ art V Jerry Little/at Boulevard Hotel, L.JJS*J^^n&^&i 6 ^^ La Prairie being kept tiU New Year, olclprotegee, Dorothy Bndges, .in his Alec Adelman out ori a tour of the Pictures. , > n „*^A hn ~ a province for Consolidated theatres. . Shirley Temple, confjnfej home A. Lawand announces plans for wth cold, staUed 'Stowaway' at Harold Bishop?former mariager of name to;Michael Brooke ; for the ^C^ 11 ^^^^ 0t -^SMffi: KirwuV fas&ri e^the th Dick^S&entals to: ena News and Pp S t, ; here for season at Meridian ' hotel; Lake m S r Ji e , ws ^ Hi £' Champlairi, and return here. 1 cSdwvri's ? Dead" En^^?\o-look Ken Finlay with wife, Dorothy;. ^J^iii?— ^- looK K^^;,^^^^o^2 marices P D& (Mr^. -Jbel\Mcfcrea>. Sri? -S^^^iSS ?Un -WMterfcent minor Operation at : the and then make a : ten-week, tour.' Deis Moines W. Moor head - Wesley Ruggles made screen test of Mercedes Acosta,. Oriental theatre usherette, in Chi. " Maury Foladare has established. Coast headquarters for the George V. Lottman agency. . Lionel Stander wori: $50 for titling • 'Help Wanted: Female;' at, Col and H. P, Wplfberg seriously ill in spe nt it on a set party St. Louis. ^feW^ tte weekends «U§1&SS^.SS^£S&'S year scholarship, at Georgetown... New Hayen By Harpld M. horhe town, .Ottumw.a, Iowa 4 > A V re s d ° ^^^J^^^^ll Arthur Klein, formerly associated A. H, Blank theatres over the^pas^ fn the ^ agency biz wi th Jphn ; Zanft, year, not necessarily m ^ the. order^ is bpenrng his Own 10^,'ery. ^^»'* $ .--* R «' thm T-^?i-- t ^ e - uV&%A- Annia Breymari,: ballerina, has re» Rose Marie;; 'Poor ^Little Rich Girl; ceived new Metropolitan Opera con- S an -, F * a il cls ? o : V M g . the (tJ W ^ tract. ; Goes 1 4st next mdnth. ' Trail of the Lpnesome Pine'; 'Broad- Abraham Lehr, Who recently quit wa £ .? £ i?5f^J B , lg ^ B T 6 f d ; Saro GOldwyn's org after 11 years, Cast of.1936'; Jin Old Kentucky' and has opened BevhiUs agency. 'Magnificent Obsession;' | W. DeWblfe Hooper, son late DeWolfe and Hedda Hopper, joined Republic's talent school. Rex Beach has . returned to Man- hattan after' yisiti Fred Stone. His first visit'Tiere in 15 years., Boyd Smith back from Maine. Uj^J^^ ^^^^r^: Sjubert W .biz 50% aboy^^ RpV- T.nii in for ' ! 'i^ed , IJari^ifialdwift, WB associate pro- tt^In^Biui - ^ ; ■! - • *>WBTi suffered severe sprains to his ^r^ 8 ^!^^ Wpu^ at ^S^ 8 ^ WPS in ? n auto: acci- ^vS^rSrSSk? T&i* v L^hi. iXrAii- 1 Gloria Faythe,WB actress, in 'Hot Yale Drama Dept..S current enroll-J ivwood reeuneratlri^ from iAinrie<i ment;-|150) a record. ' H lie^e^*wh^X^a?Ssed J SSS' Football, weekends bringi the J JS tossed from ^^.^S^jS^' <ki* r» M ^o Herman Rbbbins and M M. Van ^t W i?i,?Sr^^i^SN 138 ^ of-National:,Screen Service, 5S?*.V * rst .: m a Jb.r production came out for opening of riew head- (Noy...9). ^ > ........ auarters ' r^MSx ^S««?^^ffi»i ;t *^;'r? Shattuck ^s. enroute from, momal . dinner on leaving for Australia.. He opened a. branch office there. Margaret Ettinger back from eastern trek. Diners at. 20th-Fox studio learning to use Chop stix^ cause a new Chinese chef has been imported from Frisco. Jean Arthur's birthday, and. 21st anniversary of Al Green's film ca- Worcester. By Hal Cohen at. George . Harrison home after appendix op. ......^ L , x Rosy Rowswell added a 90-pound "^c^bed last week on set at Co- st Berriardpup to the household. ^SP^ ^u 0 ' •, ; ' . ■ t * Jerry Mayhap distributing most of L 13 **.? Kahanamoku coming in born is .ni«A Mii^fAi; ^/A^c" ■ IJiawan on John Ford's yacht, to .at- tend weddirig; of .^William Henry arid C. H; Caplan from Ottawa in town. Izzy Alien to Toronto for a week. : R. Chevalier in from, Shawiriigan Falls. J. looking the shows. Imperial seconder uri Nov. 6. . E. eaumont Lsvis, calling on ex- changes. J. Fortin from St. Hyacinthe here on a visit. John Rosenberg named assistant manager and treasurer of Palace man at Carnegie Tech drama school. his pipe collection among'friends. Kath Cornell's 'Wingless Victory' I ^i'V^,^ ' booked into Nixon for week of Nov. ^^I?^'"-. . ..... , + , Q 30 - • • Darryl- Zanuck moving from the Joe , Schriitzer on from Coast = to S^W* ^^C B !^^ hom 5 spend a short time with relatives .^^^teri^BiU.Gqete^ala?, shift- here"' ' ea nis menage. Ar^Farrar opening new roadhouse; Marco^nd ^••J^^; 'oeoanut hrnw . fniir "rtiWeZ- rtii* nf oacK from 5k- Louis confabs on FfltM. town - ' out of expansion. Partington . plans two- Tom Richards back after W yearM^lSi i^fe, a ,,,^, + , ^ nit on Coast and ballyhooing Rooiseyelt Bo^y ^rten; h?s kfd s^irf to glaSe? Pitt,Not^ Da'rne game , gavei^j 1 ^ Academy in Holly, nitenes their bi week end' of ^ a d ck f0 Pr a 0C y t0 ^ S am Goldwyn ex- VariUw "n«K -w%»iri n0 «ir.„« - Ploiteer, has gone to Seattle in .-ad- nK^SvSS 1 » vance of world premier of 'Come Day luncheons monthly instead of ^hd Get It' Nov 4 W riEr^c VrrL^ n^L ^ ' ji «' T Harold Kussell flew to St Louis Ch^rles^Emerson Cook around tell- to meet his brother, Milton., who «5+Lt " 3 U Lady Preci ° us Planed west from N. Y. >Hadn't seen aiream. . ... -J each other for several years. ; Jqe Feldman. has Peddlsd his A^t Rosalie Stewart went to Ft. ,Worth short stp)7 y ; . Man About Town,'.; to to confab with Fannie Hurst on a Esquire. ;. , ■ ^ : . . • deal whereby Hal B. Wallis will Harold Lund back on the job after bring the authoress to the Coast for two months in. Europe with his.bdss, pic work. Harry Ross; Sam Stern, WB artist, has an ex? hibition on display at Wunderley's art galleries. Phyllis^ Magidson, offfor Coast vial ._ canal to visit, her songwritirig. I UIenn Herb Magidsori. . " S. Dori Molls leanor Frank) I George Snyder have returned to 'Y' playhouse after Schulman at Hickory. twP-year absence. NiT.G. doing the niteries after own Pauliai McLean, former Pleading session at Mayfair Casino, lady iri stock here, back with Jane Morris Gest in Hanna lobby every Cowl in 'First Lady,' night during'Lady Precious Stream/ Jackie Heller planed i from Chi Col. Harry Lorig asks every band over the. weekend to spend a few to play 'Ramona,' his fave sob- days With his family, sorig. Loma Yates, local gal who used to . Windsor French, of Press, cover- blay\ stock here, back as Loma ing . New York shows , and cocktail Decree, nite club dancer.' joints. Son of Harry Goldberg, new W.B. Frank Hines, with his Expo Ma- theatrej.advertising; chief, a fresh-J rine theatre closed vmtii next sum- mer, has gone into hidi